A Bible Reading Guide for Lent
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Lent is comprised of the 40 days before Easter, not coun ng the Sundays (each Sunday, throughout the year, is considered to be a “mini‐Easter,” a celebra on of Jesus' victory over sin and death). Lent is a season of reflec on on the gi to us of Jesus Christ and our need for Christ’s sacrifice for us and all people. Within this reading guide a scripture lesson is suggested for each day and focuses on the person, work, or teaching of Jesus Christ. For each lesson there is a brief summa on of the lesson’s message and some suggested ques ons for how we might personally connect with the passage. The scripture lesson for each of the Sundays, those “mini‐Easters,” is a Psalm of praise.
Ash Wednesday March 5 Scripture: John 3: 16 – 17 Message of the Lesson: The Easter celebra on of resurrec on is confirma on that God keeps the promise of John 3:16‐17. In Jesus we see the enormity of God's love. God's first act is love, not condemna on. God's gi of love is for the whole world. Connect with the Lesson: Have you accepted God's love for you, the love Christ demonstrated by giving himself completely to us? Do you fear condemna on? Pray for God's love to free you from any sense of condemna on. March 6 Scripture: Hebrews 2: 14‐18 Message of the Lesson: Jesus has experienced every tempta on and soul wrenching experience we have faced. Jesus knows what it is to be the people we are. Connect with the Lesson: What tempta ons trouble you? Where is your soul troubled? Pray to the One who knows your needs completely. March 7 Scripture: Ma hew 1: 18 – 23 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is the Messiah, Emmanuel, "God with us." Connect with the Lesson: How would your day be different if you believed God was with you in every moment?
March 8 Scripture: John 1: 1 – 5 Message of the Lesson: Jesus, the Word, is fully God, present at crea on, bringing light out of darkness. Connect with the Lesson: Is there darkness in your life that needs the light of Christ? Sunday, March 9 Scripture: Psalm 34 Message of the Lesson: Rejoice in the Lord, who answers your pleas, delivers us from fears, is near to the brokenhearted…. Connect with the Lesson: What else does this psalm declare that God does for us? According to this psalm, how are God's people to respond to God's care for us? March 10 Scripture: Mark 4: 35‐41 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is one to whom the winds listen. The disciples seem to be filled with more ques ons than gra tude when Jesus calms the sea. Connect with the Lesson: Why do you think that the disciples were afraid? How/when are you like those disciples?
March 11 Scripture: John 15: 1 – 5 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is the vine, his disciples are the branches. Connect with the Lesson: What is the rela onship between a vine and its branches? How do you abide in Jesus? March 12 Scripture: Isaiah 11: 1 – 9 Message of the Lesson: The prophet declared that the One who would come is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlas ng Father, Prince of Peace. Connect with the Lesson: What images do these names bring to your mind? How do you need a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlas ng Father, Prince of Peace? March 13 Scripture: Mark 6: 30 – 40 Message of the Lesson: Jesus feeds the 5000. He involved the disciples in the miracle. When they came to tell him the people were hungry he said, "You give them something to eat." Connect with the Lesson: Jesus performed this miracle with par cipa on from the disciples. Is there something God wants to accomplish through you? Pray for openness to how God is calling you into partnership.
March 14 Scripture: Ma hew 11: 28 – 30 Message of the Lesson: Jesus invites his disciples to come to him when they are weary, to take his yoke upon themselves and to find rest for their souls. Connect with the Lesson: A yoke is worn by oxen that are working, yet the weary are invited to wear the yoke of Christ. Does this suggest that pursuits apart from Christ will wear us out, that when we are engaged in God's work we experience a fulfillment that refreshes our souls? Also, a yoke is worn with another; if we wear Christ's yoke then we are connected to Jesus and learn from Jesus as we work together. Are you weary; do you need to be yoked to Jesus? March 15 Scripture: Luke 9: 23 – 25 Message of the Lesson: Followers of Christ deny themselves and pick up their cross, daily. Connect with the Lesson: How do you react to this descrip on of a follower of Jesus? What does it mean to you to deny yourself? How do you daily pick up your cross? Sunday, March 16 Scripture: Psalm 27 Message of the Lesson: We rejoice in the confidence we have of God's protec on; because of God's faithfulness we can have courage. Connect with the Lesson: Offer prayers of thanksgiving for the ways that God has protected you, for all that God has taught you, for all the ways God has answered your pleas.
March 17
Scripture: Ma hew 13: 18 – 23 Message of the Lesson: Jesus explains the parable of the sower; different types of soil represent different responses to the Gospel. Connect with the Lesson: What type of soil are you? Are you always the same type? March 18 Scripture: Isaiah 53: 1 ‐ 7 Message of the Lesson: The prophet declared that the One who would come would endure suffering and persecu on so that we could be healed and restored. Connect with the Lesson: Is something broken, in need of healing, in your life? Pray for openness to God’s healing touch. March 19 Scripture: Ephesians 2: 11 – 22 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is our peace, he has erased dividing lines between people, he has erased the divisions of "insider "and "outsider." Connect with the Lesson: Examine your life. Are there places where you s ll feel divisions within Christ's church? How can you live into the unity Christ has made possible?
March 20 Scripture: Philippians 2: 1 – 11 Message of the Lesson: This passage speaks of the complete humilia on that Christ endured to secure our salva on on the cross, a humilia on that was a consequence of complete obedience. Connect with the Lesson: The apostle says that this is the "mind of Christ," and he exhorts the readers to have the mind of Christ among them. How would you like be different, the same, if you had the mind of Christ, as described in this passage? March 21 Scripture: Luke 9: 18 ‐20 Message of the Lesson: Jesus asks his disciples who the crowds think he is, then he asks them "But who do you think that I am?" Connect with the Lesson: How would you answer Jesus? Is there one name or tle for Jesus that is most dear to you? March 22 Scripture: John 10: 1 – 10 Message of the Lesson: Jesus speaks of the importance of a good gatekeeper for the sheep, one who knows the names of each sheep and who goes ahead and leads the sheep. While they are away, the gatekeeper also watches over them, to bring them back into the safety of the fold. Jesus announces that he is the "gate of the sheep." Connect with the Lesson: The good gatekeeper's care makes it possible for the sheep to have abundant life, Jesus promised abundant life for his sheep. Abundant
life seems to come to those who stay close to the gatekeeper. How close are you to our gatekeeper, to Jesus? What keeps you from following? Sunday, March 23 Scripture: Psalm 33 Message of the Lesson: Rejoice in the Lord who is our hope and shield. Connect with the Lesson: Give thanks for the hope you can claim through God's love. How is God your shield? Give thanks for God's protec on. March 24 Scripture: Jeremiah 31: 31 – 34 Message of the Lesson: The prophet declared that the One who would come would bring a New Covenant, a covenant marked by an inward knowledge and awareness of God's law. All would be able to "know God." Connect with the Lesson: The Hebrew people depended on the priests to convey God's will. With Christ, all believers can possess God's Spirit and discern God's will. Are you ac vely listening for the voice of God, speaking to you? Are you always dependent on others to direct you to God? March 25 Scripture: Colossians 1: 15 – 20 Message of the Lesson: This passage speaks of the supremacy of Christ in all crea on. Connect with the Lesson: There are many descrip ons of Christ in this passage. To which one are you most drawn, why? Give thanks for Jesus' love for you.
March 26 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5: 16 – 21 Message of the Lesson: Christ has reconciled us to God and made us new crea ons. Christ has entrusted to us the ministry of reconcilia on. Connect with the Lesson: How are you engaged in a ministry of reconcilia on? Do you believe yourself to be a new crea on, able to work for reconcilia on? March 27 Scripture: Luke 12: 49 – 53 Message of the Lesson: Jesus declares he has come to bring division. Connect with the Lesson: One interpreta on for these troubling words is that Jesus has come to divide what is false from what is true? How does this interpreta on speak to you? Is there something false in your life from which Christ seeks to separate you? March 28 Scripture: John 6: 25 – 40 Message of the Lesson: Jesus declares that he is the bread of life, that whoever comes to him will never be hungry; whoever believes in him will never thirst. Connect with the Lesson: Hunger and thirst are primary ins ncts for human life; survival depends on receiving bread and water. Consider how high a priority it is in your life to follow Christ. How does this priority compared with acquiring food and drink?
March 29
Scripture: Ma hew 7: 24 – 27 Message of the Lesson: Jesus calls for those who follow him to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Connect with the Lesson: Examine your life. What is the balance between hearing and doing? Sunday, March 30 Scripture: Psalm 116 Message of the Lesson: Rejoice in the Lord, who brings healing into our lives. Connect with the Lesson: How have you experienced God's healing: physically, emo onally, or spiritually? Offer your prayers of thanksgiving to God. March 31 Scripture: Luke 13: 1 – 5 Message of the Lesson: Ques oners try to engage Jesus in a discussion about who is the great‐ er sinner, the Galileans (likely Zealots who proposed a violent over‐ throw of Rome) or those killed in Siloam (those par cipa ng with Rome in the building a water tower, using Temple funds for financing). Connect with the Lesson: Jesus will not be drawn into specula ons about other people’s sins; he Jesus challenged the ques oners, and he challenges us, to examine our own lives, to consider how we need to repent ourselves. What needs repentance in your life?
April 1 Scripture: Luke 12: 16 – 21 Message of the Lesson: Jesus tells a parable about a rich fool, someone who spent his energy on ma ers with no las ng value. Connect with the Lesson: Where do you spend your most energy? How las ng is the value? April 2 Scripture: Isaiah 42: 1 – 4 Message of the Lesson: The prophet speaks of the mission of God's Servant. This passage highlights the work of the Servant in bringing jus ce to the na ons and his teaching to the coastlands. Connect with the Lesson: How are you par cipa ng in the Servant's mission to bring jus ce to all peoples? Is prayer for God's jus ce to be established on earth part of your daily prayers? Offer a pray for God's world, in need of jus ce. April 3 Scripture: Philippians 4: 4 – 7 Message of the Lesson: In Christ we can rejoice always, all worries may be taken to Christ in prayer. Connect with the Lesson: Are there worries that hold your thoughts? Does something keep you from giving your worries to God, what? Pray for God to help you to rejoice always, to release your worries to God.
April 4 Scripture: John 10: 14 – 18 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who willingly lays down his life for his sheep. His life was not "taken," it was given for us. Connect with the Lesson: Give thanks for the love of Christ, given freely. The hymn, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," declares such love demands “my soul, my life, my all.” Have you given all of yourself to Christ? April 5 Scripture: Luke 10: 29 – 37 Message of the Lesson: Jesus uses this parable to teach how we are to fulfill the command‐ ment to love our neighbor as ourselves. The ques oner had asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told the parable and then asked, "Who proved to be a neighbor to the one in need?" The focus isn't on “who is my neighbor?” The focus is on who are we, what kind of neighbors are we? Connect with the Lesson: What kind of neighbor are you? Are you "going and doing likewise?” Sunday, April 6 Scripture: Psalm 84 Message of the Lesson: Rejoice in joy that is ours when we gather to worship the Lord. Connect with the Lesson: Offer your prayers of thanksgiving for the privilege of gathering in worship with fellow believers.
April 7 Scripture: Luke 13: 6 – 9 Message of the Lesson: Jesus tells a parable about a barren fig tree, that a landowner wants to cut down. The gardener pleas for more me, more me for the tree to receive the needed care so that the tree might bear fruit. Connect with the Message: How do you experience Jesus as one like the gardener, caring for us so that we may finally bear fruit? How is God at work in your life equipping you for a needed ministry? April 8 Scripture: Ma hew 23: 37‐39 Message of the Lesson: Jesus laments over Jerusalem, over the people's con nual failure to listen to and to follow the messengers that God has sent to the people. The emphasis is on the compassion of Christ for their failure as opposed to his condemna on. Jesus yearns to gather the people of Jerusalem to himself, as a hen would gather her brood under her wings. Connect with the Lesson: Jesus comes to us today with compassion before condemna on. Do you feel that past failures have separated you from God? Allow God's wings of love to encompass you. April 9 Scripture: 1 Peter 1: 3 – 9 Message of the Lesson: In Jesus we have a living hope, a hope that sustains us even in the face of troubles. In fact, troubles help focus and strengthen faith, as fire purifies gold. The faith that comes through adversity is true and genu‐ ine.
Connect with the Lesson: The hope of our faith is not something we wait to experience. It is a living hope, guiding us and sustaining us in the present. It holds us in mes of trouble and the experience of being strengthen by faith in a me of trouble, increases the hope with which we live. Have you experienced a strengthening of your faith in a me of trouble? How has your faith grown? April 10 Scripture: Mark 10: 13 – 14 Message of the Lesson: In the me of Jesus' earthly ministry, children were not highly regard‐ ed, but when children were brought to Jesus and his disciples tried to send them away, Jesus insisted they be brought forward. Connect with the Lesson: Jesus consistently welcomed, and regarded as significant, all manner of people. How welcoming is the church, today, to all types of people? How could we be er welcome all people into the full life of the church? April 11 Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1 – 2 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is described as the pioneer and perfecter of the faith. We do not have to run the race of faith on our own, Jesus has run that race before us, Jesus shows us the way. Connect with the Lesson: This passage tells us to lay aside every weight that makes running the race difficult. What are the weights in your life? What gets in the way of your following Jesus?
April 12
Scripture: John 6: 66 – 69 Message of the Lesson: Many depart from Jesus because they find his words too hard, too challenging. He asks his disciples if they too want to leave, but they declare his words alone bring eternal life. Connect with the Lesson: The disciples seem to be saying that what is easy is not what they want. They want what is eternal, though it demands their all. When we are confronted by the commitment that is called for to follow Jesus, how do we answer, "Do you also wish to go away?" Palm Sunday, April 13 Scripture: Psalm 118 Message of the Lesson: This is a psalm that rejoices in the steadfast love of God and the victory that God has achieved for God's people. Connect with the Lesson: A verse from this psalm, vs. 26, was shouted by the crowd when Jesus entered Jerusalem in the procession of palms. They were cheering the one whom they thought would bring victory over Rome. Christ was bringing a greater victory. Give thanks to God for the victory of eternal life that is ours in Christ. April 14 Scripture: John 13: 1 – 14, 34 – 35 Message of the Lesson: Jesus washes the disciples’ feet at the Last Supper as a demonstra on of the commandment to love one another. No leader is above love and servant‐hood. Connect with the Lesson: How do you lead by being a servant, how do you lead by serving?
April 15 Scripture: Mark 14: 26 – 31 Message of the Lesson: Jesus predicts Peter's and the other disciples' deser on. Connect with this Lesson: As we read this passage, there is sorrow for the disciples, because we know how short‐lived their commitment to Jesus will be. We also know that they will be forgiven by Christ. Take courage that your failures do not separate you from God. Offer your prayers of thanksgiving. April 16 Scripture: Luke 22: 47 – 53 Message of the Lesson: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. Connect with the Lesson: One theory for Judas's betrayal involves the specula on that he was a member of the Zealot party and he thought he could push Jesus to a poli cal revolu on if Jesus was arrested. We do not know if this is true, but it does lead us to ask, "How might I be pushing Jesus to act on my priori es, in my way?" April 17 Scripture: Mark 15: 1 – 15 Message of this Lesson: Jesus' trial before Pilate Connect with the Lesson: Pilate seems to live to please the crowd, in spite of personal reserva ons about Jesus' guilt. Are you ever torn between doing what is right and just going along with the crowd so as not to upset what appears to be the majority view?
April 18 Scripture: John 19: 16 – 30 Message of the Lesson: The death of Jesus on the cross comes a er he has called for the disciple to care for his mother. When the moment of death occurs, John's Gospel states that Jesus "gave up his spirit." Once again it is affirmed, this is a life given, not taken. Connect with the Lesson: The death of Jesus, according to John's gospel, is a record of love. Love for his mother, making sure in his final breaths that she is cared for by a responsible, adult male. There is also love for humankind, in giving his life for our redemp on. Again, "love so amazing so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all." Offer your prayers of thanksgiving for the amazing love of Christ for us. April 19 Scripture: Luke 23: 50 – 56 Message of the Lesson: Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate to request the body of Jesus, a er his death. Joseph placed the body in a tomb; some women followed and observed the placement of the body, then returned to their homes to prepare spices and ointments to be used when they returned a er the Sabbath. Connect with the Lesson: This had to have been a terrible moment for those who loved Jesus. It appeared the dream was over, none of the promises Jesus made could come to reality. It all seemed over from a human perspec ve, but God was s ll in control, God was ac vely at work. In all our mes when it seems hope has vanished, God is s ll in control, s ll ac ng in our lives. Pray for God's Spirit to assure you, hope is always alive!
Easter Sunday, April 20 Scripture: John 20: 1 – 18 Message of the Lesson: The Resurrec on of Jesus! Connect with the Lesson: Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed! The resurrec on is the valida on of all that Jesus promised, Christ is now, and eternally will be, God with us. Always we are led by the Good Shepherd, con nually we are reconciled to God and to one another, our sins are forgiven and we are being fashioned into new crea ons. May we respond to these gracious gi s by giving ourselves completely to the Lord and by bearing the fruit of obedience.
Sardis Lenten and Holy Week Events
March 5, 7:00 P.M. Ash Wednesday Service, communion and the imposi on of ashes Wednesday Mornings, March 5 – April 16, 6:45 – 7:45 A.M. Lenten Breakfasts, Sardis House Wednesday Evenings, March 12 – April 9, 6:15 – 7:15 P.M. Lenten Bible Study with Dr. Richard Boyce April 13 – Palm Sunday, Procession of Palms in worship, 9:00 & 11:00 Children’s Easter Egg Hunt 3:00 P.M.– Gently paced communion service in the chapel April 17 – Maundy Thursday, 7:00 P.M. Communion and Service of Tenebrae April 20 – Easter Sunday Worship at 9:00 and 11:00 Church School at 10:00 For complete details, visit the Sardis web‐site www.sardis.org
Sardis Presbyterian church 6100 Sardis Road Charlo e, NC 28270 704‐366‐1854