THE COMMUNICATOR A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church
November 2014
Sardis Presbyterian Church | 6100 Sardis Road | Charlotte, NC | 28270 | 704.366.1854 |
We are committed to Jesus and to Sardis. We love Sardis and it is such An important part of our family. This church supports me and I want to support it. I love God! I pledged financially and of our time. I believe in the good Sardis can do through Christ. I will give as I am able. I find peace here. Youth Ministry! I want to see youth ministry grow. This is my home. I recommit myself to Jesus. I like to come to Sunday School. I believe in the church and its good works. I feel the Holy Ghost at work in Sardis. I love Sardis! I am committed to my family. Music. Youth. Mission. Worship. We are thankful. Sardis has provided a spiritual home for our family. Sardis provides a strong foundation for our children, the future of the Presbyterian Church and our nation. I want to strengthen my children’s faith in God and family. I am committed to God and working through him to make this world a better place. I want to show God that I am thankful for my many blessings. Sardis has been my strength and inspiration. Sardis has become my second family, my children know that Sardis is a safe place and that everyone here is part of our family. I’m thankful for a caring and loving community, where my daughter loves to come each Sunday. We are committed to Jesus and to Sardis. We love Sardis and it is such An important part of our family. This church supports me and I want to support it. I love God! I pledged financially and of our time. I believe in the good Sardis can do through Christ. I will give as I am able. I find peace here. Youth Ministry! I want to see youth ministry grow. This is my home. I recommit myself to Jesus. I like to come to Sunday School. I believe in the church and its good works. I feel the Holy Ghost at work in Sardis. I love Sardis! I am committed to my family. Music. Youth. Mission. Worship. We are thankful. Sardis has provided a spiritual home for our family. Sardis provides a strong foundation for our children, the future of the Presbyterian Church and our nation. I want to strengthen my children’s faith in God and family. I am committed to God and working through him to make this world a better place. I want to show God that I am thankful for my many The Communicator ~ November 2014 blessings. Sardis has been my strength and inspiration. Sardis has become my second family, my children know that Sardis is a safe place and that everyone here is
For 2015
Stewardship Weekend- November 8-9 You are Invited