A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church February 2017 Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship
The Youth Music Program would like to thank Sardis for their support of their January fundraiser, A Broadway Revue.
Sardis Presbyterian Church · 6100 Sardis Road · Charlotte, NC 28270 · 704‐366‐1854 · www.sardis.org The Communicator ~ May 2016
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Welcome, New Sardis Members!
Brandy and Sean
Ian and Christine
Chris, Anna, and Ivan
Jessica and Clark Watts
Son: Elliott Watts
Daughter: Chloe Whitaker
Valentine Pancake Breakfast
Bring your Valentine to breakfast on Sunday, February 12 for the Youth Ministry pancake breakfast fundraiser! Breakfast will be served from 8:00 ‐ 11:00 a.m. and everyone is encouraged to drop in when they can. We will be serving in the Small Dining Room in the Fellowship Hall building. There is no charge for breakfast, but donations will gladly be accepted to help support our summer trips to Peru, Great Escape, and Montreat.
Plan on having breakfast with us on Sunday, February 12!
“Bank” On Sardis!
The Stewardship Ministry wants to express gratitude to you for your Christmas Eve contributions which totaled $8,020.95 for Crisis Assistance Ministry.
Of that amount, $2,979.95 was given by children and families who participated in filling church banks with coins! This is a wonderful lesson in what can happen when we are faithful over a period of time in what seems like a small thing and how it can grow into an accomplished mission.
We are interested in doing another project where children and families can make their contribution by using the banks. If you have thoughts on what this might be, please let the ministry know by contacting ministry chair, Jeff Wilkinson. We would love to hear your ideas.
Christ has commissioned us to love one another. Knowing people can “bank” on Sardis is another way we can demonstrate love in His name.
2 The Communicator ~ May 2016
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. Chili Cook‐Off
Honor, or Remember Someone
With Sanctuary Flowers!
Our Mustard Seed Groups are perfecting their chili recipes for a cook‐off, February 26, after the 11:00 worship service. The congregation is invited to participate as the judges. Come sample each recipe and then vote for a favorite.
The two arrangements of flowers that grace our sanctuary for worship service are
provided by Roseland Floral Company at a
This will be a great opportunity not only for fellowship but also
cost of $150 to the donor. The flowers you
talking with members of Mustard Seed Groups about their
donate may be designated in honor or
experience in a small group. Information will be available about
memory of loved ones or to mark a special
our existing MSGs and there will also be information about new
MSGs that are forming.
We have dates available in 2017. If you would like to place flowers in our sanctuary, please contact Sheila Duyck (new church contact) at 704.364.4637 or sduyck@att.net.
Youth Silent Auction
Who: The congregation, friends, and neighbors of Sardis Presbyterian Church.
What: A silent auction providing the opportunity to purchase items to include vacation home rentals, restaurant gift cards and numerous other items. Proceeds from the silent auction will be used to support the High School and Middle School 2017 summer youth trips to Peru, The Great Escape and the Montreat Youth Conference.
When: Sunday March 26. Bidding on the items will start at 9:00 a.m. and continue until 12:30 p.m. A lunch that includes barbecue, macaroni and cheese, baked beans and out of this world desserts will be served starting at 11:00 a.m.
Where: The Fellowship Hall.
Why: To show your love and support to the Youth Program at Sardis Presbyterian Church and enable our youth to have a rewarding and enlightening experience this summer.
Donations to the silent auction are welcomed. If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.778.6432 or adrian.martin@sardis.org.
The Communicator ~ May 2016 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Friendship Connection ‐ February 21 with Bob Wilusz
Join this fellowship group for retirees on Tuesday, February 21 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House for a program with special guest, Bob Wilusz. Bob has a unique program planned that uses history and his love of accordion music to take us through the roaring twenties up to rock and roll. Reservations are necessary for lunch ($8/person) and need to be made by Friday, February 17. To make your reservation call 704.926.1590.
Stewardship and Finance Update
Thanks to everyone who turned in pledges by year‐end. Sardis received 402 pledges for 2017, totaling $1,783,140. Pledges received by year end for 2017 were $15,000 less than pledges received over the same period for 2016. It is important to note that even if you have not sent in your pledge yet, please do so as it helps with our financial planning. Pledges will be combined with other giving to develop the annual budget.
We also finished the year with pledge donations of $1,761,647 which is $25,000 ahead of 2015, but below the budget for the year. Overall, Sardis finished the year with a budget shortfall of $82,000, but it will be balanced from previous year overages.
During January, final budgets will be developed and presented to Session for approval. As giving is down and based on the budget shortfall in 2016, it is likely that the overall Sardis budget will decline as well. We will keep you updated on our plans as we work to be good stewards of our finances.
Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org under the News & Events tab.
Financial Highlights
December Expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,241,000
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Vic Phillips upon the death of his father, Sterling Phillips; to the family of Mae Hutchison; to Stephen Yount upon the death of his father, James Yount; to Carol Apel upon the death of her father, Lawrence Apel; to Amanda Willis and Alex Chinery upon the death of their grandfather, Wilbur Chinery; to the family of Mary Cain; to the family of Monty Weckel; to the family of Bob Swanson; to the family of Philip Templeman; to Phil Hegg upon the death of his father, Rev. C. Theodore Hegg, to the family of Rebecca Mohr; and to Kim Weber and Betty Cole upon the death of their family member, Rosemary Crance. 4 The Communicator ~ May 2016
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Alternative Gift Market Results
Thanks to all who participated in the Alternative Gift
Travel to Bayonnais, Haiti with Sardis members the week
Market during November and December. By using
of October 25‐31. For more information contact Pressly
this alternative to traditional shopping at the malls,
Gilbert 704.576.4295, or Brenda McKay 704.544.7659. A
you have supported our friends in Bayonnais, Haiti
preliminary information/planning meeting will be held
(OFCB School), Loaves and Fishes, Marion Medical
in February or March.
Mission, Presbyterian Disaster Relief, and the Rama Road Backpack Program, resulting in a total of $9,505 raised to further these programs. In addition, sale of the Community Culinary School of Charlotte Wafer Tins benefitted their work in job training by over $900.
Don’t forget to bring your plastic jars of spaghetti sauce every Sunday!
Thanks, Sardis, for your generous spirit in giving!
2017 Loaves & Fishes Food Drive
The first 2017 Sardis Food Drive for Loaves and Fishes will start on Sunday, February 12 and will end Sunday, February 26. Paper bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick‐up in the Gathering Place or you may place your donations in any type bag of your choice. Filled bags of non‐perishable food can then be returned to the collection bins near the Library in the Education Building, Feb. 12 ‐ 26.
Priority needs: canned meats; canned pasta; cereal; canned fruit; powdered milk; 100% fruit juice (no glass).
Loaves & Fishes provides a week’s worth of nutritionally balanced groceries to individuals and families experiencing a short‐term crisis through a network of 20 emergency food pantries located throughout Mecklenburg County.
Loaves & Fishes uses a Client Choice model which allows clients to select groceries their family is most likely to eat. Clients are able to choose a specified number of items in the areas of grains, proteins, vegetables, fruit, and dairy based on the size of the family. The number of choices is determined by a Registered Dietician to ensure that enough food is available to create three meals a day for a week. It is important to the dignity of our clients to feel they have some control and requires them to invest some time in the process. It also allows for greater interaction between clients and volunteers.
Let’s all do our part to help our less fortunate neighbors.
The Communicator ~ May 2016 5
Plan Now to Join a Creed Group in Lent
In the ancient church, Lent was the time of training for new disciples and the training culminated with baptism on Easter Sunday. For the ancient and medieval church, the goal of the training for new disciples was for them to be able to explain what they believed about God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. The Apostles Creed developed, in part, as the “curriculum” for preparing disciples.
The Apostles’ Creed has continued through the centuries to be an excellent summary of our Christian Faith. This Lent we will engage in a six‐week study of the Apostles’ Creed, based on Adam Hamilton’s book and video series, Creed: What Christians Believe and Why. The format of the study will be to meet in a large group to view the video and then break into small groups, Creed Groups, for sharing and reflection. The Creed Groups will be modeled after our Mustard Seed Groups. A person would meet for discussion and sharing with the same group for the six‐week study.
The video and small group experience will be offered two different times, March 8 –April 12:
Wednesday mornings: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday evenings: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Child care will be provided with reservations.
A Creed Group will also be offered for parents of children attending Children’s Choir practice. Thursdays, March 2‐April 6, 5:15 –6:15 p.m. It will be led by Adrian Martin.
Register to be part of a Creed Group by contacting Jane Fobel at jane.fobel@sardis.org, call 704.366.1854, or mail/ drop off the registration slip below by February 21. Please indicate if you would like to be in a men’s group, a women’s group, a men and women’s group, or no preference.
Prayerfully consider how you are being led to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Lenten Creed Group Request (to be turned in to Jane Fobel) Name: _________________________________________________________________ Please note your time and group preference below:
Men’s Group
Men and Women’s Group
Women’s Group
No Preference
Childcare? (please circle) Yes | No Names and Ages: ______________________________________
Looking Ahead to Lent
Next month’s Communicator will have detailed information about special programs ahead for Lent 2017:
The Ash Wednesday Service on March 1 will be a service of communion and the imposition of ashes.
The Lenten Breakfasts will begin on March 1, 6:45 ‐ 7:30 a.m., in the Sardis House. 6 The Communicator ~ May 2016
Souper Bowl of Caring
MORE THAN 25 YEARS AGO, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.” Since that day, more than $125 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around the Big Game into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving.
Through this mission, young people learn what it’s like to make a positive difference in the world – as they collect food, raise money, and volunteer to work in charities that provide shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry, and compassion to those in need. Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday. All of our donations will go to the Urban Ministry Center to help with their meal ministry. Please consider giving at least $1 on Sunday, February 5 as you leave worship.
Save the Date for these Fun Fellowship Events!
April 2 ‐ (Sunday) Easter Egg Hunt & Luncheon (12 p.m.)
July 2 ‐ (Sunday) Independence Day covered dish luncheon (12 p.m.)
September 16 ‐ (Saturday) Fall Dinner (5:30 p.m.)
October 21 (Saturday)‐ Pumpkinpalooza (4‐6 p.m.)
December 6 (Wednesday) ‐ Christmas Dinner (6 p.m.)
Knock, Knock! Who’s There?
There’s an App
Mission Is…
for That!
Can’t find a current telephone number, email, or address in your old church directory? Try the Church Life app for your smart phone or tablet.
aside, mission and service are defining characteristics of Sardis. They are integral to our mission statement (sardis.org under Home/About Us/ Mission Statement) and are one of our five core values listed on the worship bulletins. The Mission
Interpretation Ministry seeks to promote our outreach in many
You will need to use the same username and
ways including distributing funds allocated to benevolence
password you use for MySardis. If you do not
purposes by the Session.
have one, call the church office, and we can set
that up for you. Church Life will provide you with up‐to‐date member names and contact information, the church calendar, event registration and the ability to give directly
Mission is Who? Mission is who we are! Grammar problems
from your phone!
If you know of a charity or purpose you feel Sardis should support with funding, please let any of our members know: Ed Shoaf, Anne Hollowell, Jane Fobel, Ron Abluton, Cathey Beal, Jim Calhoun, Nancy Finlayson, Steve Hoots, Brenda McKay, Kirsta Norwood, and Kelly Vass.
The Communicator ~ May 2016 7
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers… 1 Timothy 4:12.”
FBI Guest Speaker
On Sunday, February 12, the Youth Ministry will host an FBI guest speaker to talk about cyber security and in particular, the dangers of inappropriate cell phone use. This speaker will address all of the current high school youth and all parents of middle school and high school. Dinner will be from 6:00‐6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall followed by the presentation in Room 211/212 until 7:30.
As a parent, you will not want to miss this opportunity to hear straight from a member of the FBI about cyber security and how to protect your family. Youth, you will want to learn how even your friends’ actions with their phones may land you in serious legal trouble.
If you have any questions, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.778.6432.
Youth Sunday
Youth Sunday is Sunday, March 5 and we are looking for youth who would like to have a part in the worship service. If you would like to assist in either the 9:00 contemporary or 11:00 traditional worship services, please contact Adrian Martin at adrian.martin@sardis.org.
Summer Trips and Conferences
It is time to register for our summer trips and conferences!
The Middle School, The Great Escape, is a wonderful week long conference (June 11‐16) at Lee College where we explore our faith through music, speakers, and plenty of fun!
The Montreat Youth Conference is held in Montreat, NC right outside of Asheville and will be July 23‐29. During the week, we will engage in small groups, recreation, keynote, worship, energizers, and much more.
The Middle School Charlotte Mission Adventure will be June 17‐19 and we will stay in the Sardis House and serve in local agencies around Charlotte during the day, and play hard at night.
To register for any of these wonderful opportunities, please visit our website (www.sardis.org/ministries/youth) or contact Adrian Martin at adrian.martin@sardis.org.
Upcoming Dates
February 4 Middle School Snowtubing February 5 Souper Bowl of Caring Offering February 12 Youth Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
For a complete listing of all of the youth activities, including our weekly devotion schedule, please download our spring semester calendar from either the weekly e‐letter or our website.
February 19 FBI Guest Speaker 8 The Communicator ~ May 2016
“Let the little children come unto me.” Worship Orientation
For our young people, at times, what we do during worship can be confusing. So, during the month of February, we will hold worship orientation classes for our kindergarten through second grade students. They will gather for worship in the sanctuary at our 11:00 service and be dismissed to the Upper Room prior to the sermon. In the class, we will be learning about how and why we worship while we are worshipping. Students will return to their families in the sanctuary during the doxology. We look forward to learning and growing together in our worship of God. Contact Katie Harrington (Katie.harrington@sardis.org) for more details.
Elementary Fellowship Dance Party!
All kindergarten through fifth grade students are invited to join us in the Education Hall on February 12 from 4:00‐ 5:30 for a giant dance party! There will be music, dancing, snacks, and games. See you there! Contact Katie Harrington (Katie.harrington@sardis.org) for more details.
Fourth & Fifth Graders! Join Us for the February Zone45
Vacation Bible School
July 10 ‐ 14, 2017
Invite your friends and join us on Sunday, February 19 as we visit the Ronald McDonald House. Our tour is at 3 p.m. Each child attending should bring juice boxes to donate when we get there. Look for more information in your emails!
Sardis Music & Arts Summer Hoopla July 31 ‐ August 4, 2017
Sardis Weekday School Updates! SWS Registration
SWS Valentine’s Day Dance and Auction
Registration is open for the 2017‐
PAC (Parents Advisory Council) will sponsor the
2018 school year! Please contact
annual SWS Valentine’s Day Dance and
Louise Lippi for class availability
Auction on Friday, Feb 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. All are
or additional information at
invited to join us for dancing, pizza, cookies, and
louise.lippi@sardis.org or 704.366.
fun activities! A silent auction will be held during
the dance to benefit SWS.
The Communicator ~ May 2016 9
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
6100 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC 28270
Permit #1059
Plan to join a Creed Group this Lenten Season! More information can be found on the insert page of this issue of The Communicator!
10 The Communicator ~ May 2016