The Communicator ~ October 2019
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Music Ministry’s
October 6 – November 3 Purchase in the Children’s Library on Sundays or online at
Christmas Tree Sale Begins Oct. 23
Help us offset the cost of our beautiful Chrismon tree and order your Christmas trees from Sardis! Ordering will be open October 23 – November 24. Trees need to be picked‐ up from Sardis on December 4 between 10:30 a.m. ‐ 12:00 p.m. 6’= $40 · 7’= $50 · 8’= $70 · 9’= $80 Order forms in the church office or at
Handbell Festival Fred Gramann, Clinician
Free Concert Saturday, November 2 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Youth Basketball: Register Now! Boys and Girls Ages 5‐18 register at
The fee is $130, second child $120 (U6 is $110 and $100 for the second child) through October 18.
Questions or interested in coaching? Contact Jeff Wilkinson at
2 The Communicator ~ October 2019
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Get the Church Life App!
Friendship Connection at Matthews Heritage Museum
Would you like to have the church directory at your
Our fellowship group for retirees will be touring the
fingertips on your smartphone? Would you like to
Matthews Heritage Museum on Tuesday, October 15!
update your picture in the Sardis directory? You can
The tour will begin at 11:00 a.m.
do all this through the Church Life App!
Meet at the museum (232 N Trade St., Matthews). Or
On October 20 and 27, representatives from the
meet at Sardis at 10:15 a.m. to ride the bus. Lunch will
Membership Ministry will be in the Gathering Place
follow at Moeʹs Original Bar B Que (next door to the
to help you figure out how to get the directory on
museum). We will order and pay individually. Prices
your smartphone (or desktop) and update your
range from $9.50 ‐ $12.50.
contact info and your individual or family picture.
The museum tour is $4 per person. Make your reservations to be a part of the exploration of Matthews
Heritage Museum by noon on Friday, October 11.
Register and pay online at
New Sardis
704.926.1590. Please indicate
if you plan to ride the bus. Questions?
Fobel at 704.366.1854.
Ability and Responsibility
Becki and Charles Coddington
Jeanne Hammons
One of the things I most enjoy when watching television is the fact that some news programs now end the show with a “good news” item. In July, I saw one that really touched my heart. There is a professional hairdresser in Charlotte that goes uptown to cut hair for homeless people that she finds there. When the station interviewed her, she said, “When you have the ability to do something good, you also have the responsibility to do it.”
We are so appreciative of the fact that many of our Sardis members are using their abilities and resources doing good things. Some of those include teaching Sunday School, keeping the nursery, working with our Youth Groups, singing in the choir, providing meals and companionship during Room In the Inn, making bereavement meals and Soup For the Soul, partnering with Rama Road Elementary, giving educational opportunity and health resources to Bayonnais, and many, many more.
In this Stewardship Season, please recognize your responsibility to determine your ability to help provide the financial resources the church needs and the way in which you can use your other abilities to shine God’s light as we go about Praising, Learning, Loving, Serving, Sharing, and Witnessing in and from this wonderful place.
The Communicator ~ October 2019 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Mission Co‐Workers Visit:
New Stephen
Sunday, October 6
Ministry Training
Class Is Underway
Our Mission co‐workers serving in the Dominican Republic, Mark Hare and Jenny Bent, along with their daughters, will be worshiping with us as well as leading the Salty Fish Sunday School Class and children’s classes. Please welcome them to Sardis and hear how they are serving God in the Dominican Republic.
Stephen Ministry was restarted at Sardis this past Spring with 11 previously trained Stephen Ministers returning to service. This September we have begun weekly training classes for the first new class of Stephen Ministers. These weekly training classes, plus
Communion Setup and
two weekend retreats in the Sardis House, will
Breakdown Volunteers
be completed on November 24. Worship on
Worship Ministry has an opportunity for couples and individuals to serve on one of two teams to setup and breakdown communion. Once the teams are trained and in place, they would prepare the elements and clean up approximately six times a year. This is a perfect opportunity to help in a big way without a huge time commitment. If you
November 24 will include the commissioning of these new Stephen Ministers.
Keep our new class of Stephen Ministers in your prayers as they prepare for this ministry:
have any questions, or would be willing to assist, please contact Alice Glefke at 407.721.1432.
Tim Eichenbrenner Christine Kinney Susan Harmon Rich Samson Jim Hollern Debbie Thames
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
August Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
August expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gi s, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,004,300
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Clark Watts upon the death of his grandmother, Patricia Watts; to Tim Alba upon the death of his sister, Lisa Collin; to Dawn Scoggin upon the death of her brother, Jackie Barlow; to Steve Carpenter upon the death of his mother, Jane Carpenter; and to the family of Walt Donham.
Congratulations: to staff member Steven Pappas and his wife Katie, upon the birth of their daughter, Riley Grey Pappas. 4 The Communicator ~ October 2019
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Crisis Assistance Clothing Drive
RITI: Using God’s Gifts
Want to dip your toes Inn some mission
Through October 20
work? If you have just 3 hours from Help us provide new or clean, gently‐used
December 1 – March 31, please volunteer
clothing and items including:
at the Sardis House in our Room In The
Winter clothing
Inn ministry. You can show hospitality to our homeless
Duffle Bags
neighbors on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Depending on your shift, you help make up beds and share fellowship at
Donations can be dropped off in the bins by the Library.
dinner, direct laundry and showers and socialize after dinner, keep watch overnight, or serve breakfast and hand out lunches. Just once would be appreciated, twice even better, or dive all
Clothing should be folded and taken off of hangers.
Clothing should be put in tied or sealed bags no larger than 13 gallons.
the way Inn and join a team.
Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
For further information contact Stacey Champion at To volunteer for dinner and/or lunch preparation, contact Jane Tilley at
Support a Child at Rama Road Elementary With Only 30 Minutes or One Hour a Week
Heart Math Tutoring provides an easy‐to ‐follow curriculum featuring hands‐on activities and games. Tutors work one‐on ‐one with a student who is below grade
level in elementary math. 98% of students tutored to date have
Sardis Presbyterian Church
met program growth goals, and 99% of surveyed volunteers
Sunday, October 27
would recommend Heart to others. At Rama Road, you can
8:00 a.m. ‐ 12:30 p.m. Education Hall
choose 30‐minutes or one hour between 8:10‐9:10 a.m. and 1:30‐ 2:30 p.m. Sign up at Questions? You can email
Please donate blood & save three lives!
Schedule an appointment with Sheri Bartel by emailing or online at
Paper bags labeled with needs will be available for pick‐up in the Gathering Place. Filled bags can be returned to the collection October 27 ‐ November 10 bins in the Education Hall.
The Communicator ~ October 2019 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Sardis College Age Fellowship
Volunteer in the Youth Ministry
2020 College Conference at Montreat
Do you have a passion working with young
“Remembering Sabbath”
people, walking beside them in their faith
January 2 – January 5, 2020
journey? The Youth Ministry is looking for
volunteers for the 2019‐2020 academic year to
Join us and other college‐age adults and explore the ways Sabbath influences our faith, impacts our personal wellbeing, and promotes justice and care for our neighbors and surrounding creation.
If interested, and to help us plan, please contact Adrian Martin at or 704.366.1854. All are welcome and scholarships are available.
work in our different programs. Do you love youth? Do you love God? If you said yes to both of these, then you are perfect for the Youth Ministry!
For more information, please e‐mail Adrian Martin at
Sabbath is the Youth Ministry mid‐week program designed for a quick break from your busy, hectic life. We begin with a pizza dinner in the High School Room (102, please bring $3 to help offset the costs of the food) and then have separate high school and middle school devotions before finishing up with some time for fellowship. All of this happens from 6:00‐7:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights, so come out and take a break, a Sabbath, from your stressful week!
Sunday Night Fellowship
Middle School Fall Retreat
Sunday Night Fellowship is our weekly Sunday night program from
The Youth Ministry Fall Retreat is
6:00‐7:30 for both high school and middle school youth. We begin
October 18‐20 at Camp Holston in
with dinner from 6:00‐6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (we do ask
Banner Elk, NC. Come join us for a
each person bring $5 to help defray at the costs of the food). We then
weekend of fun, games, and plenty of
have separate programs for both high school and middle school.
food! Spend a weekend in the mountains
Come join us in October for our High School Sunday Night
with your church family laughing,
Fellowship as we play games and enjoy praise band, have a youth led
playing, and learning more about your
devotion, host Dr. Joe B. Martin, and send care packages to our college freshmen.
The cost is $125 per person but financial
The Middle School Sunday Night Fellowship will enjoy games and
assistance is available by speaking with
praise band, sandwich making for Urban Ministry Center, and
Adrian Martin. To register, please visit
pumpkin carving.
Come be a part of our program and get to know your church family better! For more information, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.366.1854.
6 The Communicator ~ October 2019
“Let the little children come unto me.” Come to the Table
Join us on October 5 for our first Come to the Table class! This is an opportunity for your child to learn about communion in tangible, exciting ways through art, baking, and story‐ telling! Designed primarily for children age 4‐2nd grade, children through 5th grade are welcome to serve as helpers and leaders (and may learn something!). There will also be a parent component to help parents learn how to talk with their children about communion. Fall Mid‐Week Bible Study
The Widow’s Offering
Power, Poverty, and Politics: A Study of the Book of Nehemiah: Beginning October 9 ‐ November 14
In elementary Sunday School this month, we’ll be focusing on The Widow’s Offering! Through video,
Wednesdays at 10:30 ‐ 11:30 a.m. in Room 210
art, music, and games, we’ll explore the story and
Thursdays at 6:30 ‐ 7:30 p.m. in Room 210
perhaps learn a little bit about stewardship along the way!
This study, led by Joe B., will explore questions like, how should the Church relate to the world? How should the Church relate to the State? The world has not changed so much since the time of Nehemiah. What can we learn from his work rebuilding Jerusalem about what to do and not to do?
The Sardis Weekday School – Something Special
The Weekday School heard it was Ms. Univee Wallace’s 104th birthday and wanted to honor her in a special way. Each Weekday School student traced and cut out their hand print, so a wreath could be made from them. All the teachers assisted their students on this. Ms. Paige Carroll and Ms. Angie Scavone assembled the wreath and created the writing, Ms. Kristi Gallimore and Ms. Cindy McLeod delivered the wreath to Ms. Univee.
Ms. Univee Wallace has been a member of the Sardis Presbyterian Church since 1940. Sardis Presbyterian Church is a very important place for her, as it is where she has grown her faith and love of Jesus and God.
Ms. Univee loves to eat tomatoes that she grows in her own garden, but needs to keep a watchful eye on the neighborhood deer, who like to roam her backyard. Ms. Cindy shared that visits with Ms. Univee are always so special as she has a beautiful laugh and finds joy in everyone and everything.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. UNIVEE WALLACE. All our love‐ Sardis Weekday School
The Communicator ~ October 2019 7
THE TheCOMMUNICATOR Communicator Published monthly by Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Charlotte, NC
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8 The Communicator ~ October 2019
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