The Communicator | September 2019

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The Communicator ~ September 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Exploring Faith. Changing Lives. Sardis Presbyterian Church is an inclusive congregation called to equip disciples of Jesus Christ to impact the world by:

Praising · Learning · Loving Serving · Sharing · Witnessing

Following a year of discussion and hard work by Elders and Deacons, Session has approved a new Statement of Purpose to guide us in the years ahead as we seek to live into God’s vision for us by growing in faith so that our lives can be changed by Christ and so that we can develop our gifts to change the lives of neighbors near and far to the glory of God.

Exploring Faith. Changing Lives. describes the purpose we believe God has for us as a community of faith. The language that follows it sets forth how we intend to live into that calling by including all who seek to follow Jesus Christ at Sardis and equipping them as his disciples to have an impact in the world.

I will be introducing the Exploring Faith. Changing Lives. theme in a sermon on Sept. 8. This will be followed by a Stewardship Sermon Series on Equipping to Praise, Learn, Love, Serve, Share, and Witness that will begin on October 6 and run through Stewardship Sunday, November 17 when we make our spiritual and material commitment to Exploring Faith and Changing Lives at Sardis Presbyterian Church. I am excited to be on this journey with you!

Peace in Christ,

Saturday, October 26 4:00‐ 6:00 p.m. Games · Bounce House · Trunk or Treat WEAR YOUR COSTUME!

Dr. Joe B. Martin Senior Pastor

Can you volunteer to help with games or decorate your car for trunk or treat? Contact Hasty Millen at

2 The Communicator ~ September 2019

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

Mustard Seed Groups Small Group Opportunities at Sardis Mustard Seed Groups are Sardis’ small group ministry. People meet for fellowship, Bible study, service projects, and prayer. The groups are led by a trained leader. Each group chooses the topic of its study and the nature of its service or outreach projects.

For more information about Mustard Seed Groups, please pick‐up a brochure in the Narthex or Gathering Place, or visit our website at

Plant yourself in a Mustard Seed Group and let’s move mountains!

Fall Mid‐Week Bible Studies

Thursday Morning Bible Study: Gospel of Mark September 5 ‐ November 21 10:00 ‐ 11:30 a.m. in the Sardis House This study, led by Jane Fobel, will use N.T. Wright’s For Everyone Bible Study Guide: Mark. Participants will need a copy of the study guide. The guide may be borrowed and returned, or purchased for $7. Contact Jane Fobel to register for the study at 704‐366‐1854 or Power, Poverty, and Politics: A Study of the Book of Nehemiah October 9 ‐ November 14  Wednesdays at 10:30 ‐ 11:30 a.m. in Room 210  Thursdays at 6:30 ‐ 7:30 p.m. in Room 210

This study, led by Joe B., will explore questions like, how should the Church relate to the world? How should the Church relate to the State? The world has not changed so much since the time of Nehemiah. What can we learn from his work rebuilding Jerusalem about what to do and not to do?

The Communicator ~ September 2019 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

4 The Communicator ~ September 2019 4

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

5 The Communicator ~ September 2019 5

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Carnegie Hall 2020!

In June 2020, Sanctuary Choir is inviting others to join them in singing Poulenc’s Gloria in Carnegie Hall in New York. If you are interested in participating in this exciting opportunity, please contact Jared Daugherty at 704.366.1854.

Music Opportunities at Sardis

The Music Ministry at Sardis welcomes all skill levels and strives to enrich spiritual growth through music. Opportunities to learn and share your musical gifts are available in vocal, handbell, and contemporary ensembles for all ages to support our two worship services.

Contact Jared, Kaitlyn, or Steven at 704.366.1854 to learn how to be involved. Scheduled rehearsals begin soon and all are welcome! Please see the meeting times below.

Children’s Choir: Wednesdays, 6:00 ‐ 7:00 p.m. Jubilate Ringers (youth): Sundays, 4:30 ‐ 5:15 p.m.

Combined Choir Concert

Agape Singers (youth): Sundays, 5:15 ‐ 6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir: Thursdays, 7:30 ‐ 9:00 p.m.

On September 29, 2019, Sanctuary Choir from Sardis are

Alpha Ringers: Wednesdays, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

will participate in the Metropolitan Music Ministries

Coventry Ringers: Wednesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.

concert at 6:00 p.m., at Providence Baptist Church on

Praise Band: (Praise Band meets at various times,

Randolph Road. Come and be blessed by this beautiful

contact Steven Pappas,

celebration of music in worship.

6 The Communicator ~ September 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Youth Basketball Registration Now Open!

Boys and girls ages 5 ‐ 18 years old Practice starts in the beginning of November with games starting the first Saturday of December through March. The fee is $130, second child $120 (U6 is $110 and $100 for the second child) through September 28. A $10 late fee will apply after 9/28.

Register and pay at or pick‐up a registration form from the church office or the Gathering Place. If you have any questions or are interested in coaching contact Jeff Wilkinson at

Praying Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Praying Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in 2005. Today there are 15 ladies who crochet or knit shawls. Once a shawl is completed, it is blessed by the ladies. The shawls are available for the Sardis pastors to give to those who are recovering from surgery, those who are grieving, home bound, and in need of comfort. We offer the shawl filled with the prayers and hopes of the one who has made it for someone who is sick or in sorrow.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the Parlor on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 2‐3 p.m. (except on the fourth Thursdays in November and December). If you knit or crochet you are most welcome. The Ministry provides each member with a booklet with information about prayer shawls, patterns, help with stitches, choosing yarns, etc.

If you are interested contact Peggy Baird at 704.571.7112 or

Our Daily Bread at Sardis Every Day

Max McLeod

When we profess our faith in the Lord’s Prayer we recite, “Give us this day our daily bread.” References to bread in the Bible are numerous from how God cared for the Israelites when they were in the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt, to our Lord referring to his body being broken like bread at the Last Supper.

One of our most basic daily needs is food, with bread being one of the most common references. Our culture even uses the term “breadwinner” as a person providing the family needs. The Father blesses us daily with His grace, love, and caring. We have additional daily needs such as spiritual growth, family interaction, and the need to be loved.

So what are the “daily bread” needs in order for Sardis to operate? Some examples are our staff, service by our congregation, maintaining our facilities, daily prayer, and the grace given by God. Like every family and business, our church requires money in order to operate. As a congregation, we take our blessings and abilities to earn an income, and then by giving our tithes and offerings, we collectively become the “breadwinners for Sardis.” Cindy and I realize our pledge assists in the maintenance of our campus, employs our staff, supports our programs, provides for our worship, and assists our local and worldwide mission community.

How far do you go every day to be the breadwinner and support mechanism for your family? In Building God’s Kingdom, Sardis needs you to be its breadwinner every day. We should be enthusiastic in breadwinning for Sardis just as much as for your family. This is an important requirement for all Christians in God’s world. As we enter the Stewardship season, please prayerfully consider your pledge and gifts back to God for 2020 and beyond.

The Communicator ~ September 2019 7

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Fall Friendship Connection Events

Friendship Connection is a fellowship group for retirees. Listed below are the programs for this fall. With the exception of October, meetings are in the Sardis House and begin at 11:00 a.m. Lunch ($10 per person) will follow at noon and reservations are required for lunch. To make a reservation, you may register online at or call the reservation line 704.926.1509 by the Friday prior to each meeting.


September 17: A representative from the Federal Bureau of Investigation will present the FBI’s Fraud Prevention Program at 11:00. Lunch reservations are due by noon on Friday, September 13.


October 15: A trip to tour the Matthews Heritage Museum in downtown Matthews.


November 19: Sarah Dianne Jones, Director of Children’s Ministries, will speak about the work of NEXT Church, a program devoted to equipping the Presbyterian Church USA to move into the future.


December 17: Sardis member, Mary Ann Green, will sing the “Songs of the Season.”

Questions? Contact Jane Fobel, 704.366.1854 or

Membership Exploration

Interested in becoming a member? Come chat with Dr. Joe B. Martin on Sunday, September 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the Dining Room. Find out how Sardis is committed to equipping its members for Godʹs Mission. Questions: Laurie Hoots at

Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.

July Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.


July expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gi s, and other revenue










Net Total





Annual Budget: $2,004,300

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Gerald (Jerry) King; to the family of Margaret Simpson; to Karen Muldoon upon the death of her mother, Yuri Kita; to Phyllis Sutthoff upon the death of her brother, Carroll Schneider; to Linda Williams upon the death of her brother, Adger Armstrong; and to Rob Frazer upon the death of his father and Mike Jackson upon the death of his grandfather, Robert Earl Frazer. Congratulations: to staff member, Jenny Walker, upon the birth of her son, Josiah Aaron Johnson. 8 The Communicator ~ September 2019

Missions Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Be A Homework Helper!

You can make a difference in a child’s life by just giving 90 minutes per week at Rama Road Elementary School. Homework helpers are needed on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or add yourself to the substitute list! Can you help? Contact Pam Sterling at 703.727.5763 or

Volunteer Coordinator The Missions Ministry is looking for a passionate individual to help organize our twice yearly food drive. It is an easy and rewarding way to get involved! Interested? Contact Stacey Champion at 704.258.0988 or Mission Co‐Workers: Inge and Larry Sthreshley

Larry and Inge are mission co‐workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country ravaged by conflict, but is about one quarter the size of the United States. They grew up in the Congo, as children of missionaries.

As a health liaison, Larry assists with the development of the health ministries of churches and their role in the health system of Congo. He works on reducing maternal and child mortality, addressing gender‐based violence, and advocates for basic health needs. Larry says, “When I started, I could not even envision all that God would lead me to be involved in.”

Inge oversees a guest house to facilitate small mission groups from the US. She is trained in tropical agriculture and addresses the problem of poor nutrition through nutrition education and home gardens. She also advocates for low emission stoves. To learn more about our mission co‐workers, visit‐out.

The Communicator ~ September 2019 9

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Volunteer in the Youth Ministry

Do you have a passion working with young people and walking beside them in their faith journey? The Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers for the 2019‐2020 academic year to work in our different programs. Do you love youth? Do you love God? If you said yes to both of these, then you are perfect for the Youth Ministry! Please e‐mail Adrian Martin at for more information.

Youth Ministry Fall Kick‐Off

The Youth Ministry Fall Kick‐Off was Sunday, August 25 and parents and youth learned more about what the Youth Ministry has planned for the 2019‐2020 academic year. Youth got a chance to meet some of the leadership working with them this year while getting to know each other more. The 2019‐2020 year is going to be an exciting year in the Youth Ministry!

Learn more about the Youth Ministry at Sardis by picking‐up a copy of this year’s Youth Ministry guide in the Gathering Place or Narthex.

Regular Programs Begin

Our regular weekly programs begin again for the new school year. Sunday School (Middle School for 6th‐7th grade and High School for 9th‐12th grade) and Confirmation Class (for 8th grade and up who want to learn more about what it means to be a member of the church) begin on Sunday, September 8 from 10:00‐10:45 a.m.

Our Sunday Night Fellowship program for 6th‐12th grade students also begins on September 8 from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. beginning with dinner.

Both Middle School and High School Sabbath programs begin on Wednesday, September 11 from 6:00‐7:00 p.m. Join us for a time of food, devotion, and fellowship.

The High School Beach Retreat will be September 27‐29. All high school youth are encouraged to join us for a weekend at the beach as we unplug from our busy lives to spend time in fellowship, devotion, prayer, worship, and eating! This is a weekend you will not want to miss!

The cost is $125 per person but financial assistance is available by speaking with Adrian

Come be a part of our Youth Ministry and learn how to

Martin. To register, please visit

praise, learn, love, serve, and share with us!


10 The Communicator ~ September 2019

“Let the little children come unto me.”

CHILDREN’S ministry

Children’s Faith Formation & Fellowship Opportunities

Join the fun in Preschool Sunday School! Toddlers, Room 2; three years‐TK, Room 10 Weekday School Building Our preschool children (three years through TK) engage with scripture in developmentally appropriate ways through story, art, music, and more! Our classes are led by caring and creative teachers who love being a part of the faith development of Sardis’ youngest disciples!

Children’s Sunday School is Ready to Roll! Our elementary (K‐5th) Sunday School classes use Spark Rotation Sunday School, through which they explore a single Bible story each month through many creative ways! The different age groups (K‐1, 2‐3, 4‐5) meet each week for 15 minutes with their shepherds who guide them through Sunday School before rotating through different workshops. Join us on September 8 to kickoff an exciting year of exploration and fun!

Popsicles at the Playground! Preschool families: you’re invited to our first preschool fellowship event on the playground! This is a chance to play, get to know other preschool families, and enjoy a popsicle! Join us on September 28 from 10:30 a.m.‐12 p.m.!

Fun and Fellowship! Children K‐5th grade are invited to kick off a year of fellowship events with games, s’mores, a bonfire, and a chance to show off paper airplane making skills on September 29 from 4:30‐6 p.m. on the South Lawn!

The Sardis Weekday School‐ Preschool with Heart staff is looking forward to an exceptional school year with all our students and families.

Welcome to the 2019‐2020 school year!

The Sardis Weekday School Summer Camp 2019

Well folks, “thatʹs a wrap!” We had a six‐week summer program filled with adventures, exploration, fine and gross motor skill growth, and friendship making. We enjoyed our special guests of Music & Movement, Storyteller, Soccer Shots, Cooking Camp, Amazing Athletes and a crew of dedicated teachers filled with a passion for making every early childhood experience a positive and memorable one. We are blessed to be the Preschool With Heart and we are looking forward to the 2019‐2020 school year to feel the same. The Communicator ~ September 2019 11

12 The Communicator ~ September 2019

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