April 2021
THE COMMUNICATOR THE COMMUNICATOR A monthly publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church · Charlotte, North Carolina
SUNDAY 7:00 9:00 11:00 A.M. on the South Lawn Face coverings, temperature checks, and social distancing will be in place
9:00 11:00 A.M. on Facebook & YouTube More information at www.sardis.org
Exploring Faith. Changing Lives. ● Praise ● Learn ● Love ● Serve ● Share ● Witness The Communicator ~ April 2021
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Administration Building Update
Joe B. Martin
Back when we couldn’t be in there, anyway, Session decided to proceed with plans to get some deferred maintenance done on the Administration Building with the hope it could be completed by the time the building needed to be available for more regular use. Mark Slimer has done a great job coordinating this effort that had both the typical construction and the unusual COVID‐related delays, and the whole Facility Team has put work into this project, too. A big THANK YOU to all of them and the Property Committee!
Here are the things that have happened so far:
All asbestos related materials removed from inside the building
Demo/Remove all old boiler & chiller piping, electrical conduit and fixtures
Demo 2 existing offices and use this space for new Mechanical Room
HVAC ductwork from new Mechanical Room to each office/area installed and inspected
Installed fan on roof for Mechanical Room exhaust & wall louver for fresh air intake
Added wood backing for wall mounted TV in Conference Room for hybrid meetings
Replaced all data ports in each office/area with new CAT 6 cabling
Start‐up of both new HVAC systems
Here are the things that remain to be done:
New acoustical ceiling throughout building
New electrical fixtures throughout building
Drywall repair & painting throughout building
Carpet cleaning/strip/wax floor throughout the building
New phone system installation
Empty contents of two steel containers (office items) back into the building
Our present hope is that the staff will be able to return to their Administration Building offices the first half of May. We will keep you updated on this and any protocols that may be in place to keep our staff and visitors safe. Until then, pastoral and program staff members continue to work in other spaces on campus when not working from home. Facilities team members are on campus every day, and the administrative staff is working effectively and efficiently from home. You can reach all staff members by email or call the church office. Our voicemail system notifies staff almost immediately when a voicemail has been received. I look forward to moving back to my office from my present work home among music storage items in the Sanctuary Building. It’s not that bad, but I miss my books; however, not as much as I miss you!
Officer Nominations
There are many talented, qualified people in Sardis, and your help is needed in identifying them. The Officer Nominating Committee is seeking suggestions from the congregation for nominees to serve as Elders or Deacons. Please prayerfully consider submitting a name for consideration for a particular ministry. You may submit nominations online with the link found in your weekly emails. The nomination deadline is April 15.
2 The Communicator ~ April 2021
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
The Vanishing Half Book Study Tuesdays April 20—May 11 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett is a powerful novel that weaves themes of race and identity throughout the compelling story of identical sisters and the way their lives diverge and intersect as they grow up and raise their own families—very
characters and issues each week, as well as what this means for us today.
Katie Harrington and Meredith Hammons will lead this study. Please email Katie (katie.harrington@sardis.org) with any questions and to register.
Stewardship Update
Wendy Galleher
Thursday was a beautiful day! As I walked through McAlpine, I noticed that the trees were beginning to “bud out”, flowers were popping up in the woods, and chorus frogs were serenading all who would listen. Any day now, I’m expecting to see fledglings at our bird feeders and the barred owls are nesting in the owl box at our neighbors. It appears we are emerging from the dark, wet days of winter. The daily news reports that more and more people are being vaccinated, and the number of people being diagnosed with the coronavirus is steadily declining. I believe that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Even though there seem to be brighter days ahead, many of our neighbors continue to struggle. To help address those needs, Sardis will focus on three initiatives in April that are not supported by our annual budget. One Great Hour of Sharing will be collected on Easter Sunday. One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. The three areas supported by the program are Disaster Relief, fighting hunger, and self‐development. On April 11, we will be collecting Ten Cents a Meal to help combat hunger in our community. In addition, there will be a clothing drive in April. Items collected will be donated to Crisis Assistance Ministry where parents can select clothes for family members, especially their children who have been out of school for a year.
The Stewardship Ministry would like to thank each of you for all you do, including supporting initiatives not covered by the annual budget. Your generosity provides hope for people in our community and around the world. The following prayer seems fitting for the times we are currently experiencing.
Gracious God, Thank you that your promises are valid and good. Thank you for never letting go of us. Give us hope, strength, and peace so we can hang on when the ride gets rough. Let us feel your presence in the midst of hardships. Change the desperate feelings into joy, hope, and peace in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Communicator ~ April 2021 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
April: Step 2 of the Worship Plan Implemented
In April, we will implement Step 2 of the worship plan approved by Session: Outdoor contemporary/recorded traditional. After Easter, we will have one contemporary outdoor service at 11:00 a.m. in addition to the online recorded traditional service posted on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. The outdoor service will be more than just one musician and a preacher this time. Registration for the outdoor worship service will open Monday mornings with a 130 maximum capacity, including staff and volunteers. If you do not register online, you are still welcome to come. Volunteers will be able to let you know if we are at capacity or not. We can’t wait to see you there!
Life During the Pandemic Project
The Historical Committee is collecting written statements, short videos, and photos from members of Sardis to record how the pandemic has affected the church. This collection will serve as a historical record for both current and future generations. Check your weekly emails for more information and directions on how to submit your entries. Submissions are due by April 17. Questions? Contact Vicki Jaus (vpjaus@gmail.com).
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
This Easter weekend, your family is invited to come to campus for an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt! Our congregation has colored Easter Eggs that will be hidden in windows and on buildings all around campus. Sarah Dianne will provide a key with how many to search for, and your family can explore campus together to find them! Please note that this experience should be limited to your own family unit, and masks are required at all times.
Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org on the Publications page under the Connect tab.
February Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
February expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gi s, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $1,892,050
Our Church Family Our Sympathy: to the family of Kitty Craig; to John Waller upon the death of his father, Gary Waller; to Drew Dayton upon the death of his mother, Muffy Dayton; and to Stacey Vanderwel jupon the death of her grandmother, Joyce Hickey.
Congratulations: to Wendy & Tom Reeder on the birth of their grandson, Theodore Carter Magee.
4 The Communicator ~ April 2021
Missions Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Essential Basket Update
“Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.” Romans 15:2
Families Forward Charlotte wishes to extend our gratitude to our Sardis Presbyterian community for your incredible support again this year to provide 30 essentials baskets for the families we serve. Thanks to you and the incredible efforts of Vicky Hovis, each family received a new trash can full of cleaning supplies and a grocery gift card! Each family was grateful for the relief on their stressed budget. Thank you for your generosity! ~Carrie Christian
Please Note: Clothing should be for the upcoming season, clean, in
good condition and folded
Place into bags securely tied closed Please, NO hangers, household or food items
Sponsorship Opportunity
Please join other Sardis members and World of God Board Members on Zoom on April 18 and April 25 at 1:00 p.m. for a Virtual Student Sponsorship Drive supporting the ICB School in Bayonnais, Haiti. There will be a 30‐minute informational presentation followed by 15 minutes for Q&A, a link to view students available for sponsorship and to sign up, and a surprise guest! This meeting will be recorded and available for viewing through April 26. If you already sponsor a child, thank you! Please join the meeting and share your student experiences and learn what is happening at World of God and the ICB School.
Student sponsorship is $40 per month and gives you an opportunity to connect with a student through prayer, letters, and email messages that are interpreted by onsite World of God personnel. Zoom meeting ID 811 3553 8099 and the password is Sardis. Please consider making a difference in the life of a child! Direct any questions to Brenda McKay.
The Communicator ~ April 2021 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
“Taking Charge” Youth Mini-Retreat
Saturday, May 8 from 2:00 - 10:00 p.m. at Sardis
Following the examples of Jesus and his disciples, we will explore how we can take charge of things happening around us, even if that means doing nothing.
Games devotions group building activities service projects and more! $15 per person · Register at www.sardis.org/youth · Space is limited! Register early!
Sunday Night Fellowship
Do You
Love Youth?
Join us on campus as we enjoy Sunday Night Fellowship in April!
April 4 – No Sunday Night Fellowship (Easter Sunday)
The Youth Ministry is looking
April 11 – devotion about Darkness/Light and Sin/Confession based on
for some additional volunteers
1 John 1:5‐10
for our weekly programs. If
April 18 – devotion about being Children of God based on 1 John 3:1‐3
you love working with an
April 25 – devotion about the Good Shepherd based on John 10:11‐18
awesome group of young
Join us as we continue to grow as the body of Christ!
contact Adrian Martin.
Summer Plans
All volunteers will go through
Join us this summer as the Youth Ministry hosts the Mostly At‐Home
Mission Adventure June 28‐30! We will have some in‐person activities and
(interview, training, approval,
some virtual meetings and service projects. Register online at sardis.org/youth
and possibly background check
or find the links in your weekly email. Cost is only $20/person.
depending on the area of
The Youth Ministry is also trying to attend the Montreat Youth Conferences:
Middle School Montreat Youth Conference – July 13‐17 High School Montreat Youth Conference – July 25‐31
We will also host Sunday Night Fellowship most Sunday evenings, so plan on joining us! Movie nights will be June 9, 16, and 23.
Make plans to join us!
6 The Communicator ~ April 2021
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Join Us On Campus For a Few IN‐PERSON Childrenʹs Activities! Weʹll host a hybrid Elementary Story Exploration at the Sanctuary covered driveway on April 14 and 28 from 6‐7 p.m. Youʹre also invited to join Kaitlyn Davros for Childrenʹs Choir on campus on April 11, 18, 25, and May 2 from 2:30‐3:15 p.m.!
Chapel Time!
Even when weʹre unable to be together due to COVID safety protocols, our ministry alongside the Sardis Weekday School continues! Each week Sarah Dianne records a chapel video for all of the Weekday School children to enjoy, something that our Sardis preschool families are also able to enjoy! The children love singing the songs, hearing the stories, and especially love when Sarah Dianneʹs cat makes an appearance!
The Weekday School has been open for the 2020‐2021 school year since October 1 for ages 2‐TK and January 4 for Toddlers and Young 2s. We have been thriving since reopening and wanted to share the progress of our program through a series of photos.
The Communicator ~ April 2021 7
The Communicator Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 www.sardis.org
8 The Communicator ~ April 2021