The Communicator ~ October 2021
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Adult Mid‐week Bible Study The Bible study series, Fro m Wild erness to Pro m ise through the Generations, continues through October and November with a study of The Book of Judges, led by Joe B. As Israel was figuring out how to live as a people
OCTOBER 3 9:30 ‐ 10:45 a.m. Outdoor Fellowship Hall Space All are welcome to come enjoy assorted individually wrapped pastries, biscuits with sausage and egg, yogurt, fruit cups, bottled juice and coffee.
in new ways together in the Promised Land, they were led by judges—sometimes well, sometimes not so well! What can we learn about leading and living in faith together from the stories of Gideon, Deborah, Samson, and some others you may not have heard of before? The same class will be offered at two different times both in Room 210 or via Zoom: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Catered by Dahlia Grove, a non‐profit ministry helping provide a free two‐year residential program
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Look for the Zoom information in your weekly emails.
for adult women survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation. A love offering to benefit Dahlia Grove will be collected. You can learn more about Dahlia Grove at
Coming in 2022: “The Prophet Amos” and “The Gospel and Letters of John”
Friendship Connection
Friendship Connection Road Trip to Schiele Museum of Natural History Friendship Connection will visit the Schiele Museum of Natural History in Gastonia on Tuesday, October 19. Some exhibits are NC Natural History, and North American Habitats and the wildlife found there. Outside, there is a .7 mile nature trail. We will also enjoy a planetarium show entitled “The Sky Tonight”. The bus will leave Sardis’ main parking lot at 8:45 a.m. and we will return at approximately 2:45 p.m. The cost of the trip is $20 per person. This includes museum admission and a boxed lunch. Reservations must be made by Friday, October 15 online with MySardis or the ChurchLife App. Questions? Contact Sue Chowning at 704.366.1854 ext. 208. 2
The Communicator ~ October 2021
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Volunteer to Usher! Currently each of the ministries of the church are assigned to provide ushers for both of our Sunday morning worship services. However, we are hoping that there are others that do not serve on a ministry that would be willing to occasionally usher. Also, you may be serving on a ministry,
assigned. If you fit either of these descriptions and would be willing to be called on to usher occasionally or on a semi‐regular basis, please sign up via the link found in your weekly emails, or email Alice Glefke (
Three New Rs For 2022
Dave Templeman
We are all ready for things to go back to “normal”. We want the comfort of familiar hymns and liturgy. We miss those smiling faces that we greet in the Sanctuary and at Sunday school. But, you know, “normal” never meant the world stayed the same. “Normal” never meant we were in control. Every day, we face situations, and all we can control is how we react. We ask God for guidance, choose our responses, and accumulate experiences. I read a quote by a pastor named Galen Guengerich dealing with why we attend worship. He suggests that whenever we go to church, we make a conscious choice: “We’re here to remind ourselves of values that unite us and commitments that keep us heading in the right direction. We’re here to choose again what we chose before.” We are not lumps in the pews, we come anew to reaffirm our faith. I invite you to accept the challenge of a new “Three Rs” (no, not Readin’, Writin’ & ‘Rithmetic). As we build our new normal at Sardis, please consider these Three Rs: Reconnect: Reconnect members to the community of faith. Reimagine: Reimagine programming, structures, and resources to live into our purpose in new ways. Reach: Reach into our community to invite folks to explore their faith here at Sardis. Reach out to make an impact in the broader world through mission.
It’s easy to pledge online! Make your 2022 pledge any time! Have an automatic withdrawal? It is time to renew it!
The Communicator ~ October 2021
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Adult Sunday School Classes There is a place for you! There are many options for Sunday School, both in‐person, on Zoom, and hybrid! If you are interested in forming a new Sunday School class, or would like an opportunity to gather on Zoom or in person during the Sunday School hour, please let Katie Harrington know ( Find your place at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday: Salty Fish Fellowship meets in Room 210 and on Zoom. Led by Anne and Ed Shoaf, Les and Martha Ellen
Ingles, Tom and Nancy Bowling, and Chick Byrd. We will be diving into the book, Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith, by Tom Berlin. All are welcome to join the class in person or via Zoom! Contact Ed Shoaf ( for the Zoom information. Reading for Reformed Reflection: Led by Dale LeCount and John Todd, the RRR Class meets on Sundays at
10:00 a.m. in Room 211 and on Zoom. We combine readings with discussion of current issues related to our Reformed faith as Christ’s disciples. This fall we’ll focus on the Psalms. Our resource is Psalms by Jerome F.D. Creach. The book is one of the Interpretation Bible Studies, and a copy is available for each participant. The author has selected ten Psalms for our consideration, one of which is our focus each week. The class is interactive and is facilitated each week by one of our class members. Contact Dale LeCount ( or John Todd ( for the Zoom information. Crossroads: Led by Jan Rosser, this class meets in Room 211 for Bible study in a lecture format. Robert Pharr Men’s Class: Led by Bob Ewing, this class meets in Room 212 for Bible study. Discussing Bible Books and Topics: Led by Norm Schul, this class meets in Room 108. All adults are welcome
as we gather to study the 10 Commandments through Love Carved in Stone, a video‐based study by Eugenia Anne Gamble. Bible Study for Women: Led by Pat Campbell, women of all ages and biblical knowledge are invited to gather
on Zoom for a time of reflection on God’s Word. This fall, we will study a sample of Proverbs in the fall before we tackle 2 Corinthians. Contact Pat ( for the Zoom information. NEW! Sunday School Class for Parents: All parents (preK‐high school) are invited to join us for Sunday
School in Room 216 for a time of conversation, Bible study, and fellowship. Contact Lin Leslie ( or Katie Harrington ( for more details.
Session Highlights can be found at under the Connect tab, in publications.
Our Church Family Our Sympathy: to the family of Joe Holloway; to the family of Gregg Hollidge; to the family of Del Barnhill III; to Peggy Baird on the death of her brother, Edwin Phillips; to Mary Ann Green on the death of her brother, Frank Stowe Spratt III; and to Lou Magaldi on the death of her father, Louie Porter Hunter III. Louie was also the grandfather of Abram Magaldi. 4
The Communicator ~ October 2021
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Missions Ministry Mission Trip to Kenya August 2022 The Mission Ministry has been looking into the possibility of forming a mission team from Sardis to go to Kenya, Africa. We have partnered with The Outreach Foundation and the Presbyterian Church in East Africa. This organization has been working in Africa since 1989 and is led by Stu Ross and his wife Annie. Stu developed an organization that builds churches, schools and water projects. The organization now has over 100 Kenyan employees. Stu and Annie have created a hostel just for volunteer groups who come from the U.S. to work on their projects. Typically, a group will work on a church and school building project during their time in Kenya. You can view the sample schedule at‐the‐world. There are some very fun things included. More information about The Outreach Foundation, accommodations, and the schedule can be found at in‐the‐world. We will be holding an informational meeting in November, 2021. If you have questions feel free to email Vic Lisciani at
An Opportunity for Your Small Group to Make a Big Impact! Our Mission Ministry is continuing Sardis’ involvement with the Salvation Army Center of Hope Shelter (Women’s Shelter) after it was suspended during the COVID‐19 pandemic. The center is currently servicing approximately 200 women and needs help providing meals. This is where your small group can make an impact! Mustard Seed Groups, Sunday School Classes, Circles, and individual volunteers who would like to form their own team…can you provide a meal? Please contact Canon Moore ( for more details or if you are ready to change lives! The Communicator ~ October 2021
Thank you for your efforts during our Give One Day event! You packed over 20,000 meals to feed the hungry! 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Middle School: Ed. Hall Room 106 Taught by Linda and Doyle Williams, and Kris Gallimore ConfirmaƟon: Ed. Hall Room 105 Taught by Ruth Harris, Georgia Pressly, and Jeff Wilkinson
High School: Ed. Hall Room 102 Taught by Liz and Tim Alba, and Bruce Simpson
Saturday, October 2
Opt‐in to Receive Our
12:30 ‐ 5:30 p.m. Anne Close Springs Greenway. RSVP to
Reminder Texts!
Sunday, October 3
High School Reminders:
No Youth Fellowship
Text the message @97258 to the number 81010
Bells & Choir will still meet
Sunday, October 10
Middle School Reminders:
MS: Stump the Preacher HS: Video Scavenger Hunt Downtown Matthews with dinner at Pizza Peel
Text the message @a3026 to the number 81010.
Sunday, October 17 MS: Video Scavenger Hunt Downtown Matthews with dinner at Pizza Peel
Our Youth
HS: Stump the Preacher
Advisors Rock!
Sunday, October 24 MS & HS: Golden Globe Night (watching videos from scavenger hunt night)
Sunday, October 31 No Youth ‐ Halloween 6
Middle School Advisors: Steve Coleman John Waller Chris Near Robert Vanderford
The Communicator ~ October 2021
High School Advisors: Melinda & Jeff Wilkinson John Harris David Abercrombie Meredith Hunter
“Let the little children come unto me.”
October 3 & 10
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Following the 11:00 worship ‐ 1:30 p.m. Preschool/Kindergarten On the playground or in 206 if raining
1st ‐ 3rd Grade
Lunch will be provided We hope you’ll join us as we explore the meaning behind Children’s Sabbath worship service.
In Room 205 or on Zoom
Children lead worship on October 17!
4th ‐ 5th Grade In Room 207 or on Zoom The Zoom links are in Sarah Dianne’s emails and sent out via Remind text each week! Join our Remind by texting @38ee4f to 81010.
The Sardis Weekday School is underway and having a great start to the new school year. The students and staff are all getting acclimated and settling into routines. We are thankful to our SWS staff, families, church staff and committees for all their support. We are looking forward to a fabulous school year. The Weekday School is still looking to secure a few more substitute teachers, so if you are interested, email
The Communicator ~ October 2021
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road
Permit #1059
Charlotte, NC 28270
The Communicator ~ October 2021