Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Holy Week 2014 · April 13‐20 Join the Sardis community as we walk through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ this Holy Week. We wait with anticipation for the celebration of Easter Sunday, but first, let’s journey together through the life of Christ leading up to the triumphant Easter morning. We begin with the Palm Sunday service on April 13. This is the final message in Dr. Kort’s sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, Pray Then Like This. Children will participate in a procession of palms during both the 9 & 11:00 a.m. services. For the 9:00 a.m. service in Fellowship Hall children should meet at 8:45 in the Gathering Place; for the 11:00 a.m. service in the Sanctuary children should meet in the Narthex.
The Easter Egg Hunt will take place immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service on the Francis Property. All children are invited to participate in this free event.
A brief, gently paced Holy Week Service will be held at 3:00 p.m. on April 13 in the Chapel. This is designed for those who may have mobility issues or difficulty attending hour‐ long worship. This communion service will recall the events of Holy Week. Light refreshments will be served in the Parlor following the service. On Maundy Thursday, April 17, we remember Christ’s suffering on the cross with a tenebrae worship service at 7 p.m. The word tenebrae means “shadows” or “darkness,” and the service is a contemplative gathering to remember Christ’s suffering, with an emphasis on the darkness and sadness of His crucifixion and death. This service will include communion. Good Friday worship is an ecumenical service with Sardis Baptist Church and St. Stephen UMC. This year, our Good Friday service will be at St. Stephen UMC. We look forward to this half‐hour service at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, April 18. Easter Sunday is the focal point and culmination of all that is Holy Week. We will gather at 9 & 11:00 a.m. to celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We encourage you to invite your neighbors and coworkers without a church home. Dr. Kort’s message is designed to reach both Sardis members and those outside of the Sardis community. Childcare is provided for children 5 and under. Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m. in the Sardis House through April 16. Register and pay online at or call 704.926.1590 to pay at the door. 2 The Communicator ~ April 2014
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Handicapped Parking Near Sanctuary If you use the handicapped parking spaces next to the sanctuary and are not a wheelchair‐user, please consider first choosing the handicapped spaces that are not designated for van‐accessibility or wheelchair use (see picture #1). If these spaces are filled, please feel free to use any of the other available handicapped spaces. We would like to leave the wheelchair‐accessible spaces (see pictures #2 & #3) open for those that need them, for as long as possible. Thanks for helping to make Sardis more traversable for all! #1
Officer Nominations
Friendship Connection—April 15
The Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, will meet Tuesday, April 15 in the Sardis House at 11:00 a.m. for a program led by Chaplain Larry Watts from Plantation Estates. He will be sharing the days and events of Holy Week and their significance in our lives. A reservation is needed for lunch ($8). Register by Friday, April 11 at or by calling 704.926.1590.
The Congregation is encouraged to submit names of candidates to be considered for Elder and Deacon. There are many talented, qualified people at Sardis, and your help is needed to identify them.
Questions? Contact Alice Johnson 704.366.1854.
Please submit nominations at, or pick up a form available in the Narthex and return it in the collection plate or to the church office by April 13.
Summer Worship Schedule
HVAC Project Update
The Worship Ministry has recommended and the Session As you know, only six of the total 36 HVAC units in has approved that we hold one worship service at 10:00 the Education Hall are operating properly.
a.m., June 8 through August 31. Sunday School will be at There has been a recommendation from the Property Commission to replace the aging units with a new 9:00 a.m. each Sunday. system. Blueprints are now complete. Here’s what will happen next: following the plan review by the Summer Worship 2014 city, we will hear bids by qualified contractors, and June Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary then will take the information to Session for recommendation and congregational approval. Saturday June 14 5:30 p.m. worship in Fellowship Hall
July Sunday Worship
10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday July 12
5:30 p.m. worship in Fellowship Hall
August Sunday Worship
10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Saturday August 9
5:30 p.m. worship in Fellowship Hall
It’s not possible to predict how long the plan review and approval by the city will take, but once that is complete the bidding and approval will take about a month, and construction will take 2‐3 months. If you have questions about any aspect of this proposed project please contact Mark Slimer, facility director, at
The Communicator ~ April 2014 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Session Highlights, March 2014 The Session approved the following items:
The baptisms of · Jones Brady Martin, son of John and Whitney Wade Martin, on May 18, 2014 at the 11:00 service. · Olivia Reidl Kalavsky, daughter of Matthew and Eryn Wade Kalavsky, on May 18, 2014 at 11:00 service. · Miles John Kalavsky, son of Matthew and Eryn Wade Kalavsky, on May 18, 2014 at 11:00 service. • The Christian Education Ministry recommendation that the Vacation Bible School 2014 fee be increased by $5.00, making it $25.00 per child or $50.00 per family. • The Worship Ministry recommendation of the following summer worship schedule: Sunday, June 8 through and including Sunday, August 31: one Sunday morning worship at 10:00 a.m. Location as follows: June – Sanctuary; July – Fellowship Hall; August – Sanctuary. 2nd Saturday services to be held on June 14, July 12, and August 9, all at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The session continued the discussion of chapter 2, Passionate Worship, from “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations.”
Complete minutes of the Session and Diaconate Meetings are available along with archived minutes in the Library.
March Diaconate Highlights
February Financial Report
Thank you for making the ministry of this church possible! You can
• • • • •
Clothing Drive for Crisis Assistance Ministry will continue until April 4
make a quick gift at in two ways: either under the “give” tab or by logging into your MySardis account.
Blood Drive will be April 6
February budget
2014 YTD
2014 YTD budget
Pledges, gifts, and other budget revenue
Give One Day will be April 27 Womenʹs Spring Dinner will be May 5 Easter Egg Hunt will be on Palm Sunday There will be a Gently Paced Service on Palm Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
Annual budget: $2,129,993
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Carol Donaldson upon the death of her sister, Rebecca Clokey; to Bess Peterson upon the death of her sister, Edna Slade; to Suzanne Weston upon the death of her aunt, Norma Ritley; to Margot Smith upon the death of her mother, Juanita King; to Libby Jackson upon the death of her son, Leslie Berry; to Dan Norman upon the death of his mother, Barbara Norman; to Janet Haines upon the death of her sister, Barbara Bruine; to Kim Keady upon the death of her father, James Donovan; and to Ben Brown upon the death of his father, Christopher Brown. Congratulations: to parents Matthew and Eryn Wade Kalavsky and grandparents Steve and Debby Wade upon the birth of Miles John Kalavsky; and to Vernon and Christa Sumwalt on the birth of Elloree Harper Sumwalt. 4 The Communicator ~ April 2014
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Why I Practice Stewardship
Easter Lily Orders Due April 14
by Donna Harwood
I don’t know about you, but the word “steward” isn’t one that comes up too often in my everyday conversation. So, exactly what does this somewhat unfamiliar word mean?
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a steward is someone who protects or is responsible for money or property; a person whose job it is to manage the land and property of another person. Stewardship for a Christian, then, is the responsibility entrusted by God for all of His creation and all the gifts He generously has provided. The Bible calls on us to remember, trust, and share all of those gifts in love. The definition of steward also implies it is a perpetual obligation, not just something that is done once during “stewardship season” and forgotten.
As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Practicing stewardship gives us a way to remember God every day and express our gratitude for all He has entrusted to us. By generously sharing of ourselves and our financial resources on an ongoing basis we can continue the work of stewardship through the ministries of Sardis.
So when I have the opportunity to donate money and/or time I take it as often as possible, not just for the “feel good” moment, but because it is how I honor and worship God and strengthen my relationship with Him. The blessings God has given to me are too numerous to count.
I am thankful every day that I have a church home in Sardis, where the opportunities to live a more purposeful life through stewardship are abundant. Won’t you join me in being a steward of God’s overwhelming generosity?
To order, please complete the form below, place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office.
Attach a check for $10.75 per lily, payable to Sardis Presbyterian Church. Note “Easter Lily” in the memo line of your check. Payments much be received by April 14.
You may take the lilies home after worship service on Easter Sunday.
Order Deadline: April 14 This form can also be downloaded at
Your Name (as you would like it to appear in the bulletin):
_________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Number of lilies you are ordering: _________
□ I have made arrangements for my lilies to be picked up immediately following the 9:00 a.m. worship.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
□ I have made arrangements for my lilies to be picked up immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship.
Save the Date! What: Kick Off to Summer‐Beach Party! Who: Fellowship Ministry When: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 5:30 p.m. ‐ 9:00 p.m. Where: Sardis Presbyterian Church Francis Property Event Activities: Hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, chips, lemonade, tea and ice cream cones! We plan on having a DJ spin your favorite beach tunes as you dance away the night, perhaps a dance lesson or two, face painting, sand castle building for the kids, and maybe beach volleyball. Cost: $5.00 a person or $20.00 a family Make reservations at or call (704) 926‐1590. Questions? Contact Mark Green at Drdo‐
□ I will not be picking up my lilies.
Please fill out below as you would like names to appear in the bulletin:
In honor of: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ In memory of: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
The Communicator ~ April 2014 5
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
April 6 8 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Over $32,000 raised at Sardis Youth Auction!
It wasnʹt just the fact that the Youth Auction, 2014 raised over $32,000 that made it so amazing, it was also Sign up online at or email Suzanne the hard work, organization, and creativity of the Fernandez at: auction committee, the incredible selection of “WOW!!! The auction was auction items donated, fantastic!!!! I think it was the support from the Sardis best one ever at Sardis!! The items collected were family, and a time of unbelievable. The selection was great fellowship that so diverse ‐ something for made the day so everyone!! I also loved that you special! Having the had ʹBuy Now’ items and I congregation worship bought Beanie Babies for my together for one service, little girl dress project.” Dr. Kort’s timely ‐Kathy Simpson, Sardis Member sermon about our and founder of The Red Bird Project youth and their Get Involved generation, the Are you interested in a one‐time volunteer commitment barbecue where you can make an immediate impact in the lives of delicious lunch, the wonderful entertainment by The Quartet a few families? Sardis has once again partnered with and Jerry Welsh, the work and camaraderie of our high Charlotte Family Housing. Annually, this organization schoolers and their parents, the comic relief of provides housing to nearly 400 families in our area for Scott and Doug Banks, auction emcees and funny three to six months at a time. Many of you may men, made March 2 a very remember our involvement with Family Promise—CFH special day in the life of our has absorbed Family Promise in Charlotte. church! Four times a year, we will provide overnight hosts and Thank you to Andrea meals for three families temporarily living at the and Joel Kepley and Ruth and Brett Harris for chairing Elizabeth House, one of CFHʹs homes. Our first week the auction. Committee is May 11‐15 and we are in need of individuals to sleep members included Dean over at the home or to provide a part of a meal. You will save CFH $100 as an overnight host, and by Many thanks to our Auction 2014 Bowen, Tammy Cotton, Chairs, Andrea and Joel Kepley and Karen Muldoon, Georgia providing a meal you are making it easier for those Ruth and Brett Harris Pressly, Amy Read, Aven families in CFH to be well fed a few times a week. For more information or to sign up to participate please Williams, and Rhonda York. Your hard work produced the best auction yet! Thank you Youth Auction Committee contact: Paula Banks ‐ overnight host: and thank you, Sardis, for your continued generous support of our youth. Belize and Montreat, here we come! Jill Smith ‐ meals:
Hope Teams Forming Now Hope Teams provide an opportunity for volunteers interested in a long‐term engagement with a family moving from homelessness to housing. Teams are generally comprised of 3‐6 people from the same faith community or organization. Each team is matched with one family to provide support and encouragement by building relationships as guided by the CFH Social Worker and Hope Team Manager. Please contact Jill Smith or Paula Banks if you are interested in learning more about Hope Teams and attending an information session. 6 The Communicator ~ April 2014
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Sardis Weekday School Prayers, As They Travel Book Fair The confirmation class will be on
Join us April 9‐11 in the church retreat with Dr. Kort, May 2‐4, at libraries for the Sardis Weekday Valle Crucis, Georgia. School Book Fair, brought to us by Cardinal Lane Book Fairs. Find some great new books for your family library, or a great gift for a friend or loved one, while supporting SWS. The Book Fair will be held each day from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
Children’s Sunday School Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday There will be two special classes for all elementary age children. Students are to meet in the Education Hall on each of these mornings. On Palm Sunday students will prepare symbols of Holy Week to remind them of the steps Christ took to the cross. On Easter Sunday students will hear the story of Jesus’ last days and enter the tomb to experience the wonder of Easter.
Save the Date for Vacation Bible School! July 14‐18
Easter Sunday, April 20, many adult church school classes will not be meeting. For those classes that are not meeting, and for members not currently enrolled in a church school class, a special class, “Celebrate Easter,” will be led by Jane Fobel. The class will meet at the 10:00 a.m. church school hour in room 205/206. The class will examine the new life that is possible through Jesus Christ, looking at His final words on the cross and the difference those words make after the resurrection. Questions? Contact Jane Fobel,
Optional Class for Adults on Easter Sunday
Be part of the Sardis Tradition Bring fresh cut flowers on Easter Sunday to be added to the wooden cross on the lawn.
Calling All Eggs! Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled April 13! We need one thousand plastic eggs loaded with individually wrapped candy. Sunday school classes, MSGs, choirs, middle and high school: we need your help! Participants are asked to donate a minimum of one dozen eggs. Drop off eggs at Heather Eddyʹs office, located outside the Library, no later than Friday, April 11. Contact Bill Taylor at for questions.
Join us April 20 as we celebrate the resurrection!
The Communicator ~ April 2014 7 7
The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270
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