The Communicator | April 2019

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The Communicator ~ April 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Welcome, New Sardis Members!


Saturday, April 27 · 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary at Sardis Featuring: Vierne’s Solemn Mass and Ola Gjello’s The Lake Isle; Free Concert, Donations accepted Tom Christian

Carolyn and Chick Byrd

Come and experience an expression of visual arts in photography projected as the choir, accompanied by guitar, strings, and piano, sings poetry by W.B. Yeats ‐ The Lake Isle of Innisfree.

Save the Date! May 4 9 a.m. Funds raised to benefit the children and youth

Amy and Michael Dockery

Christy and Jesse Tall

Children: William, James,

Children: Josiah, Journey,

music ministry. Register for the event at

and Mary Louise

Jericho, and Jamison (pictured) We hope to see you there!

2 The Communicator ~ April 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. April Friendship Connection

Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, will meet on Tuesday, April 16. The 11:00 a.m. program will be led by Dr. Jim Sasser. Dr. Sasser, a retired professor of history at Central Piedmont Community College, was with us in January and presented the program “North Carolina: Why We Are the Way We Are.” His April program will be “James K. Polk: Man of Commitment.” Lunch ($10) will follow at noon and reservations are needed for lunch. Make your reservation online at or call the reservation line: 704.926.1590.

Officer Nominations

Improved Medicare for All Forum

There are many talented, qualified people in Sardis and

Wednesday, May 1 · 7‐8:30 p.m. · Sardis House

your help is needed in identifying them. The Officer

Nominating Committee is seeking suggestions from the congregation for nominees to serve as Elders or Deacons.

Please prayerfully consider submitting a name for consideration for a particular ministry. You may submit nominations at the worship services on Sundays or online at The nomination deadline is April 28.








Americans today. The Congregational Life & Care Ministry invites you to join a panel of doctors and healthcare experts for a showing of the FIX IT film and a panel Q&A. RSVP to Pressly Gilbert at

Stewardship Tim Alba

As a Sunday school teacher for 20+ years I am often asked, why do you teach high schoolers? Jokingly parents will state that they struggle with their own teenagers and are not sure they are ready to face a broader group of teens. I too have felt this way in other areas of service at Sardis, and have found comfort that we raised our children in a strong community, a congregation that includes a broad range of talents. The church has always been there to support our family through childrenʹs programs, music, Logos, fellowship, Confirmation Partners, youth mission trips, choirs, recreation, and occasional events to help us as parents better understand the challenges that our youth have faced and continue to face.

I am fortunate to be part of a team of teachers; itʹs another example of the community of Sardis. So, why do I teach the high school class? Because they teach me. I work to prepare for Sundayʹs lessons, I outline key points and consider various discussion scenarios. Then on any given Sunday, the youth take over. Yes, we start with a story, seek insights from scripture, but then something happens. The Sardis commitments of time, talents, and treasures invested during the transformational years for these youth start to show, they begin to lead the discussion and I simply moderate... and sometimes just observe... in complete amazement.

I am thankful for those individuals who have (and who will) take time to reach out to our youth, volunteer, or support behind the scenes. I am thankful for those who give and pledge so that we can better plan resources. I am also thankful for those members that attend church regularly, demonstrating for our children the importance of community worship. Trust me, they notice.

Thank you for sharing your gifts. Together, we are Equipping Sardis for Godʹs Mission.

The Communicator ~ April 2019 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Sardis Soup for the Soul

Sardis Walkers

Once every six weeks, the top shelf of the freezer in the kitchen is stocked

All are invited to join the

with fresh, homemade chicken soup. Since 2005, over 1,000 quarts of soup

Sardis Walkers each Monday,

has fed the bodies and spirits of Sardis members and friends.

Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00

How can you get involved with the Sardis Soup for the Soul ministry?

a.m. in the Gathering Place. We


Make a monetary donation! It costs $75 to make a recipe of 30 quarts.

walk indoors for an hour. It is a


Help cook! We are always in need of those to help cook the soup.

great time of exercise and


Help deliver! We need occasional volunteers to help deliver soup to those


who need it.

Contact: Susan Hudson, at

Contact Barbara Lansche at 704.975.1941, or visit to find out more.

Stephen Ministry Has Returned to Sardis!

On February 24 we re‐commissioned Stephen Ministers who previously received 50 hours of training and served as confidential, one‐on‐one caring listeners at Sardis. Returning to service are: Debbie Coffield, Sam Coleman, Carolyn Eichenbrenner, Rob Frazer, Alma Jo Langston, Barbara Lansche, Joyce Long, Jerry Reed, Anne Shoaf, Christa Sumwalt, and George Zalaquett.

Stephen Ministers provide caring, confidential care for people going through difficult transition in life. If you would like to know more about Stephen Ministry or if you would like to receive care from a Stephen Minister, contact Jane Fobel, 704.366.1854 or

Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.

February Financial Highlights Pledges, gifts, and other revenue Expenses Net Total Annual Budget: $1,983,000


February expected

This year so far

This year so far expected





$138,212.63 $1,948.86

$146,946.10 ($96.10)

$291,507.22 $161,063.57

$306,104.70 $127,095.30

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Robert Hess; to the family of Bernard Smith; to Chris Lueck upon the death of his mother, Sheila Lueck; to the family of Natalie Earp; to Anita Ewing upon the death of her brother, Ed Gazi; to the family of William (Bill) Porter, Jr.; to Joe Barach upon the death of his mother‐in‐law, Martha Edwards Smith; to Chris Williams upon the death of her mother, Elaine Horn; and to the family of Bill Vessels. Congratulations: to Abby and David Torrence upon the birth of their daughter, Violet Victoria Torrence, and to grandparents, Jan and Julius Torrence; to Valerie Hetherington upon the birth of her granddaughter, Charlotte James Kenny; to Mary and Ray Boardman upon the birth of their grandson, Samuel Kent Boardman, and to Amy and Michael Dockery upon the birth of their daughter, Mary Louise Dockery. 4 The Communicator ~ April 2019


The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Sardis supports mission

workers in Niger/South Sudan,


Republic of the Congo, Haiti/Dominican Republic, Israel/Palestine, and Peru through Presbyterian World Mission.

Sending and supporting international mission personnel is one of the ways the Presbyterian Church (USA) is faithful to the commandment Christ gave us. These workers






peacemaking, advocacy, community development, and other important ministries.

Sardis members, Marge Lisciani and Hardin Moore,

work with the After‐School Tutoring Program at

You can read about each mission worker and the work

Rama Road Elementary School. If you would like to

they are doing at‐Out.

get involved in Planting Seeds of Hope, contact

You may contact the mission workers with questions and/

Anne Hollowell at

or praise regarding their work. Please keep each of these mission workers, and their work, in your prayers.

Haiti Inquirer’s Meeting

Join us in the Dining Room on May 5 at 10:00 a.m. to learn about Sardisʹ next trip to Bayonnais, Haiti on November 6‐13. We will discuss specifics of travel

Sunday, April 7

and what we will do during our stay. Come with

8:00 a.m. ‐ 12:30 p.m.

questions, listen to the experiences of those who

Education Hall

have been to Bayonnais, and be prepared to want to

Sign‐up to donate or volunteer at

go! If you have any questions, contact Brenda McKay ( or Pressly Gilbert (

Survival to Revival: A Story of Hope, Angels and BBQ Sauce

On Sunday, March 3, we were privileged to hear the inspiring story of Eugene Coleman and his journey from 20 years of homelessness to sobriety and a stable home. He had the help of many angels—a doctor, a woman with a message from God, and Kathy Izard at Urban Ministry who secured a home for him.

In addition, Scott Mercer, a Stephen Minister, became Coleman’s sponsor and they currently market a BBQ sauce, with the proceeds to aid the homeless.

Learn more about Coleman’s journey in Kathy Izard’s book, “The Hundred Story Home.” She has also written a follow‐up children’s book, “A Good Night for Mr. Coleman.”

The Communicator ~ April 2019 5

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Youth Sunday

Forty‐one different youth helped lead worship on Sunday, March 3 for our annual Youth Sunday! Six speakers shared their stories and related them to the Transfiguration of Jesus. If you would like a copy of the DVD from either the 9:00 or 11:00 worship services, please speak with Danelle Kime in the front office (704.366.1854).

Middle School Beach Retreat

Twenty‐eight people attended the Middle School Beach Retreat on March 22‐24, 2019. During their time together, they examined their lives to see what image they were portraying to everyone around them. Looking at company logos, we talked about what the company was trying to tell us about their products. Then we applied the same lens to our lives: how are we showing our faith through our life and actions.

The weather was great, if a little cooler than we had hoped, but everyone had a great time! Special thanks to Wendy Beauchemin, Brady Koesel, Heather Odean, and Robert Vanderford for going!

Join us for Middle School Sunday School!

What a great class of sixth and seventh graders! We meet each Sunday morning from 10:00‐10:45 a.m. in the Middle School room (Room 106). These young attorneys have debated across the aisles of retaining/removing the Magi verses in the Gospel of Matthew and have discussed creation vs. evolution.

These thespians have donned costumes to show Abraham taking his only son Isaac to sacrifice and have thrown Joseph in the well and sold him to mid‐eastern traders to spend half of his first 30 years in prison only to bow down to him later as a powerful man. One of the youth was falsely accused and almost hauled off to jail before one of our facilities team members posted his bail (the story of Potiphar’s wife and Joseph). We’re now moving into the life of Moses and know these wonderful actors will portray the man and his miracles with on‐going conversations with God. (We need to check with the Fire Marshal to see if we can have a “burning bush” in the class.)

Come to see us each Sunday morning. There is a fun activity/story awaiting you as we travel through our enjoyable journey of faith, which includes snacks each Sunday morning!

Cordially, Your Middle School Sunday Morning Teachers, Steven Seaborn and Linda & Doyle Williams

Summer Trips and Conferences It is time to register for the summer trips and conferences. Please visit our website ( youth) to register for any of our four major trips. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot today!

HS Mission Trip to Daytona (June 16‐23) · MS Charlotte Mission Adventure (June 26‐28) MS Montreat Youth Conference at Maryville College (July 17‐21) · HS Montreat Youth Conference (July 21‐27) 6 The Communicator ~ April 2019

“Let the little children come unto me.” Goodbye, Heather!

With gratitude for her 13 years of service to Sardis Presbyterian, we want to share with you that Heather Eddy’s last day was Sunday, March 10. She served many areas of the church, and her duties will be assumed by other staff members. For children’s ministry and nursery related items, please contact Katie Harrington (until we have our new full‐time Director of Children’s Ministry). Robin Medlock will be taking care of reservations, and Mark Slimer will be handling food and supplies. We give thanks to God for Heather’s time at Sardis.

Spend Time With Sardis’ Youngest Members


Your help is needed in the nursery and preschool on Sundays! Please

Bible School

consider volunteering to play, read Bible stories, and color pictures in

July 8 – 12

our nursery while preschool parents attend worship and Sunday School.


You don’t have to commit to a regular schedule! Choose your days!


Volunteers can be younger than 18 as long as there are two adults with them.


Read and sign the Child Safety Policy online at

Sardis Music & Arts Summer



Ready to volunteer? Sign‐up with our SignUp Genius found at

July 29 ‐ August 2 Register for both at!

Enroll Your Kids at Sardis Weekday School!

The Sardis Weekday School has limited space for the 2019‐2020 school year, so don’t hesitate to reserve your spot.

Are you looking for a half‐day preschool program for your child? The Sardis Weekday School offers a program for children ages 1‐5 from 9 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m. We have a variety of class offerings from 2‐5 days a week. Did you know that we offer a Transitional Kindergarten program for students who will not meet the kindergarten cutoff date or who need a bridge year to reinforce their skill set?

Our program offers a curriculum of hands‐on learning through exploration and sensory experiences while enhancing the building blocks of learning. We also offer weekly and bi‐weekly music with our music and movement teacher, Spanish with our Spanish teacher, and our storyteller who visits us monthly. We have many special guests who stop by to offer educational aspects such as dentists, librarians, and community helpers (police officers).

If you are interested in enrolling we would be happy to give you a tour of our program. You can visit our website,, contact us directly at 704.366.9681, or email our director, Elizabeth Angerson at

The Communicator ~ April 2019 7

The Communicator

Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,



8 The Communicator ~ April 2019

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