Ce program insert

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Each age has an individual class using the curriculum Wee Believe, published by the PC (USA), and is designed for active, eager learners.

Elementary, Kindergarten ~ Grade 5: Rooms 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209 G.R.A.C.E. Place: God Reaching All Children Everywhere Children participate in the workshop rotation model featuring classrooms designed to be kid‐pleasing and prepared for active learning. Groups of children rotate to one new workshop each week for the three to six week rotation period. During each rotation, students will be immersed in one Bible story or concept. This model allows all children to experience the way they prefer to learn. Worship Orientation, Grade 1: Rooms 205‐206 : September 8‐December 8. For first graders and their parents, this class helps prepare children to attend regular worship services with their families. Catechism, Grade 4: Room 106: September 8‐December 8. This class teaches the basics of Christian faith using the age‐ appropriate “Belonging to God” curriculum.

Youth Grade 6, Room 104: Old Testament Survey: An overview of surprising and inspiring stories in the Old Testament, focusing on faith’s beginnings and faithʹs heroes. Grade 7, Room 105: New Testament Survey: A study of the New Testament with an emphasis on the Gospels. Grade 8, Rooms 107‐108: Confirmation Class: A year long course designed to help youth explore their faith through study, retreats and community service. (First meeting only: Fellowship Hall) Grades 9 & 10, Room 101 and Grades 11 & 12, Room 102‐103: Both groups will be engaged in a study of the parables of Jesus introduced through videos that translate them into contemporary settings. The study and discussion will cover a multitude of topics.

Reaching Children Through the Church Wednesday Evenings 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The LOGOS Program is a midweek faith and fellowship program for ministry with children and their families in the local church. It is a structured retreat every week, in the middle of the week, that provides all the dynamics of a good camp/conference program, but is experienced in the context of the life of the congregation. It guarantees the growth of the intergenerational relationships that bond the entire congregation into an authentic community of faith. It quickly becomes the cornerstone of a church ’s effective and contagious youth and family ministry. Our Wednesday night program runs from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. We kick off our new year on September 11 and will end with our annual banquet on April 2, 2014. All parents take turns supporting our leadership team and staff. Our planning team has been working hard this summer to line up special guests, plan the schedule, and get prepared for our fall kick‐off. We invite you to become a part of our LOGOS program. The tuition is $100 per semester, which largely covers the cost of the meals for the children each week. Tuition may be paid in any schedule that meets the needs of your family. Partial scholarship money is available. For more information please contact Renda Brinson via phone at 704‐366‐1854 or email rendabrinson@sardis.org.


Preschool, Two, Three & Four‐Year‐Olds: Children’s Wing

Fall 2013 Classes


Children & Youth Sundays, 10:00 a.m. beginning September 8

Adult Church School Discussing Bible, Books and Topics: This is a roundtable forum class combining Bible study and a

discussion of issues related to our Christian faith and witness. Fall Study : Applying Biblical Principles to Work, Wealth, and the World, by R.C. Sproul, Jr. This is a series that includes a weekly 15‐20 minute video lesson followed by a look at biblical references and discussion questions. Teachers: Earl Brinson, Norm Schul, Mary Abernathy, Jane Williston Class Contact: Norm Schul Location: Room 111/112 (Education Hall)

Crossroads: This class helps members develop a deeper understanding of Godʹs word through lecture and discussion and better live out their faith at the ʺcrossroadsʺ encountered each day. Fall Study – In‐depth examination of the book of Exodus Teachers: Tim Eichenbrenner, Jerry Reed, Wells Tiedeman, Cynthia Harrison, Jan Rosser Class Contact: Mary Lou Mason Location: Room 213/214 (Fellowship Hall)

Open Door: This class follows a discussion/lecture format on biblical issues and studies, with a unique emphasis on service to others . All ages are welcome. Fall Study: A study of Genesis and Exodus using the Present Word Curriculum, including creation of the world, God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah and their heirs, and the Hebrew’s journey out of captivity toward freedom Teachers: Les Ingles, Martha Ellen Ingles, Max McLeod, Chuck McKay, Harry Tatum Class Contact: Les and Martha Ellen Ingles Location: Room 211/212 (Fellowship Hall)

Robert Pharr Men’s Class: Using a lecture/discussion format and occasional guest speakers, this class studies issues of faith from the perspective of men’s concerns. Ages 40 & up. Fall Study: Class members suggest various topics for each class. Teachers: Ed Harrison, John Schneider, Clay Thomas, Art Bolz Class Contact/Coordinator: Bill Hester Location: Room 215 (Fellowship Hall)

Reading for Reformed Reflection: Members read and discuss designated books. Fall Selection: When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner Teachers: Jane Fobel, Dale LeCount Contact: Jane Fobel Location: Room 217 (Fellowship Hall)

Java: Recognizing that Christian fellowship is one of the

Wednesdays Beginning September 18, Sardis House, 6:15 p.m. ‐ 7:15 p.m. ~ Programs for All Ages

strongest bonds between people, this class focuses on fellowship and great discussions. Designed and led by class members, everyone will walk away with a renewed spirit! Fall Study: Troublesome Bible Passages, each class is a “stand alone” session, focused on a biblical passage that raises challenging questions. Teachers: Kristen Armstrong, Aric Beals Class Contact: Class Members Location: Room 210 (Education Hall)

Participants may bring a bag dinner. Beverages will be provided. There will be no catered meal . Guest speakers will cover topics relevant to the program study. Participants are welcome to carry in dinner. Beverages will be provided, but no catered meal will be available. September 18: Romans 8 William P. Wood, Retired Sr. Pastor, First Presbyterian Church Charlotte September 25: Prodigal Son – Luke 15 Millie Snyder, Assoc. Executive Pastor, Myers Park Presbyterian Church

Bible Study for Women: Designed for women of all ages, this class offers

October 9:

Contemporary Christian Issues: “The Sins We All Enjoy: The Seven Deadly Sins” This class welcomes a

Alpha and Omega Study This is an in‐depth look at the first and last books of the Bible: Genesis and Revelation. The goal of each study is to enable class members to engage in a genuine encounter with God’s Word and, through that encounter, deepen their call to more faithful discipleship. Fall Study: The Disciple Bible Study Curriculum “Invitation to Genesis” will be the basis of this ten week study of Genesis. The study will be offered at three different times each week. All meetings are held in the Sardis House. A study book is available for $11. Contact jane.fobel@sardis.org for more information. 1. Sunday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., Jane Fobel, leader. September 8 through November 10. 2. Tuesday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Renda Brinson, leader. September 10 through November 12. 3. Thursday mornings, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., Jane Fobel, leader. September 12 through November 14.

Exploring the Bible Our study for the first semester will be “Life Principles for Following Christ: Twelve Portraits of Our Savior. “ This study will provide a journey through the entire Bible to discover the many names used to describe Jesus. Beginning September 12, we will meet each week Thursday morning from 10:00 ‐ 11:30 a.m. in the Sardis House. A book will be available for $10. To register and order your book, contact Renda Brinson at 704‐366‐1854 or renda.brinson@sardis.org.

The Intertestamental Period Renda Brinson, Christian Education Director, Sardis Presbyterian Church

October 16 Romans 11:33‐12:2 Larry James, Pastor, Grier Heights Presbyterian Church

Fall Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Favorite Bible Passages

October 2: Psalms 137 and 139, Tom Kort, Senior Pastor, Sardis Presbyterian Church

opportunities for discussion and reflection on chosen topics. Guest speakers will present special topics three to four times a year. Fall Topic: An in‐depth study on the Gospel of Matthew Teachers: Pat Campbell, Brent Scott Class Contact: Pat Campbell Location: Church Parlor (Sanctuary Building)

variety of speakers and explores how Christian faith engages and interacts with current events. Fall Study: “The Sins We All Enjoy” Teacher: Dr. Tom Kort Coordinators: Wendy Solomon, Elizabeth Campbell, Mitch Campbell, Niki Koesel, Darrell Myers, Joe & Lyn Sutterlin Class Contact: Elizabeth Campbell Location: Mission Hall (Sardis House)

Fall Theme:

October 23

Ezekiel 37 Allison Barnhill, Bible leader, BSF

October 30

Jeremiah 29 Jane Fobel, Associate Pastor, Sardis Presbyterian Church

Mustard Seed Group This small group ministry allows members to grow in faith and deepen the bonds of fellowship. Check the Sardis website, www.sardis.org, for a complete list of Mustard Seed Groups and meeting times.

This year there are some new groups forming: A Men’s Group will begin meeting during lunch at Matthews Presbyterian Church, with Randy Long as leader. Contact Randy at j.randy.long@gmail.com for details. A Women’s Group for those aged 40 and above, led by Pat Campbell on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at noon a the church. Contact Pat at rmwc1997@bellsouth.net. A Women’s Group, named LOGOS (Ladies On the Go), which introduces women to small group participation in a busy world. Says leader Beverly Naumann, “It is three fall rest stops for ladies on the go! Itʹs easy to get lost in this fast paced, ‘instant‐ everything’ world. We can ‘Fax The Facts!’ but there is no place that can fax you a friend. Ladies on the go need to know there is a place for them to find fellowship with new friends and reconnect with their BFF!” Time: 5:30 to 6:45, “Chew & Chat “ ‐ bring you own ʺon the goʺ dinner; “Soul Food” programs start at 6:00 p.m. Location: Room 215, Fellowship Hall Fall Study Series: Sept. 18 ‐ “Honk! This place is for the Birds!” ‐ a ’flock’ of lessons; Oct. 16 ‐ “Show & Tell: Story Book Mentors”; Nov. 13 ‐ “What a Day. Iʹve Had It! “ Heʹs been there, done that ‐ Luke 9:34‐55.

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