December 2013 communicator

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The Communicator Published monthly by

December 2012

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Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship

Sunday Morning Worship Services 9:00 a.m. Blended Worship with Contemporary Music

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship & Music

December 2: The Lighting of the Prophet’s Candle Sacrament of Holy Communion at both worship services Dr. Kort’s homily is titled “Love’s Pure Light”

December 9: The Lighting of the Bethlehem Candle Dr. Kort’s sermon title is “Gifts You Can’t Buy Online”

December 16: The Lighting of the Shepherd’s Candle Dr. Kort’s meditation is titled “Do You Have a Favorite Christmas Song?” Our choirs and instrumentalists will present special musical offerings at both services. At 9:00 a.m. worship the Celebration Singers will lead us in a worship service as we anticipate the birth of our Savior. Don’t miss Mary Ann Green singing “Mary, Did You Know,” as well as other Christmas favorites. At 11:00 a.m. worship the Sanctuary Choir will present “Come Savior of the Nations” a collection of beloved carols and anthems, including “O Holy Night,” tracing the holy season from Advent through Christmas, interspersed with writings of Dietrich Bonhoffer. “Come, Savior of the Nations” will include organ, handbells, and timpani.

December 23: The Lighting of the Angel’s Candle Dr. Kort’s sermon title is “Christmas Clutter” See the back of this Communicator for Christmas Eve Services information.

Sardis Presbyterian Church · 6100 Sardis Road · Charlotte, NC 28270 · 704-366-1854 ·

Advent at sardis

He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.

Join us this Advent Season... December 1: The Lighting of the Prophet’s Candle Sacrament of Holy Communion at both services Dr. Kort’s meditation: “Who Invited Him?”

Sunday Morning Worship Services 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

December 8: The Lighting of the Bethlehem Candle Dr. Kort’s sermon: “When God Changed His Address” December 15: The Lighting of the Shepherd’s Candle Dr. Kort’s sermon: “Christmas Interruptions” December 22: The Lighting of the Angel’s Candle Dr. Kort ‘s sermon: “What Angels Love to Say” 7

December 24: Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. A family worship service in the Fellowship Hall Dr. Kort’s meditation: “Christmas At Grandma’s” 7:30 p.m. & 11:00 p.m. The Lighting of the Christ Candle Candlelight service and Holy Communion in the Sanctuary Dr. Kort’s meditation: “Welcome Home” *Childcare is available at the 4:00 and 7:30 services* December 29: One worship service at 10:00 a.m. Guest preacher, Rev. Tom Winstead

We are excited about the music that will be offered in worship this season led by our new Minister of Music, Jared Daugherty. The music will be selected from the following: Contemporary Worship Music Selections: Offering– Paul Baloche Mary Did You Know– Mark Lowery Immanuel– Michael Card O Come All Ye Faithful– John Reading Do You Hear What I Hear? Born That we May Have Life– Chris Tomlin


Traditional Worship Music Selections: Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates– William Mathias Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming– Michael Praetorius A Carol for all Seasons- Alpha Ringers Comfort, Comfort You My People– Psalm 42 Love Came Down at Christmas– John Rutter A New Year Carol– Benjamin Britten

The Communicator ~ December 2013

“Let the little children come unto me.”

Advent is a time of anticipation and celebration – feelings that are easily embraced and expressed by children. It is a gift to see the joy of the season reflected in the “And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them” children’s faces; it reminds us of the true reason for the season: waiting for the Christ Child. Mark your calendars and make your reservations today! Breakfast with Mary and Joseph, Saturday, December 7 at 9:00 a.m. Join us for a family meal, celebrate the Christmas story and create a Christ Candle (the center of the Advent Wreath) for your home. Reservations can be made at Children’s Message in Worship Children will be invited forward during worship to watch the lighting of the Advent Wreath and receive a small representative candle to take home. The weekly Family News will also explain the meaning of each Advent candle. Annual Christmas Dinner, Wednesday, December 11. ALL CHILDREN ARE INVITED to join in singing the final song. Rehearsals will be held on November 20 and December 4 at 5:00 p.m.; music will also be provided for practice at home. Dinner reservations are required and can be made at Please contact Renda Brinson,, if your children plan to participate so we have enough costumes. Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, December 15, during the Sunday school hour (10:00 a.m.) There will be a preschool pageant and an elementary/youth pageant. Rehearsals will be November 21 and December 5 (Preschool : 4:00-5:00 pm and Elementary: 5:00-6:00pm). Please contact Renda Brinson,, if your children will be participating.

Christian Education Connect@Sardis : A New Year, A New Time ! 7:00 pm—8:00 pm Connect@Sardis, a midweek educational opportunity for adults, will return Wednesday, Jan. 15 with a new time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. We will begin with a fourweek study on what it means to be a Christian in the world today, titled “The Intersection of Culture and Religion,” led by Heather Eddy, Assistant Director of Christian Education. Heather writes, “Everyone has an iPod on – we are rarely without noise and if it’s not talking, it’s music. On the weekends, sports coverage takes up more than a quarter of TV and newspaper coverage. News channels are devoted to politics 24 hours a day. And we all want to know what the latest invention is… what will help me feel better or do something better? Unfortunately, with change and technology, pop-culture has also changed how we as Christians have to relate to the ambivalence surrounding us. How do we do that? Can popculture and religion be separated? Should they be? How can we reconcile things like science and politics with religion, especially when these fields are rarely friendly towards religion? We’re told that we are not to love the world or the things of the world… yet we can neither escape it nor isolate ourselves or our families from it without impairing our ability to engage in the Great Commission. How then do we live?” Join us as we consider the intersection of religion and culture in these four areas: Religious Culture and Sports (Jan. 15); Religious Culture and Music (Jan. 22); Religious Culture and Science (Jan. 29); Religious Culture and Politics (Feb. 5) Join us Feb. 12 and 19 as Renda Brinson, Director of Christian Education, leads a two- week study on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit titled “The Hobbit in Film and Literature: A Hero’s Faith Journey.”

2013 Advent Devotional : “Making Room for Jesus – In Advent and Always” The 2013 Advent Devotional Booklet is now available! It was created from devotionals written by the Sardis church family and includes contributions from all ages—first graders through retirees. Copies are available in the church narthex or at

Alpha and Omega Bible Study: We will begin Jan. 5, 7, and 9 with a study of Revelation.

Each study will be offered at three different times each week: Sundays, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm, and Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am. Participants need to order The Book of Revelation: Visions for the Church in Crisis, $15. Contact Jane Fobel at 704-366-1854 or to order. The Communicator ~ December 2013


Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Sardis’ Annual Christmas Banquet December 11, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

2013 Loaves & Fishes Food Drive Thank you to all who contributed to our November Loaves and Fishes Food Drive. We collected an amazing number of bags of food! Many thanks for sharing with those who are struggling to provide food for their families.

In the Fellowship Hall

Spaghetti Sauce Sunday Collections continue the first Sunday of each month. In addition to the Loaves and Fishes offering, we collected 23.4 pounds in November!

The upcoming Sardis blood drive will be held on Sunday, January 26 in the Education Hall from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Further registration details will be included in the January issue of The Communicator, or you may contact Mike Bowen at or 704-756-8295 for more information.

FILL A STOCKING AND YOU’LL FILL A CHILD’S HEART Can you imagine not being able to provide any toys for your little ones on Christmas day? Can you imagine being a child and not receiving anything on Christmas? The Salvation Army Christmas Stocking Program provides filled stockings for children and families in need. Stockings are available in the Gathering and should be returned to the marked collection bins in the hallway across from the library by December 8. Please consider picking up one or more stockings and filling them with simple items to brighten a child’s Christmas. Our goal is to fill 250 stockings. Use this opportunity to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas and teach your own children/ grandchildren the value of giving. Contact Susan Hudson at 704-366-4825 or Thank you in advance. 10

He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.

The farmer’s market with mission in their heart! Thank you for shopping at go-go fresco. Your support helped raise $750 for Planting Seeds of Hope, our partnership with Rama Road Elementary School. go-go fresco will be taking a break for the winter, but will be back with your favorite local, fresh fruits and veggies in the spring!

Community Service Reminders: December 1 10-Cents A Meal Offering Spaghetti Sauce Sunday

CROP Walk Update Sardis raised $13,206 for the Charlotte CROP Walk held Sunday, October 13. Our donations will be used in the Charlotte area as well as world-wide to provide necessities for those in need. Thanks to the 60-plus adults and youth and their sponsors who made this such an amazing event!

The Communicator ~ December 2013

Join us for a traditional roasted turkey holiday dinner, with all the trimmings. We have a story to tell: Experience a glorious musical pageant featuring a spectacular procession of costumed performers of Bethlehem. You will meet a heavenly host of singing angels, joyful townspeople, Mary and Joseph, watching shepherds, gift-bearing wise men and the children of Bethlehem. Register online at or mail in the form at right. Reservation deadline is Sunday, December 8.

Advent at sardis

Sardis’ Annual Christmas Banquet RESERVATION FORM Name: ___________________________________________________ _____ Adults @ $12.00 = $ ______ _____ Children (10 & under) Small Plate $4.00 = $ ______ _____ Children (10 & under) Pizza Plate $4.00= $_______ Do you require transportation from Plantation Estates? Yes____ Names & Ages of Children Requiring Childcare: ___________________________________, age _______ ___________________________________, age _______ ___________________________________, age _______ ___________________________________, age _______ Please mail along with your check to: Christmas Dinner Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270

DEADLINE: Sunday, December 8

Breakfast with Mary & Joseph: December 7, 9:00 a.m. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast, creating a Christ candle for the children’s Advent celebration, and relive the story of the birth of Jesus. The cost is $10 per family or $4.00 per person. Register at

Lessons & Carols: a gently-paced service

Sunday, December 8, 3:00–3:30 p.m. In the Chapel This service includes Holy Communion and is specially designed for persons who have conditions that limit their ability to sit for an hour-long service. Families are encouraged to invite senior relatives and those with disabilities.

Christmas Tree Order Form ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 Payment: Cash (exact amount) or Check Pay when you pick up your tree. Pick-up: Wednesday, December 4, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Name: ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Please circle the size tree you want:

A Service of Hope & Remembrance

6’ = $28 number: _____ 7’ = $36 number: _____

8’ = $48 number: _____ 9’ = $55 number: _____

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $__________

Tuesday, December 10, 7:00 p.m. In the Chapel

Make checks to FOSTER FARMS.

This service will be a time to remember and give thanks for the life of a loved one who has died; it will be a time to claim anew the certain promises that are ours through our Savior, whose birth we celebrate.

Mail order form to: Christmas Tree Orders Attn: Lorinna Lowrance/Linda Tucker Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC 28270

The Communicator ~ December 2013


Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Continuing the Sardis Legacy: Sardis Gift Trust “If you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?” Matthew 7:11 In a little more than a year, Sardis Presbyterian Church will be celebrating its 225th birthday. The Sardis founders undoubtedly had no idea what their legacy would be in 2015. However, all Sardis members today benefit from this legacy. It is amazing what has been accomplished by Sardis over the centuries in the name of Christ. However, we bear the responsibility to provide for our future good works. Each of us has the opportunity to contribute to the Sardis legacy through the Sardis Gift Trust. We have the opportunity by providing a financial gift in trust today, or simply by including Sardis in our will. History indicates to us that Sardis will have many needs. Some needs are known today, while others in our future are unknown. There will always be capital needs, program enrichments, mission projects, and unanticipated opportunities. The Sardis Gift Trust Commission is ready to assist you in suggesting known funding needs, or advise and assist you already with your existing ideas on how you want to establish your Sardis legacy. We share in the opportunity to become part of the Sardis legacy, just as our founders did in 1790. Prayerfully consider how you can become a participant in the Sardis legacy. To learn more about Sardis Gift Trust you can refer to the brochure found in the information racks around campus. For additional information, contact Ed Shoaf 704.365.9609 /

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Lay Ministry

Our New Season Begins Sunday, December 1 Sardis will once again be participating in the Room in the Inn (RITI) program beginning on December 1, 2013 and continuing through the end of March, 2014. As we have done in past years, we will host every Sunday and Wednesday night at the Sardis House for a total of 35 nights. If you want to be involved, please contact Les Ingles at 704-654-5194 or via e-mail at Or you can go to, and in the Service Opportunities box under Room in the Inn, click "View service opportunity info," complete and submit the form.

Want To Buy the Perfect Gift? Consider the Alternative Gift Market Sardis’ Alternative Gift Market gives you a chance to honor someone at Christmas and also provide support for someone in need. The Alternative Gift Market is a quick and easy way to get all of your Christmas shopping done in just one place! When you give an Alternative Gift Market gift you can provide medical supplies and school supplies for people in Haiti. You can also help fight hunger and poverty around the world through a gift for Heifer International, or keep it local and help support the Allegro Foundation, Crisis Assistance Ministry, or Loaves and Fishes. Find more information online at or shop at the Gift Market on these dates: Christmas Dinner – December 11 or on Sunday mornings before and after Sunday school hour on December 1, 8, and 15.

Sardis & Soup – Sardis Caring for Sardis Members

9:00 a.m. Worship Moving to Fellowship Hall this January In January, our 9:00 am worship service will be moved from the Sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall. The Session approved this recommendation that came from the Music Selection Committee and the Worship Committee. Why the move? There are a number of reasons:  Last year our officers and nearly 280 Sardis members participated in open discussions to help us identify

important long range goals. One message that came out of this process loud and clear was a desire on the part of many for a “truly contemporary” worship service. We believe this change will help us engage current and new worshipers in God’s kingdom here at Sardis.  The message from the long range planning study was reinforced during our search for a new Minister of

Music. During the process of interviewing candidates, the members of the selection committee heard from every single final candidate the opinion that we need to move the service to a space that would incorporate technology and the use of screens and to allow for greater flexibility in worship space.  Most of all, we want to use all the creative arts at our disposal to create an inspiring worship experience

that is pleasing to God. There are so many technological tools available now that can enhance the visual and musical experience of worship, but many of them, particularly the use of screens, just don’t work in our sanctuary. Of course, we continue to be invested in offering excellent traditional worship in our beautiful Sanctuary with our impressive pipe organ, which is one of the best in the nation. At Sardis, we value all types of worship that inspire us to glorify God. We will also be working to see how best to transform the Fellowship Hall into an inspiring setting, with the sound, video, and aesthetic features and equipment we will need for contemporary worship.


The Communicator ~ December 2013

Have you been in the hospital and the day or week you returned home you receive the gift of a specially cooked meal from someone? What a gift this is! This allows a person to focus on resting and feeling better, and allows the family to focus on taking care of their loved one.“ Sardis & Soup”, is a special outreach program. It is Sardis members taking care of Sardis members. Here’s how it works: A very special group of ladies in the church prepare soup for delivery. As pastors and members become aware of a family in need, our volunteers will be contacted to deliver soup to the family. The soup is frozen in containers at the church and can be picked up from the church kitchen and delivered at the volunteer’s convenience within the week. What an easy volunteer activity that takes a small amount of time, but means so much. Sallie Crossley said, “I have enjoyed the wonderful experience of delivering soup to church members who I had never had the opportunity to meet. In some instances, I have visited a short time and others I have delivered the soup only. The recipient is always happy to receive the soup.” How can you help? So glad you asked! In order to sustain this program we need volunteers to deliver soup. Yes, this opportunity can be as little or as much as you like. Also remember, you may sign up to deliver and there may not be a need for delivery during your week. Volunteers have signed up several times throughout the year and never been called, other weeks they have delivered once or twice. Please go to and sign up today to deliver soup. What a wonderful way to lift up our fellow Sardis members and let them know we care!!! Questions? Contact Anne Sweeney at

Help make Christmas special for the neediest children at Rama Road Elementary Don't forget to visit the Angel Tree in the Gathering Place! The Sardis Angel Tree serves the neediest children at Rama Road Elementary School. If you haven't done so, please choose an angel and return wrapped gifts to the church by Sunday, December 8. We also need volunteers to assist with the gift delivery on Saturday, December 14. For more information, contact Marilyn Dougherty at 704-847-8903 or The Communicator ~ December 2013


Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Pictured below is the 2014 Sardis Confirmation Class. The class consists of both new and life-long Sardis members , whose interests and activities include singers, dancers, drummers, athletes, guitarists, scouts, musicians, school officers, cheerleaders, and much more. All are here to learn more about God and faith. We are thankful for them and to Sardis for providing this opportunity.

Emma Walker

Thomas Sessoms

Drew Peterson

Abby Tucker

Camden Nelson


Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Diaconate Highlights, November 2013 

The annual cookie and flower delivery for Silver Circle members is being coordinated for delivery December 6-7.

The Salvation Army Christmas stocking drive is under way for this year and full stockings need to be returned by December 8.

The Christmas dinner is set for December 11.

Fellowship is coordinating a trip to the Billy Graham Library to see all the decorations and enjoy a buffet dinner at their location.

Senior Link is coordinating a gently placed service for Sunday December 8 at 3:00 pm.

Session Minutes were not available at time of printing. Complete minutes for recent meetings are at, and also available along with archived minutes in the Library.

Update from the Search Committee for an Associate Pastor for Young Families

Paul Green

Anna Hudnall

Ben Duyck

Caroline Alba

The search committee has been working diligently alongside members of the Presbytery to complete the Ministry Information Form (MIF) that is required to initiate a search for the ordained position. The committee is nearing completion of the MIF and, once completed, will submit the form to Session for approval.

Jane Keady

Once approved, the MIF will be submitted to the Presbytery for official posting where interested candidates will begin to apply.

We are encouraged with the accomplishments to date and the enthusiasm amongst the committee members as we work to fill this important position. We ask for your continued prayers. Committee members include Kristi GallimoreBrownlee, Laurie Hoots, Moby Moore, Jason Solomon, Stacey Vanderwel, and Jeff Wilkinson.

Update from the Search Committee for a Youth Director Andrew Carroll

Callie Cain 8

Chase Riddell

Paul Cope

Taylor Selembo

Jackson Jelenick

Caroline Lueck

Grace Koch

The Communicator ~ December 2013

Committee members Doug Banks, Andrea Kepley, Amy Read, Joe Peterson, Brett Harris and Mary B. Saclarides continue the search for our new youth director. The committee has broadened the candidate pool to include both non-ordained and ordained individuals. The necessary Ministry Information Form (MIF) required by the Presbytery for ordained candidates has been completed and approved by Session. Several candidates have been screened and will be making visits to Charlotte to meet in person with the search committee and pastoral staff. The committee asks for your continued prayers in their search.

Tanner Boylan

Gracie Bartel

Holly Sapp

Our Christian Sympathy: To Paula Banks upon the death of her father, Harry Jordan; to Margaret Steitz upon the death of her aunt, Nancy McKenna; to Mary Cain upon the death of her husband, Bill Cain; to Mary Noble upon the death of her mother, Phyllis Ann Sheneberger; to Ron Turner upon the death of his wife, Dianne Turner; to Eliabeth Jetton upon the death of her husband, Thomas Jetton; to Ann Lucus upon the death of her father Rev. Larry McCracken; and to Liz Alba upon the death of her mother, Lib Smith. Congratulations: To parents Terry and Whitney Kramer and grandmother Patti Kramer upon the birth of Anna Morgan Kramer. The Communicator ~ December 2013


Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

The church office will be closed Wednesday & Thursday, December 25 & 26, for the Christmas holiday. Any closings or delays due to bad weather will be announced on WSOC-TV and in an email to the congregation.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLEDGE TO SARDIS! The Stewardship Ministry would like to thank all the members who have already made a pledge for 2014. We are truly grateful for the support you have shown to Sardis. If you have not yet submitted a pledge card, please do so soon. Your pledge is essential as the officers work to create a budget for 2014. We are currently at 302 pledges totaling $1,319,334.92 . Pledge cards can be found in the Narthex, or pledges can be made online at

October Financial Report Sardis maintained a strong financial position through October, with financial gifts slightly below budget and expenses under budget. October

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gifts, and other budget revenue








Net Total




Annual budget: $2,062,250

End-of-Year Reminders from the Finance Office As you complete your 2013 commitments and gifts and make your pledge for 2014, please keep in mind the following helpful hints from the Finance Office:

Thank you for making the ministry of this church possible! You can make a quick gift at in two ways: either under the “give” tab or by logging into your MySardis account.

U. S. Post Office no later than December 31, 2013. Any donations received with a postmark of January will be credited to 2014. Contribution statements will be mailed in December showing your 2013 giving activity from October 1 – November 30. Your tax statement with your complete contribution record should be mailed by January 15, 2014. time of year. If you wish to donate stock, please contact David Cauble of Transitions Wealth Management, LLC, at 704-272-1969, or call the church office and we will be glad to send a form with all of the information that you need. This form is also available on the “Give” tab at

Flowers for our Sanctuary If you’d like to place flowers in our sanctuary, we have a number of openings on our 2014 calendar. Each Sunday, the two arrangements that grace our sanctuary are provided by Roseland Floral Company at a cost to the donor of $130. The flowers you donate may be designated in honor or in memory of loved ones or to mark a special occasion. If you are interested, please contact Karen Carpenter at 704-366-2218 or 6


The Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, will meet on Tuesday, December 17 at 11 am in the Sardis House. We will enjoy a program by the Carriage Club Chorus featuring music of the season, followed by lunch at noon. Lunch is $8 per person and reservations are required by Friday, December 13. To make a lunch reservation call 704-926-1590, or register at

Friendship Connection: December 17

Save the date for the 2014 Women of Sardis Retreat! We will get away for two nights at the Dogwood Retreat Center in beautiful Lake Norman, NC, Friday, February 7 through Sunday, February 9, 2014. It will be a study of Samuel’s Mother, Hannah. This year our retreat leader will be Allison Barnhill. You may remember that Allison was our guest speaker at the Women of Sardis Spring Dinner. Also joining us this year, back by popular demand, will be Richard Ramsey. Richard will lead us in music. You can download the registration form at and mail it in with a check to Sardis Presbyterian Church, 6100 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC 28270. The cost is $130 (includes meals) and registrations are due by Monday, January 20, 2014. Questions? Contact Pat Campbell at


Spring Retreat

 All 2013 contributions must be postmarked by the

 We appreciate all gifts given to Sardis during this

We typically receive about 25 percent of revenue in the months of November and December.

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

The Communicator ~ December 2013

Weekday School Registration 2014-2015 Registration for the 2014-2015 school year begins in January! We enroll children from 6 months–6 years. January 6 Monday, January 27 Tuesday, January 28

Currently enrolled children and their siblings Church members not currently enrolled Community

New registrations will be accepted in the Director’s office beginning at 9:30 a.m. on the dates above. Questions? Contact Louise Lippi, Director: or 704-366-9681. Crib 6 – 12 months 1 day (Monday) 2 day (Monday/Tuesday) Toddlers: must be one by August 31 2 day (Monday/Wednesday) 2 day (Tuesday/Thursday) Two-year-olds: must be two by August 31 2 day (Tuesday/Thursday) 3 day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

Three-Year-olds must be three by August 31 3 day (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) 4 day (Monday-Thursday) Four-Year-olds – must be four by August 31 4 day (Monday-Thursday) 5 day (Monday-Friday)

The Communicator ~ December 2013


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