February 2014 communicator

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Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Richard & Barbara Conder join us by Letter of Transfer from Rockingham, NC. They are a retired couple with grown children. Richard retired from Wachovia, and Barbara from Richmond Community College.

Alice Rickel joins us by Letter of Transfer. She is married to Scott. Alice works at South Charlotte Middle School.

Marie Cutlip joins us by Letter of Transfer from LeHigh, FL. She is a retired school teacher from the Florida public school system, and has two grown children.

Steve Marquis joins us by Reaffirmation of Faith. He works with Transamerica Employee Benefits.

Darin & Melissa Charnock join us by Reaffirmation of Faith. They have two children: Charles, 11 and Summer, 8. Darren is an employee of AXA, and Melissa works for IT Vanguard.

Jonathan & Stephanie Dillion join us by Letter of Transfer from Greensboro, NC. They have two sons; Charles, 11 and Tyler, 7. Stephanie is a stay‐at‐ home mom, while Jonathan works for Berkley Southeast Insurance.

The next new member class begins March 2. Contact Rev. Alice Johnson if you would like information about joining Sardis: 704‐366‐1854/alice.johnson@sardis.org.

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: To Roddy Kerr upon the death of his mother Francella Kerr; to John Seaborn upon on the death of his father, Steve Seaborn; to friends and family upon the death of Charles Williams, Jr.; to friends and family upon the death of Gail Culbertson; to friends and family upon the death of Louise McKittrick; to Sandra Vaughn upon the death of her mother, Melba Moore, and to John Carriker, Jr. upon the death of is sister‐in‐law, Loretta Carriker.

Congratulations: to grandparents Sylvia and Robert Zwick on the birth of Ayden Zwick, and to parents Sean and Rebecca Jones and grandparents John and Betty Welch on the birth of Rachel Caroline Jones.

2 The Communicator ~ February 2014

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

A Change in the By‐Laws The Session approved recommending to the congregation changing the number of Elders and Deacons in each class from ten to eight beginning with the classes selected in 2014. This is in response to a recommendation from the 2012 Church Officer Nominating Committee and reviewed by current and former Clerks of Session Curtis Williams, Mary Jane Whittington, Jackie Camp, Anne Shoaf, and Jeanne Hammons. Rationale behind this decision includes the following: • On both a national and local level, The Presbyterian Church USA recognizes the need for governing bodies to become leaner and more effective in administration and organization. The Book of Order has reflected this movement by allowing and returning more and more decisions to the local church. • Over the years we have all witnessed a change and reduction of available volunteer hours. This is true in the church today. Volunteers are limited in time commitments as they balance family, careers, and church. • By reducing the number of Elders/Deacons in each class, we will still maintain those values we all cherish at Sardis: Being dedicated Servants of the Lord, Jesus Christ; personal relationships among officers; a representative form of government that welcomes diversity; strong lay involvement by all members of the congregation who will continue to serve on our established sessional and diaconate ministries and church commissions; respect for the Polity of the Presbyterian Church USA in an ever changing world.

Financial Report: Year‐End and 2014 Budget Year‐End 2013 The largest portion of income for the church is given by those who make a pledge commitment at the beginning of the year, and in 2013 you faithfully honored these commitments. Over 96 percent of dollars pledged at the beginning of 2013 were received. Many others support Sardis throughout the year without making an official pledge, or make additional gifts above and beyond their pledge. Thank you to all for your support and faithfulness!

Your ministry leaders responsibly managed expenses in 2013, and came in under budget. Altogether, Sardis ended 2013 slightly over what was budgeted: 2013 Budget 2013 actual variance

percent difference

The Session and the congregation have affirmed that meaningful worship and supporting families are two of our highest priorities. We know that, more than any other factor, getting the right talent and leadership in place is what will help Sardis make our vision for ministry a reality.

The budget approved by Session for 2014 reflects this vision for expanding ministry. All ministry areas except Personnel will be allocated the same budget as in 2013. The Personnel budget is based on a “best guess” of when we will be bringing in new staff. Obviously, if reality doesn’t match up to this guess we will need to adjust in other areas, and the Finance ministry will be closely monitoring expenses and income in 2014.

For those who are interested, a full copy of the 2014


$2,062,250 $1,976,662 -$85,588

-4.3% budget is available by contacting the church office, and

expenses Net annual total

$2,062,384 $2,009,419 -$52,965

-2.6% will also be included as information in the 2013 Annual

Report, which will be available February 9th. -$32,623


Plans for 2014 Two selection committees are currently hard at work seeking our next Youth Director and a new Associate Pastor who will work to support, attract, and retain young families. Additional personnel will also be hired in the area of music.

Stewardship is excited to report that the average pledge in 2014 is 14 percent higher than in 2013. Overall, pledge commitments for 2014 surpass 2013 by over $100,000.

Thank you again to all of you who support the mission of Sardis with your financial gifts. You are demonstrating what true discipleship means, and are changing lives through your gifts to Sardis.

The Communicator ~ February 2014 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Youth/ Scout Sunday: February 2 Youth / Scout Sunday is February 2, 2014. There will be one service in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. followed by a reception for our Sardis youth, the congregation, scouts and their families at 11:00 a.m. in the Education Hall. Sunday School will be at 9:00 a.m. Help us Tackle Hunger February 2 Please bring cash for our Souper Bowl of Caring Girl’s Softball Sign‐Ups Spring Softball opens in February! Registration is February 9‐23. The cost is $50 Register and pay at www.sardis.org or in the Gathering Place on February 16. This league is for middle and high school girls. The season runs March through May with a tournament to end the season. For more information contact Tim Little at: timlittle3@gmail.com or 704.365.0353.

Youth Auction: March 2, 2014 The Youth Ministry is sponsoring a silent auction to raise money for this summer’s Belize International Mission trip and Montreat Youth Conference. The day’s schedule is as follows: Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Auction Preview 9:00 a.m.‐9:50 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Auction 11:00 a.m.– Noon Lunch & Entertainment Noon‐12:45 p.m. Item Check Out 12:45 p.m.‐1:30 p.m. If anyone in the congregation has new items, vacation homes, gift cards, or sports tickets they would like to donate to the auction, please contact Joel Kepley at kepley5@windstream.net or a Belize / Montreat Youth participant. The youth program appreciates the generous support of our congregation!

Take Sardis with you! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


@sardispres @sardispres

collection on Sunday, February 2. The collection will benefit the Urban Ministry Center Soup Kitchen, feeding Charlotte’s homeless every day. The UMC Soup Kitchen, which served 99,230 lunches last year, is open to all. Neighbors do not have to share their names, participate in any programs, or even say thank you. They feed the hungry, but have found that the Soup Kitchen is a crucial first step to getting neighbors on the path to end homelessness.

Yoga at Sardis Commit to taking care of yourself in 2014. Please join us for a fun, safe, alignment‐based yoga class for all levels. We meet in the Sardis House on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m.‐10:30 a.m. The cost is only $5 per class....the best deal in town! Bring your yoga mat and a friend. Please contact Cay Moore PT, RYT 200 with any questions at: caymoore@bellsouth.net.

Friendship Connection: Tuesday, February 18 The Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, meets the third Tuesday of the month for a program and lunch. Join us on February 18 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House Mission Hall for a program led by Bill Thompson on “Growing Up in North Carolina.” Bill is the author of numerous books, including Sweet Tea, Fried Chicken and Lazy Dogs and Backyards, Bow Ties and Beauty Queens. He brings his books to life with folksy humor and a charming demeanor. Lunch will follow at noon for $8.00 per person. Reservations for lunch are required and need to be made no later than Friday, February 14. Register online at www.sardis.org or by calling 704.926.1590. Questions? 704.366.1845.

4 The Communicator ~ February 2014

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

January Session Highlights The Session approved the following items and recommendations: • Approved of the Ministry Information Form (MIF) by the Pastor for Families Search Committee • Approved the request of Deborah and Dave Greife, currently on inactive roll, to be restored to the active roll. Approved the following membership transfers: • Rudy, Tracey, Alexander and Addison Heintze to Christ Lutheran Church, Charlotte, NC • Ethelyn “Ronnie” Patton to Providence Community Church, Charlotte, NC • Darin and Kim Stafford to Westminster Presbyterian Church Greensboro, NC Approved baptisms of: • Graham Harding Mulcahy, son of Bill and Lauren Galleher Mulcahy, at the 11:00 service on March 16, 2014. • Nora Catherone Tilley, daughter of Christopher and Erin Tilley, at the 11:00 service on March 23, 2014. • Hazel Nora Vuncannon, daughter of Zachary and Carroll Vuncannon, at the 11:00 service on March 23, 2014. • Ellis Stewart Phipps, daughter of Michael and Lauren Vater Phipps, at the 11:00 service on March 30, 2014. Youth Ministry Recommendations approved: • Recommends the following adults be approved as advisors for the Belize Mission Trip: Mary B. Saclarides, Sarah Polk Herum, Allison Crossley, Doug Banks, Scott Banks and Mark Weber • Recommends the following adults be approved as advisors for the middle school Great Escape Trip: Jeff Weston, Leslie Tiedeman, Wells Tiedeman, Mary Boylan and Mike Champion. Congregational Meeting: Approved the date of February 23rd 2014 to receive the annual report, a change of call for the ordained pastors and a change in the bylaws regarding the election of officers. • The 2014 budget of $2,129,993.00 was approved. • The Session continued its discussion of the book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations beginning the chapter entitled “Passionate Worship.”

February Diaconate Highlights •

Cindy McLeod discussed our programs for our senior members.

Room In The Inn is going well. Sardis hosted an extra night to provide warmth during the cold weather.

New pictorial directories are here.

Fellowship is planning another GIVE ONE DAY for April.

2014 Communion Schedule March 5

Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 23

March 30 April 17 June 8 August 10 October 5 November 30 December 24 *Communion at the 9:00 a.m. service will be served by method of intinction.*

The session has called for the Annual Congregational Meeting to be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the Annual Report, vote on the changes in terms of call for the ordained staff and to recommend a change in our by‐laws to reduce the number of elders and deacons annually nominated in each class from ten to eight, beginning in 2014.

The Communicator ~ February 2014 5

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. The first 2014 Sardis Food Drive for Loaves and Fishes will start on Sunday, February 23 when bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick‐up in the Narthex, in the Gathering Place, and in the Education Building. Filled bags of non‐perishable food can then be returned to the collection bins near the Library in the Education Building February 23 ‐ March 9. Loaves & Fishes provides a weekʹs worth of nutritious groceries to individuals and families in a short‐term crisis.

Community Link Welcome Baskets Community Link is always in need of Welcome Baskets for their clients who are transitioning from homelessness into homes of their own. Please consider donating one or more baskets to help welcome these individuals into their new homes. Items can be placed in any useful container such as a laundry basket, trash can, or Rubbermaid‐type storage container. A list of needed items is outlined below. If you are interested in providing a basket, please contact Beth Kazer at 704.814.0533 (H) or 630.408.7097 (C) or bhkazer3@gmail.com. Children One childrenʹs toothpaste

Any Sunday is

General Household One trash can/laundry basket One pack of paper towels One multi‐purpose cleaner One pack of cleaning cloths One broom with dustpan One full liquid soap For the Home Six or less set of plates Six or less set of glasses Six or less set of silverware Set of pots/pans

Pack of childrenʹs toothbrushes Box of diapers (size 1 or 2) Cleaning One multi‐purpose cleaner One box/container laundry detergent One box/container dishwasher soap One liquid dish detergent One mop with bucket or one broom with dust pan One bathroom plunger Bathroom One tub/toilet/bath cleaner Pack of Adult toothbrushes One Adult toothpaste More information at www.sardis.org Pack of bar soap or one full liquid soap Pack of wash cloths Pack of toilet paper

Drop off jars in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall

Squeaking soles, and the sweet swoosh of a basketball going through the net are some of the sounds heard in the Fellowship Hall in the afternoons. During the week, Sardis is host of basketball practice for the adult Special Olympics basketball team, and the Charlotte Secondary School basketball team. 6 The Communicator ~ February 2014

10 Cents A Meal

March 2, 2014

“Let the little children come unto me.”.

Christian Education

Adult Church School News:

LOGOS is a midweek faith and

Womenʹs Bible Class has begun a new study, ʺA Study of People in Scripture.” February’s classes will include a study of Leah, Rachel and Moses. This class meets in the Parlor during the Sunday School hour.

fellowship program for children that provides a variety of experiences for your child. Each week children participate in Bible study, sharing time, recreation and dinner. Our recreation includes games, crafts, drama, and much more.

Focus on Faith and Sexuality This class is for 5th and 6th grade students. It will be held on February 21‐22, 2014. This workshop is not limited to members or our congregation, so invite your friends. It is a Parent/Youth event, with separate and joint sessions. Our goal is to help our people to understand their sexuality based on their understanding of God. To register, contact Renda Brinson at renda.brinson@sardis.org. Deadline for registering is Feb 9.

Our Wednesday night program runs from 5:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m. The year ends with our annual banquet on April 2. All parents take turns at various tasks to support our leadership team and staff. We invite you to become a part of our LOGOS program. The tuition is $100 per semester. Tuition may be paid in any schedule that meets the needs of your family. Partial scholarship money is available. To register contact Renda Brinson at 704‐366‐1854 or email renda.brinson@sardis.org.

In February: Connect@Sardis, a mid‐week offering for adults, will continue to meet on Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.‐ 8:00 p.m., in room 211/212. Feb. 5 Topic: “The Intersection of Faith and Culture, focusing on Religious Culture and Politics.” Heather Eddy will lead. Feb. 12 and 19 Topic: “The Hobbit in Film and Literature: A Hero’s and Faith’s Journey.” Renda Brinson will lead.

A New Mustard Seed Group for Women is Forming!

Mustard Seed Groups are the small group ministry at Sardis. A new group for women is forming and will meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:30. Pat Campbell, Kristen Taylor and Suzanne Weston will be hosting an organizational meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sardis House. All women who are interested in becoming part of a new MSG are invited to come. At this time the group will finalize a meeting schedule for Tuesday evenings and select a study focus. Contact Pat, Kristen, or Suzanne if you have questions or if you plan to attend. (Pat: patcampbell5610@gmail.com; Kristen: kristen.taylor@lashgroup.com; Suzanne: srweston216@gmail.com) If you are not a member of a Mustard Seed Group, and would like to join one, contact Jane Fobel, jane.fobel@sardis.org , or check the Sardis website, www.sardis.org. All of the existing Mustard Seed Groups are listed on the website. Want to be in a Mustard Seed Group, but none of the existing MSG groups meet your schedule? Contact Jane Fobel and we will organize new groups. Participation in a small group is one of the very best ways to become involved and truly connected in the Sardis church family.

The Communicator ~ February 2014 7

The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 www.sardis.org Address Service Requested

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