The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Basketball Sunday
On Sunday, February 9 during the 9:00 a.m. worship service, the basketball ministry at Sardis will be recognized as we thank Sardis for their support. Basketball players are encouraged to wear their jerseys!
Make a 2020 New Year’s Resolution to Complete Core Discipleship Actions!
The purpose of this challenge is to equip members of Sardis Presbyterian with ideas and opportunities to live out their faith in intentional ways in 2020. Pick‐up your challenge card from the Narthex, Gathering Place, or your Sunday School classroom and discover ways you can praise, learn, love, serve, share, and witness at Sardis. Join us in the goal of checking off four challenges in each category!
2 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Questions? Contact Sallie Crossley 704.650.5270 or Suzanne Weston 704.287.2228.
Coming to the Table
A five‐week lenten study led by Dr. Joe B. Martin & Rev. Katie Harrington
Explore your faith through Bible study of, discussion about, and experience with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
March 3/4 – April 1/2 *Same Class – Three Different Times
Plantation Estates: Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. ‐ 12:00 p.m. in the Chapel
Sardis Presbyterian: Wednesdays at 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in Room 210
Sardis Presbyterian: Thursdays at 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. in the Sardis House
The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Friendship Connection
Friendship Connection is a fellowship group for retirees. The meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House.
January 21: Need Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions? If you are resolving to engage in meaningful service or
support the work of those who do, then come and learn about the work being done in
our city to assure literacy in
our elementary schools. Our speaker will be Helen Kimbrough. Helen serves on the staff of the Charlotte Augustine Literacy Project as the Engagement & Recruitment Manager. The Augustine Literacy Project trains tutors to work with low‐income students who are below grade‐level
* Worship locations to be determined
reading– if a student is behind at 3rd grade, then the likelihood of graduation drops dramatically! Come learn about how young lives are being equipped for future success.
February 18: Up, Up, and Away! Our speaker will be Sardis member,
Got Bins?
Jim Martin. Jim is an artist and
Downsizing or have any large clear bins you no longer
kite enthusiast. He makes kites and flies kites
need? We are in need of 64 quart (or larger) clear bins for
around the world. Jim will present
storage needs in the Sardis House basement. We are
a program on his craft and introduce us to
accepting donations of used or new bins through
some of his larger kites!
January. Please drop off donations in the Children’s
Library or Gathering Place. Questions? Contact Sallie
Lunch will follow each meeting at noon, and
Crossley (704.650.5270) or Anne Sweeney (704.942.6521).
reservations are needed. The deadline for the January 21 program is noon on Friday, January 17. The deadline for the February 18 program is Thursday, February 13.
Register and pay online at or call 704.926.1590 to register and pay at the door.
4 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. Music Notes
Praise Band Jam Nights
If you have a musical interest and would like to explore your fit in
Do you play an instrument and/or have a
the Sardis music ministry we invite you to be equipped to praise
passion for leading worship? Weʹd love
and join our musical offerings!
you to stop by our monthly ʺJam Nights.ʺ
Children’s Choir – Wednesdays 6:00 ‐ 7:00 p.m.
Every first Wednesday of the month, our
Jubilate Ringers (Youth) – Sundays 4:30 ‐ 5:15 p.m.
worship band gets together with anyone
Agape Singers (Youth) – Sundays 5:15 ‐ 6:00 p.m.
who plays an instrument to have fun, get
Alpha Ringers – Wednesdays 9:30 ‐ 10:30 a.m.
to know each other, and make music in
Coventry Ringers – Wednesdays 7:30 ‐ 8:30 p.m.
service to our God!
Sanctuary Choir – Thursdays 7:30 ‐ 9:00 p.m.
If you have ever wanted to be part of the
Praise Band – Wednesdays 7:00 ‐ 8:00 p.m.
worship band, or just want to make some music, we would love you to join us in the upper room of the sanctuary each month!
For more information contact Steven Pappas at
Youth Sunday Instrumental Ensemble: If you are in middle school or high school and play a band or orchestra instrument, contact Jared Daugherty ( If you play a praise
band instrument, contact Steven Pappas ( We would love to have your talents as a part of the Youth Sunday
Are You Receiving the Weekly and The
worship service!
Communicator Emails?
Our weekly emails are
Save the Dates:
packed with information
on Sardis events, service
Youth Sunday: Sunday, March 1
opportunities, and faith
Children’s Choir Musical: Sunday, March 22
Treble Trot 5k Fun Run & Kids Dash: Saturday, May 2
Gloria Choir Concert: Tuesday, May 19
Sardis Music & Arts Summer Hoopla: August 3 ‐ 7
formation opportunities. Did you know we also email The Communicator each month? Don’t wait for your newsletter to come in the mail, get it right away in your inbox! If you are not receiving the weekly email or The Communicator email, please contact the church office to get signed up!
The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life Making a List…
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Tim Alba
We are in the middle of “list making season”: Christmas lists, New Year’s resolutions, grocery shopping for special dinners and now, for healthier diets. Sardis makes a list too, a set of goals and activities to achieve those goals as we look to Explore Faith, Change Lives. For me, I know that I am more efficient and more effective when I have a good plan. Just like when I go to the grocery store with a list of items to buy and making sure I am not hungry when I go. The plan helps me to get the most from my budget and keeps me from having to make a second trip after forgetting something. Thus, I get more done with my budget.
At Sardis, stewardship is similar. The results of our pledge campaign are used to set our budget, determine our list for the New Year and pursue our mission. The process helps us to get the most out of the gifts God has provided. Thank you for your pledges and your gifts.
If you have not submitted a pledge yet, please prayerfully consider pledging. Please help us to maximize our collective gifts as we continue our journey of Exploring Faith and Changing Lives. Pledge forms are available at Sardis or on our website at‐form/. Thank you. Grocery Shopping Tips:
Talk with the family: Know schedules for the week, what they want to have, etc.
Make a list and check it against the pantry and freezer.
Finalize list.
Make a budget for the trip.
Eat before going grocery shopping.
Stick to the list!
The average family saves 15‐35% by sticking to a grocery plan!
How Do You Spell Welcome? Y‐O‐U
Help Us Usher in the New Year!
Share the Sardis spirit! Help us to welcome guests and
Do you appreciate the significance of warmly
members by signing up to be a Sardis Greeter. Access the
greeting and helping people who choose Sardis
Sign Up Genius at‐a‐greeter.
for Sunday worship? Become part of a team of
usher captains who will take turns guiding each
Questions? Contact Liz Alba at
week’s usher volunteers.
This is a rewarding way to give back to the congregation that has given so much to you. Email
Worship Ministry, at
6 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Staff Spotlight!
The Personnel Ministry greatly appreciates our wonderful staff and all they do to keep Sardis running behind the scenes. Without our hardworking staff, we would fall apart. This issue of the Communicator will spotlight two members of our staff.
JENNIFER CHILDERS Jennifer serves as our Director of Administration. She oversees the “invisible” ministry of the church behind the scenes that most of us do not realize is needed to keep us on track. Some of Jennifer’s duties include staying current and maintaining
communications, our technology and heads up on all human resource functions. For Personnel, she is our go‐to person for any information we need.
Jennifer has an Accounting degree from Appalachian State University. Her daughter attended UNC‐Chapel Hill and is currently in nursing school. Her son is about to graduate from Western Carolina University. He recently was seen on NBC during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade as he lead the WCU Marching Band as their drum major. Fun fact: Jennifer is a handbell soloist and loves a good massage for relaxation.
Thank you Jennifer for all you do!
ROBIN MEDLOCK Robin serves as the Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor (Joe B.). She began as a part‐time receptionist in 2009 and has served in several positions over the last 10 years. Her duties include assisting with pastoral administrative needs, preparing bulletins for worship services, working with the church officers and ministries, event registrations, coordinates scheduling and personnel for weddings, funerals, and baptisms, in addition to preparing Presbytery reports, annual Church report and all Officer training materials. Robin works closely with her co‐workers on day‐to‐day tasks. As a Charlotte native, Robin met her husband when they were in elementary school. They have been married for 27 years with two wonderful sons, Will (24) and Matthew (21). Her family also consists of two French bulldogs, and she enjoys horseback riding and snow skiing. Fun fact: Robin recently participated on a mission trip to Kenya with other Sardis members and members from Carmel Presbyterian Church. Thank you for serving others on behalf of Sardis.
We are grateful to have Robin on board helping us to keep Sardis moving along.
Thank you to these two staff members and all our staff. You are a gift to Sardis.
The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Sardis Has a New Bus!
Sardis has a new Schul bus! Thank you to Marianne
generous donation through the Sardis Gift Trust.
Membership Exploration Class
Interested in becoming a member at Sardis or just want to know more about us? Join us for our ʺMembership Explorationʺ class! Come chat with Dr. Joe B. Martin on Sunday, February 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the dining room. Find out how Sardis is committed to equipping its members for Godʹs Mission.
Welcome, New Members! Susannah, Scott, Lucas and Max VanDyke
Questions? Contact Laurie Hoots at or 704.641.1542.
Susannah’s parents, John & Linda Miller, also joined in absentia.
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
November Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
November expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gi s, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,004,300
Church Closings The church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year’s Day and Friday, January 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Any closings or delays due to inclement weather will be announced on WSOC, WCNC, and WBTV, on our social media channels, and on our website.
Our Church Family Congratulations: to Lindsey and Ben Thompson on the birth of their daughter, Emma Rose Thompson. Proud grandparents are Glenda and Sam Thompson; and to Carter Hoots and Jordan Todd who were married at Sardis on December 7, 2019. Our Christian sympathy: to Judy Schneider upon the death of her niece, Stephanie White; and to the family of Sue Ruddock. 8 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Missions Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Panama City Mission Trip
Be a Goodwill Ambassador
Come learn more about working with The Fuller
You are invited to be a Goodwill Ambassador on Sardisʹ
Center Disaster ReBuilders in Panama City, Florida
Youth Basketball Saturdays. This is a great way to help
(April 26‐May 1). There will be an informational
portray Sardis in a positive light to the guests that attend
meeting on January 12 at noon in Room 103. Youth
our basketball games. Youʹll be a resource for information
older than 16 are welcome to come with an adult.
if guests need assistance or information about the church
Questions? Please email either Brenda McKay ( or Glenn Crossley (
while we host the games. Please contact Steve Coleman ( or 704.574.0771) if you are inter‐ ested in this opportunity.
Christmas Just Got a Bit Brighter For 175 Kids
Thank you Sardis for your support of the 2019 Angel Tree! We served 175 angels from 81 families including 13 gift cards! From bikes to boots, LEGO to leggings, you helped make children happy, and parents breathe a little easier, knowing that their children had the new clothing they needed and the toys they wanted to make the holiday season special. Thank you, as always, for serving others!
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Please join us in saving a life at the American Red Cross blood drive on Sunday, February 2 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Education Hall. Even if you are not able or interested in donating blood, we still need your support for this important service opportunity. Please consider donating two hours of your morning to help welcome and register our donors.
If you would like to assist by donating blood or donating hours, please contact Joel Kepley by emailing or sign‐up to volunteer at Thank you for your interest!
The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Youth Ministry Christmas Events
The Youth Ministry rang in Christmas with some annual traditions. High school students participated in the annual Progressive Dinner, where they partook of appetizers at the home of the Tuckers, dinner at the Bohlen’s, and dessert at the Manges home.
The middle school youth participated in the annual White Elephant Christmas Exchange and had a great time swapping gifts and laughs!
Thank You!
Sunday Night Fellowship
The Youth Ministry has over 35 weekly volunteers to help
As the new year rolls in, make a commitment to be
with our program and several more who serve on the
a part of the Sunday Night Fellowship programs
Youth Ministry Subcommittee of Faith Formation. Youth
each week from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. We will have plenty
Ministry is definitely a team effort and we are all grateful
of fun and games, devotions, youth leadership, and
for the time, energy, and enthusiasm that each person
service opportunities. Come be a part of something
brings to his or her role. Thank you for all you do to make
special and grow in your faith and in your
the Youth Ministry the best it can be!
relationship to God and other youth.
If you would like to assist in the Youth Ministry, please speak to Adrian Martin in the church office to find a role that works with your strengths and time commitment.
Spring Retreats
The Youth Ministry will sponsor spring retreats for both high school and middle school youth. The high school spring retreat will be whitewater rafting March 13‐15 and the middle school beach retreat will be April 24‐26. Come and join us as we get away for a weekend of fun, sun, and plenty of water!
Each retreat costs $125/person but scholarships are available by speaking with Adrian Martin (704.366.1854, ext 212, or You may register on‐line at
Sabbath Resumes
Sabbath, our mid‐week program, resumes on Wednesday, January 8 from 6:00‐7:00 p.m. Both high school and middle school students will share a pizza dinner and then split for devotions and free time. Join us for a quick break from your busy life for a time of Sabbath! 10 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
“Let the little children come unto me.” Worship Orientation
Kindergarten, first, and second graders are invited to join Sarah Dianne after the time of Equipping Young Disciples during the 11 a.m. services throughout the month of January for Worship Orientation! We’ll learn together about the different parts of worship, why we worship the way we do, and
Elementary schoolers are invited to an Epiphany Party on
so much more! Contact Sarah
January 5 from 4:30‐6 p.m. in room 205! RSVP to Sarah
Dianne with any questions!
Dianne at
Save the date for Vacation Bible School 2020! Join us July 6-10, 2020 as we explore the theme “Who Is My Neighbor?” Sardis Weekday School 2020‐2021: Registration
Registration opens January 13, 2020 for current Weekday School and Sardis Presbyterian Church members and January 21, 2020 to the public.
Are you looking for a half‐day preschool program for your child?
The Sardis Weekday School offers a program for children ages 1‐5 years old from 9 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m., including a Transitional Kindergarten program for students who will not meet the kindergarten cutoff date or who need a bridge year to reinforce their skill set.
Our Weekday School program offers a curriculum of hands‐on learning through exploration and sensory experiences while enhancing the building blocks of learning. We also offer weekly music with our music and movement teacher, and interactive story time with our storyteller who visits us monthly.
Throughout the school year we have many special guests who stop by to offer educational aspects such as dentists, librarians and community helpers (police officers).
We expand our program with a five‐week/half‐day summer program (registration to come in early spring) led by our preschool teachers.
If you are interested in enrolling we would be happy to give you a tour of our program. You can visit our website, contact us directly at 704.366.9681, or email our Director, Elizabeth Angerson at
The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,
12 The Communicator ~ January/February 2020
Permit #1059