The Communicator ~ July 2019
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Our office will be closed on Thursday, July 4.
Sunday, July 7 at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
There will be no Sunday School. Join us for our Lemonade Social on the lawn in front of the Sanctuary following the worship service!
2 The Communicator ~ July 2019
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Are You Being Called to Be a Stephen Minister?
Applications are being accepted now!
To learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister or to get an application form contact: Jane Fobel, 704.366.1854 or Stephen Ministers:
Stephen Ministers care for people who are:
· Listen · Explore feelings · Pray · Share Christ’s love · Maintain confidentiality · Attend to the caregiving process and leave the results to God
· Grieving · In a crisis, or the family and friends of people in crisis · In need of long‐term care · Dying · Hospitalized · Divorcing · Experiencing losses as they age · Going through a crisis of childbirth
Sardis Church Mouse: Ministering to Our College Students
The Church Mouse Project is designed to help college students continue to feel part of the Sardis family while they are away living on college campuses. Collegians interested in having a ʺmouseʺ apply, and members of the congregation volunteer to be ʺmice.ʺ The mice then anony‐ mouse‐ly send cards and inexpensive items to their collegian several times during the year. To become a church mouse, please contact Georgia Pressly at 704.364.9299 or
Summer – A Time to Keep Up
Stewardship—Les Ingles
Isn’t summer wonderful? More than 14 hours of sunlight each day, warm temperatures (well, maybe a bit too warm sometimes), summer camps, vacations to the beach and mountains, and a host of other activities and events.
There are also lots of activities going on at Sardis during the summer. Take a quick look at the Sardis calendar at It is chock‐full of programs and events for the next couple of months including Camp Holiday, Basketball Camp, cooking camps, Vacation Bible School, yoga, ministry meetings, Middle School Youth Montreat Conference, SMASH, and more. Yes, Sardis is very busy this summer.
Funny thing though, attendance at Sunday morning worship tends to drop off during the summer due to vacations and other summer events. With that, the offering plates are not as full as other times of the year and pledges tend to lag. Our expenses and benevolent financial commitments don’t go down in the summer, so in order to be true to our mission, it is very important that we have the necessary funds available.
On behalf of your Stewardship Ministry, we urge you to financially support Sardis throughout the summer so that we can continue to offer a wide array of activities and services and be in a good financial position when we get back to “normal” in the fall.
The Communicator ~ July 2019 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Interested in Visual or Dramatic Arts?
The Worship Ministry is looking for ways that we at Sardis can celebrate our faith through both visual and dramatic arts and we need you! There are a variety of ways that you can participate in this exciting new ministry: visual design, sewing, dramatic readings, technical support, directing, acting, constructing, donation of fabric and supplies…the possibilities are limitless! To learn more or share your ideas, please contact Alice Glefke at or 407.721.1432.
Sing at Carnegie Hall, June 2020!
Important Haiti Mission Trip Update
Our choir has been invited to sing a concert at
Dates for our Mission Trip to Haiti have changed! We will
Carnegie Hall on June 15, 2020, conducted by our
be merging our trip with First Presbyterian Church and
Minister of Music, Dr. Jared Daugherty! This
visiting Bayonnais, Haiti on October 28 ‐ November 4.
opportunity is open to those who are not current
Questions? Contact Pressly Gilbert (704.576.4295) or Brenda
members of the choir. Rehearsals will be on
McKay (980.297.2922).
Thursdays from 7‐8 p.m., beginning on July 11 and will run through August 15. If you are interested in participating in this exciting opportunity, contact Jared at
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
May Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
May expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,004,300
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to former member, Rev. Tom Winstead, on the death of his father, Thomas Winstead, Sr.; to Stacey Champion upon the death of her uncle, William Chapin DeAlba; and to Todd Harrington upon the death of his father, Don Harrington.
Congratulations: to Kaitlyn and Nick Davros upon the birth of their daughter, Kinsley Scott Davros. 4 The Communicator ~ July 2019
Missions Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Mission Co‐Worker Update
A Book of My Own
Jim and Jodi McGill started
Thank you, Sardis. Your support of A Book of My
serving in Africa in 1995. They
Own provided the opportunity for Rama Road
currently work in Niger and
students to pick out seven books to take home for
South Sudan. Both countries
their summer reading. Kim Truitt, Literacy
are poor, have high child and
Facilitator, said, “The children were over the
maternal mortality rates, and
moon excited today.”
are subject to much unrest. Niger is 99% Muslim. South Sudan is estimated to be approximately 60% Christian.
They do the Lord’s work by attending to the basic health needs of the people. Jodi teaches English and French. She works with the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN) to help set up a new nursing school in Niger’s capital city, Niamey. She also helps create and staff church‐ run health clinics, while working at a clinic.
Jim works on water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in South Sudan and Niger. Jim and Jodi say the EERN is very grateful for the churches who support the work in South Sudan and Niger. They are very grateful for the financial support that allows them to be there.
Become a HEART Math Tutor
The HEART Math Program at Rama Road Elementary School is recruiting volunteers for the
2019‐20 school year. This is a well‐structured,
Please keep the McGills in your prayers as they work to
very organized curriculum where volunteers
make a difference in South Sudan and Niger.
spend one hour a week not only helping improve
To read more, visit‐out.
math skills, but also providing mentorship, encouragement, and confidence that can impact a
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, July 21 8:00 a.m. ‐ 12:30 p.m.
student’s academics. If you are interested, please contact Vic Lisciani ( or Brenda McKay (
Sign‐up at Food Drive Update
Thanks to all who helped make the food drive a big success! We collected 652 pounds of food for our neighbors in need. That’s over 180 pounds over last year’s total!
The Communicator ~ July 2019 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
High School Youth Making a Difference in Daytona Beach
Our high school youth and advisors road tripped to Daytona Beach, FL where they spent a week helping with repairs to a home that was damaged in the hurricanes last fall. The resident, Mr. David, was very thankful to them for repairing the home he had grown up in. We are proud of this group for working through the Florida heat to help a neighbor in need.
Youth Summer Coming Up…
July 17‐21 Middle School Montreat Youth Conference
July 21‐27 High School Montreat Youth
begin back up in August! Join us for fun and games:
Keep your eye our for other
8:30 ‐ 11:00 p.m.
fun opportunities like a trip to Carowinds, serving at
Fellowship Hall
Friendship Trays, and more!
Text 704.778.6432 to sign‐up
Our Friday night fellowship events
for text notifications.
August 9
November 8
September 20
December 13
October 11
August 12 ‐ 14 9:30 a.m. ‐ 12:00 p.m.
All youth, grades 6th ‐ 12th are invited to join Chef Ron from the Community Culinary School of Charlotte in learning the basics of cooking and kitchen safety! The cost is $50 per child. Register today at 6 The Communicator ~ July 2019
Sunday, August 25 12:00 ‐ 3:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
“Let the little children come unto me.” Children & Youth Choirs at Montreat
Worship & Music Conference
On June 17 – 21, our elementary and middle school youth, along with our music leaders, Jared Daugherty and Steven Pappas, attended Montreat Worship and Music Conference sponsored by the Presbyterian
Sardis Music & Arts Summer Hoopla
Association of Musicians.
is a music and arts summer camp for rising 2nd through
rising 6th grade children.
All of the attendees enjoyed the energetic worship,
music‐making opportunities, fun recreation events, and
July 29 ‐ August 2
the time to be in community with one another!
9:00 a.m. ‐ 1:00 p.m.
We will be preparing a musical, Life of the Party ‐ The Story of Mary and Martha that we will perform during the 9:00 a.m. worship service on August 4.
Fun Recreation Time · Creating Art & Props Exciting Musical Rehearsals
$45/child ($80/family max) Register by July 19 or pick‐up a form from the church office.
Congratulations Class of 2019
The Sardis Weekday School congratulates our 4s and Transitional Kindergarten graduating class.
“The horizon leans forward,
Summer Camp Is Underway!
Our students enjoyed all the elements of camp as we kicked‐off our first week! We had Soccer Shots help enhance our large motor skills, trips to our garden to work on our School Community project, created with themes about farm life and beaches, and enjoyed plenty of sunshine and fresh air during our recess time. Fun and creativity is always taking place at the Sardis Weekday School.
offering you space to place new steps of change.” – Maya Angelou
The Communicator ~ July 2019 7
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
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8 The Communicator ~ July 2019