July 2017 Communicator

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The Communicator ~ July 2017

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Buried Treasure

Your Historical Committee has been cataloging some old VHS

tapes. There is so much wonderful footage of church performances

and fellowship events from the past. If you have captured Sardis

memories on VHS and would like to share, please contact Susan

Middle and High School Youth Cook up some fun with Chef Ron from the Community Culinary School of Charlotte!

Hudson at sue24shaw@gmail.com, and we will explore the best way to transfer them to a more technically advanced medium for our archives.

Tuesday, August 15 – Thursday, August 17 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

$50 per person Limited to 20 participants

Register and pay online! www.sardis.org

Saturday, August 19 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on the Francis Property

Sing in the Summer Choir! Rehearse at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday.

Contact Jared with any questions at jared.daugherty@sardis.org. 2 The Communicator ~ July 2017

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Adult Sunday School

Summer Adult Sunday School meets in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday at 10 a.m. July 2:

No Sunday School, one Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

July 9:

Katie Harrington, “Re‐creation: The Spiritual Practice of Play”

July 16:

Rick Thames, “A Voice to the Voiceless”

July 23:

Brenda McKay / Dr. Pressly Gilbert – Haiti Mission

July 30:

Jacob Hare, Contemporary Christian Music

August 6:

Youth Summer Trips Report

The Church Mouse Program: Ministering to Our College Students

The Church Mouse Project is designed to help college students continue to feel part of the Sardis family while they are away living on college campuses. Collegians interested in having a ʺmouseʺ apply, and members of the congregation volunteer to be ʺmice.ʺ The mice then anony‐mouse‐ly send cards and inexpensive items to their collegian several times during the year. To become a church mouse, please contact Georgia Pressly at 704.364.9299 or presslyga@aol.com.

Show Me the Money!!!

Sallie Crossley

Inspired by John Hovis’ eloquent article in the last Communicator, “Be the Change You Want to See in the World,” I was moved to follow with a more direct message. John reminded us of the many great programs offered by Sardis that enrich our lives and others in our community and around the world. But bottom line, it takes a heartfelt commitment by every member to include Sardis in your monthly budget.

As we plan for our personal household expenses of mortgage/rent, insurance, vacation, sports, etc. the church is doing the same thing each year. Planning for programs, salaries, maintenance, electricity, missions, etc. can be a tricky process when commitments are not made to the church. Can you imagine what your life would be like without Sardis? Now try to imagine the impact on the people served by Sardis. So, how can you help?

There are three easy steps. 1. Stay current with your contribution commitment. 2. Plan your next year’s commitment by returning your pledge card this fall during the stewardship campaign. 3. Commit your time and talent to sustain the many programs offered.

You know the drill, we all hear this call to action every year. These easy steps will ensure Sardis can continue to share God’s love with each other and those around the world.

The Communicator ~ July 2017 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Save the Date

In Our Church Library:

The Presbyterian Outlook

Sardis Fish Fry:

Saturday, September 16

Check the Church Library for the most recent edition of The

Construction on the Porte Cochere

Thank you to those who have supported the porte cochere project thus far. We are making great progress. The footings have been dug and the steel rebar is now in place. If you would like to contribute a monetary gift to the project contact sylvia.zwick@sardis.org. If you have any questions about the project, contact mark.slimer@sardis.org.

Presbyterian Outlook. This is a periodical that provides updates on the news and mission of the PCUSA.

The June 19 issue focuses on the work of the denomina‐ tion at the midpoint of work of the 2016—2018 General Assembly. There is an article in this issue about the work of “The Way Forward Commission” which was appointed




Assembly to discern the future of the PCUSA. There is also an article written by Co‐Moderators Jan Edmiston and Denise Anderson about what they have observed and valued about the PCUSA after the first year of their term.

Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org under the News & Events tab.

May Financial Highlights


May Expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gifts, and other revenue










Net Total





Annual Budget: $2,076,000

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of John Burton; to George Zalaquett upon the death of his mother, Marie Zalaquett; to Dan Norman upon the death of his mother‐in‐law, Mary Halvorson; to staff member, Louise Lippi upon the death of her brother, Joseph Cecchini; to Grace Caddell upon the death of her brother, Delmont (Del) Richards; and to Jo Ann and John Parry upon the death of their son, Tom Parry.

Congratulations: to Emma Smith upon the birth of her great‐granddaughter, Rosemary Emma Morales; and to Valerie Hetherington upon the birth of her granddaughter, Amelia Joy Kenny. 4 The Communicator ~ July 2017

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Ten Cents a Meal Update

Thanks from Allegro

In June, Sardis hosted The Allegro Foundation who had

Sardis has collected $5,302.00 for Ten Cents A Meal in

a delegation from Nigeria come to learn about how they

the first half of this year while this time last year we

work with children living with disabilities in the United

collected $7,856.37. Last year, Ten Cents A Meal was

States. Allegro’s founder, Pat Farmer, thanked Sardis for

able to support 34 agencies with the help of your

their support for the past 17 years.

donations. Their goal this year is to support 48 agencies. We need your increased support to reach that goal! The Ten Cents A Meal offering is collected at both worship services on the first Sunday of each month. Please consider giving generously to those who need our help through Ten Cents A Meal.

Call to Action:

Starting in July, our church has the opportunity to assist in a Habitat for Humanity building project for the Kingombe family of Matthews. Sardis will be partnering with other area churches for this build. ● Sunday, July 23

Thrivent Financial will be sponsoring the project.

● 8:00 a.m. ‐12:30 p.m.

Volunteers will be needed not only to provide

● Sign up to donate or help in

building assistance on‐site, but also to make lunches

the canteen at www.sardis.org

for the volunteers. These volunteer opportunities are coordinated by Habitat of Matthews by contacting Dawn

Shower Build

In June, we received two shower kits from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and some wonderful volunteers assembled them under the guidance of Glenn Crossley. The portable showers will be sent to Eastern NC to




704.847.4266 ext. 111), or at the church by contacting Steve Hoots (steve.hoots@childressklein.com). If you would like to help with making lunches, please contact Susan Hudson (sue24shaw@gmail.com or 704.421.4122).

support the volunteers who are assisting with the

No previous

rebuilding the destruction from Hurricane Matthew.

skills are needed in most cases, just a willingness to help!

Read the family’s bio and find out more at www.sardis.org.

The Communicator ~ July 2017 5

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers… 1 Timothy 4:12.”

Middle School The Great Escape

Eighteen middle school youth and four adult leaders attended The Great Escape conference in Cleveland, TN at Lee University with about 700 other middle school students from across the southeast. During the week, we had dynamic speakers about trusting in God, learning about our faith, freedom in Jesus, and how to live a kingdom life. All of the youth who attended enjoyed the energetic worship, wonderful discussions, fun recreation events, and the time to be in community with one another.

Thank you to the four adult leaders who attended: Jenny Kaeppler, Adrian Martin, Harry Tatum, and Melinda Wilkinson.

You can read about our experiences and find a link for our week in pictures at our blog, http://sardisyouthblog.wordpress.com.

Graduate Sunday and Blanket Ceremony

College Meetup!

On Sunday, June 5, Sardis Presbyterian Church continued a

Who? HS grads/college students


What? College Fellowship Event!







graduates with a breakfast in their honor. During the

Where/When? A fun new place each week!

breakfast, sponsored by the Youth Ministry Committee,

Why? To have fun, and reconnect with Sardis

families heard wonderful talks from David Blackley about


thirst and how Sardis has helped quench both physical and

How? Contact Doug Banks or Karen Bohlen

spiritual thirst for years, David Abercrombie about how this


class has taught us as much as we have taught them, and

if you want to be added to the weekly text or

Adrian Martin about how Sardis has been their spiritual

for more information. We’d love to hear your

foundation. A slideshow was presented showing the seniors

suggestions of new places to go. We hope to see

their lives as Sardis over the past several years.

you there!

After the breakfast, during the 11:00 a.m. worship service, the church sponsored the blanket ceremony, where a blanket is draped over the graduate while they and their parents exchange words of comfort, love, and support. Both parents and youth were then blessed by the congregation.

The graduate Sunday and blanket ceremony have always been a blessing to the families that have participated in them, and this year was no different.

6 The Communicator ~ July 2017

“Let the little children come unto me.”

Mid‐Week Study in July: Faith and Films

On the Wednesdays in July, Julius Torrence will lead a “Faith and Sardis Music & Arts Summer Hoopla!

Films” series; movies will be viewed with discussions about themes of faith presented within the film. The group will meet on

SMASH Music Camp! July 31 – August 4 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. REGISTRATION open and ends July 17

July: 5, 12, 19, 26 All the meetings will be in Room 211/212, except for July 12 when the group will meet in the Sardis House.

The class will meet for a potluck dinner at 6:00 p.m., the film to be discussed will be shown at 6:30.

Rising 2nd through rising 6th grade children $40 / child ($60 family maximum)

Sardis Weekday School Happenings Registration for our SWS summer camps is still

Sardis Weekday School will be expanding their

open. We have a few spaces available! Our camps run

class offerings and will have teacher positions

Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

available for the upcoming school year. If you

are interested in joining our team at the Preschool

There is a registration fee of $35 per child for the summer. Each weekly session is $140 per student and $120 for the second sibling. For more information

with Heart, please contact Louise Lippi at louise.lippi@sardis.org or 704.366.9681.

about available camps, please contact Louise Lippi at 704.366.9681 or louise.lippi@sardis.org.

Retirement Announcement

Louise Lippi has announced her retirement after the 2017‐2018 school year. We are extremely grateful for her 32 years of dedication to the Sardis Weekday School and fostering the much beloved “preschool with heart” feeling within its walls. In the coming months, we will begin to look for a new director to lead us into the future and will also help us maintain the spirit of love that Ms. Lippi has brought to the school. If you know of anyone you think would be interested in the director position, please contact Katie Harrington at katie.harrington@sardis.org, or have them reach out to Katie directly. We will continue to keep you updated of our progress for our search for a new director, new teachers, the exciting happenings at the Sardis Weekday School, and our future plans to recognize Ms. Lippi as she transitions to retirement.

The Communicator ~ July 2017 7

The Communicator

Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,




8 The Communicator ~ July 2017

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