The Communicator ~ June 2014 7
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Batter Up! Baseball for Bayonnais!
Join us on August 9 for a time of fun and fellowship,
in Education Building
as we join with other area churches for a Charlotte
After an engineering setback, we are
Knights game. You will also be supporting a great cause as
delighted to say that the City of Charlotte
proceeds from each ticket will support the OFCB ministries in
has approved our plans!
Bayonnais, Haiti. First pitch is at 7:05 p.m. Buses will be waiting
A bid package was sent out to approved
at the church and as soon as our Saturday service is over, we will
contractors on May 19. The sealed bids will
board and leave for the game. Tickets are $14 each, with $4
be opened on June 5 and a recommendation
going to support the efforts of the OFCB. Tickets may be
from the Property Commission will be forth‐
purchased online at or at the church office.
coming to the Session and a congregational
Purchase your tickets through the church in order to sit with
vote will follow. If you have any questions
your friends and so that the Haiti mission may benefit. For any
about this project please contact Mark Slimer
questions please e‐mail Christa Sumwalt at
at 704.366.1854 or
From the Cover—Give One Day Was a Smashing Success! “Give One Day is such a good thing for Sardis to do. Participants are probably like me ‐I think I got as much out of it as the old folks at the home. I look forward to doing it again.” David Blackley “Serving ice cream sundaes at the Samaritans house was amazing. What a special treat for us. There were 10 neighbors that LOVED the ice cream. They were so appreciative and best of all, they loved having my boys there. They played board games with them and watched Nick Jr with them! What an enlightening experience. The house leader, Sharon, is such a rock for them and it showed in their faces how grateful they are to have her. My mom is making dinner for them one night this week and Iʹm taking the boys again for a visit. I am so thankful for the chance to serve them, however, I think I got a lot more out of it!” Tracy Dean
Volunteers also spent time: Beautifying the cemetery Sanitizing the Pre–School rooms Singing at Sardis Oaks Nursing Home Organizing the RITI closet
1,000 860 sandwiches Campbell’s for Urban labels for AYN Ministries
60 bales of pine 50 people cleaned Ice cream sundaes at needles at Rama the yards of home- the Samaritan House, Relatives Home, and bound members Hospitality House
2 The Communicator ~ June 2014
390 cards, placemats, and postcards for Levine Children’s Hospital and RITI
Give One Day participants gave an equivalent of over $9,700 in volunteer hours
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
How to Speak Presbyterian!
Try something new this summer! Participate in a Bible study from home, the beach, or the mountains.
How to Speak Presbyterian will be held each Tuesday at 7 p.m. beginning June 10 through July 29. Online, you will see our desktop presentation with commentary from class leaders. Participants will be able to make comments through typed notes (to leader only or entire group) or when microphones are available, through voice.
How do you do it? It is simple! We will have a test night on Tuesday, June 3 at 7 p.m.; you may join us online or come to the church to learn how to use the Web site. Join us at and you will be prompted to “knock on the door” ‐ we promise to let you enter the fun. Together we will work out any ʹbugsʹ so we may begin the discussion on those doctrinal understandings that make us Presbyterians, beginning on June 10.
Each week will cover a different topic, so join us when you can. We will discuss God, Christ and Spirit, forgiveness, scripture, confessions and more. Contact Renda Brinson at or 704.926.1585 with questions. We look forward to offering another way to further your learning and walk with God.
Pentecost Sunday
Welcome New Members!
is Sunday, June 8.
Everyone wear red!!
Save the Date for Stewardship Sunday, November 9! More details to follow.
Mustard Seed Groups at Sardis
Jacquelin B. Keeter
John S. Paradise
Steve and Pamela Robison
Drew and Erin Rutherford
Danny and Karen Vey
Duncan and Eleanor Witte
Mustard Seed Groups are our small group ministry. Membership in a small group is a wonderful way to connect with others in our church family in a meaningful way, to grow in discipleship, and to serve Christ with others.
Over the summer there will be several opportunities to learn more about MSGs, to hear from those participating in a MSG, and to sign up to join a group or be part of the “planting” of a
Let’s Thank Our Youth Advisors!
new group in the coming fall. Mark your calendar
to attend a MSG Planting Meeting in the church
honoring Mike and Dean Bowen, Jeff Weston, Missy Banks,
parlor, on one of the following dates: Sunday,
and all of our youth advisors for their hard work and
June 22, 11:15 am; Sunday, July 27, 11:15 am;
dedication to our youth program, Sunday, June 8,
Sunday, August 24, 11:15 am. For questions
immediately following the 10 a.m. worship (in the event of
contact Jane Fobel at
rain the reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall).
The Communicator ~ June 2014 3 7
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
April Session Highlights The Session approved the following requests and recommendations:
Approved, request to be removed from membership by Craig and Jessica Cale.
Christian Education recommends holding a Musikgarten program for three days in June 2014 as a 45‐minute extension of a preschool summer camp. If the way be clear, a six‐week fall class for 3 and 4‐year‐olds during Sunday School hour could be started.
The Property Commission recommends the approval of the proposal from the Cub Scout Pack 33 concerning the tack build‐ ing and adjacent storage building located on the Francis property. The concept is to restore both buildings into a usable out‐ door space that will be cared for and used not only by the Pack, but be available to the church for its programs to utilize the space for outdoor education and performances including Sunday School and Youth Fellowship. The church and the Pack agree that the troop is responsible for the cost of construction and all future maintenance, and that the church may in the future decide to remove the structure if any future plans for developing the Francis property would require it.
The Worship Ministry recommends that on Sunday, May 11 both services be held in the Fellowship Hall to allow the audio‐ video presentation by the Haiti mission team be presented at both services. Mission Interpretation also endorses the request of the Haiti Mission team to set up tables in the Gathering Place so that following the May 11 worship services congregation members would have the opportunity to make individual contributions to the Haiti Ministry or to sponsor a child at the school.
Youth Ministry recommends Melinda Wilkinson as Middle School advisor for The Great Escape mission trip.
The Session continued its discussion with Chapter 3: Intentional Faith Development from the book “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations.”
May Diaconate Highlights
April Financial Report Thank you for making the ministry of this church possible! You
‐Alice Johnson led us in a discussion on Passionate can make a quick gift at in two ways: either Worship from the book “Five Practices of under the “give” tab or by logging into your MySardis account. Fruitful Congregations.”
‐Lemonade on the Lawn will resume following the 10 a.m. Summer Worship Services.
‐The 2015 Womenʹs Retreat will be February 6‐8. Lisa Nichols Hickman will be the speaker.
April expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total $306 Annual Budget: $2,129,993
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Laura Taylor upon the death of her brother, Walter Allen, to Jere Colcer upon the death of his father, Wilson Colcer, to Heather Odean upon the death of her brother, Keenan Anderson; to Mary Leonard upon the death of her aunt, Mary Peeler, to Judy Schneider upon the death of her brother‐in‐law, Earl Keeling, to Sallye Brown upon the death of her brother‐in‐law, Ford Park, and to Nancy Finlayson upon the death of her brother, Tyrone Adams. Congratulations: to parents Sharon and Ricky Jones on the birth of their son, Dylan Brewer Jones. Jan and Julius Torrence are the grandparents. 2 The Communicator ~ June 2014 4
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
May Session Highlights The Session approved these recommendations:
Minutes of April 28 Session meeting
The following transfers of membership:
Avery H. Blackwell to Myers Park Baptist Church and Linda Cureton Rose to The Grove Presbyterian Church.
Clerks Ministry: The 225th anniversary of the founding of Sardis Presbyterian Church occurs in February 2015. The Clerks Ministry recommends the following members as the 225th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee: David Blackley, chair, Margaret Barach, Wendy Laedlein Beauchemin, Max McLeod, Cindy Chiperfield McLeod, Cay Beal Moore, Brooke Archer Neal, and Jim Pressly. We also request approval to allow this committee to add members as necessary.
Christian Education: Recommends approval of a 12‐week Fall, 2014 Sunday School curriculum for Grades K‐5 entitled “A Faith Journey With Harry Potter.”
The recommendation from the Personnel Ministry that Kaitlyn Davis be hired as the Organist/Associate Director of Music. It is anticipated that her employment will begin in mid‐July.
The Session continued the discussion of Chapter 4: Risk Taking Mission and Service from the book “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations”
New Testament Stewardship by Dale LeCount
Stewardship is our grateful response to God’s grace and to all the gifts we enjoy from His hand. Psalm 24:1 proclaims the generosity of God toward us. “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” All that we are and all that we have comes from God, our Creator.
The concept of a steward first appears in the Old Testament. We learn in Genesis 41:40 that Pharaoh placed Joseph over his household. All of Pharaoh’s servants were to follow Joseph’s command and only Pharaoh was to have greater authority in Egypt. Genesis 43 tells us that, on his brothers’ second visit to procure grain, Joseph instructs his steward to bring the brothers into the house and to slaughter an animal in preparation for the meal they were to share. So in the Old Testament, the concept of the steward is clear and straightforward. A steward was the chief servant of the master.
The New Testament adds a significant new dimension to our understanding of stewardship. A steward is expected to exhibit faithfulness to his master even when the master is not present. In the story of the unfaithful servant (Luke 12:42ff.), the master is the risen Christ; the servants are his disciples. Disciples are judged according to their faithfulness to Christ. Disciples who neglect their duties as followers of Christ are unfaithful and will be punished.
In the fourth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul further develops this idea. He speaks of himself and his followers as “servants of Christ and steward’s of God’s mysteries.” (I Cor. 4:1) The steward is not just the manager of the master’s household. According to Paul, stewards are responsible for spreading the gospel. They are indeed Christ’s disciples.
As disciples, we are stewards of the gospel helping to build God’s kingdom on earth. As stewards, we are to take care of one another. “We are all bound up with one another. No one can claim...any independent dignity, authority, or worth.*” Even Christ is accountable. He is the supreme example of God’s steward. As His disciples, we seek to be likewise. *Douglas John Hall, The Steward, a Biblical Symbol Come of Age, pp. 36‐37 The Communicator ~ June 2014 7
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Loaves & Fishes Food Drive—June 1‐15
Loaves & Fishes mission is to provide a weekʹs worth of nutritious groceries to people within our community facing economic hardships. Priority needs are canned meats, 100% juice, canned fruit, canned pastas (such as SpaghettiOs) and cereal. The second Sardis Food Drive of 2014 to support Loaves & Fishes will start Sunday, June 1, when bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick‐up in the Narthex, in the Gathering Place, and in the Education Building. Filled bags of non‐perishable food should then be returned to the collection bins, near the Library in the Education Building, June 1‐15. Please help our neighbors in need through your generous participation.
Spaghetti Sauce
New Glasses?
We can make good use of your
old ones! Drop off your old eye
57 pounds of sauce was collected in
glasses in the big white box in the
April! Drop off your extra spaghetti
Gathering Place. They will be given
sauce to donate any Sunday in the
to the Lions Club for their Third
Gathering Place or Narthex.
World Country Project.
Soup Kitchen – Volunteers Needed
If your mustard seed group, church school class, circle or other group would like to participate in a worthwhile outreach project, the Soup Kitchen needs your help! Or, if you are an individual who would like to work at the Soup Kitchen, your help is needed, too. Sardis has committed to sending volunteers to the Soup Kitchen every fourth Saturday, and five to six adults are needed each time. The hours involved are 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and the dates still to be filled are July 26 and October 25. Please contact: Sarah Tatum, Project Coordinator at or 704.807.2536.
Room in the Inn – Volunteers Needed
If you missed the opportunity to participate in this wonderful ministry serving our homeless Neighbors, you can step up and serve this winter. Volunteers are especially needed for the Owl and Rooster shifts. Teams are forming and recruiting this summer. Please contact Marilyn and Bill Taylor and
8 2 The Communicator ~ June 2014
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Summer Preschool Story Time
Story Time for Preschool Children begins on Wednesday,
June 4 at 10 a.m. and is open to all children who wish to
Sardis Weekday School has spaces available for
join us. The weeks for the program are June 4, 11, 18, 25;
next school year, 2014‐2015. Please call Louise
July 9, 23, 30; and August 6. We will have stories relating to
Lippi at 704.366.9681 for more information, and
the theme of the week. The place to be is the Childrenʹs
Summer Adult Church School: A Second Basketful of Blessings!
Summer Sunday School for
Children and Youth
There will be one church school class offered for
Preschool ‐ simple stories to tell and share for toddlers/twos
adults this summer. The class will meet at 9 a.m.
and threes/fours.
and will meet in the Sardis House. Coffee will be
available at 8:45 a.m. Each Sunday’s lesson, June 8 – August 31, will be led by a different
Elementary will combine for a special fund ‐ stand alone lessons, using video, storytelling, arts and crafts and lots of fun for all.
Sardis member and will include a variety of
topics! It will be a wonderful time to become
Youth ‐ a class for Middle School and a class for Senior
better acquainted with other members and
Highs begin June 8. Each class will have stand alone
explore the topics of faith about which they have
subjects and lots of time for fellowship.
a strong passion.
Join us at 9 a.m. on Sundays!
Vacation Bible School—Wilderness Escape! VBS is just around the corner, July 14‐18, and classes are beginning to fill up. BUT WE NEED YOU! We still have needs for volunteers in all areas— especially for class co‐leaders for 1st through 5th grades. Call Renda Brinson at 704.926.1585 to volunteer TODAY! This is always a week full of fun and learning. Register today to join us on the Wilderness Escape!
Faith and Film Series
Faith and Film begins on Wednesday, June 11. This annual series will
Book Club
look at movies through clips and discussion to help as we discuss our
faith. Input from the group on films to be discussed will be used in
Do you have elementary children who
deciding our discussion topics. We serve a light catered dinner at 6
would like to participate in a Book
p.m. for $7, with the program following from 6:30 p.m.—8 p.m. The
Club this summer? If you do, please
class will meet each Wednesday through July 30. Join us each week or
contact Renda Brinson at 704.926.1585.
when you can. You may make your reservations for the meal by
We will meet once a month to discuss
calling Renda Brinson at 704.926.1585. See you at the movies!
a book and enjoy ice cream sundaes.
The Communicator ~ June 2014 7 9
The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270
2 The Communicator ~ June 2014
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