The Communicator | June 2019

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th Rising 6th ‐ 12 graders

The Communicator ~ June 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Sardis Presbyterian Church Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 Graduates

College Graduates

Rebecca Alba Bachelor of Science in Chemistry · University of South Carolina

Claire Bartel Bachelor of Science in Biology · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Martha Blackley Bachelor of Arts in European Languages and Cultures · University of Groningen in the Netherlands

James Tate Boyce Bachelor of Science in Marketing · Providence College

Lydia Virginia Fobel Master of Social Work · North Carolina State University

Michael Harris Little Ph.D in Education Policy · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Hadley Nelson Bachelor of Social Work · University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Katie Otto Bachelor of Science in Communications · University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Emily Rodger Bachelor of Science in Communications · East Carolina University

Crockett Vass Bachelor of Science in Physics · Appalachian State University

High School Graduates Seniors will be recognized with their parents at the Blanket Ceremony at the 11 a.m. service on June 2 Del Barnhill

Elizabeth Ruth Craig

Paul Green

Makenna Lanier

William Seaborn

Andrew Beals

Fred Denny

Destiny Harris

Hardin Moore

Will Stiff

Lili Bowen

Max Deppe

Emma Kaeppler

Jordan Rice

Thomas Wilkinson

Ben Champion

Chal Emery

Tess Kelly

Jason Rickel

Whit Williams

2 The Communicator ~ June 2019

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. Membership Exploration Class

Save the Date for the

Interested in becoming a member at Sardis or just want to

2020 Women’s Retreat

know more about us? Join us for our ʺMembership

new date · new retreat center · new dynamic leader

Explorationʺ class! Come chat with Dr. Joe B. Martin on

Sunday, June 9 at 10 a.m. in the dining room. Find out how

February 21‐23, 2020

Sardis is committed to equipping its members for Godʹs

William Black Lodge, Montreat, NC


Questions? Contact Laurie Hoots at or

Rev. Dr. Jan Edmiston – Charlotte Presbytery General Presbyter


Step In to Stephen Ministry

Rob Frazer, Stewardship Ministry

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2

I am so thankful that the leadership at Sardis decided to bring back Stephen Ministry after a period of respite for those who guided and grew the Ministry for so many years. I am grateful that the Stewardship pledges covered the restart funding necessary to send Jane to the Stephen Leader training and helped begin the new season of this special ministry. Thanks to the 10 previously commissioned Stephen Ministers for stepping forward to re‐engage, begin refresher training, and help update the training and supervision process. Stephen Ministry at Sardis is ready to love and care for those struggling and hurting.

Stephen Ministry provides distinctively Christian caregiving to those members of our church, their families or friends who are hurting. Stephen Ministers complete a system of training which prepared me in 1998 with life skills that I use each day to listen, care for, and love others. As a caregiver, a Stephen Minister spends time listening to, supporting, and loving their care receiver during difficult times so that God can provide the cure. The Stephen Ministry program requires a commitment to confidentiality and a willing heart to care and actively listen. If you are in a place where care would be helpful, please reach out to Jane, Joe B., or Katie. “Christ Caring for People through People” is the blessing of Stephen Ministry. Thanks to your generosity. This is another way we are able to Equip Sardis for God’s Mission.

Honor or Remember Someone With Sanctuary Flowers

The two arrangements of flowers that grace our Sanctuary for worship are provided by Roseland Floral Company at a cost of $150 to the donor. The flowers may be designated in honor or memory of loved ones or to mark a special occasion. If you would like to place flowers in our Sanctuary, please contact Sheila Duyck at 704.364.4637 or

Following the service, the two flower arrangements are broken down into four smaller arrangements that are distributed to Sardis homebound members. We are in need of clear, clean glass vases as shown in the picture (no bud vases please). If you have any vases that you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please drop them off in the Sacristy located next to the Historical Room in the Sanctuary building. Thank you.

The Communicator ~ June 2019 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Sing in Worship this Summer!

2020 Sing at Carnegie Hall

For our 11:00 a.m. worship services this

Have you ever dreamed of singing in Carnegie Hall? Our choir,

summer, our Summer Choir will offer an

along with other singers, have been invited to sing a concert on

anthem each week. You do not need to be a

June 15, 2020 conducted by our Minister of Music, Dr. Jared

regular member of the choir to join us, and

Daugherty! We are opening up this opportunity to those who

you do not have to participate every week. If

sing who are not currently a member of the choir. We will be

you would like to lend your voice, meet us at

learning Poulenc’s Gloria for this event, on Thursdays, July 11 –

10:00 a.m. in the choir room to prepare the

August 15, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. If you would like to

song of the day. Please contact Jared at

participate or are excited by this opportunity, please contact if you have any

Jared at


Good News from Finance Regarding Our Debt

We wanted to let you know that thanks to several generous contributions over the last couple of months, we have been able to cut our bank debt almost in half to just over $500,000. This reduces our annual debt service by about $32,000 a year which will free up funds for other ministry needs and opportunities, including raises for the non‐ pastoral staff. This is very exciting and we want you to share in this significant development. God is truly blessing Sardis and we wanted to share this good news with you. Thank you for all you do to help Sardis make a difference in people’s lives.

Grace and Peace, Jim Naumann

Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.

April Financial Highlights Pledges, gifts, and other revenue Expenses Net Total


April expected

This year so far

This year so far expected





$145,673.63 ($949.18)

$147,834.31 ($13,984.31)

$616,368.59 $133,428.05

$639,985.82 $65,114.18

Annual Budget: $2,004,300

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Deborah Barkley upon the death of her mother, Flora Belle Barbee; to the family of Ivy Cameron; to Brian Davidson upon the death of his father, Philip Davidson; and to the family of Marilyn “Ruth” Tankersley. 4 The Communicator ~ June 2019

Missions Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Mission Co‐Worker Update

Doug Dicks is a mission co‐worker supported by Sardis through PC(USA) World Mission. Doug facilitates relationships between PC(USA) congregations and the church’s mission partners in Israel and Palestine.

He cultivates connections that encourage Middle Eastern Christians and inspire U.S. Presbyterians. Following the Prince of Peace, Christians in the Middle East work tirelessly for reconciliation and render valuable service to people of all faiths. In his role, Doug says he strives to express the broader Christian calling to “employ the unique gifts, talents, and skills that we possess to further God’s reign here on earth.”

Doug’s most recent post concerns a family of Palestinian Christians as they struggle to keep the Israeli government from taking the 100‐acre farm they have owned for 100 years. To read more about Doug’s work, visit‐out.

Thank you, Sardis!

Augustine Literacy Project

Your record‐breaking support of A Book of My

Augustine Literacy Project provides 20 tutors for Rama Road

Own allowed us to provide over 4,800 books for

Elementary, and Rama’s principal, Patricia Denny, would

Rama students to read over the summer. Each

welcome many more! You can change the life of a child by

student will choose seven books! Volunteers

volunteering to be a tutor. This is an organization that trains

placed stickers in each book saying, “From your

volunteers to work with low‐income students (K – 2nd), to

friends at Sardis Presbyterian Church.”

equip them with the skills to become successful readers.

You can learn more at an information session on June 10, 10:30‐11:30 a.m. at Christ Episcopal Church (RSVP to Or, find out more at the June 9 adult Sunday school class being held in the Fellowship Hall.

Are You Being Called to Be a Stephen Minister?

Stephen Ministers:

Stephen Ministers care for people who are:

· Listen

· Grieving

· Explore feelings

· In a crisis, or the family and friends of people in crisis

· Pray

· In need of long‐term care

· Share Christ’s love

· Dying

· Maintain confidentiality

· Hospitalized

· Attend to the caregiving process · Divorcing and leave the results to God

· Experiencing losses as they age

· Going through a crisis of childbirth

Blood Drives Save Lives

Please consider becoming our Red Cross blood drive coordinator for 2020. We need one or two people to work with Sardis and the Red Cross to host this event four times next year.

To learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Jane Fobel at or 704.366.1854. A new training class will begin in September!

Contact Sheri Bartel for specifics,

The Communicator ~ June 2019 5

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Youth Sunday School Classes

The youth Sunday school classes have ended for the school year. The middle school class (6th and 7th grade), Confirmation class (8th grade), and high school class (9th‐12th grade) all learned and experienced their faith throughout the year.

All youth (6th‐12th grades) will combine for one class during the summer in the high school room (room 102). Come join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. for food, fellowship, and a lesson.

A special thank you to all of the teachers this year: middle school – Stephen Seaborn, Doyle Williams, and Linda Williams; Confirmation – Glenn Crossley, Brett Harris, Ruth Harris, Georgia Pressly, and Lynn Sloan; high school – Liz Alba, Tim Alba, David Blackley, Steve Hoots, and Bruce Simpson.

Volunteer in the Youth Ministry

Cooking Camp

Do you have a passion working with young people,

Join Chef Ron from the Charlotte Culinary School for

walking beside them in their faith journey? The Youth

the fourth annual Youth Cooking Camp! This camp is

Ministry is looking for volunteers for the 2019‐2020

open to all youth (grades 6th‐12th) and you will learn

academic year to work in our different programs.

the basics of cooking and kitchen safety and by the

end of the week, know how to prepare several

Do you love youth? Do you love God? If you said yes to both of these, then you are perfect for the Youth Ministry! For more information, e‐mail Adrian Martin at

different dishes, which will be served at the closing banquet.

To register, please visit

Summer Youth Ministry Opportunities

Keep on the lookout for upcoming Youth Ministry opportunities during the summer! In between all of the summer trips and conferences, we will have some smaller events, like a trip to Carowinds, middle school students serving at Friendship Trays, high school students serving at Alexander Youth Network, and plenty of Spontaneous Combustion!

Keep your eye on the Youth Ministry texts. If you do receive them, please text Adrian at 704.778.6432 and inform him of which group (Middle School or High School) you would like to be added to.

6 The Communicator ~ June 2019

“Let the little children come unto me.” Summer Sunday School Starts June 2

Sunday School will continue throughout the summer and we hope you will join us! We have a class for every age. Nursery will be provided as usual. (If you would like to play with and read Bible stories to our youngest members during the Sunday School hour, please contact Jenny at

Elementary Children: A combined class in room 205

Middle & High School Youth: Combined class in room 102

Adults: Summer Sampler Experience in the Fellowship Hall. Join us each week as a different Sunday School class teaches a lesson in their usual style. This is a great way to experience all the classes and find the right class for you if you are looking!

Director of Children’s Ministry Announced

The Director of Children’s Ministry Search Committee is thrilled to announce that Sarah Dianne Jones will be joining Sardis on July 1 as our Director of Children’s Ministry. Sarah Dianne will be responsible for leading children ages birth to 5th grade and their families along with the teachers and volunteers in our Children’s Ministry.

After interviewing many candidates, Sarah Dianne excited us the most because her ministry is built on a foundation of deep faith and she has a heart for mission. Sarah Dianne’s experience includes vibrant and thriving children’s ministries where she has strengthened their faith formation development and improved programming leading to ministry growth. Thank you to DCM committee members Kelly Hames, Lin Leslie, Paige Carroll, Stephen Yount, and Bev Naumann for their work in the search process! Please stay tuned for coming details as to how you and your family can welcome Sarah Dianne to the life of Sardis.

Sardis Weekday School Continues to Bloom!

Our garden is blooming….A HUGE thank you to Ruth Harris and Renfrow Hardware for donating all the garden soil, fertilizer, plants, and seeds. Our thematic unit on flowers and gardens was all encompassing with hands on experiences of planting the garden, pulling weeds and watering the plants.

Come and take a peek at the progress (located at the back of the school).

The Communicator ~ June 2019 7

The Communicator

Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,



8 The Communicator ~ June 2019

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