@ SardisYouth March 2015 Committed to glorifying God, the Youth Ministry of Sardis Presbyterian Church exists to accept, engage and nurture all youth and their families in order that they become disciples of Christ and serve the Lord.
March Youth Fundraisers In March, we will have two fundraisers to help defray the costs of our summer activities. The first will be a Middle School car wash on Sunday, March 1 from noon until 2 p.m. in front of the Sardis House. Hot dogs will also be available for lunch! The second will be Sunday, March 22 and will be a lunch and variety show to help raise money for the summer mission trips and the Youth Choir. Lucky draw tickets for a chance to win a 42� flat screen will be sold for only $5 each. Please support the Youth Ministry in their effort to raise money for the upcoming mission trips and newly reformed Youth Choir!
Lunch and Variety Show Sardis youth Mission Trip and Choir Fundraiser
Sunday, March 22 Noon- 2 :00 PM in the Fellowship Hall Come and Enjoy the many Talents of our Youth
Donations will be Accepted for lunch Enter for a chance to win a 42� Flat Screen TV for only $5