May 2017 Communicator

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The Communicator ~ May 2017

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Friendship Connection – May 16

Join this fellowship group for retirees at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House on Tuesday, May 16 for lunch and guest speaker, Anne Payne. Anne is a counselor at Presbyterian Psychological Services and will be speaking on “Increasing Creativity as We Age…Lessons from Poets, Philosophers, and Painters.” We will look at the lives of well‐known literary and artistic figures to see how age developed an increased capacity for creativity.

Reservations are necessary and need to be made by noon on Friday, May 12. The cost is $10. Make your reservation online at or by calling 704.926.1590. Questions? Contact Jane Fobel at or 704.366.1854.

Rev. Dr. Dave McKechnie Celebrating 50 Years in Ministry

We hope you will help us in celebrating Dr. McKechnie’s 50th anniversary in the gospel ministry! On May 28, worship with us at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary, then join us for a celebration luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Reservations are required for the luncheon. Make your reservations at or by calling 704.926.1590.

New Book Group Discussion in June

On Wednesday nights during the month of June, Katie Harrington will lead a group discussion on the book Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race, by Debbie Irving. This book is recommended for study and conversation by the co‐moderators of the PC(USA) General Assembly. In this study, we will explore our own notions of race and how those have shaped us individuals and our culture. Contact Katie with questions or to sign up at The book group will meet June 7, 14, 21, 28, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, in room 211/212.

2017 Legacy Award Recipient: Mr. Jack Umberger

Each year, the Presbytery of Charlotte’s Leadership Development Committee honors older adult church members within the Presbytery who “actively live out his/her faith in service to the church and community.” This award was formerly known as The Outstanding Older Adult Award. The Session of each church is encouraged to nominate one church member and, after a tough and close vote, the Session of Sardis nominated Mr. Jack Umberger.

Upon learning of his nomination for this award, Jim Naumann said this of Jack’s response, “He is humbled beyond measure and feels so unworthy of such an honor. He would be delighted and proud to accept the nomination from Sardis to the Presbytery.”

Congratulations to Mr. Jack Umberger on this well‐deserved honor! More information can be found at 2 The Communicator ~ May 2017

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. High School and College Graduates!

New Church Office Hours

You have worked very hard to reach this important milestone in

The church office will be closed on Monday,

your lives, and in the June issue of The Communicator, your

May 29 for the Memorial Day holiday.

church family would like to recognize your achievement!

New church office hours will begin Monday,

All fall 2016 and spring/summer 2017 graduates should submit

May 1. The church will be open Monday –

their information (including name, school, and degree) to

Thursday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed by May 15. Please accept our

from noon to 12:30 p.m). On Fridays, the

congratulations on this significant achievement!

church will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Dear Sardis Church Family,

Many thanks to all of you for your kind congratulations to me, for my 20th anniversary of serving at Sardis as one of your pastors. It has been a wonderful time for me and I am so grateful for all the opportunities for engagement that you have provided; I am profoundly grateful for all the ways you have opened your hearts and lives to me.

Thank you for the tangible way that you marked by anniversary by contributing to the Scholarship Fund to provide assistance for college educations for graduates of the OFCB School in Bayonnais, Haiti. I am thrilled to think about the bright futures that a college education will enable for individual students and for the hope that this possibility will plant within Bayonnais. In May, I will be meeting with Pastor Actionnel Fleurisma (founder of the church and the school in Bayonnais) and Pressly Gilbert to begin to structure the process for the granting of scholarship funds. I look forward to sharing a future announcement about the Scholarship Fund’s first recipient. Thank you for all your support of me and thank you for sharing with me your mission that is reaching all around the world. With love and blessings, Jane

Stewardship is a Gift

Larry Tucker

Everything we have been given is a gift. Everything. This includes the car you are driving, the house you live in, the job you have, and the family you were born into. God was purposeful in placing you in this time and in these circumstances.

Stewardship takes the idea that everything we have is a gift to its logical conclusion. If all that I am and all that I have is from God, then how should I care for and use it? Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” Therefore, I ought to consider why God gave me what I have and use it to those ends. We have been given resources, relationships, body, and knowledge, not to squander as we wish, but to glorify God.

How do I spend wealth so it honors God? How do I steward friendships? How do I take care of the body He gave me? How do I use the knowledge I’ve gained? We do all of these things by seeking God’s will in every decision, reading his Word, and listening to the Holy Spirit. We do this by acting generously and obediently, ethically, and morally.

The Communicator ~ May 2017 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

College‐Aged Meetup

If you are in college and will be around this summer, please let us know if you would be interested in getting together with other college‐aged students from Sardis for some fellowship gatherings this summer. If interested, please send your name and your contact information to Doug Banks (dbanks@banks‐ and Karen Bohlen ( so we can reach out to you with more information on what may be offered this summer.

Come Sing in the Summer Choir!

This summer, we will be continuing our worship schedule offering two different styles of worship. At 9 a.m., come and worship in the Fellowship Hall with our praise band, led by Jacob. At 11 a.m., come and worship in the Sanctuary, and sing with the organ and piano played by Kaitlyn. (July 2 will be an exception: combined worship at 10 a.m.) Beginning June 18, the singing in our 11 a.m. worship service will be led by a “summer choir.” Those who would like to sing on a given Sunday are invited to come and rehearse at 10 a.m. The music will be easy and fun to sing… No commitment necessary, just come when you would like.

Please contact Jared if you have any questions at

Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.

Financial Highlights March

March Expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gifts, and other revenue










Net Total





Annual Budget: $2,076,000

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Marion Thornton; to Bruce Morrison upon the death of his daughter, Patricia Morrison Punch‐Bullis; and to the family of Jenny McElhaney.

Congratulations: to Anne and Ed Shoaf upon the birth of their granddaughter, Natalie Laura Hattery; to Janet and Frank Coleman upon the birth of their grandson, and Doris Abernathy and Beth Coleman upon the birth of their great‐grandson, Lucas Coleman Wright.

4 The Communicator ~ May 2017

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Sardis‐Rama Easter Party

Thanks to all the Sardis‐Rama Road Elementary School after‐school tutors who helped in hosting an after school Easter celebration on April 6. Children enjoyed Easter‐themed snacks, storytelling, egg dyeing, coloring, and an Easter egg hunt. Each child took home an Easter basket filled with treats and Easter decorations to share with their families.

Tutoring continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the end of the school year. Everyone is welcome to join us as we wind down our year that will end with an ice cream social on May 11. Thank you to all our Sardis‐Rama volunteers, tutors, subs, and snack‐givers for your time and love.

Search “@yavprogram” for The Chance of a Lifetime

Young adults ages 19‐30 have the opportunity to spend a year in service arranged by the Presbyterian Church (USA). Experiences can be national or international and run from August through July. Applications for national experiences starting in August 2017 are accepted through June 1. For national and international locations starting August 2018, the application period starts October 1. Details are at yav/. Your Mission Interpretation Ministry strongly endorses this opportunity and is eager to meet with anyone interested in the Young Adult Volunteer program.

Loaves & Fishes Food Drive: May 7 – 21

Thank you to all who helped make the February food drive a success! We collected 793 pounds of food! Let’s beat that with the May food drive!

Thank you, Sardis!

You have generously given to the A Book of My Own Drive. Rama Road Elementary students will receive four books to take home for their summer reading – all thanks to you! Children will select their books in

May from an assortment of titles on their own reading

Paper bags labeled with priority needs will be


available for pick‐up in the Gathering Place or you

congregation. Thanks to all who participated.








may place your donations in any type bag of your choice. Filled bags of non‐perishable food can then be returned to the collection bins near the Library in the Education Building, May 7 ‐21.

The Communicator ~ May 2017 5

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Middle School Beach Retreat

On March 31‐April 2, 24 middle school youth and adults traveled to Kure Beach for a weekend of devotions, fellowship, and fun. During the weekend, we discussed “Who We Are and Whose We Are,” looking at our identity through the eyes of others but more importantly through the eyes of God. We discussed what the world would look like if we stopped judging others on their appearance and realized that each and every person is a unique Child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image, claimed in the waters of baptism and loved by God. A special thank you to the adult leaders who attended to help lead the small groups and who were on hand to be in relationship with our youth: Molly Tucker, Melinda Wilkinson, John Waller, and Adrian Martin.

Senior Breakfast and Blanket Ceremony

On Sunday, June 4, the High School graduating seniors will be honored with a breakfast in the Sardis House followed by a worship service at 11:00 in the Sanctuary where the Sardis blankets are presented to each senior by his or her parents. If you plan on attending but have not let us know, please inform Nikki Bolton at Please remember to send the pictures she has requested for the slide show. If you have any questions, please contact Adrian Martin at

High School Peru Mission Trip

Youth Ministry Volunteers

On June 20‐30, the High School Youth Ministry will

Do you love youth? Do you love God? Those are the two

send 26 missionaries to work in Peru. They will be

biggest requirements for working in the Youth Ministry

serving alongside Rev. Sara Armstrong and Rusty

with a team of dedicated adults and awesome youth. We

Edmondson, the PC(USA) missionaries Sardis

are looking for some additional adult volunteers to assist

Presbyterian sponsors in Peru. During their time in

with our weekly Sunday Night Fellowship programs this

Peru, they will work side by side with Peruvians

coming school year (‘17‐’18) for both our high school and

building a seminary to train local pastors and they

middle school programs. We also need a couple more

will also be building relationships with our sisters

volunteers for our middle school Sunday School program

and brothers in Peru.

on Sunday mornings. Please prayerfully consider serving

with this wonderful ministry as you walk side by side

Please remember these missionaries in your

with youth down our journey of faith.

thoughts and prayers as they prepare to continue

Sardis’ mission work in another country.

For more information, please contact Adrian Martin.

Upcoming Dates

For a complete listing of all of the youth activities,

May 7 Last Sunday Night Fellowship for High School including our weekly devotion schedule, please download our spring semester calendar from either the Rising 6th Grade Party for Middle School

May 21 Last Sunday Night Fellowship for

weekly e‐letter or our website.

Middle School

6 The Communicator ~ May 2017

“Let the little children come unto me.”

Update From the Sardis Weekday School Task Force:

The Sardis Weekday School Task Force was created to uncover what was needed to develop a sustainable program. Based upon the research done since January, the task force recommended that we continue a half‐day preschool program through at least the school year 2020‐2021. We are happy to report that Session approved this recommendation. For more information, visit

Sardis Weekday School Happenings! Preschool Summer Camp at Sardis Weekday School

Available for children ages 2‐5 · 9 a.m.‐1 p.m. · Monday‐Friday

The Sardis Weekday School family is excited to offer you six separate fun‐filled weeks of camp, five days a week. And it’s flexible ‐ choose just a few weeks that fit your schedule or enroll your camper in all six.

June 18 – 23 Art · July 24 – 28 Amazing Athletes June 26 – 30 Storytelling Camp · July 31 – August 4 Atomz Lab July 17 – 21 Play Spanish · August 7 – 11 Soccer Shots Registration is now open, but we have limited spaces available. Cost: $140/week for the first child and $120/week for each additional child. Contact Louise Lippi at or 704.366.9681 to get your spot!

Mother’s Day


Employment opportunities

On May 10 and 11, Sardis

Four year old graduation will


Weekday School students will

be on Thursday, June 8 at

expanding their class offerings and will

honor their moms with a special

9 a.m. in Sardis House.

have teacher positions available for the

celebration. The children are busy making special surprises for all their moms. It is surely an occasion which will delight both mothers and children.

Congratulations, graduates!





upcoming school year.

If you are interested in joining our team at the Preschool with Heart, please contact Louise Lippi at 704.366.9681 or

The Communicator ~ May 2017 7

The Communicator

Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,



8 The Communicator ~ May 2017

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