2018 May Communicator

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May 2018

A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church April 2018 Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Disciple‐

A monthly publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church · Charlotte, North Carolina


Over 180 Volunteers Packaged 30,000 meals at Give One Day!

Sharing in Worship Summer Worship, Page 2

Sharing in Service

Service Opportunities, Page 5

Sharing in Fellowship Lemonade Social, Page 2

Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship

The Communicator ~ May 2018

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Summer Worship

Beginning July 1 through September 2, there will be one worship service at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Summer always has a special feeling to it; a feel of togetherness as we vacation with family or come together with friends for cookouts and bonfires. At Sardis, we see summer as a wonderful opportunity to be able to come together as one, and share in praise and worship. Elements from both 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services will be included in each 10:00 a.m. service, including music. Let’s share the love in worship this summer.

Sanctuary Worship Services: July 1 July 8 August 19 August 26 September 2

Fellowship Hall Worship Services: July 15 July 22 July 29 August 5 August 12

After our 10:00 a.m. worship services on July 8 through September 2, we invite the adults and youth to join us for Sermon Talk Backs— conversations with our Sardis pastors.

Join in some fellowship during our lemonade socials after each worship service this summer! In June, meet in the Gathering Place after the 9:00 a.m. worship service and under the porte‐cochère after the 11:00 a.m.

While the adults and youth are in the Sermon Talk

worship service. In July and August we’ll join

Back, we invite the elementary children to gather

together immediately following our 10:00 a.m. worship

for hands‐on learning and faith exploration.


Welcome Sam and Jenny!

Please welcome Sam Johnson to Sardis.

Sophia Spangler is hosting an electronic recycling

Sam will be caring for Sardis during the

drive at Sardis. The drive is for Sophia to earn her

week and some Sundays. He is a

Girl Scout Silver Award. On May 12 from 9 a.m.‐

welcome addition to the Facilities team!

3 p.m. there will be a truck at Sardis and we invite

you to bring broken electronics such as TVs,

Please welcome Jenny Walker, our new Nursery Coordinator, to Sardis! She is the smiling face that greets you as you drop your kids off in the nursery and welcomes and recruits our volunteers. We are grateful to have her caring for our youngest disciples!

Girl Scout Silver Award Project

computers, phones, tablets, microwaves, hairdryers, DVD players, cords, etc. We will then load everything in the truck and send it to an EWaste company that recycles all the parts. Girl Scout volunteers will be there to help you unload your vehicle. If you have any questions, call 704.582.9810.

2 The Communicator ~ May 2018

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Haiti Mission Trip: November 7 ‐ 14

If you are tempted to go to Bayonnais, Haiti with Sardis November 7‐14, you had better think twice. There is a known, high risk of having a deeply moving, spiritual experience and acquiring a prolonged after effect. We have seen this happen over and over again in ordinary, sensible people who have been in Bayonnais even just once. They return home different, having seen the Holy Spirit in action, lifting the lives of the poorest men, women, and children in the western hemisphere.

You should also know that this infection is communicable, so it is best to avoid contact with persons who have been to Bayonnais. Should you run into Jane Fobel, Pressly Gilbert, Katie Harrington, Jan and Phil Hegg, Brenda McKay, Dean Sellers, or Anne and Ed Shoaf, WATCH OUT! They are known disease vectors. If you are trapped and forced to speak to them, do not ask them about what they have experienced in Bayonnais, Haiti!

Thank You, Sardis!

Many thanks to the Sardis congregation for your response to the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. Sardis received $6,125! That’s almost twice what we contributed to this denominationally‐supported global offering last year. Your gifts will combine with contributions from Presbyterians throughout our denomination to assist with natural disaster recovery, hunger relief, and self‐development of disadvantaged peoples. Thank you! Share the Love

Jeanne Hammons

In Romans 12:6 (NIV) we read: “We have different gifts according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is in showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”

Each time we enter Sardis, we are surrounded by fellow members who have shared their gifts reflecting God’s amazing love. Inside the church family, members have taught children and adults, have cared for children in the nursery and for the elderly, have encouraged fellowship, have prayed for and taken meals and given needed rides to those who are ill, have provided transportation to church services and activities, have coached and encouraged sports and recreation participants, and have served in many ways involving the activities of our youth, including being Confirmation partners and Church Mice. Members have been part of the planning of worship and enriched the music program. Members have given of their time and their gifts and their money to financial and stewardship and personnel and property issues. Outside the church, members have given of these resources to the Bayonnais mission, the Rama Road ministry, Room In The Inn, the Salvation Army Women’s Shelter, the soup kitchen, Give One Day, and many other mission and community service activities.

In every instance of being good stewards by giving of our time, our gifts, and our money, we are sharing the love that has so generously been given to us.

The Communicator ~ May 2018 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Sardis Men’s MSG Breakfast

What can pull 30+ men of Sardis out of bed on a Friday morning? Food! On Friday, March 23, members of a number of Mustard Seed Groups met at the Community Culinary School to enjoy what has become a semi‐ annual event. Like times before, the Culinary School outdid themselves serving a buffet of eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits, pastries, toast, fruit, and coffee. It was truly good food for a good cause as members contributed towards their morning meal.

After a wonderful breakfast the men heard from Ben Page of I Am 24/7 (www.IAM247.org) and learned about the wonderful work his groups are doing in the Grier Heights neighborhood. Located a few miles from Sardis, this local ministry is truly impacting the youth in the neighborhood and we were impacted by his talk as well. In April, members of these groups helped build a storage shed in this community for the group to keep sports equipment.

Avery County Habitat Opportunity ‐ Great for Families With Youth! This volunteer opportunity is open to adults, and youth ages 14‐16 as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Eight volunteer spots are available the week of Monday, July 30 through Saturday, August 4 to help with a Habitat house project—no construction experience necessary! Volunteers may sign‐up for any number of days or the entire week. The cost is $30 per night, or $175 for the week. Please email Vic Lisciani (Vlisciani@aol.com) or Steve Hoots (steve.hoots@childressklein.com) for more details or to sign up. Visit www.averycohfh.org to learn more.

Office Holiday Closing: The church office will be closed on Monday, May 28 for the Memorial Day holiday. Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org under the News & Events tab.

Financial Highlights March Pledges, gifts, and $159,622.80 other revenue Expenses $174,770.52 Net Total ($15,147.72) Annual Budget: $1,983,000

March expected

This year so far

This year so far expected




$179,793.67 ($30,716.10)

$474,067.82 $68,873.45

$478,136.01 $24,196.70

Our Church Family Congratulations: to Anne Hollowell upon the birth of her granddaughter, Maeve Rose Hollowell; and to Deirdre and Buster Cox upon the birth of their granddaughter, Avery Rene Cox.

Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Jackie Harkey; to the family of Shirley White; to David Harris upon the death of his mother, Connie Harris; and to the family of Joe Welch.

4 The Communicator ~ May 2018

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Thank You, Sardis!

You supported the A Book of My Own Drive with the most ever given ‐ $11,245.00. This will allow us to provide every student at Rama Road Elementary school with at least five books to take home for summer reading. Thanks to all the individuals and groups for your generous support. Your gifts will make a difference for Rama students.

Men’s Shelter of Charlotte Needs Our Help

Men’s Shelter of Charlotte is renovating and they need our help while their kitchen is down. Be a part of Sardis’ crew to make sandwiches or bring homemade cookies or bottled water on Wednesday, May 30 in the main kitchen. Sign‐up for shifts with our SignUp Genius link at www.sardis.org or contact Anita Kirby, 704.365.2617 or aakirby@bellsouth.net to volunteer.

Service Opportunity!

Do you have a love and passion for flowers and a desire to serve our Sardis homebound members? If so, this volunteer opportunity is for you! We are looking for volunteers to break down the beautiful sanctuary floral arrangements into small bouquets after the 11:00 service. These small bouquets are then picked up and delivered to our homebound members for their enjoyment. If you are interested in this service opportunity, please contact Sheila Duyck at 704.364.4637 or sduyck@att.net.

2018 Loaves & Fishes Food Drive

Volunteer at Habitat ReStore

Sunday, May 6—Sunday, May 20

The Charlotte Habitat ReStores have

Your generous contributions during our February Food Drive

opportunities in all roles and all four

totaled 993 pounds, an all‐time high!! Let’s continue to strive to

Charlotte locations for volunteers to give

meet the nutritional needs of our neighbors in the Charlotte area.

some regular time to this charity. Roles


As students will soon be out of school for summer vacation and will be eating more meals at home, cereal, peanut butter, and jelly are especially needed at this time. Other priorities: canned meats; canned pasta; canned fruit; powdered milk; 100% fruit juice (no glass).

Paper bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick‐up in the Gathering Place, or you may place your donations in any type bag of your choice. Filled bags of non‐perishable food





dockworkers, and at the Wendover location, even bookstore and Julia’s Cafe positions. Most volunteers work about four hours once a week with a commitment for six months.

For all roles, click on the volunteer tab at www.charlotterestore.org to learn more and to complete the volunteer application.

can then be returned to the labeled collection bins near the Library in the Education Building, May 6 ‐ May 20.

The Communicator ~ May 2018 5

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Welcome Back College Fellowship Breakfast

Welcome back! We are excited to welcome back our college‐aged adults to Sardis this summer. Please join us for breakfast on Saturday, May 12 from 8:00‐9:30 a.m. at the Sardis House. We want to hear about your year and future plans as well as see what you want to do this summer and beyond as a group. If you are in this age group and would like to attend this breakfast, please RSVP by Wednesday, May 9 to Karen Bohlen (kbohlen@earthlink.net). Looking forward to seeing you!

Senior Breakfast and Blanket Ceremony

On Sunday, June 3, the Youth Ministry will host a special breakfast for high school seniors followed by the blanket ceremony at the 11:00 worship service. These are special times for our students to be honored for their achievements and for their foundation of

Rising 6th Grade Party

On Sunday, May 6, all rising 6th grade students (those students who will be in 6th grade in the fall) are invited to a ‘Welcome to Youth Ministry’ party from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. Dinner will be served, then we will play some get to know you games where we learn more about each other. We will end at 7:30 p.m. Parents of rising 6th grade students are encouraged to meet with Adrian Martin at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about the Youth Ministry and the opportunities that are available this summer.

faith they created at Sardis. Please contact

Adrian Martin at adrian.martin@sardis.org to

For more information, please call Adrian at 704.366.1854.

RSVP or to ask for more information.

College 101

The College Fellowship group and parents will be hosting a College 101 Q&A Session for current 11th and 12th grade youth and their parents on Sunday, May 20 from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. at the Sardis House. Our returning college‐aged adults and their parents are eager to answer questions and share their experiences of the first year after high school with these youth and their families to help everyone get ready for this next step. Dinner will be provided. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by Wednesday, May 16 to Adrian Martin (adrian.martin@sardis.org).

Middle School Beach Retreat

On April 13‐15, the Middle School Youth Ministry had a Beach Retreat in Kure Beach. The retreat dealt with who we are behind the masks we all wear in our day to day lives, hiding things from others. As part of the retreat, we all made masks and used them in worship and devotions. We also had plenty of time to enjoy the beach and played group games. During the retreat, we were able to affirm truths about ourselves and each other, recognizing our God‐given gifts and talents and learning to become comfortable with who God created us to be.

6 The Communicator ~ May 2018

“Let the little children come unto me.”

Sardis Weekday School Summer Book Swap

Do you have any childrenʹs books to donate that are taking up space? Instead of having a book fair to purchase new books, we will be going green with a summer book swap, where people donate books and the kids ʺshopʺ for books that are new to them. Please help our kids ward off boredom after school is out by providing them with some interesting new reading material! You can drop off donated books in the Fellowship Hall in the bin marked ʺSWS Summer Book Swap.ʺ Any books that are not selected will be donated to a local Charlotte charity called Promising Pages for children who cannot afford to buy books. Thanks in advance for your participation!

Sardis Weekday School Happenings! SWS is planning to open a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) class to the preschool program. The TK class will begin with the 2018‐2019 school year. This class will be offered Monday‐Friday from 9‐1 for students who did not make the Kindergarten cutoff date (September‐December). These students will be academically ready for more advanced skills than their 4‐year‐old peers. Their social skills are also more mature and allow for higher level social games and play. TK is also appropriate for students who are kindergarten age but may benefit from another year to develop academic and social skills. TK will be faster paced than a regular 4 year old program. Students in this program will receive a modified kindergarten curriculum (Learning Without Tears) that is balanced with age appropriate activities.

Preschool Summer Camp at SWS Available for children ages 2‐5 · 9 a.m.‐1 p.m. · Monday‐Friday The Sardis Weekday School is excited to offer you six separate fun‐filled weeks of camp, five days a week. And it’s flexible ‐ choose just a few weeks that fit your schedule or enroll your camper in all six.

Registration is open. Cost: $140/week for the first child and $120/week for each additional child. Contact Elizabeth Angerson at elizabeth.angerson@sardis.org or 704.366.9681 to get your spot! June 18 – 22 Storyteller June 25 – 29 Art July 16 – 20 Amazing Athletes

· July 23 – 27 Soccer Shots · July 30 – August 3 Atomz lab · August 6‐10 Music & Movement


Employment opportunities

Four year old graduation will take place Thursday,

Sardis Weekday School will be expanding their class

June 7 at 9 a.m. in Sardis House.

offerings and will have teacher positions available for

Congratulations, graduates! Class of 2018!

the upcoming school year.

If you are interested in joining our team at the Preschool With Heart, please contact Elizabeth Angerson at elizabeth.angerson@sardis.org or 704.366.9681.

The Communicator ~ May 2018 7


Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road

Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, NC 28270

Permit #1059


An Evening with

Actionnel Updates on the Bayonnais, Hai community

Medical Clinic · Community Mercan le · Sponsorships

Wednesday, May 9 6:30 p.m. Sardis House

Light dinner of rice and beans prepared by members of the Hai an Church on Shamrock Drive, Centre Centre Interna onal de Foi en Christ. Salad and dessert provided by the Sardis Presbyterian Mission Interpreta on Ministry. Registra on deadline is May 5, at noon. There is no charge, but a love offering will be received to cover the costs of the meal. Any monies collect is excess of costs will be donated to the Medical Clinic to support the work of the neonatal/maternity nurse.

Register online at www.sardis.org or call 704.926.1590.

8 The Communicator ~ May 2018

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