November 2013 communicator

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THE COMMUNICATOR A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church

November 2013

Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship

“We’re pre&y sure Dr. Kort has a camera in our house. It seems like every (me we argue about something at home he will preach on that topic the next week!”

When I see our beautiful Sanctuary I am so grateful for the faith and financial commitment of those who built it. It is a privilege and a holy obligation to continue their work, both for today and for the work of God in generations to come.

“A few years ago, I found myself in the hospital a er a stroke. I don’t mind telling you how scared I was. But my Sardis family helped me through those difficult days. I remember telling my daughters, “Don’t ever stray from the church. That’s how you get through these things.”

“When I pledge, I’m not just giving to Sardis, I’m giving to the homeless, to children in need, to the people in Haiti. It’s one of those things that I think Sardis has done phenomenally.”

“My son had a fantas(c experience on the Confirma(on retreat. He, on his own, told me about his spiritual experiences. Brought me to tears. Thank you. Thank you for ALL you do for my children.”

“I was thirty-four when I began feeling God’s call to ordained ministry. That day is still fresh in my mind. One morning in 2007 Dr. Kort asked me when I was going to seminary. At first I thought he was kidding me. But Dr. Kort was imagining where God would lead my family and me in this journey of faith through seminary training. It has been through the ongoing encouragement, financial support, and prayer of Sardis that my studies at Columbia Seminary were possible.”

Pledge Dedication Sunday is November 10! Bring your completed pledge card to worship. Sardis Presbyterian Church · 6100 Sardis Road · Charlotte, NC 28270 · 704.366.1854 ·

Ministry is about life in Christ which aects everything we do..


Ministry is about life in Christ everything Ministry is about life in Christ whichwhich affects affects everything we do.. we do.

9:00 a.m. Worship Moving to Fellowship Hall this January In January, our 9:00 am worship service will be moved from the Sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall. The Session approved this recommendation that came from the Director of Music Selection Commi%ee and the Worship Commi%ee. Why the move? There are a number of reasons: • Last year our officers and nearly 280 Sardis members participated in open discussions to help us identify

important long range goals. One message that came out of this process loud and clear was a desire on the part of many for a “truly contemporary” worship service. We believe this change will help us engage current and new worshipers in God’s kingdom here at Sardis. • The message from the long range planning study was reinforced during our search for a new Director of

Music. During the process of interviewing candidates, the members of the selection commi%ee heard from every single final candidate the opinion that we need to move the service to a space that would incorporate technology and the use of screens and to allow for greater flexibility in worship space. • Most of all, we want to use all the creative arts at our disposal to create an inspiring worship experience

that is pleasing to God. There are so many technological tools available now that can enhance the visual and musical experience of worship, but many of them, particularly the use of screens, just don’t work in our sanctuary. Of course, we continue to be invested in offering excellent traditional worship in our beautiful Sanctuary with our impressive organ, which is one of the best in the nation. At Sardis we value all types of worship that inspire us to glorify God. There will be certain Sundays when the early service will move back to the Sanctuary: for example the Sunday of our Youth Auction. We will also be working to see how best to transform the Fellowship Hall into an inspiring se%ing, with the sound, video, and aesthetic features and equipment we will need for contemporary worship. We know this will take time, money, and a certain amount of trial and error. We are fortunate that we have the opportunity to try something new and still keep our traditional service in the Sanctuary.

New Music Director at Sardis We are pleased to announce Jared Daugherty as our new Director of Music Ministries. Jared will join the Sardis staff on November 1 and be introduced to the congregation on Sunday, November 3rd. He recently finished his Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Georgia and is an active member of the American Choral Directors Association. Jared has a passion for worship in many styles, and enjoys helping to facilitate an uplifting experience with each opportunity. Jared said “It is my calling and desire to facilitate and share in worship by encouraging others to glorify God through song. . . I aim to inspire true art by encouraging others to open their souls to experience for themselves and create an experience for the listener that is unique, emotionally stirring, thought-provoking, and spiritual. I believe that children and youth are the Jared with his wife, Katie, and future of the church, and teaching them to use their talents for the Glory of God daughters, Lauren (6) and Lydia (15 and how to lead others in their worship experience through music is important mos.). to me.” 3

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Session Highlights, October 2013 • The following transfers were approved by the Session:

John and Virginia Reid to Christ Lutheran Church, Charlo%e; Barney and Carrie Parkey to Ma%hew United Methodist Church; Jennifer Anne Patche% to First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh. • These motions were approved: ♦ That the Communications Commission be structured in the Advisory Board format with the staff director of

communications as chair and four to six members of the congregation as members. ♦ That the Clerk’s Ministry be allowed to establish a commi%ee to organize the celebration of Sardis’ 225th

anniversary in 2015. ♦ That the Sardis Church Mouse Program align with and fall under the direction of the Youth Ministry. ♦ That the slate of Ministry members be approved as presented by the Clerk’s Ministry. ♦ That the Weekday School offer a 25% tuition discount on one 2-day tuition for a child in a family with out-of-the

ordinary costs for the months of November – April, 2014. ♦ That there be a single worship service on March 2 at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. ♦ That Sunday School begin at 9:00 am on March 2 to accommodate the 10:00 worship service followed by the Youth

Auction. ♦ That Sardis partner with Desert Ministries in providing space for an area seminar for “caregivers” (ministers,

chaplains, Stephen Ministers, etc.) in honor of Dr. Richard Cromie. ♦ That the Ministry Information Form presented by Mary B. Saclarides, chair of the Youth Pastor Search Commi%ee,

be approved. The MIF contains the expectations and requirements of the call. ♦ The Session also heard a follow-up presentation from Otis Crowder and John Taylor regarding a church entrance

project to accommodate larger vehicles (i.e. church buses) under the overhang. The Session approved continued action on this project. ♦ The Session also approved Jessica O%o, Jared Daugherty, Mary Beth Blackley, Jeff Weston and two members from

the Worship Commi%ee as a commi%ee to arrange for necessary changes to the fellowship hall regarding sound, acoustics, and video for the 9:00 service to begin there in January.

Complete minutes for recent meetings are at, and also available along with archived minutes in the Library.

Diaconate Highlights, October 2013 • Community Service coordinated the CROP walk and the Blood Drive; the Charlo%e Family Housing event was

held over the weekend of October 27-30. • All of the photos have been taken for the directory and the hope is that the directory will be available by

Christmas. • The Communication Ministry is hoping everyone will check in on Facebook whenever they are at Church. • Fellowship is organizing the PumpkinPalooza for October 26th and is se%ing up a Christmas trip to the Billy Graham Library in December. • The Property Commission is reviewing an energy survey that illustrates an 8% savings with new HVAC equipment in the Education Building. 4

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

New Landscaping at Sardis Cemetery

New plantings, mulch and irrigation system installed by Providence Day School near the Sardis cemetery.

Providence Day School recently approached Sardis with a plan to beautify the buffer area on Sardis property between the cemetery and the shared driveway. The school proposed pu%ing in landscaping and irrigation at PDS’ expense. Since this shared entry is one of the main access points for their campus, they have an interest in keeping it looking great, which of course also benefits Sardis. The work was recently completed, and was a $25,000 investment for PDS. Sardis Presbyterian has full ownership of the landscaping, and can change or remove it at any time without giving notice to PDS. We appreciate this improvement to our property, and the neighborly relationship we have with PDS!

Friendship Connection Friendship Connection, a fellowship group for retirees, will meet at 11:00 am on November 19 in the Sardis House for a program by Margot Leydic-Boyd on “A Few of the World’s Fascinating Places.” Margot has traveled to 60 countries and has

studied extensively in the humanities. Margo defines ‘fascinating places’ as areas of the world which have diverse landscapes, populations and religions, as well as interesting (and sometimes tumultuous) histories. Lunch will follow the presentation at

noon, at a cost of $8. Reservations are required by noon on Friday, November 15 and Margot Leydic-Boyd can be made by and husband Hayden calling 704-9261590 or at

An Opportunity to Support McClintock Middle School:

McClintock is having a 5K fundraiser on December 7 at 9:00 a.m.. The cost is $15 for adults and $10 for students. Visit h%p:// to sign up.

Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Mary Megas; to Helen Harmon upon the death of her husband, Phil Harmon; to Kathy Ramirez upon the death of her mother, Pauline Swofford; to Les Ingles upon the death of his brother-in-law, Bill Beighley; to John Carriker and the Carriker family upon death of Bernie Carriker; to Lee Shore upon the death of his mother, Sue Shore; to Dot Cosper upon the death of her brother, Clyde Fowler; to Paul Green upon the death of his mother, Pauline Carter; and to Suzanne Weston upon the death of her father, Charles Ripley.

Our Church Family

Congratulations: to parents Clay Williams and Lonna Hays and grandparents Chris and Robert Williams in the birth of Henry James Williams; to parents Bob and April Frazer and grandparents Robert and Elizabeth Frazer in the birth of Robert Jeb Frazer; to parents Amie and Brian Davidson in the birth of Virginia Emery Davidson; to parents Chris and Erin Tilley and grandparents Richard and Jane Tilley in the birth of Nora Catherone Tilley.

Financial Report for month ending September 2013 September

September expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gifts, and other budget revenue










Net Total





Thanks to your generous support, our financial position continues to strengthen. Sardis received more revenue in September than expected. Expenses continue to be responsibly managed by our ministry leaders, and remain under budget. You can make a gift at under the “give” tab or in the MySardis area of the web page.

Annual budget: $2,062,250 7

“Let the li-le children come unto me.”

Second Semester Begins January 8 Register at The LOGOS Program is a midweek faith and fellowship program for ministry with children and their families in the local church. It is a structured “retreat every week,” in the middle of the week, that provides all the dynamics of a good camp/conference program, but is experienced in the context of the life of the congregation. It guarantees the growth of the intergenerational relationships that bond the entire congregation into an authentic community of faith. It quickly becomes the cornerstone of a church’s effective and contagious youth and family ministry.

Consider Writing an Advent Devotional This year the theme is: Making Room for Jesus: In Advent and Always. Respond to the verse: “She gave birth to her first born son…and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7) Considering one of these prompts: 1. When I read “there was no place for them in the inn” I feel_____ because__________. or, 2. The way I/my family make room for Jesus is__________________________. or, 3. It is good news to me/to humankind that Jesus was born in a stable because________. Send submissions to the church office by November 4 or to Jane Fobel at

Connect at Sardis will resume in January. Join us each Wednesday in the Sardis House, 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., for programs for all ages. Participants may bring a bag dinner, beverages will be provided. There will be no catered meal.

Winter 2014: Two Tracts Tract 1: Faith and culture Series: 4 weeks with Heather Eddy 2 weeks with Renda Brinson Tract 2: Marriage Enrichment

Spring 2014: Lenten Bible Study 8

This small group ministry allows members to grow in faith and deepen the bonds of fellowship. Check for a complete list of Mustard Seed Groups, meeting dates and times. Our newest groups include: A Men’s Group, meeting during lunch at Ma%hews Presbyterian Church, led by Randy Long ( . LOGOS (Ladies On the Go), a group designed to introduce women to small group participation in a busy world. Coming November 13: “What a Day, Iʹve had it! Heʹs been there done that!” based on Luke 9:34-55.

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. More than five thousand walkers, including approximately 70 adults and youth from Sardis Presbyterian, participated in the 35th annual Charlo%e CROP Hunger Walk in downtown Charlo%e October 13 to raise money and awareness about hunger in the city and around the world. The Sardis Team has raised approximately $13,000 but hopes to increase that amount to get closer to last year’s record of $19,000. Contributions for the 2013 CROP Walk are still being accepted. Contact Al Wall ( or Jane Tilley ( to make cash/check contributions or donate online to the Sardis Team: Way to go Walkers and Sponsors!

Community Service Reminders SPAGHETTI SAUCE SUNDAY - November 3 (53.6 pounds collected in October!) TEN CENTS A MEAL: November 3

FILL A STOCKING AND YOU’LL FILL A CHILD’S HEART Can you imagine not being able to provide any toys for your li%le ones on Christmas day? Can you imagine being a child and not receiving anything on Christmas? The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program provides filled stockings for children and families in need. Stockings will be available in the Gathering Place beginning November 10 and should be returned to the marked collection bins in the hallway across from the library by December 8. Please consider picking up one or more stockings and filling them with simple items to brighten a child’s Christmas. Our goal is to fill 250 stockings. Use this opportunity to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas and teach your own children/grandchildren the value of giving. Contact Susan Hudson at 704-366-4825 or

2013 Loaves & Fishes Food Drive Loaves & Fishes provides a weekʹs worth of nutritious groceries to individuals and families in shortterm crisis. The foundation works with a diverse group of public and private organizations to ensure optimal service to clients and avoid duplication of services.

Food Drive Nov. 3-17

In 2012, Loaves & Fishes provided groceries to 126,803 people. On November 3, 2013, Sardis begins collecting non-perishable food for its third annual food drive to benefit Loaves & Fishes. Bags labeled with priority needs will be available for pick-up in the Narthex, Gathering Place, and Education Building. Filled bags of non-perishable food can then be returned to the collection bins near the library in the Education Building. Stewardship Sunday, November 3, is a day we show our commitment to support Sardis missions. Please do your part by giving to those who are struggling to provide food for their families. Beginning December 1, Sardis will host up to thirteen of our homeless neighbors at the church each week. We still have a need for additional volunteers. If interested, please contact Les Ingles at 704-654-1888 or

The October Blood Drive was a huge success.

Thank you Sardis! We raised our goal to 35 units and had 39 units donated. That is the highest donation in years. The Red Cross responded by saying, “Sardis always comes through for the Red Cross!” Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you at our next drive on January 26. 9

The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270 November 3. Turn your clocks back one hour!

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