@ SardisYouth October 2014 Committed to glorifying God, the Youth Ministry of Sardis Presbyterian Church exists to accept, engage and nurture all youth and their families in order that they become disciples of Christ and serve the Lord.
Confirmation Class Fall Retreat The 2014-15 Confirmation Class had a retreat September 12-14 at Montreat Conference Center. They discussed baptism, Confirmation and the leap of faith they will be taking this year with their teachers and the Director of Youth Ministries. They participated in a biblical scavenger hunt and went rock hopping in the creek. Please keep these young people in your prayers during this year of study and reflection.
Make Sure You Are Receiving our Communications We send out a weekly email to our middle and high school parents and students along with occasional reminder postcards and important information for youth and parents. We want to make sure you stay informed and don’t miss any of the great activities and service projects we have planned! If you are not receiving emails or mailings from the Youth Ministry, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.366.1854 (office) or 704.778.6432 (cell). You may also email Adrian at adrian.martin@sardis.org.