Dear Engaged Couple:
Congratula ons to you on your upcoming wedding! Your wedding is one of the happiest occasions of your life. Sardis Presbyterian Church rejoices in this celebra on and is eager to make sure your event is enjoyed and runs smoothly. This booklet has been wri en to help you formulate your plans for this occasion. It sets forth specific procedures and guidelines, as well as church policies regarding weddings. Please read very carefullythesepoliciesto ensurethatthismostsignificantday goes smoothlyfor you andall involved.
The policies are Session approved and follow the order for the Solemniza on of Marriage set in the Book of Common Worship, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
A Chris an wedding is worship. The policies that follow are designed to ensure that this day is a meaningful experience in your lives.
If you have any ques ons regarding use of Sardis Presbyterian Church facili es, please contact Robin Medlock at 704.366.1854 or
We look forward to being a part of your wedding.
- Sardis Presbyterian Church
Church members and their immediate family that have been ac ve at Sardis Presbyterian Church for a minimum me period of six months are eligible to schedule a wedding at Sardis. (Immediate family means parents and children, not grandchildren or other extended family.) Members who have been inac ve for two years must meet the guidelines listed under the “Eligibility Excep ons” that are covered in the next sec on.
Eligibility Excep ons Involving Non-Members
Note: The following guidelines must be met prior to scheduling the wedding date.
· The Session must approve any excep ons to the eligibility rule.
· All of the required forms must be returned to the church office.
· Appropriate fees must be received in the church office.
· The wedding couple is required to sign a statement that they have reviewed all of the above guidelines and agree to follow them.
· The wedding couple makes an ini al contact with the assigned Wedding Director to be sure there is no confusion over the expecta ons of Sardis Presbyterian Church.
· If an outside minister is used, that minister is to follow the established procedures and will contact the Wedding Director for any clarifica on of these guidelines.
· There is a charge of $500.00 in addi on to the established fees.
Guest Pastors
All pastors who are not on the Sardis pastoral staff must be approved by the Session in order to perform a wedding. All guest pastors are required to submit an order of service, including the music, to the Sardis pastor for their approval. Any pastors assis ng Sardis staff pastors are expected to a end the wedding rehearsal.
Reserva ons
Reserva ons for church facili es should be made at the earliest possible date through the church office by contac ng Robin Medlock at 704.366.1854 or
The reserva on is not complete un l the couple has cleared the desired date with the Sardis staff, pastor, the Director of Tradi onal Music & Worship (DTMW), and the Wedding Director.
The pastor should be contacted in advance to allow for pre-marital counseling with the couple. This will include sugges ons for and discussion of the wedding ceremony.
The Sardis organist is responsible for the wedding music and should be consulted at least three months in advance to allow for music sugges ons, selec ons, and prepara on.
For reasons of policy, logis cs, and security, it is required that one of the Sardis Wedding Directors be engaged in the planning and conduc ng of all weddings and rehearsals.
The staff involved (i.e pastor, DTMW, and Wedding Director) must be consulted prior to se ng the date and me of the rehearsal. Since the staff members have many responsibili es, it is impera ve that rehearsals begin promptly at the hour scheduled. The pastor and the Wedding Director will be in charge of the rehearsal. The couple needs to give the marriage license to the pastor at the rehearsal. The pastor will present the couple with a cer ficate of marriage on their wedding day.
Children in Wedding Par es
It is recommended that children younger than five years old not be a part of the wedding party. If small children are involved, they should sit in the front pews with a designated adult instead of standing with the bridal party. Due to church liability, me restraints, and legal ramifica ons, Sardis is not able to provide childcare on the premises for weddings.
Dressing Rooms
The Parlor and the Historical room will be available to the wedding party based on needs. The dressing rooms are available up to 2 hours prior to the ceremony me and available for 1 hour a er the ceremony.
Sardis Presbyterian Church cannot assume responsibility for any personal items le in these rooms.
Recep ons/Rehearsal Dinners
No alcoholic beverages are permi ed on church premises.
The Fellowship Hall, Sardis House, church gardens, or large classrooms are available for wedding recep ons. Arrangements are to be made with the Wedding Director to use Sardis' plates, cups, punch bowls, and trays (addi onal fee; see fee schedule).
If a recep on is planned at the church, a member of the Food Service Ministry must be present and one of the Sardis custodians must be employed to put the facili es in order a er the recep on.
If your recep on is to be in the Fellowship Hall, please informthe Facili es Director if the caterer needs to set up on the evening prior to your wedding. It would be helpful if this can be avoided since it may be necessary to cancel other ac vi es scheduled there.
A rented dance floor is required when using Fellowship Hall for a recep on. Sound equipment is not provided for recep ons The me allocated for a wedding and recep on should not exceed four hours. There is a 10:00 p.m. curfew at which me all weddings /recep ons need to end.
If a garden recep on is planned and the weather is unstable, the final decision to locate the recep on inside should be made not less than one hour before the wedding.
It is permissible for a wedding party to schedule the Fellowship Hall for extended ac vi es other than what is considered rou ne for recep ons. An example might be a catered sit down dinner. Normal usage fees as outlined by the Church Property Usage Guidelines would apply.
Decora ons
The candles cks must remain on the Communion Table.
Flowers may be used in the two brass containers, and flowers or greenery may be placed on the ledge behind the Communion Table. Greenery on pedestals may be placed behind the railings. No flowers or greenery may be placed on the floor. With the couple's permission, flowers from Saturday weddings can be used in the Sunday worship service. Please let the Wedding Director know if you would like to donate the ceremony flowers. Delivery of flowers must be coordinated with the Wedding Director.
Candelabra are available to be used in the chancel area. The church will provide the special candles required (see fee schedule). If the Trinity candelabrum or pew candles are also used, there is an addi onal charge.
· No pews or chancel furniture are to be moved from their regular loca ons.
· No tacks are to be used on pews, chancel furnishings, or floors.
· Since rose petals stain carpet, silk petals may be used instead.
· The church has a kneeling bench, which the couple may use if they wish.
· Rice will not be allowed. Birdseed should be thrown outside the buildings. No seed is to be distributed inside the buildings.
The marriage rite is a service of worship, and the music selected for the wedding should embody the same high standards applied to music chosen for a Sunday Worship Service. In keeping with the seriousness of the purpose of the occasion, yet reflec ng its fes ve nature, the wedding music should serve to strengthen and deepen the meaning of the marriage service. The Director of Tradi onal Music/Organist must be consulted in planning all music for the ceremony and providing for any soloists or instrumentalists. Please do not consult any soloist or instrumentalists before this consulta on.
The DTMW of Sardis Presbyterian Church is responsible for all music that is played during the wedding service. In the event the DTMW is unavailable for the wedding, the subs tute musician will be suggested by the DTMW. The final decision in all ma ers pertaining to the music will rest with the officia ng Minister and the DTMW.
The fee prescribed by the Director of Tradi onal Music/Organist covers the following:
· Consulta onandplanning withthecouple.
· Approval of music to be played and/or musicians and/or outside organist to perform.
· One rehearsal.
· Music performed for the wedding service, including 10-20 minutes of music played prior to the hour set for the wedding service.
Guest Organists
Sardis Presbyterian Church adheres to the American Guild of Organists’ statement on ethics: “None but the regular organist of a church shall play at weddings. Any excep on to this rule must be made with consent of the organist.” The Sardis Presbyterian Church DTMW is granted the right of first refusal for all Sardis Presbyterian Church weddings. If a guest organist is requested, a bench fee of $250 may be required; and the Sardis Presbyterian Church DTMW will need to be consulted to determine the guest organist’s qualifica ons to use the Sardis Presbyterian Church organ. There is a fee for this consulta on if it occurs outside of normal office hours. This policy honors the resident staff’s posi on and helps to uphold the congrega on’s musical standard.
Sound System/Live Streaming
A sound operator is required. Please consult the a ached fee schedule for associated fees. A separate check payable to the sound operator is needed.
The ceremony, if requested to be live-streamed, will be available on Sardis' YouTube channel both during and a er the service. A physical copy of the ceremony is not available.
Photography is permi ed during the ceremony, provided it does not interfere. Photographer(s) should discuss the wedding limita ons with the Wedding Director. No flash photography. Ushers are encouraged to remind guests to silence their phones. The wedding party may return to the sanctuary a er the ceremony for a maximum 30-minute photo session.
Video equipment is permi ed at the rear of the Sanctuary, provided it does not obstruct aisles or access to pews. A video camera may be set up in the choir area, but must be silent in opera on and must be una ended from the me the preludes begin un l the end of the recessional.
Supplementary ligh ng of any kind inside the Sanctuary is strictly prohibited.
Certain electronic equipment emits stray RF signals and causes interference in wireless microphones. Videographers must check with the church Technical Arts Coordinator regarding wireless frequencies being used for the church system.
Senior Pastor
The Reverend Dr. Joe B. Mar n, IV
Director of Tradi onal Music & Worship (DTMW) Kaitlyn Davros 704.366.1854 ext. 211
Associate Pastor
The Reverend Allysen Schaaf
Execu ve Assistant to the Pastor Robin Medlock 704.366.1854 ext. 223
Wedding Fee Schedule
NOTE: All fees are due two weeks before the wedding date. Call the church office for the name of the custodian and sound operator scheduled for your wedding day.
Fees to be paid as follows:
· Fees for Sardis soloist, instrumentalist, and/or Organist, Wedding Director, Sound Operator, Videographer, and Custodian(s) are to be made out to individuals and are due two weeks prior to the wedding.
· For all other fees, checks are to be made out as noted below, and mailed to the church office two weeks prior to the wedding.
· Mail your individual checks in one envelope to:
Sardis Presbyterian Church A n: Robin Medlock 6100 Sardis Road | Charlo e, NC 28270
Note: All fees are subject to change by approval of the Session 60 days prior to the wedding date.
Facility Use
Sanctuary or Chapel……………………………………………………………………………………………..…No Charge for church members. Nonmembers, see Eligibility Excep ons on Page 4.
Professional Use
Suggested honorarium $100-$400
Director of Tradi onal Music/Organist (Sanctuary or Chapel– make check payable to the organist)
With consulta on, one rehearsal, and wedding…………………………….………..….$300.00
Each addi onal rehearsal needed for a soloist or instrumentalist………….…...$50.00 each Consulta on outside of office hours…………………………………………………………...$50.00
For holiday weddings, fee may be doubled at discre on of Organist Vocalist (discussed in consulta on with DTMW) Nego ated Wedding Director……………………………………………………………………………………………...….…$300.00
Addi onal counseling with outside minister…………………………………………...….$25.00 Custodian (not responsible for se ng, serving, or clearing tables)
Wedding, no recep on………………………………………………………………………..….....$150.00
Wedding and recep on…………………………………………………………………………......$200.00
Wedding and recep on with table and chairs to take down……………………..…$275.00 (In excess of 10 tables)
For weddings on a Sunday or holiday, custodial fees are subject to increase. The amount is to be determined by Sardis Presbyterian Church’s Director of Opera ons in coordina on with the Facili es Director.
Ceremony Equipment
Sound Operator ………………………………………………………………………………………...……...…..$100.00 Live streaming fee ………………………………………………………………..………………………….$50-$100.00
* Some music may require an extra fee due to licensing.
Candles for Candelabra (6 seven-branch Candelabras available)…………………………....$10 each candelabra Candles for trinity candelabrum………………………………………………………………………...…….$16.00
Pew candles (set of 6)…………………………………………………………………………………………...…$4.00 (Check for candles is paid to Sardis Presbyterian Church)
Food Service
Use of Sardis’ plates, cups, silver trays, and punch bowls…………………………………...……$80.00 (Contact the Wedding Director)