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サリー楓 / KAEDE, Sari Hatashima
サリー楓 /Kaede, Sari Hatashima: 空間戦略、建築経済学を専門に活動。 慶応義塾大学大学院、政策・メディア研究科に在籍。同大学院において場所のブランディングや空間資源の活用を研究し、商業施設や地方創生への応用を図る。設計競技、活動等で多数受賞。 KAEDE, Sari Hatashima: Hi, I am Kaede Hatashima who is first year master of KEIO-University Graduation School, Media and Governance. I am into Space Design Strategy. I have professional experience of architecture design, interior design and branding strategy. Career: KXV internship-Copenhagen、Vo Trong Nghia Architects internship-Saigon、Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates-Architecture designer、 AA school+tsa-London、X_lab 2017-UCLA、Harvard University GSD Summer Workshop-Tokyo Skill: Auto CAD -Excellent, Archi CAD BIM -Beginner, JW-CAD -Basic, Sketch UP -Excellent, Rhinoceros -Excellent, Toucant Render -B