Nepal House Guideline

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TFT Guidelines for Nepal House Establishment

May, 2010

NRNA Task Force Team for Promotion of Nepal Abroad International Coordination Council Non-Resident Nepali Association

TFT Guideline for Estbalishment of Nepal House Prepared By : Tenzi Sherpa

Date : May 23, 2010

Chair, NRNA Task Force Team for Promotion of Nepal Abroad

Introduction: The NRNA International Coordination Council has formed the Task force team for Promotion of Nepal Abroad to implement the Nepal promotion related declarations mentioned in the “Kathmandu Declaration 2010� Among the declarations the following relates the TFT to the establishment of Nepal Houses in different parts of the world:

As per the 1st TFT meeting held on April 10, 2010, this document is prepared as a guideline to National Coordination Council(NCC)s of NRNA, so as to assist NCCs with the concept of Nepal House. Objectives In order to implement the above-mentioned part of Kathmandu Declaration 2010, the Terms of Reference (TOR) of TFT for Promotion of Nepal Abroad has taken the following as one of the objectives of the Task Force Team:

Accordingly, the objective of the Nepal house and/or Nepal Pavilion shall be the following: a) Promotion of Nepal and Welfare of Nepali Community Abroad b) Promotion of Tourism Destinations in Nepal c) Promotion of Nepali Culture and Language among NRNs and friends of Nepal

Nepal House Sample Projects The TFT has collected the ongoing, completed or planned projects to establishment of Nepal House, Nepal Pavilion and/or Nepali Cultural Center with the objectives mentioned above. The lists includes the following: 1. Nepal House –Russia : NRN Russia 2. Nepal House – Korea : NRN Korea 3. Himalayan Community Center – US 4. Nepaliana Pavilion for Cities of Nepal- Global Fair & Festival Incheon, Korea

Attachments 1. Presentation Material on Nepal House Russia 2. Explanatory Literature on Nepal House Korea 3. Presentation Material on Himalayan Community Center- US 4. Nepaliana Pavilion for Cities of Nepal – Photographs

Especial Thanks: The Task Force Team extends sincere thanks to NRN Russia, NRN Korea, the Himalayan Community Center USA and Nepaliana Pvt. Ltd. for providing the sample documents. Thanks to Mr. Badri K.C. (NRN Russia) and Mr. Roger Adhikari (Member of TFT) for providing the documents on Nepal House and Himalayan Community Center in Russia and US respectively. It is expected that these sample projects will be useful reference to establish similar Nepal-House, Nepal Pavilion in different parts of the world, which will lead to significant Promotion of Nepal, which is the goal of the NRNA task force team for Promotion of Nepal Abroad.

1. Presentation Material on Nepal House Russia


Nepal p House A Socio Economical Project Russian and Nepali venture

Presented by: Dr. Badri K.C. XG–�GY[

Nepal House Nepal House

Shangrilla g Nepal 50%

Etnomir Russia 50% YG–�GY[

Promoters of Shangrilla Nepal • • • • • • •

Dr. Samata Prasad Mr. Tek Raj Niraula Mr. Jiba Lamichhane Dr. Mani Raj Pokharel Mr Roshan Pokharel Mr. Dr. Badri k.C. Dr. Eka Narayan Chapagain


Promoters of Shangrilla Nepal • • • • • • •

Mr. Santosh K.C. Mr. Harendra Jaisawal Mr. Khem Raj Lamichhane Mr. Basanta Kumar singh Mr Utsab Amatya Mr. Mr. Ranga Nath poudel Mr. Ananda mohan Chaudhary

[G GY[

Promoters of Shangrilla Nepal • • • • • • •

Mr. Gobinda Gautam Ms. Sapila Rajbhandari Mr. Dilli (Suman) kharel Mr. Shambhu Prashad Rijal Dr Mana Murti Bhurtel Dr. Mr. Shiva Mani Bhurtel Mr.Dina Nath Rajbhandari

\G GY[

Promoters of Shangrilla Nepal • Dr. Rishi Kant Mandal • Mr. Chhabilal Kunwar

]G GY[

Keyy Executive committee: • • • • • • • • •

Mr. Mr Jiba Nath Lamichhane Mr. Tek Raj Niraula Dr. Samata Prasad Ms. Ms Sapila Rajbhandari Mr. Santosh K.C. M R Mr. Ranga N Nath hP Poudel d l Mr. Gobinda Prasad Gautam Mr. Shambhu Prashad Rijal Dr. Badri K.C. ^G GY[

Nepal House • Total Amount of Investment: 1 400 000 USD • Investment from NRN Members: 700 000 USD • Investment From Etnomir: 700 000 USD

_G GY[

Nepal p House • Nepal p House is buildingg in the territoryy of Etnomir at kaluga region 86 KM far from Moscow Moscow. • More than 15 different nationalities had already established their traditional culture houses. • Total area of Nepal House: 5000 sq m • Built Up area: 1200 sq m

`G GY[

Nepal House • The Purposed Nepal house building consists of: -Museum and Conference room: 250 sq m -Hotel Rooms:20 -Restaurant & Kitchen: 250 sq m -Souvenir shop:40 sq m -Work Shop: 20 sq m


Nepal p House House--Concept p • We will construct veryy attractive ,traditional , artistic and attractive houses with mountain landscape greenery and garden. landscape, garden • The houses will be functional and purposeful, which also can be used as luxurious rooms for g the guests. • Decoration of the houses will provide glimpse of rich colorful life style and Nepalese tradition


Nepal p House House--Concept p • Number of skilled craftsmen and artists will demonstrate their skill to the visitors and the visitors can buyy the object j of art and artifacts • Authentic Nepal Restaurant will also serve gastronomical delights from Nepal to the visitors • With the experience and market response, performance of the First Phase, Phase we will add number of new elements to expand existing facilities and also cater larger number of customers, customers visitors. visitors


Nepal House House--Concept • Construction Period: from May 2010 to September 2011


Nepal House . The Project is widely supported by Nepal Embassy in Russia. . Project was admired and appreciated during 4th NRNA global l b l conference f at 2009. 2009 p . 4th Global conference included the Nepal House project in it’s manifesto requesting all NCC s to execute the similar projects. projects


Nepal house house-- Front View


Nepal p house house-- Side view


Nepal p house house-- Front Gate


Nepal house house-- Yard View


Nepal househouse- Yard


Nepal p house house-- View from Back Side


Nepal house As a pre conference activities during 4th global conference at Kathmandu, at 2009, we’d unveiled the Monuments of Mr Mr. Tensing Norgey Sherpa, sir Edmond Hillary and Mr. Boris Lisanevich. Total cost 28 000 Euro.


Monuments of Sir Hillary and Mr Mr. Tenzing


Monument of Mr. Mr Boris Lisanevich


Nepal House • The same copy of the monuments will be premises of Nepal p House,, in unveiled in the p Russia


2. Explanatory Literature on Nepal House Korea

Attachment -2

G u Gy Gu Gh GOuyuhPG u Gj Gj GOujjPSGr G G



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Nepal House: A Concept Paper The Non-Resident Nepalese Association (NRNA) in Korea, with the cooperation and coordination of all Nepalese associations/organizations and individuals in Korea, is planning to establish a centre called “Nepal House”. The main objective of this Centre is to help to the Nepalese people suffered in Korea due to various reasons by providing temporary shelter. This will be a non-profitable work carrying out on humanitarian ground. In addition to this, information on different aspects of Nepal i.e. natural beauties, socio-culture, historical facts and many more will be displayed in the centre which can be accessible to all people. Similarly, informative materials on opportunities on foreign investment in Nepal and business related matters will also be kept there. How it was thought? As the number of Nepalese people increased in Korea, Nepal Consulting Committee was established which was helpful to the Nepalese people. Following the establishment of the Embassy of Nepal in Korea, Employment Permit System (EPS) came into effect and as a result of EPS workers, the number of Nepalese people have substantially increased and will continue in the future. From time to time it has been seen that some people have been without shelter due to not having job or other reasons. Keeping in view of this fact, the NRNA, Korea thought that establishment of such Centre can be a helping hand in providing temporary shelter and other co-operations needed to the helpless Nepalese people in Korea. Location of Nepal House? It will be established at appropriate location convenient to the visitors both Nepalese and foreigners. How it will begin? - To start with renting a few rooms/flat and will be improved through coordination and consultation. - The NRNA, Korea will focus on providing the rooms to the helpless Nepalese people in Korea to use for a temporary shelter. - Side by side, the extra rooms can be used as the exhibition halls for displaying the various Nepal promotion materials.


Responsible Authority The NRNA, Korea will take overall responsibility for establishing and running the Nepal House. In course of time, it will prepare the guidelines and later on constitute a Sub-committee which will take care and run the centre in a transparent manner. The NRNA, Korea will make a provision of a patron and an advisory body for effectively running it in the long term. Cost It can begin with about 30 million Korean Won and approximately 150 million Korean Won will be needed to cover up this project. Income sources? - It is envisioned that income from the charity programs, contributions from the Nepalese Associations/Organizations and individuals in Korea as well as the Non-Nepalese organizations and individuals will be its main income sources. - NRNA, Korea will request the Government of Nepal and other private sectors to help provide for the displaying materials. - If the Nepal House could be developed to the standard of mini-museum, a short of fee can be charged to the visitors like school children and others. Reliability of the plan So far NRNA’s have been established in 55 countries and will continue to expand it in other countries as well. NRNA has been established in Korea also and gradually developing it as an organization. In carrying out different creative activities, NRNA, Korea, is committed to play a leading role in fostering this small but meaningful project. Since this is being established for the common purpose, the NRNA, Korea requests to all the Nepalese Associations and individuals to extend their maximum co-operations both in materials and idea. We also request and appreciate to all Non-Nepalese organizations and individuals for their all kinds of generous help. Thank you NRN, KOREA


3. Presentation Material on Himalayan Community Center- US


Himalayan l Community C Center C (HCC)

By: HCC Committee 1

HCC Northern California Nepali Community is rapidly growing. By some estimate, there are over six thousand Nepalis living in Northern California and expected to grow by double digit in near future. Therefore, Th f a community it center t iis nott only l d desirable i bl to Provide a common platform for all Nepalis in the area but also a smart financial investment for the share Holders. “HCC Committee�


HCC What

Community Center


East Bay


By creating Limited Liability Company (LLC)


Five years plan 3

HCC What is a community Center?

Ap place where all interested Nepalis p can g gather to Celebrate Nepali p culture, such as Dasain, Tihar, Holi, Krishna Asthami, Ram Nawami, Nepali New year, Lhosar, Nhu daya Vintuna, etc. A place which can help bring Nepali musicians, artists, and spiritual leaders to perform and speak on various aspect of Nepal. A place for the community members to perform marriage, Bratbandh and other social rituals. A point of contact for all Nepalis, who have need and are seeking f h for help. l A place to consolidate resources to help the community we live. A business that can increase in value by many fold in long run


HCC Why East Bay?

Location is g good for such business operation p Due to real estate value decline, the desired property may be more affordable. Most Nepali population in Northern California is concentrated in this area. The local Community is less resistance to such centers than in many other areas.


HCC Cont…. What is the project Mechanics? p y Create Limited Liabilityy Company Sell 1000 each Units (shares) and raise $1mil Purchase a failed or inoperative warehouse or Church or any building with big halls Upg Upgrade/modify ade/ od y the t e Building/facility u d g/ ac ty to meet eet the community center criteria


HCC How is it going to work? Each Unit holders will have one voting rights, just like in any publically traded Company The Community center will be owned by the partners and run like a business by the limited active partners g the proxy p y support pp of the general g partners p through The initial partners, those buy share in first two years fo the partnership, will become as the founding partners; and as founding g partners, p , their names will be engrave g in the visible wall of the Center Partners may transfer or sell their share at their will


HCC Why are we optimistic of this idea

Profitable venture not a donation Required only 1000 people’s participation p byy some estimate out of six thousand Nepalis In next five years Nepali population is expected to g grow byy manyy folds,, making g easier to sell more shares for future expansion Community feels need and seems to be energized by the idea 8

HCC What has happened so far? HCC Committee has been formed The committee is comprised of active members of Nepali p communityy from San Jose to Sacramento So far, four committee meetings have been already conducted Bylaws has been written and conceptually agreed by the committee 9

HCC What has Cont….

Initial fund for Article of incorporation and other expenses has been collected Domain Name - has been reserved And,, HCC website work has been partially p y completed


HCC What is next? Finish Bylaws Incorporate Company Conduct NCC road show throughout the Nepali community in Northern California Conduct Special events to sell NCC share g share pledge p g campaign p g Begin Issue share and collect money Conduct board of directors election after 500 issuance off Shares h Make final decision on location and type of center


HCC Committee members:

Shekhar Sharma Dorji Lama Bhakta Thapa p Harihar Dahal Ajay Dev Dikendra Maskey Siva Khadka Anup Srivastav Rajan Bartaula l Usha Kachhapati Ramesh Lama Manohara Thapa Govind Shahi Sandeep Puri Roshan Adhikari Durga Dahal Yan Rai Iswor Sapkota Suman K. Dahal Dhruva Thapa Roger Adhikari

(408) 591 – 2091 – (510) 487 – 6399 -, ((510)) 734 – 7499 - p g (650) 483 – 9127 - (530) 220 – 7772 - (707) 592 – 5559 - (408) 823 - 1361 - (530) 220 – 7997 -

Fremont Fremont San Carlos Sunny Vale Roseville Santa Rosa San Jose Davis

(510) 657 – 6820 - (415) 298 – 9961 - Oakland (510) 207 – 6936 - (408) 242 – 1650 - sandeep@newweb net (650) 483 – 8614 - (530) 304 – 7740 - (415) 260 – 5758 – (650) 714 – 6114 – ((510)) 590 – 7943 – @g (209) 640 – 1284

Fremont San Francisco Pinole San Jose Millbrae Davis San Francisco Mountain View Sunnyvale y Berkeley Tracy


Thank You ! “Himalayan Community Center Committee” (HCC Committee) 13

4. Nepaliana Pavilion for Cities of Nepal - Photographs

Attachment - 4










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