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The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Robert Byrne

M. B. Tripathi

General Secretary, BOIOA, Mumbai Unit, Jt. Gen. Sec. of FBOIOA


Undisputed Leader C

omrades, I will be bidding adieu on 28-02-2019 upon reaching superannuation. It was indeed a long journey commencing all the way back from 1980. I still cannot reconcile to the fact, that I am leaving this great Institution and Organization which has been an integral part of my life for last 38 years. Let me take this opportunity to thank all my members from the core of my heart for their relentless support and unconditional affection which has enabled me to discharge my duties. Apart from being General Secretary of our mighty and vibrant Unit, I am serving our Federation as Joint General Secretary. I am also designated as the Voice of Federation at Head Office, a special responsibility conferred upon me to act as the extended arm of the Federation General Secretary. I have been also serving the trade union movement of banking industry as State Secretary of AIBOC, Maharashtra State – I and State Secretary of AINBOF since June, 2015. Comrades, today I realize that I was privileged to have the opportunity of receiving guidance and training from veteran trade union leaders of our times like Com. A. S. Mahajan, Com. Peter Fernandes, Com. V. Eswaran, Com. A. K. Motayed, Com. M. Y. Shintre and Com. Harvinder Singh. I am also fortunate to be closely associated with Com. Sunil Kumar, our beloved Federation General Secretary. I have also greatly benefited from my interactions with various executives at Head Office, NBG and Zones for their support and cooperation in resolving various issues concerning our members. Comrades, during the last 18 years of my whole hearted involvement in our Association, I have always adhered to certain basic principles and ethics. Hence, my actions have been without any fear or favour. I do not claim to posses any magic wand that can solve

the problems of each and every member of our unit. But, I can proudly say with a sense of gratification that I have performed my duties with utmost sincerity and have tried to mitigate and resolve most of the problems of my members. Comrades, I do not have any animosity or bear an ill will towards my members. It has always been my endeavor to deliver maximum benefits to the larger interest of the members. In the process, it is possible that I might have hurt or displeased a few, but that was unintentional. When people applaud me for many achievements of our unit, I always remember Com. Shekhar Kadam, Com. N. D. Wagh, Com. Sunil Suseelan, Com. Anthony Goveas (Tony), Late Com. Uday Thakur, our President Com. Ashok Pai, Com. Aruna Agnihotri, all my office bearers, executive committee members, (specially YUVATURK) and of course all of you who were with me like my own shadow. You are the real architects of all the success that I have achieved. I am thankful to my life partner and my family for all the support during these years. I am unable to withhold the tears in my eyes, as I am concluding this message. I take this opportunity to express my indebtedness to you all and wish all of you and your family, Health, Wealth and Prosperity in your life. GOOD BYE Comrades. M B Tripathi General Secretary

Index Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Message Written by................................................................................................. Page No. Ashok Pai............................................................................................................................00 Nilesh Pawar.......................................................................................................................00 Madhusudhana B. N...........................................................................................................00 Sunil Kumar........................................................................................................................00 Dinabandhu Mohapatra......................................................................................................00 C. G. Chaitanya....................................................................................................................00 Sanjay Das..........................................................................................................................00 Ravi Gupta..........................................................................................................................00 S. K. Mukherjee...................................................................................................................00 Girish Kumar Singh............................................................................................................00 Prashant Naik.....................................................................................................................00   .............................................................................................................00 Dilip Chauhan.....................................................................................................................00 Mahendra Dhondse............................................................................................................00 Ashutosh Chandel..............................................................................................................00 Galeti Nageswar.................................................................................................................00 Harshvinder Singh Arora....................................................................................................00 Pankaj Kapoor....................................................................................................................00 Suresh Thampi S................................................................................................................00 Ramkumar Sabapathy........................................................................................................00 Mohan G. Bangera..............................................................................................................00 Manoj Wadnerkar...............................................................................................................00 J. K. Kamble........................................................................................................................00 V. Eswaran..........................................................................................................................00 Peter Fenandes...................................................................................................................00 Harvinder Singh..................................................................................................................00 Dr. V. Chidambara Kumar...................................................................................................00 Shekhar Kadam..................................................................................................................00 Suneel Susheelan...............................................................................................................00 N. D. Wagh...........................................................................................................................00 Aruna Agnihotri..................................................................................................................00


Comrade M. B. Tripathi Retires


t is diff icult to reconcile that Com. M B Tripathi, the legendary trade union leader, is superannuating after his illustrious service in the Bank as well as the organization. Com. Tripathi belongs to that miniscule group of selfless trade union leaders, whose predominant career interests are in the trade union movement. I have known Com. Tripathi for more than 15 years. In fact, he has been the main source of inspiration for my entry into the trade union movement. He has always stood by persons subjected to injustice and has always fought to secure justice for them. The Benef iciaries in this process were beyond the conf ines of class and cadre, and at times even beyond the periphery of Bank Off icers and Employees, which is the greatness of a true and dedicated leader. Though sentimental by nature, he was a straight forward, plain speaking person who could be stern and f irm when the situation demanded. This combination has helped us in achieving victory in many situations.

Ashok Pai President, Mumbai & Goa

Having held various positions at the Unit, State and at Federation level, Com. Tripathi has been a sought -after leader at all levels and forums. A person who was looked upon, by everyone in times of crisis, due to his ability to provide ready solutions for most problems at all levels. Com. Tripathi, has often been referred to as a King Maker, but he has always downplayed the accolades bestowed upon him. Having been f irmly grounded, I have never seen him being flustered by the happenings around him. He has been the pioneer in having vision for our unit, a person having tremendous fore sight, who not only ensured a proper succession plan for the unit but also implemented the same. There were times when lot of courage was required to take crucial decisions. Com. Tripathi made it look easy and made it happen. His organizing capabilities made him a leader who would always lead from the front. Like a true leader “I will take the f irst bullet” were his oft repeated words. No wonder he has a rich treasure of friends and admirers from different walks of life who have profound respect for this great leader. Com. Tripathi has proven himself to be an excellent and outstanding Credit Off icer as also a eff icient Branch Manager. Today the trade union movement in the country faces a severe crisis of leaders of his caliber and class. It is disturbing that there is a def icit of new leadership to take over the baton from such veterans. Against this background, when a personality like Com. Tripathi retires from the active service of the Bank, a huge vacuum will be created in the Bank as well as the organization, particularly the Mumbai & Goa unit. At personal level, I will be losing a dear friend, philosopher and guide. Since he too was staying in the extended suburbs, we often travelled together and we shared many personal /family related matters with each other. I found him to be a task master and insisted and got things done at the right time, even at the cost of becoming ruthless at times. Many a times I could see him helpless at not being able to reach at family functions on time. In the midst of the Association activities he has also ignored his health often. But then this is the cost you have to pay when you venture into trade union. Com Tripathi has been committed to the organisation, loyal to the Bank and a great lover of human beings and always strived to serve them. Be it the annual visit to our adopted Wakhadpada school, or updating our Busy Bankers book and conducting of pre promotion classes, he was always at the forefront to ensure these were smoothly done. In spite of all the toughness and ruthlessness, there was always a human touch in his approach. He is an emotional and sentimental person at times. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the yeomen services rendered by him to the Bank and the off icers’ fraternity at large, as also the bank employees in general. The spectrum of his activities has been so wide that I am sure, he will now switch over to a larger social cause, which has always been very dear to him. It is also a great personal loss to me as I will be losing a friend, philosopher and guide. I pray to God and sincerely wish him a happy, healthy, and contended retired life.


An Undisputed Leader… Dear Comrade,


t the outset, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for being a mentor, role model and an inspiration. Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful your guidance and advice has been for me to grow in the association. I believe quote ‘A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.’ Unquote You are a born Leader. I am a great admirer of your simplicity and kindness. At the same time when it comes to welfare of members, you always roar like a lion. Your contributions to the association are countless. Your futuristic vision for our association is unmatchable and will be remembered for long. With your sincere and committed efforts all through these years, today, we have been able to create a team of young comrades to take over the reins of our unit effectively. I feel blessed to work under your leadership and guidance. I am also fortunate to have learnt from you the various strata of eff icient leadership alongside effective handling of issues concerning our members. Your relentless efforts and endeavor to create a strong and effective Team has f inally taken shape in our Unit. On your superannuation, I am very emotional and recollecting our bonding and togetherness all through these times. It always hurts to lose that one best person, who leads the pack at work and gets everything done. The person who moves ahead and takes everyone else along, who builds a winning team by making everyone strong. I feel proud to be mentored by one of the most effective leader of this mighty Association. I would like to place on record appreciations for your effective contributions as the Joint General Secretary of Federation of Bank of India Off icers’ Association apart from selfless service, determination and committed efforts all through these years particularly as the President and The General Secretary of our Unit, which has helped the unit to reach the newer heights. It’s hard to believe that you’re retiring. But I know that your invaluable words of wisdom will be with me and all of us forever. You will always be remembered and will remain in our heart. I take pride in taking over the reins of this mighty association as the General Secretary from my mentor and leader like you. I assure you that I will work hard to carry forward the legacy of this association in proper and appropriate manner for which our unit is known. Once again, Congratulations on your retirement. And I wish you good health and joyous days in your retirement. Working under your leadership and guidance was truly an honor. Comradely Yours


Nilesh Pawar General Secretary BOIOA (M&G)


om. M.B. Tripathi, General Secretary of our Mumbai – Goa unit and Joint General Secretary of our Federation is superannuating from the services of our Bank on 28th February, 2019. It is satisfying to note that Com. Tripathi is retiring from the services of the Bank after accomplishing many milestones in a short span of time which is a testimony of his astute leadership qualities, commitment to Off icers’ Trade Union movement and genuine concern to serve the off icers community. Com. Tripathi, who entered the Executive Committee of Mumbai – Goa unit in the year 2001 quickly rose to become the President of the largest aff iliate of our Federation in the year 2007 and was elected as the General Secretary in the year 2015. He has been a force to reckon with in the off icers’ movement in Mumbai ever since. In recognition of his leadership qualities and commitment to the off icers’ movement he was elected as the Secretary of the state unit of AIBOC (Maharashtra I) and also All India Nationalised Bank Off icers’ Federation.

Madhusudhana B. N. President Federation of Bank of India Off icers’ Associations

To me Com. Tripathi is a true mass leader with deep understanding of the problems faced by the members. He was vocal in his views about tackling the issues and was always considered as a dependable comrade in Federation. His knowledge of Off icers’ Regulations and Disciplinary matters has saved the careers of many colleagues. His love for the local language is praiseworthy. Com. Tripathi leaves behind a big vacuum which is diff icult to f ill. For me it is loss of a dependable colleague in the Federation. We miss his interactions and logical articulations on various issues plaguing the Banking industry. Also we miss a f irebrand leader who was always at the forefront of organisational struggles. It is gratifying to note that he has encouraged many youngsters to take up organisational responsibilities in the Mumbai – Goa unit. The new team which is a judicious blend of the seasoned and the young is bound to take Mumbai - Goa unit to greater heights in the Federation in the coming days and f ind its true place in the Federation. My compliments and best wishes to the new team. On the eve of retirement of Com. Tripathi I place on record my sincere appreciation for his stellar qualities and contributions to the Off  icers’ movement. I wish Com. Tripathi a very happy, contended, fulf illing and healthy retired life. May his tribe increase! Bangalore 11.02.2019




om. Tripathi is laying down his off ice as G.S., Mumbai & Goa Unit. He is known for his affable character and sincerity amongst his

friends & well-wishers. He will be known for his works as my envoy in Head Off ice where his Liasoning with the Top Management of the Bank was of par excellence. His closeness and intimacy with the Executives were benef icial to our Federation/Association. He served on many positions of the Association of Mumbai & Goa Unit and he was Off ice-bearer of the Federation of Bank of India Off icers’

Associations for quite a long time. He also served as Secretary of AIBOC Maharashtra State-I. He has an excellent curatorial power, perfectionism articulation & result oriented negotiating skill much to the envy of many of his contemporaries but, he also won so many friends with this skill. He is living behind a grand legacy which will show the path for members of the Mumbai & Goa Unit in particular and for Federation too. I wish Com. Tripathi & his family members all success & happiness in their life.


Sunil Kumar Chairman, AIBOC General Secretary FOBOIA General Secretary, Bihar Unit


fondly remember Shri M. B. Tripathi’s inspiring presence and supporting attitude to all the members of Bank of India family

during the most challenging times of our journey which has helped to surpass all challenges and emerge as a Rising Star. His contribution to the Bank and Association has been remarkable and he has touched the lives of his colleagues in immeasurable way, As he retires from the Bank, he will carry with him the goodwill of the off icers fraternity. Everyone in the Bank and the Association will miss him.

Dinabandhu Mohapatra Managing Director & Chief Executive Off icer

But once a BOIan, always a BOIan and I am sure he will cherish the memory and continue to contribute in different capacity for the betterment of Bank of India and BOIans. On this momentous occasion, I wish Shri M. B. Tripathi good health, happiness and all the Very Best in his journey ahead and pray Lord Jagannath for his choicest Blessings on Shri Mataprasad Banarasi Tripathi.


“The journey of a life with a purpose is worth. It takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort to live a life with the purpose.� Your journey is indeed inspiration for all of us.



t was kind of a surprise to me to learn that Shri M. B. Tripathi, who looks so young and active, will be superannuating from our

Bank after putting in almost 38 years of service. Knowing fully well that superannuation is inevitable for each one of us, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable services rendered by him to the Bank and the officers’ fraternity at large. His contribution to the Bank and Association has been remarkable and he has touched the lives of his colleagues in many ways. As he retires from Bank, he will certainly carry with him the goodwill of

A. K. Das ED

entire Bank’s Staff. Everyone in the Bank and the Association will surely miss him, so will 1. I wish Shri M. B. Tripathi all the very best, good health, happiness and God’s choicest blessings.


Message from Executive Directors desk


e all agree to the fundamental purpose of trade unionism, the pursuit of the welfare of the members. Mr M.B.Tripathi,

strongly believes this concept and set standards as a strong comrade. Mr Tripathi is a union leader, who is a guiding factor to the off icers community and helpful in overcoming the problems of workforce. Mr Tripathi is a commerce post graduate, M.Com, CAIIB, joined as a clerk on 03.11.1980, promoted as off icer on 15.12.1993. The excellent quality of Mr Tripathi as a trade union leader is, he is patient in hearing and pro active in meeting people to resolve the issues. Mr Tripathi’s role is always remembered by the association for welfare activities of the members. Served as an EC member of Mumbai Goa in 2001,

C. G. Chaitanya

and thereafter President of the Mumbai Goa unit since 2007 to 2015.


Further as General Secretary of the organization till date. His crucial role played in the organization is clearly evident, as he rose in the organization and became State Secretary of AIBOC - Maharashtra and Joint General Secretary of Federation. As a trade union leader, the role played by Mr Tripathi is appreciable and commendable, which are very useful not only for the welfare of the off icer community but also for the growth of the organization as well. Mr Tripathi is always remembered by the off icers community for his good acts. I wish Mr Tripathi, a wonderful second innings with good health and wealth.


Dear Com. Ashok jii,


am delighted to note the you have decided to Publish souvenir as a tribute to the yeomen service rendered by Com. M B Tripathi.

We way not feel comfortable about the increasing frequency of bidding adieu to our Comrades in arms but there is no other way than to accept that. Parting is an integral part of our life. However parting from a person close to your ideology and dearer to your heart is always painful. It is time to say good bye to another f ighter of our Federation, who is none other than the true trade unionist, f ighter, devoted to the cause of off icer’s fraternity, our torch bearer at Head Off ice Com. MataPrasad B Tripathi. As I know he is a dedicated and Charismatic leader and a man who calls a spade a spade. In his second innings as GS of the largest unit he strode the off icers movement

Sanjay Das Vice President, FBOIOA Secretary, AIBOC, WBSU Secretary, AINBOF, WBSU

in Mumbai like a colosus leaving behind indelible foot prints. Today the Unit stands tall in the trade Union arena withstanding waves of attack from various corner due to his able leadership, contribution, dedication and devotion. He couldn’t be elevated beyond the Jt. General Secretary post in our Federation but he proved position of a trade union leader is not vital but his contribution and action means a lot. Thus he became the Statesman of our Federation. Com. Tripathi remained a leader with a mixed blend of a youthful leader with of positive vibes embedded with maturity, Perseverance and dispassionate approach. The trade Union movement is already having dearth of good leaders and when leaders like Com. M. B. Tripathi retires from active service of the bank, the void that is created cannot be easily f illed in. It is our loss and we shall be compounding to our loss if we fail to draw upon the knowledge, dedication he possessed. Not only as a GS of the Mumbai and Goa unit but as State Secretary of Maharashtra he did a commendable job which will be written in the history of AIBOC. My Committee members and me wish him and his family the best of health, happiness and an active and peaceful life for days to come. May he continue to inspire generation of Bank off icers who have always held him in the high esteem. Life begins at sixty. May God shower his profound blessing on him and his caring family.



r. Tripathi is superannuating on28th February 2019 after completing 39 years of unblemished service in the Bank as

an off icer. Mr. Tripathi also served the off icers’ fraternity through BOI

Off icers Association (Mumbai and Goa Unit), in various capacities. He started his journey in off icers association as Executive member in 2001, and became the President of the Association from 2007 to 2015. He is now retiring as General secretary OF Mumbai and Goa unit. I found him a very brilliant, dedicated and committed off icer and a dynamic leader. Off icers association has reached to its Pinnacle during his leadership as General Secretary of the Association. I remember his positive contributions while representing off icers association in Zonal Meetings when I was Zonal manger of Mumbai South Zone in the year 2015-16. I found Mr. Tripathi was very straight forward, reasonable and a forward looking person. The industrial relations between Management and Association was very cordial as he was always supportive. I am sure his dedicated, selfless service for the growth of the bank and for welfare of off icers shall be remembered by all and while retiring he is leaving an indelible legacy for new generations to follow suit. I wish him a very happy, healthy and contended retired life ahead. Warm Regards


Ravi Gupta General Manager International Department Head Office


have known Com. M.B. Tripathi for more than a decade. He came across as a towering & able leader with a Human Touch. He was

at the forefront of the activities conducted by Bank Of India Off icer’s Association. On his retirement from BOI, I wish him All The Very Best. May he continue to utilise his abilities for the welfare of society at large. With Fraternal Greetings.

S. K. Mukherjee General Manager Retail Banking Department


Dear Comrade Tripathi,


uperannuation is one of the most important day in one’s life. Each one of us desire to have a very special retirement to be cherished for long. You

are going to superannuate after rendering unblemished services to the bank for a long period of around 38+ years. You chose to serve the off icers’ fraternity and worked hard for the cause of off icers in our Bank. I am happy that you are retiring as the General Secretary of Bank of India Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa Unit) apart from holding many important positions like State Secretary of AIBOC – Maharashtra I and Joint General Secretary of Federation. You were also Voice of Federation in Head Off ice. The most essential quality of the leader is to lead from the front. I always f ind you leading from the front and f ighting for the just demands of the off icer fraternity. Your mature thinking and thorough knowledge on various banking

Girish Kumar Singh Zonal Manager Mumbai North Zone

related issues always helped the Bank to take right decisions in the interest of its staff members. During ZCC’s, we always had a wonderful discussion. At times, we may have different views on the issues but it has always been a consensus decision at the end. You are indeed a very kind, humble and inspiring leader. You have been a very good orator and I am sure that the members will def initely going to miss your f iery speeches and aggressiveness. The farewell function arranged by the members of Bank of India Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa Unit) at Mumbai is a bef itting tribute to express appreciation and gratitude for your outstanding contribution even at the cost of personal sacrif ices including career progression in Bank. I take this opportunity to pay my tribute for the great services rendered by you for the cause of off icers’ and this great institution. As you retire, remember that you have left behind a legacy of encouragement, achievement and work ethic that will always be part of your members. If you put as much effort into enjoying your retirement as you have put all the years you’ve been working, you’ll have an amazing, productive, dynamic and long lasting retirement. You deserve it! Enjoy your time with your family and friends. May every moment of your life be fulf illing and full of joy.



would like to give my warm regards and best wishes to Com. M. B. Tripathi on the occasion of his superannuation. He is one of the longest serving Off ice Bearers in the Bank of India Off icers’ Association Mumbai- Goa Unit. Com Tripathi holds the distinction of serving the Off icers community in dual capacity over the years. He held the position of President and later on took over as the General Secretary of the Association. Both his tenures; though requiring different skills and temperament; were very successful and praiseworthy. Com Tripathi’s thorough knowledge of the Off icers’ Conduct Rules and Regulations and the intricacies of banking, helped him in understanding many complex issues very quickly. This in turn helped in resolving the issues or taking up the same with Banks’ management with authority. His skills of negotiations are legendary and respected by all. I have the pleasure of knowing Com. M. B. Tripathi since 2004, and have found him to be a person who always supports the right cause and ensures that the matters are not kept pending but dealt with justly and in timely manner. He has always seen to it that issues are resolved on discussion table and are taken to logical conclusion. I found, that as a leader, he was always thinking of the future and how present decisions would have an impact f ive-ten years down the line. The far sightedness of Com M. B. Tripathi is evident in the succession plan put in roll by him in the Association. Goa Zone is especially indebted to him for resolving the long pending HRA issue and also the shortage of staff issue. I wish Com. M. B. Tripathi a very happy and healthy retired life and hope that this new chapter in his life will bring him a lot of joy and peace.


Prashant Naik Zonal Manager, Goa


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Dear Com. M. B. Tripathi Congratulations on your retirement!


ou have been a great asset to the Federation. We always remember you for your cooperation. We have appreciated

your this quality as well as your loyalty and willingness to accept assignments that were often beyond your normal duties. Comrade, retirement will be an adjustment but also an opportunity. I hope you will always be with us with another duties. I hope you have

Dilip Chauhan

planned your retirement well. You made a remarkable contribution to Federation and have touched the lives of your colleagues in many ways. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Retirement will surely offer you many opportunities which I know you will embrace wholeheartedly. Please keep in touch and visit to our State, your own state. I hope you have a fruitful retirement. Best wishes.


General Secretary BOIOA, UP & Utt. Unit


am feeling very honoured on getting the opportunity to write in the souvenir for Comrade M. B. Tripathi...

It’s a very delightful feeling when you have to write about the person for whom you have a great sense of respect and honour. When I was called to write in the souvenir for Comrade Tripathi, I was very pleased and excited, but now when I actually started writing I am feeling short of words for such a great personality... Com. Tripathi has served Federation of Bank of India in different capacities viz. The General Secretary of Mumbai & Goa Unit, State Secretary of AIBOC M.S. I unit, Secretary of Secretary in FBOIOA and many more. In my opinion he is the real voice of Federation at H.O.

Mahendra Dhondse General Secretary Vidharbha unit, Nagpur

Com. Tripathi is a synonym of dynamic leadership and perseverance. He is an excellent human being possessing innumerable attributes of a true leader. He has been a role model to many. His presence has always been highly encouraging for each one of us. He is not just my friend but also a philosopher and a guide and I never felt hesitated in asking any query/ question to him because he is such a personality who answers all of them in a calm and composed way. He is also a very straightforward person as he sometimes gave me harsh answers but not with an intention to hurt me but with a genuine intention to make me strong. He is like an elder brother for me. I have always found him positive and helpful not only in resolving issues concerning the off icers’ fraternity but he was also equally inclined in collaborating with management in all aspect. He is the type of leader who proves the saying that “Action speaks louder than words”. Despite being at such a lofty position, he is one who is very accessible to all the members at any time and his behavior towards others is benevolent and considerate. He has been a backbone to all the activities of the confederation. Thus Com. Tripathi is a living example of “a sound mind in a sound body”. I felt he is a selfless honest worker, besides a great leader. He is bold and fearless in dealing with issues. He has the God gifted ability of taking decisions in any sort of condition because of the fact that he used to take adverse situations as experience and face the same with patience. He is an organized personality, and willingly spurned the offer of promotions on many occasions in his long and illustrious career in Bank of India. Mumbai & Goa unit, Pune unit and Vidarbha unit are the parts of erstwhile Maharashtra unit. Com Tripathi played the key role in binding the heart and soul of these three units. All three units are bounded by the dynamic leadership of this extraordinary person. He is always after to hold the E.C. meetings of these unit bi-annually and the successful program of problem solving is being made possible. The huge credit of union of these units goes to one and only Com Tripathi. I am a great follower of him. I used to record his speeches and I used to apply the phrases and effectiveness of his words in that of mine. His rich experience has led the Bank of India off icers’ movement in various capacities. His laying down off ice will create a great void. I hope he will continue to help the organization in different capacities... Last but not the least I would like to extend my warm wishes for his next phase of life. No matter where he goes, we will always be praying and cheering for him.I will forever remain grateful to him for having given me the opportunity to be a part of his stimulating company. I wish Com. Tripathi, good health, peace and prosperity. I also thank his better half and his family for their sacrif ices which have resulted into the fruits of life for Com. Tripathi in reaching to such a respected level. May God shower his profound blessings on Com. Tripathi and his caring family.


Your Affection and Warmth will be fondly Remembered...



hen I look back with nostalgia at the relationships developed over a decade, a few stand out with such a marked

prominence as that with Com M B Tripathi. He is a good friend and has made an indelible impression on my mind as a straight forward person. He has been a true warrior with unparalleled vibrancy, strong commitment, who has wonderful and multifaceted personality with his own principles of life, virtues, clarity in thoughts and vision. His exemplary contributions to our prestigious organization all through his work tenor are a remarkable benchmark for all the members

Ashutosh Chandel General Secretary

in our Organization. His dedication towards the cause of fellow Off icers would be ever remembered and cherished by the Off icers’ Community. He is a dependable human being, a jubilant person with a lovely heart. On my personal behalf and on behalf of MP & CG unit I thank from the core of my heart for the constant support he has given to us in lieu of his posting at our Head Off ice. I place my deep appreciations and acknowledgment to Com Tripathi and wish him and his family members very active, healthy and happy times ahead. With Warm Greetings.


A Role Model Leader for me


y association with Com. M.B. Tripathi is from the year, 2013 when I became the General Secretary of erstwhile Andhra

Pradesh Unit. Com. Tripathi is a philosopher and guide to me whenever I visit to our Head Off ice, for some favour to our unit off icers, Com. Tripathi used to guide me, how to approach the Management and get the task to be solved. With the support of Com. Tripathi many issues y our unit were solved. His approach with the off icer member of his unit, Mumbai & Goa Unit is highly appreciable and I nurture the same because my unit was

Galeti Nageswar

also scattered in two states I.e. in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana states.

BOIOA - A P & Telangana unit

Com. Tripathi is an ambassador of our Federation at our Head Off ice taken good care of all of us. I on behalf of off icer member of BOIOA - A P & Telangana unit wish all the best on superannuation.


Leading from the Front

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.


You always roar like


The most energetic, inspirational and dynamic speaker and orator


Good Bye to a great Leader


om. M. B. Tripathi, Joint General Secretary in Federation of Bank of India Off icers’ Association, General Secretary of Bank

of India Off icers’ Association, Mumbai and Goa Unit is retiring on superannuation on 28.02.2019. But leaders never retire. This is just a gear changing time. He is a born leader. His commitment and passion to serve the fellow colleagues made him a great and noble person. He has given his day and night to help Off icers’ Fraternity of our Bank. He is the real Star of our esteemed Bank i. e. Bank of India. He remains a staunch activist in the Union since he joined the Bank.

Harshvinder Singh Arora General Secretary, North Western Unit

Starting as an Executive Member in Mumbai & Goa Unit, he climbed the ladder to become the President and then the General Secretary of the Unit. He is a f ighter and is very clear and concise all the time. Once he makes up his mind, he doesn’t hesitate to commit. He has courage and passion to accomplish what he committed. He has been conferred upon the prestigious position of voice of Federation at Head Off ice. We, on behalf of all Off ice Bearers’ of North Western Unit and all off icers of our unit, wish him great times coming his way. Enjoy your life with family, keep good health, and stay joyous all the way. We will always seek your guidance and blessings. All the best for wonderful second innings after superannuation. With warm regards.


ADIEU Com. M. B. Tripathi


t gives me immense pleasure and happiness to have been asked by BOIOA, Mumbai & Goa Unit to send a message on the occasion of the

felicitation of a great leader Com. M.B. Tripathi who is superannuating from the active service of the Bank and consequentially laying down his off ice on 31st March, 2019.

Com. Tripathi, who belongs to Varanasi (U.P), had got brought up in Mumbai. He is known for multifarious talents, yet simple as ordinary man. He has successfully completed his long journey in banking and as a true Trade Unionist. He remarkably served as President and General Secretary of BOIOA, Mumbai & Goa Unit, the vibrant unit at our Head Off ice. He successfully played the responsibility of managing Federation Secretariat at Mumbai. Being a good orator, he put the Federation view points on various issues boldly before the Top Management. He has always been a source of inspiration for the upcoming leaders and has always led from the front. As a strong Trade Unionist he actively participated in various demonstrations and kept them live by shouting slogans in his own style. He was the unanimous choice of other Leaders for State Secretary, AIBOC, which he continues to adorn till the date of his retirement. The wellbeing of his fellow members has been his mission. The only tribute to our leader, we ensure him that the torch which was lit by him, will be carried forward by us in the same spirit and zeal. We salute his modesty, commitment & dedication. Meanwhile, I take the opportunity on behalf of the 753 off icers of my unit to wish Com. Tripathi and his family a very contented, healthy and happy retired life and May God shower all his blessings on the great Leader and his family members forever. I also appeal to Com. Tripathi to continue his guidance to the Off icers’ fraternity. With hearty greeting and regards


Pankaj Kapoor General Secretary BOIOA, Delhi Unit

Com. M. B. Tripathi


Suresh Thampi S. GS, BOIOA Kerala

he voice of Maharashtra in Federation and the voice of Federation in AIBOC, Com. Tripathi, is superannuating after serving the banking and trade union sector for about three decades, leaving behind a huge vacuum. His dedication and devotion towards off icers’ trade union movement enabled him to become an integral part of the Mumbai Goa Executive committee since 2001. The dynamism and commitment of the comrade were palpable and unmistakable. His organizing capabilities and oratory skills enabled him to take up the reins of the unit as the President in 2007 and continued till 2015. His ability to understand the realities at the ground level and presenting them at the appropriate level with proper solutions won the conf idence of the membership and he became the natural choice to lead the unit as the General Secretary since 2015. His organizing skills outreached the unit to other aff iliates of AIBOC and he began leading the AIBOC as the State Secretary Maharashtra-1 and AINBOF. It is his foresight that contributed to the induction of young blood into the off icers’ movement as part of succession planning. The philanthropist in him is also contributing a lot in charity work for Mumbai and suburbs. As the General Secretary of Kerala unit I had occasion to work very closely with him in the Federation Executive Committee and observed him presenting the issues confronting the off icers’ fraternity not only of his unit but for the entire off icers with substantiating points winning the attention of the Federation. The working committee meetings at Mumbai and other statutory meetings of the federation at HO were very deftly organized under the leadership of Com. Tripathi during all these days. The presence of Com. Tripathi in Mumbai has been a real relief for all the comrades reaching Mumbai at any midnight during all these days. His affable nature, enthusiasm, love, care and respect towards elders and f irm determination in the affairs of the organization will ever remain youthful in the minds of the members of the off icers community. BOIOA Kerala is wishing him a very active peaceful, healthy and happy retired life.



Release of Souvenir in honour of Shri M.B. Tripathi


Ramkumar Sabapathy General Secretary AISBOF

he General Secretary of BOI Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa) and the Secretary of State Unit of All India Bank Off icers’ Confederation (MS-1) will be laying down his off ice on 28th February 2019 after rendering an unblemished service of over 38 years in the Bank. He took plunge in the Trade Union activities in the Award Staff Union and was elected to the Executive Committee of the BOI Off icers’ Association in 2001, as AGS in 2004 and President in 2005. He was elected as the General Secretary of Association in 2015 and was the natural choice to take over as the Secretary of the state Unit of AIBOC MS-1 after the retirement of Com. Shekhar Kadam. The activities of the State Unit of AIBOC gained momentum after he took over as the Secretary and he ensured that the presence of AIBOC in the meeting of UFBU and the dharna/demonstrations in Azad Maidan. He is gifted with strong oratory, leadership and organization skills and commands huge respect amongst the Off icers and the Management of BOI. He was also elected as the Jt. General Secretary of the BOI Off icers’ Federation in 2017. He has always respected other constituents and has made best efforts to carry along all the constituents and was vocal in highlighting the problems of the Off icers’ community. He has been a committed soldier of AIBOC and BOI Off icers’ Federation and endeared himself to one and all through his very human and friendly approach. He is laying down his off ice at a time when the trade union movement of Off icers in Banking Industry is at the cross roads and has been passing through a strife. He has left an indelible imprint on all the areas he touched. He stressed on developing second line leadership which will ensure smooth succession and transition, which is the true test of a leader. The recent unopposed elections in the BOI Off icers Association (Mumbai) is a feather in his cap as it reflects the trust of the membership in his decision to project the youth in the organization. We wish Com. Mataprasad Tripathi, a healthy, happy, wealthy, peaceful and contented retired life and place on record our deep appreciations for all the seminal contributions he has made for consolidating the Off icers’ under the banner of Federation of BOI Off icers Association and AIBOC. We also wish to place on record our heartfelt appreciations for the sacrif ices made by the members of his family, who spared com. Tripathi for the trade union work. We wish them health, happiness and all the good things that Almighty can bestow on them, today, tomorrow and forever. With regards


M. B. Tripathi,


eneral Secretary of Mumbai & Goa Unit, Joint Gen. Secretary of Federation and Chairman of BOI Staff Co.op. Credit Society

Ltd., Mumbai, till date is laying down off ice on his retirement on

28th February, 2019 after putting more than 38 years of meritorious service with a long stint of committed organization activities. You have been so wonderful to work with so many brilliant and creative ideas and suggestions that I’ve lost track and you will be sorely missed. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you. You are also a wonderful friend and I appreciate your friendship and

Mohan G. Bangera

caring more than I can say. Our friendship, which is near and dear to

Hon. Secretary, BOI Staff Co. op. Cr. Soc. Ltd., Mumbai

my heart, will continue, I know. I, the management and all the staff members of our BOI Staff Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., Mumbai pray to almighty to bestow upon the choicest and holy blessings to you and your family for best of health and prosperity. I once again thank you for everything you have done for us directly and indirectly. It is much appreciated and I shall miss working with you. And of course, if you decide retirement means you have time to follow some artistic dreams, go for them... All the best of Luck to you.



om. M. B. Tripathi is a familiar name in bankers’ fraternity as he has carved a niche for himself by dint of sheer hard work, dedication

and single minded devotion - all for the noble cause of off icers’ wellbeing and welfare. He has sacrif iced his career for upliftment of off icers’ community. He has always extended fraternal support to our organisation. As the President of AIBOC (Maharashtra State-l) Unit I was very closely associated with him for a long time and he has always been in the forefront in every programme of the off icers’ movement right from

Manoj Wadnerkar

inception to implementation. I am sure he will continue to associate

General Secretary All India Central Bank Off icers’ Federation

I wish him a happy, healthy, prosperous and active retired Iife.

himself with Trade Union movement in future as well.


Dear Comrade Mata Prasad Tripathiji,


am indeed delighjted to note that you have decided to publish souvenir as a tribute to the yeoman services rendered by Comrade Tripathiji for the cause of Off icers’ Association on the eve of his superannuation and invited me to pen down few lines for the same. Mr. Tripathi joined our Bank in 1980 and promoted to off icers cadre in 15/12/1993 and was posted in Khandwa Zone. He became Execitve Committee member of Off icers’ Association in 2001. He served Association in various capacities and ultimately to the highest positions such as President, General Secretary , State Secretary of AIBOC, Joint General Secretary of Federation and Chairman of Staff Credit Society. My association with Com. M. P. Tripathi is pretty old since I met him in 2000. I found him a hard working , sincere, dedicated and energetic leader who was always available for the help and support of colleagues in their testing times. He has been remained a great source of strength to who looked upon him like a beacon for their guidance and support. His in depth knowledge of Trade Union and movement of Off icers’ Association remained a guiding force for the members at large. He is a team man having always cared for the colleagues and have shared their grief and sorrows. The most striking qualities in him are his honesty, simplicity and modesty. He is a second generation leader who took over rinse of the Association successfully maintaining the rich tradition and legacy of legendary leadership of Mumbai and Goa Unit. His hard work and diligence have greatly benef ited to our Association as well as general public and hope new generation will shrine to follow his stellar example. Com. Tripathi’s retirement from the active services of our Bank is going to leave huge void for the members of Association. I wish him all the best in future endeavour and hope that his retirement will surely offer him many opportunities which I know he will embrace wholeheartedly just as he did in the Association. I know that he is not going to rest for a single day after his superannuation, still as a respectable salutation to Com. Mata Prasad Tripathiji on my personal behalf and on the behalf of ALL INDIA BANK OF INDIA SC/ST/OBC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION wish him very happy, contended, healthy and active life for the years to come. LET OUR ASSOCIATION BE CONTINUED.


J. K. Kamble General Secretary AIBOI SC/ST/OBC Emp. Association

The young Turk lays down his off ice


hile I was the General Secretary of Federation of Bank of India Off icers’ Associations from 2001 to 2009, I cherished my long association with our Mumbai and Goa Unit. When Com. R.N.Nabar suddenly passed away in 2004, I had a shock of my life. Overcoming the sudden set-back, Com. Peter Fernandes ensured that the Unit faced the challenge squarely. Com. Shekar Kadam, who was another young leader, was nominated as General Secretary. On his superannuation in 2007, Com. Peter Fernandes brought in Com. M. B. Tripathi, another youngster as the President of the Unit thanks to the faith reposed in him by the membership at large.

V. Eswaran Former President, AIBOC Former General Secretary, FBOIOA Former Director, BOI (2002-2008)

Com. M. B. Tripathi f itted in his new role admirably well with his total courage, commitment and also the support received from one and all. I found him to be quite aggressive, passionate and involved while taking up the issues pertaining to his Unit. The fervor with which he swung into action impressed the other Units’ Leaders as well. Later on, when Com. Shekar Kadam retired in 2014, Com. M. B. Tripathi was the unanimous choice for the post of General Secretary. He blossomed into a true leader by taking up additional responsibility in Maharashtra State Unit of AIBOC and also by accompanying the then General Secretary Com. Harvinder Singh for important discussions with IBA / other UFBU leaders. He endeared himself to the other off ice-bearers of our Federation by taking up their issues at HO level. I am very much impressed by the way in which Com. M.B.Tripathi has organized the election of fresh team of Off ice-bearers, before his superannuation. Many youngsters have been brought in and Com. Nilesh R. Pawar has been elected as General Secretary with Com. A. N. Pai ably guiding him as President. This speaks volumes of his involvement as well as his care, concern and eagerness to ensure that the Unit marches on smoothly even after his retirement. MAY HIS TRIBE INCREASE. I wish the new team of Off ice-bearers in successfully manoeuvring the great Mumbai and Goa Unit to its prime position. I take this opportunity to wish Com. M. B. Tripathi a very active, healthy and happy retired life. Dated: 7th February 2019


“Love your family. Spend more time with them. Make no room for regrets.� Wishing you more and more togetherness and happiness with your Family.


Com. M. B. Tripathi


am delighted to know from Bank of India Off icers’ Association, Mumbai & Goa Unit that they are coming out with a souvenir in commemoration of the services rendered to the Organisation, by our dear com. M. B. Tripathi, as General Secretary of the unit, on the eve of his retirement from the services of our Mother Institution, Bank of India. One cannot forget his services as General Secretary, Bank of India Off icers, Association, Mumbai & Goa Unit and also in various other positions, off icer bearer of UFBU, Maharashtra State and also his leadership as State Secretary of AIBOC, Maharashtra State Unit No.1. Com. M. B. Tripathi is a person of indomitable spirits and during testing times, he has fortif ied the movement. His contribution to the organization in various capacities has made an indelible mark in the history book of our Organistion. The farewell function organized in his honour and also releasing the souvenir on the occasion is a bef itting recognition of his services to Bank off icers’ community in general and Bank of India, in particular. My association with Com. M. B. Tripathi, for more than two decades, is f illed with sweet memories when he was a member of the Executive Committee and Off ice bearer of the Mumbai & Goa Unit.

Peter Fenandes ------

Apart from our Federation, all our Federal Units were also looking towards our unit, as to how we were going to cope up with diff icult and testing situations in the past and protect the movement. During those situations, the contribution of Com to the fore. With his inner strenght, amiable nature and leadership qualities, Com. M. B. Tripathi emerged as the choice of the members. In hindsight, every one would vouch that the choice of Com. M. B. Tripathi was spot on and his innings as General Secretary of Mumbai & Goa Unit has been commendable. Mumbai & Goa Unit has its own share of problems due to the fact Mumbai is the Commercial Capital of the Country, our bank branches were doing substantial business, Head Off ice is situated in Mumbai and large number of off icers from various parts of the country were used to be posted in Mumbai and practically our unit had to co-ordinate with Head Off ice regarding various issue on behalf of Federation. More off icers means more issues/ problems but then while discharging his duties as General Secretary, Com. M. B. Tripathi was always reasonable, fair and f irm. Even during those testing times, the members of the organization had total faith in Com. M. B. Tripathi and he always relentlessly fought to secure justice for the members. A feather in the cap of Com. M. B. Tripathi is the acquiring of Guest House at Navi Mumbai. But for his efforts, this would not have seen the light. Com. M. B. Tripathi retirement from the services of the Bank and consequently relinquishing the charge of the affairs of the organization would def initely leave a void which would take time to f ill. I am sure the organization is in safe hands and the interests of the off icers are secured. I am also sure that our Unit would continue to get the valuable advices and guidance from Com. M. B. Tripathi for quite some time to come and as long as they need. I take this opportunity to pay tribute for the leadership provided to the organization by Com. M. B. Tripathi. On the eve of his retirement from the services of the Bank, I offer my heartiest greetings to com. M. B. Tripathi and his family. While, all along, Com. M. B. Tripathi was leading the movement, his family members have done lot many sacrif ices, silently and deservedly they are due for some quality time from our dear comrade from now on. I wish Com. M. B. Tripathi a peaceful retired life but then a healthy and active life.



draw a great pleasure in paying my gratitude and tributes to my dear friend and younger brother Com. M.B.Tripathi who is superannuating from the services of the Bank on 28th February, 2019 and following the rich traditions of our Great Federation stepping down from the off ice of General Secretary of Largest Unit of our Federation i.e. Mumbai & Goa Unit. Though, I know him since 2001 when he became very active in Off icer’s trade union but I came in close touch with him in 2007 on his taking over as President of the Unit. I was so impressed by his style of functioning, organizing capabilities and hospitality that he became my most favorite friend in Mumbai.

After my taking over onerous responsibility as General Secretary of our Federation in May, 2009 I was sure about one thing that Com. Tripathi will fulf ill the gap which will be caused due to my absence from the Head Quarters of the Bank. I have no hesitation in acknowledging that he did not belie my expectations and I never felt that I am missing any information which I should possess as General Secretary. His liaison with the all Executives was superb and due to his timely support I could react on major issues concerning our members. Sh. Tripathi is a multifaceted and versatile personality. His deep involvement in the organizational affairs, helping attitude, spirit of sacrif ice and devotion to the Institution endeared him to one and all. Due to his these qualities he was the unanimous choice for the post of General Secretary of the unit after retirement of Com. Shekhar Kadam in 2015. His active involvement in social, welfare and religious activities is also of super order. His oratory was always full of enthusiasm, motivating and reassuring. He is upright in his approach and never hesitated in calling spade a spade. His participation in Federation Executing Committee Meetings was of the fullest order. He always came fully prepared in such meetings. I do not remember even a single ECM in which he skipped raising issues of the welfare and interest of off icers or those which needs to be raised with the Management in the interest of our Bank. I have always found him shouldering all responsibilities in discharging his duties like soldier protecting his work territories. I will fail in my duties if I do not mention the role of Com. M.B. Tripathi during the days of Xth Bipartite Settlement. He accompanied me as my shadow during my visits to Mumbai for more than two years pains taking exercise. He helped me with every supporting paper and material I required during the negotiations. He was my morale booster in desperate times and in odd hours. He played an important role as State Secretary of Maharashtra State-I unit of AIBOC, which included Commercial Capital of India, in building huge pressure on IBA to settle the issues to our satisfaction. I shall always remain personally obliged to Com. Tripathi for his help to me. His retirement would certainly leave a big void. But great leaders are those who ensure that their absence do not interrupt and affect the functioning of the organization. Mumbai & Goa Unit under his leadership has already taken a decision that young and energetic leader Com. Nilesh Pawar will carry forward his baton, shows the foresight of a great leader. I convey my sincere and best wishes to Com. M. B. Tripathi to lead a very long active retired life with perfect health and bliss. I also take this opportunity to convey my best regards to his family for an everlasting happiness and prosperity.


Harvinder Singh -----

Felicitation to Com. M. B. Tripathi Dear Comrade M. B. Tripathi,


t gives me immense pleasure in writing this short note about you. Being the Head of the Largest Unit (Mumbai & Goa) of our mighty Federation, with a membership more than 2300 off icers from Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Raigad and Goa, you should be having utmost satisfaction of serving such huge membership. Com M. B. Tripathi, the person who is leading this M&G Unit, following in the footsteps of our great leaders and continue to march ahead with utmost unity and solidarity. Untiring hardwork, and the occupancy of the hearts of the comrades had to bring him the laurel, having trod the path of great trade unionists and carving out a niche for himself.

Dr. V. Chidambara Kumar General Secretary– Bank of India Officers’ Association of Mumbai & Goa

Comrade, you have discharged your duties to the fullest satisfaction of all the comrades of Mumbai & Goa in particular as its Gen. Secretary apart from leading the state as the State Secretary of AIBOC, which duties were performed by you to precision perfect. As the Secretary to the General Secretary of FBOIOA, the tasks assigned to you by our Federation GS is performed diligently and to the utmost satisfaction of Federation Top Leadership. You were always in the forefront when it came to taking up the issues with the Top Management and resolving it in an amicable manner, which quality is visible only in very few leaders. In your superannuation, a vacuum would be created at all levels as you follow the rich tradition of of relinquishing all the posts upon retirement and as per the tradition will also form a strong team to run the organisation which has been close to your heart. But, nevertheless, the trade unionism in you will never allow you to rest and you would be always available to all of us at all times as you were hitherto. We are indebted to your family members who have allowed you to freely function for the welfare of the off icer’s community and taken on them the other household responsibilities. I, on behalf of the entire Comrades of Southern Unit wish Com. M. B. Tripathi a very happy, healthy retired life. LONG LIVE COM TRIPATHI !!!! LONG LIVE YOUR DEEDS !!! Your’s Comradely


You were always with us


Com. Tripathi, A Dependable & True Friend! “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”


Shekhar Kadam General Secretary Bank of India Pensioners’ and Retirees’ Association (Mumbai & Goa), Former General Secretary, Bank of India Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa)

om. M. B. Tripathi and I were elected as EC members of the association in the year 2001. We came very close during the turbulent period of our association in the year 2004. Ours was a core group of 8 to 9 like minded Executive Committee members. I contested election held in the year 2005 for the post of a General Secretary of Association upon untimely and sudden demise of then General Secretary and veteran leader Late Com. R. R. Nabar. Com. Tripathi played very important role in my winning the election. Upon retirement of our mentor Com. Peter Fernandes in April 2007, we worked very closely in the association for more than 8 years as President and General Secretary of the association. Occasionally we had differences but we remained best friends. While our dreams, goals, and temperaments were often similar, intermittently there were times when each of us pulled away to reflect and rejuvenate on our own. A genuine sense of identity in both of us created amazing bonds. The sense of individuality played very important role in our friendship and it enhanced the understanding between both of us. Com. Tripathi is gifted with healthy sense of self-worth and has got considerable amount of courage and endurance. He knows the art of managing people. He has an ability to assemble the right team to get a particular task done. His dynamism and activeness took the organization to newer height. Saying him goodbye will not be an easy task for the Executive Committee of the Association. They are going to miss a driving engine that helped the organization to reach to whole new level. He is ever agile, aggressive and allpervading even at the time of his retirement. On behalf of Bank of India Pensioners’ & Retirees’ Association (Mumbai & Goa) and on my personal behalf I wish Com. Tripathi a very long, happy, healthy and contented post retirement phase. May his future life be as active and happening as it was before. On this occasion I thank his family members. But for their support it would have been diff icult for Com. Tripathi to discharge his organizational responsibilities. I also wish new leadership all the success in their endeavours to take Mumbai & Goa unit to newer heights.



am happy to note that BOIOA, Mumbai & Goa Unit is proposing to bring out a souvenir for our Dear friend Com. Mataprasad B. Tripathi who is superannuating on 28th February, 2019. I consider it my privilege and honour to pen down some of my thoughts about him and his contribution to Off icers fraternity in our Bank. It is indeed a sentimental and emotional parting for all of us not only at Mumbai & Goa Unit but also for leaders of Federation of BOIOA. Com. Tripathi entered Bank Off icers’ movement with excellent leadership qualities which he had developed during his student days by being active member of College Union & Mumbai University Senate. It was further honed during his tenure as leader of Staff Union during his Clerical days in the Bank. It indeed has been a very long, eventful and most meaningful journey that our beloved friend has travelled. Com. Tripathi is a f iery leader with mixed blend of positive vibes embedded with maturity, perseverance and dispassionate approach to issues of the members. With his human approach and care for all working at the grass root level, his leadership brought a sea change in functioning of the Association. During every meeting it was a delight to listen to his enlightened address which contained lots of information and also send a clear message. He was also known for his oratory and command over a few languages and mesmerized the members through his eloquent and f iery addresses. He will always be remembered for his selfless sacrif ices and deep involvement in organizational activities. I am privileged to have the opportunity to work with him from very close and get the warmth of f ire from him. I was fortunate to have the benef it of his association throughout my carrer in the Organization which would always remain green in my memory and I will cherish the same for all times to come. I always found him emerging stronger than before in times of adversities. I was a f irsthand witness to his excellent rapport with the Executives of the Bank over the last two decades which helped in solving several issues of the Off icers. He could have contributed much more to the Organization if his acumen & abilities were recognized much earlier by the Federation. However the present leadership deserves accolades for duly recognizing and utilizing the same for the benef it of the membership and Organization. Com. Tripathi stood like a colossus and is leaving the battlef ield with indelible footprints. The void which will be created due to his retirement cannot be easily f illed in. May he continue to inspire generations of Off icers in the Bank who have always held him in high esteem. May he be blessed with a long, happy, healthy and blissful life full of accomplishments and may he enjoy each moment of his retired life with his loved ones. Long live Dear Com. Mataprasad B Tripathi and long live our great Organization.


Suneel Susheelan Ex- President BOIOA (M&G)

Dear Com. Ashok Pai,


am indeed happy to note that Bank of India Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa unit) has decided to publish souvenir as a tribute to yeomen services rendered by Com. M. B. Tripathi for the cause of bank off icers’ fraternity. My association with Com. Tripathi is for more than 30 years. Both of us were elected as Managing Committee members of BOI Staff Union in the year 1982. We fought many trade union battles together. In early nineties we opted for promotion to off icer cadre. Both of us evinced keen interest in the activities of the off icers’ associations in Bihar and MP where we were posted upon our promotion. After coming back from our postings in Bihar and MP we started actively participating in the activities of off icers’ association. We became committed activists of the association. Shortly we were inducted into executive committee of the association by visionary leader late Com. R. R. Nabar.

N. D. Wagh Joint General Secretary Bank of India Pensioners’ and Retirees’ Association (Mumbai & Goa), Former President Bank of India Off icers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa)

Our journey in the association is almost synonymous. I retired as President in the year 2016 and Com. Tripathi will be laying down his off ice as General Secretary in February 2019. After retirement of Com. Shekhar Kadam, I had an opportunity to work very closely with Com. Tripathi. We used to be together on many occasion and interacted very frequently. I have closely witnessed his commitment, Dedication and involvement towards issues causing concern to the off icers. It is diff icult for a batsman to play when earlier batsman had a very good inning. It is equally challenging task to accept the baton from good player and carry it further with same vigour and enthusiasm to pass it on to another player. However because of his organizational skills, courageous attitude, practical approach, commitment, sincerity and oratory skills Com. Tripathi could carry forward the legacy of leaders of the unit with aplomb. His contributions towards trade union activities in general and for the cause of bank off icers in particular are exemplary. The Trade Union movement is already facing dearth of committed leaders. A void created by retirement of Com. Tripathi cannot be easily f illed in. Com. Tripathi is preparing for his second inning; I wish all the success in the activity he would like to pursue after retirement. I wish Com. Tripathi a very happy, healthy and contented post retirement life. I also wish new leadership of the unit all the very best!


Felcitation by Zones under M&G Unit i.e. MNZ, MSZ, NMZ, Raigad & Goa



n the journey of life you come across many people. The time of togetherness may be less or more.

Few personalities out of them certainly influence your life. Our beloved General Secretary Com M B Tripathi fondly called by his close friends as ‘Pandit ‘ is one of them. My Association with him started as he began his career in the Association as EC Member. I am witness to his travel from ECM to the position of G S sheerly on the merit & leadership qualities. He has God gifted qualities and other well cultivated skills which were instrumental for him to reach this position. What many envy of all, is his amazing reach among the off icers fraternity and great friend circle, with huge radius. He has friends from all walks of life irrespective of caste, creed, religion ranging from lower economic strata to top management cadre.The close aff inity with all is mainly because of the great sacrif ice by him be it time, be it money, be it painstaking efforts without any measure for his colleguages. It is easy to make new friends, but to maintain the relationship for lifetime is bit diff icult. This ability of his, differentiates him from the rest. He also influences all with his oratory skills. Almost all leaders are good orators but when Com Tripathi addresses specially in Hindi, it is just mesmerising. His forceful & fearless speeches keep masses totally spellbound.

Aruna Agnihotri Vice-President BOIOA (M & G ) Unit

Despite being a leader of big stature, he is very easily accessible to one & all. You will never f ind any ego problem with him. In true sense he is a leader of masses & hence loved by every one. For the f irst time in the history of Association of Mumbai & Goa Unit, the Federation has shown full faith & selected Com Tripathi as representative of General Secretary of Federation: which is the highest body. It is a matter of great pride for we all. He has tremendous faith in God and therefore God’s blessings are always with him in all his endeavours. His presence of mind is also unmatchable. He has fearlessly fought with the executives for his members where the cause is right. He has not bothered for the repercussions while presenting his views when it is for his members. He has always respect for ladies as he appreciates that they have dual responsibilities i.e. at home front and at off ice as well. He would f ire them on the issues of transfer but would always f ight for their justif ied rights. In his tenure we all have witnessed a great participation of ladies in all the demonstrations, morchas & strike rallies. In November 2017 the memorable National Convention of Lady Off icers of AIBOC culminated in Mumbai under his able leadership as Secretary of AIBOC MS1. Approximately one thousand plus ladies across the country participated in the convention which created a history. Despite holding various responsibilities of different positions in Association, Federation & Confederation he is always energetic, cheerful & in a jolly mood. He is the most beloved leader especially among young brigade. Our mighy unit has the great legacy inherited from the leaders of yester years right from Com Dabholkar, Com Peter Fernandes, Com Mahajan, Com Gala, Com Nabar & Com Shekhar Kadam. Now that time has come to bid adieu, he has chosen his successor who is a very young and capable leader for future. I salute his vision & decision making skill. It is very rare to f ind a leader with such tremendous qualities. It is very diff icult to f ill the vacuum created on his retirement but I am sanguine his guidance will help us forever. I am sure there must be lot of groups and organizations in society waiting for his retirement from the Bank so that he can be picked up to avail his services. While parting I would like to place few lines for beloved GS… May the garland of Happiness swing at his door, May the rainbow of joy & happiness be at his door, May the health & wealth linger at his door, May the miseries miss his door.. & Last but not least… May the almighty showers his choicest blessings on him & all his loved ones foe ever for ever.. Com Tripathi... Tones of Best wishes for the second inning.


My Dear Comrades, Finally the day has come to say good bye to you all. It has been a wonderful journey which commenced on 3rd November, 1980 from our Head Off ice. Along the way, I had the opportunity to meet different people at various destinations and received lots of love and affection from them. It helped to create a wealth of experiences, which I will carry in my heart as a gift into the future. I also received guidance from my seniors which helped me in discharging my duties in the Bank, Staff Union as well as in the Off icers’ Association. During my clerical days, Com. Dada Purao, Com. V M Chitnis, Com. Paranjape and Com. J S BaiIur had a great influence on me. Their commitment to the trade union movement, timeless energy, devotion to the cause and feel for others, inspired me to think ‘how best one could serve others’. I was slowly getting drawn into the trade union movement. I vividly remember March, 2001, when I commenced my journey as an Executive Committee Member of our Mumbai & Goa Unit and here I am bidding you goodbye as Your General Secretary and as the Joint General Secretary of Our Federation. Comrades, I was privileged to have the opportunity of receiving guidance and training from veteran leaders like Com. A S Mahajan and Com. Peter Fernandes. I always remember Com. Shekhar Kadam, Com. N D Wagh, Com. Sunil Suseelan, Com. Anthony Goveas (Tony) and late Com. Uday Thakur. My years in the Federation were enriched by Com. V. Eswaran’s aggression, Com. A. K. Motayed’s oration, Com. Harvinder Singh’s wisdom, Com. Sunil Kumar’s passion and energy and Com. Chidambarakumar’s calming presence. The Journey was full of challenges and opportunities. The continuous support and guidance from my seniors, friends and colleagues helped me in resolving various issues of the off icers’ fraternity and to achieve various goals. Frequent interaction with our members could provide me a deep insight of people, raised my conf idence level, my desire to succeed and helped me to develop a strong will to perform in any adverse situation. Ultimately, for, me as a leader, it is off icers’ satisfaction that is of extreme importance. My experience ranges from the traumatic to the ecstatic, it is of gloom and joy, failure and success, but overall, immensely satisfying. Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulf illments. I dedicate mine to my committed off icer brothers and sisters. Like any human being, while I am in the heart of God, you all are in my heart, as my dear comrades. You have shown me a great deal of kindness and camaraderie, I have fortunately remained the unique benef iciary of your unfailing love that has crowned me with a position to serve your better. I hardly fathomed its depth. I realize at the time of separation that “All other pleasures are not worth love’s pain”


I am in no doubt that our unit is poised for a great flip into the future. It is stronger, bigger, more vibrant and conf ident. Comrades, our unit is unique in many respects. Our main strength is pluralism and diversity. Hence, I have great conf idence that with the structure we have put in place and the momentum that has been created in the right direction, the BOIOA (Mumbai & Goa) team will script bigger success stories. Comrades, a vibrant organization must plan for the future, to stay relevant. The f irst step is crafting a vision. It is a proud moment for our team, when together we successfully created a new vision for our unit. I feel proud to say that the vision mirrors my own dream prof ile for our Association. Com. Nilesh Pawar will take over as General Secretary. I am sure my comrade in arms is very positive, helpful, humble and accessible. Com. Ashok Pai is a mature leader, having vast experience in handling disciplinary matters. I have always benef itted from the advice and cooperation of Com. Ashok Pai. Both the leaders will continue the rich tradition and legacy of our great organization. They are also ably supported by a committed team of members of the executive committee. I wish all success to Com. Ashok Pai, Com. Nilesh Pawar and ‘Team Bank of India Off icers’ Association’. Comrades, I will be laying down my off ice from Bank’s active service on 28/02/2019 upon attaining superannuation. For this successful and satisfying journey, I am grateful to our great institution Bank of India, the Federation of Bank of India Off icers’ Associations and in particular our unit, Bank of India Off icers’ Association, Mumbai & Goa Unit. I will miss you all. With all humility I believe that, any amount of thanksgiving would be inadequate and may even be considered inappropriate. In a personal context, it is said, ‘we meet to create memories we part to preserve them’. I will cherish all the good moments and memories of your Association with me during rest of my life. I convey to you all and to your family members, my profound love and heart felt gratitude. GOOD BYE DEAR COMRADES. Comradely yours M. B. Tripathi


Bank of India Officers’ Association (Mumbai & Goa Unit) Executive Committee Members 2016-2019

“We will always treasure and respect the support, contributions and guidance that you presented to us and our unit all through the years. You are a great leader, a friend and a true mentor.” A BIG THANK YOU AND GOODBYE.

Adieu Friends

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