Taarangan March 2018

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal March, 2018

Artist : Rishika D/o Shri Rajesh Robert, ED Sect. HO.

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Editorial Board

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Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ Mrityunjay Kumar Gupta


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General Manager

‚¿ˆÅ: Ÿ¸¸ ¸Ä 2018

Volume: March 2018


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Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ Shankardas Gupta General Manager

£¸ ¸ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ¢¬¸¿í ¸¸¾í¸›¸ Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ Rajkumar Singh Chouhan General Manager

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¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅ Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel Editor

16 ‰¸¸¬¸-‰¸¸¬¸


.................................................................................. 08

Did Anyone See Black Swan Coming............................ 18

.................... 20 The Happy Banker Habits .........................................30 You are Special ............................................................................ 33 ¤Ï¯¸¸¿” ˆÅú ‚¬¸úŸ¸ ©¸¦Æ÷¸¡¸¸Â ˆÅ¸½ œ¸í ¸¸›¸½¿............................34 ¢”¢ ¸’¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ - ‡ˆÅ ÇŸ¿¢÷¸....................................................... 36 Khijadia - A Heaven for Birds................................................... 42 The Excluded¿ .........................................................44 ˆÅ¥¸¸ ˆ½Å £¿Š¸.............................................................46 Emerging Technologies in Banking Sphere

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Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer ¢œÏ¡¸ ¬¸¸¢˜¸¡¸¸Ê,

Dear Colleagues,

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e have entered into the second quarter i.e. July-September 2018 of the current FY 2018-19. I am confident that all our initiatives and efforts along with well-placed business strategies will improve our Bank’s health and overall business numbers. I am sure that the good beginning in Q1 will continue to be better in the ensuing quarters with the whole hearted contributions from all of you.


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cee®e&, 2018


You all are aware that banking sector is struggling with huge amount of NPAs and fresh slippages are adding woes to the growth of the Banks. But at the same time, Central Government has introduced new laws to tackle NPAs and also various policy initiatives and strategies are being chalked out for strong business growth. We are moving towards the right direction and these steps will definitely help Bank to curtail NPAs and arrest fresh slippages. We are also expecting reduction in fresh slippages with proper monitoring and fast recoveries with various NPA Campaigns in our Bank. You are aware that due to fresh provisioning and RBI’s observations on certain accounts, our Bank was put under Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) and our Net loss widened to `3,969.2 crore in the fourth quarter from `1045.5 crore in the same period last year. But the positive aspect is that our bad loans have moderated and during March 2018 quarter, our efforts towards curtailing NPA has yielded results and our Gross NPA fell to 16.58 percent from 16.93 percent and Net NPA has come down to 8.26% from 10.29%. A robust recovery mechanism has been implemented and I am sure our efforts to arrest NPAs will continue to yield good results. Our recovery teams across zones are working hard and are committed to increase recoveries in ensuing quarters.

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During last year, our initiatives like Project Connect-Sampark with introduction of Area Managers to strength the functioning of branches and Star Prime to provide specialized services to Prime clients, Focus on Retail and CASA growth with improved customer and staff connect by organizing cluster wise meetings across Zones, Star Samadhan Diwas for faster recovery and speedy resolution of NPAs, Star Mahashakti for robust IT experience, Star Digi Branches for improved digitalized experience, Star Points for Business correspondents, Special CASA campaigns Amantran organized with special focus on GABHI Accounts and recently Swaran Dhara formulated for larger penetration of the Bank into the Gold Loan segment, has yielded impressive results and has helped us to increase our business growth. The enthusiastic response to these initiatives across zones by our staff members has given us the strength and belief that we are ready organisation to take up future challenges in a very determined and committed way. Friends, Government is supportive and has already declared to infuse capital in PSBs including our Bank, we enjoy trust of our stakeholders. Our strategy to rebalance our portfolio towards Retail is moving in the right direction. The RAM (Retail, Agriculture and MSME) increased from `1,37,156 crore as on March 31, 2017 to `1,50,924 crore as on March 31, 2018. Our CASA has registered growth and improved from 39.84% in March 2017 to 41.43% in March 2018. I am sure that with a strong, enthusiastic, positive, energetic and committed Team of BOIians, Bank is ready to face any tough situations. I would also say that contribute to the fullest at whichever place or position you are working. We should work with only one aim to bring back our Bank to the path of glory. I urge you to reset your goals according to Bank’s corporate plan advised for the year 2018-19 and rededicate yourself to achieve defined business targets with focus on quality. ‘Taarangan’ has recently been awarded by Reserve Bank of India. My compliments to Editorial Board and all the staff members and readers. The readers of ‘Taarangan’ also include our retired staff members, therefore, I also urge all retired staff members to contribute in business growth and recovery of NPA accounts of the Bank. I am sure that with all positivity and healthy attitude, we together will take our Bank to newer heights of success. All the Very Best To All of You. With Best Compliments,

(Dinabandhu Mohapatra)


March, 2018


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The ultimate goal is to realize that you’re only a true leader if you’re willing to do the work of your team without complaint, when they need you most.

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Dear Colleagues, e are extremely delighted to present you all the new edition of our In-House Journal ‘Taarangan’. It has been our continuous endeavor to give our staff members and eminent readers, an overview of all the New Initiatives and Business Development works being carried out by our Bank during each quarter. We have entered in the second quarter of FY 2018-19. Our targets are clearly written on the wall and each one of us has to make clear and achievable plan to achieve these stipulated targets. The key to the success is TEAM WORK. Every Leader in their respective area has to lead by example and take their team forward with utmost care and responsibility. Team must work in harmony and leaders must be in a forefront. At this point, I would like to share a small story. Close to a battlefield over 200 years ago a rider passes a group of exhausted soldiers who were digging themselves into an important defensive position. Noticing their section leader was mounted as well, and shouting orders at the men to work faster, dig deeper and threatening to whip anyone that didn’t complete their work within the hour. Asked by the stranger, “If this is so important why are you not helping?” The section leader advised that he is in charge, and the men must do as he says. The section leaders exact comments where, “You should help them yourself if you feel so strongly about it.” Much to the surprise of the section leader the stranger dismounted, and worked in the trenches, side by side with the men until the job was finished. Once the work was done he congratulated the men, and approached the puzzled section leader. “Next time your rank prevents you from supporting your men, you are to notify top command and I will provide a more permanent solution,” said the stranger, who was now up close and easily recognizable as General Washington. Hence, the ultimate goal is to realize that you’re only a true leader if you’re willing to do the work of your team without complaint, when they need you most. The editions in your hands is full of interesting and informative articles with some good poetic stuff by our Staff Members. We have covered all the important events conducted across Zones with special coverage of the visits of our MD & CEO and other Top Management Executives in different Zones. Apart from our regular columns like Banking Plus, Knowledge Plus, Travelogue etc, the HR Happiness survey given by General Manager (HR) is informative and give brief Happiness quotient of our Employees. Digitalization has brought out many changes in our business world, read articles on technological changes to enhance your knowledge and at the same time articles on self-help will motivate you to do better in your personal and business world. Enjoy Reading ! Give your feedbacks at HeadOffice.Taarangan@bankofindia. co.in


(¬¸£·¸¸ ¸ Ÿ¸ø­­íŸŸ¸™ ©¸ˆ ú¥¸ Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)



cee®e&, 2018

Ÿ¸í÷¨¸œ¸»µ¸Ä Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿ - IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES


CSR initiative by Bank


Shri Suresh Kumar Verma

Shri Prakash K Sinha

Shri Brij Lal

Shri A B Vijayakumar

Shri Vivek Wahi

Shri Makarand D Atrey

MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra giving away Cheque of ` 1.00 lakh to Family Planning Association of India under Bank's CSR initiative in the presence of GM NBG(S) Shri Rajkumar Mitra, GM Shri V Anand and foundation Members. Family Planning Association of India helps people especially Women in rural and urban areas towards sexual and reproductive health, family planning and conducts awareness programmes and medical camps.

Shri Abhijit Bose

Shri Ashok K Pathak

Best wishes from ‘BOI Parivar’ RETIRED GENERAL MANAGERS (Jan-June, 2018)

MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra giving away Cheque of ` 2.00 lakh to HELP THE BLIND FOUNDATION under Bank's CSR Initiative” in presence of GM NBG(S) Shri Rajkumar Mitra, GM Shri V Anand and foundation Members. Help The Blind foundation aims to fund Scholarship to blind students pursuing Graduation and Post-graduation in reputed Colleges all over India and helping blind students in pursuing their dreams. CVO @ Guwahati Zone

R Shri Shanker Iyer R Shri Sudhakar Tanniru R Shri Raman Kumar Sharma R Shri Suriender Kumar Aggarwal R Shri Rajendra Narayan Harichandan R Shri Ashwani Kumar Punn R Shri Shyam Sundar Banik R Shri Rajendra Kumar Shrivastava

BOI Parivar wishes all Retirees a very Happy, Peaceful, Healthy and Contended Retired Life.

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March, 2018


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cee®e&, 2018

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MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra visited Telangana Zone. He was warmly welcomed by GM NBG (S) Shri Raj Kumar Mitra, ZM Shri S B Rai, LCB DGM Shri V A Mohan Kumar and staff members of the Zone. During his visit a vehicle to ISKCON-Hyderabad was donated at the hands of MD & CEO in the presence of other Senior Executives. Shri Mohapatra inaugurated New Retail Banking Center opened at Secunderabad. Star Gold Loan Cell was also inaugurated by one of our valued customers at Secunderabad Branch (Telangana Zone) in presence of MD & CEO. Shri Mohapatra addressed staff members at the town hall meeting organised by the Zone. and motivated all the staff members to work hard to bring back the glory of our Bank.

Gold Loan Cell inauguration by one of our valued customers at Secunderabad Branch in presence of MD &CEO

Team Telangana Zone with MD & CEO.

Dedicated and Motivated Team Telangana Zone with MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra.


March, 2018


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March, 2018




Factor for Bankers Are our employees few words of wisdom written by the greatest mind of the 20th century and Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein to a bellboy on a piece of hotel stationery at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo in 1922 is now famous as Einstein’s Theory of Happiness which reads as “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness”. The above words of Einstein convey a poignant message to mankind. While we strive to achieve the pinnacle of success, we must remember the significance of being happy in our personal as well as professional lives. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well being. We are all born happy. But as we grow up and try to control the world around us to our advantage, we tend to become unhappy. No one is spared from the poison of unhappiness. However, by eliminating or reversing the elements of unhappiness, this state of emotional equilibrium may be achieved and maintained. Feeling of happiness depends on multiple factors and varies with each individual. A happy mind is a powerhouse of performance. Level of happiness contributes to the degree of commitment and performance of the individual. Happy people experience frequent positive emotions like joy, pride and interest and infrequent negative emotions like anxiety, stress, sadness and anger. A happy human being will spread happiness among others around




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him at home and in workplace. Several research / studies have revealed that levels of happiness in employees translate into productivity. When an employee is truly happy with his work environment, he is equipped to deliver his best. Although, no full-proof equipment exists which can measure the level of happiness of an employee, there are various software which track the happiness of an employee on a regular basis, by understanding the pulse of the organisation. Sometimes, employees are asked to participate in a small survey periodically to evaluate their level of happiness. The level is indicated by using a rating scale ranging from ‘I am happy’ to ‘I am excited’. Such type of feeling of happiness, on a real time basis, has been very useful to measure and understand the overall sentiment of the workforce. So far as banking industry in our country is concerned, no such study / exercise / survey has been conducted to measure the level of happiness of the employees. Hence, it is difficult to derive any conclusion on the level of happiness of the bank employees. As a banker, if we want to assess the happiness index, we have to consider those things which can make and / or keep a banker happy. Human nature and needs vary from person to person and from time to time. This is true for bankers also. Different bank employees value different things. However, the following factors / beliefs are, normally, considered to be the factors for tracking the level of

happiness of a bank employee :• Job content. • Behaviour of the superiors and colleagues – whether they are supportive or not. • Opportunity for promotion to higher level – whether extra monetary benefits are admissible on elevation. • Job location / place of posting. Truthfully, happiness will vary with each employee depending on his/ her mindset. Any of the above factors may or may not be the reason for keeping a banker happy. Each employee values things differently rendering ‘happiness’ subjective. Nevertheless, the ‘happiness’ or ‘feel good’ factor is vital for a Banker and cannot be ignored as happy bankers are committed and perform to their best. Happy bankers are – • More productive • More creative and innovative • More flexible / open to change • More involved • More loyal • In better health, both mentally and physically • And above all, more profitable for the organization. Our Staff Training College, Noida took an innovative step by conducting a survey of 178 employees of our Bank belonging to all the 3 categories i.e. Officers, Clerks and Subordinate Staff (both male and female). The length of service of the employees covered in the survey ranged from 2 months to

40 years. The identity of the employees was not asked. They had to mention only their Date of Joining, Cadre and Gender. The suggestive parameters for happiness index of the bankers taken for the survey were – Present Posting Job Profile Job Responsibility Happiness of their family (by his / her employment in Bank) Work environment Technological support Salary and perquisites Behaviour of immediate boss Behaviour of colleagues and subordinates Factors for happiness, as given below were ranked from 1 to 5 1. Promotion 2. Higher salary 3. Choice posting 4. Learning opportunities 5. Reward and appreciation The Survey was conducted in the month of September 2017 and was coordinated by Sh Vivek Nigam and Sh Nishit Kumar, Faculty Members of STC, Noida. The overall finding of the survey was that 49.93% of the employees were VERY HAPPY, 41.01% of the employees were SATISFIED and 9.05% of the employees were UNHAPPY. The questionnaire of the Survey has been given in the box. To conclude, let me quote Shrimad Bhagwad Gita “There is neither this world nor the world beyond, nor happiness for one who doubts. Hence, let us all be happy and spread happiness in the family, society and of course the organization where we are employed.”

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Questions in the Survey

‚¸œ¸ ‚œ¸›¸ú ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ ÷¸¾›¸¸÷¸ú ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ? 1 Æ¡¸¸ Are you happy with your present posting?

a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy


Æ¡¸¸ ‚¸œ¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½ ¬¸¸ÿœ¸½ Š¸‡ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸½ô ˆÅ¸½ ˆÅ£›¸½ Ÿ¸½¿ ‰¸º©¸ú Ÿ¸í¬¸»¬¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ?

Are you happy doing the allotted work in the Branch/Office? a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

‚¸œ¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¬¸¸ÿœ¸ú Š¸ƒÄ ¢ ¸ŸŸ¸½™¸¢£¡¸¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ ¢›¸ž¸¸÷¸½ íº‡ ‰¸º©¸ú Ÿ¸í¬¸»¬¸ 3Æ¡¸¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ? Are you happy carrying the responsibilities given to you in the Branch/Office? a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy

b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸ œ¸¢£¨¸¸£ ‚¸œ¸ˆÅú ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú ›¸¸¾ˆÅ£ú ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ í¾? 4 Æ¡¸¸ Is your family happy with your job in the Bank?

a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

5 Are you happy with the working environment in the Bank? Æ¡¸¸ ‚¸œ¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ „œ¸¥¸¤š¸ ˆÅ£¸¡¸½ Š¸‡ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ¨¸¸÷¸¸¨¸£µ¸ ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ?

a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

‚¸œ¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆÅ£›¸½ í½÷¸º „œ¸¥¸¤š¸ ˆÅ£¸ƒÄ Š¸ƒÄ ÷¸ˆÅ›¸úˆÅú ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸‚¸Ê ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ? 6 Æ¡¸¸ Are you happy with the technical facilities provided to you to work in the Bank?

a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy ‚¸œ¸ ‚œ¸›¸½ ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ ¨¸½÷¸›¸ ‡¨¸¿ „œ¸¥¸¤š¸ ˆÅ£¸‡ ¸¸ £í½ ‚›¡¸ ž¸î¸¸Ê/ ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸‚¸Ê ¬¸½ 7 Æ¡¸¸ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ? Are you happy with the present salary and other allowances/

facilities provided to you? a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

Å ¢¨¸ ¸¸£ ¬¸½ ¢›¸Ÿ›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¬¸½ Æ¡¸¸ ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸½ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ ‰¸º©¸ú œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅ£½Š¸¸? 8 ‚¸œ¸ˆ½ What among the following will make you more happy?

a) œÏ¸½››¸¢÷¸ Promotion b) ‚¢š¸ˆÅ ¨¸½÷¸›¸ Increased salary c) Ÿ¸›¸ ¸¸íú ÷¸¾›¸¸÷¸ú Choice posting d) ±¸¸›¸¸ ¸Ä›¸ ˆ½Å ‚¨¸¬¸£ Learning opportunities e) œÏ©¸¿¬¸¸/œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ Appreciation/Award ‚¸œ¸ ‚œ¸›¸½ ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ? 9 Æ¡¸¸ Are you happy with your present Chief Officer?

a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy ‚¸œ¸ ‚œ¸›¸½ ¬¸¸˜¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆÅ£ £í½ ¬¸í¡¸¸½Š¸ú ‡¨¸¿ ‚š¸ú›¸¬˜¸ ˆÅŸ¸Ä ¸¸¢£¡¸¸Ê ˆ½Å ¨¡¸¨¸í¸£ 10 Æ¡¸¸ ¬¸½ ‰¸º©¸ íÿ?

Mrityunjay Kumar Gupta

Are you happy with the behavior of your colleagues & subordinate employees working with you in the Bank? a) ¤¸íº÷¸ ‰¸º©¸ Very happy b) ¬¸¿÷¸º«’ Satisfied c) ›¸¸‰¸º©¸ Unhappy

General Manager (HR), HO


March, 2018



PROACTIVE COLLABORATIVE APPROACH Our bank is now under PCA, all our concerns are with this imposition. Having addressed by our honchos this deterrence being an industry specific and not bank’, there had been imaginar y fears in many of our minds. ith the inception of 2019, 14 Public Sector Banks en masse endeavor towards Golden Jubilee year of Nationalizations of Banks that happened way back in July 19, 1969. The so called “Social Control Policy” of the then Government aimed at protecting the Public Money that were largely held as deposits with erstwhile private banks, reorient focused lending to priority sector and to safeguard institutions from forlorn conditions. As we cherish the status of having employed with a Government Company, we ought to retrace this chronicle and extol this Nation Building exercise. Socialism was at its helm even the Preamble to India Constitution had an




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amendment enshrining “Socialist” & “Secular” ideologies to our Democracy as prefaced. Aside the Governmental action, it is imperative to recollect the paramount part enlivened by our Trade Unions to establish harmonic work culture, befitting wage settlements and engulfing to action, as and when mandated, thereby averting animosity, hitherto. These stalwarts stand dignified in Mortar, having showed fraternity and egalitarianism en route. Mission and Vision statements envisaged by various sectors of Indian industry were plunged into Action by handholding’s from Banking Industry. Liberalized lending in needy sectors

ensured the growth of GDP and the rise of Indian economy, as a frontrunner in developing nations. Banking in India was thus adored and respected both from Industry and Career outlook. BOI, our exuberant Star, has had a resplendent history before and after Nationalization. Our Institution preceded Indian constitution in proclaiming Secularity at its very origin in 1906. Having attended to the Nation’ Call in building the economy, it has bolstered trust and confidence in stakeholders and customers. We hear people euphorically remember our mantra of work through our taglines like “There is a future in this Star”, “The Guiding Star”, “Relationship beyond


Victorious Banking� etc. We were professionals with human touch. These iconic accomplishments so garnered needs to be carried forward for the generations to come. Present state of affairs in banking industry is worrisome; craving for capital, increasing stressed assets, decreased credit growth, administrative reforms, sanctions from watchdog etc. Altogether, it has been a testing time for the banks for its sustenance in this year that sculpts 50th year of nationalization. The industry that had driven progress in several other industries is confronting tumultuous times. For a country like ours which is not much characterized with Debt market, institutional lending forms the engine of growth. Our bank is now under PCA, all our concerns are with this imposition. Having addressed by our honchos this deterrence being an industry specific and not bank’, there had been imaginary fears in many of our minds. Once the remedial measures are accomplished, our Net NPA will chart down and Provision coverage will surge back to 60%+, one of the finest among our peers. Suitable strategies have already been contrived to redress maximized Return on Assets. Thus Prompt Turn Around, the road ahead is obvious and PCA will only be pit stop for us. At this conjecture, revival of qualitative credit growth and reduction in stressed assets are the two-fold needs of the hour and is vested responsibility of each branch. As credit monitoring starts from pre-sanction stage of a proposal, emphasis should be laid down to adhere to requisite due-diligence and prompt asset management,

with zero deviances from credit policy norms. All the doable NPAs in Special Mention Accounts are to be revisited and declared NPA wherever immediate recovery is futile. Maximizing our crusade towards trimming stressed assets, with necessitated legal remedies as well, must be mustered. Thus our resurgence from Prompt Corrective Action should augur our Proactive Collaborative Approach. Apropos latest devolvement with regard to banking sector postdemonetization, the climate for doing business is arduous. The contentious FRDI Bill 2017 is irking the financial sector industry as a whole; which when made as an Act will intrude forceful reforms to underperformers transferring management and assets, bespeak consolidation of institutions, coagulating Public deposits beyond guaranteed amounts and so on. The array of evens when enumerated from nationalization to status quo is posing a Paradigm shift, even hinting privatization of financial institutions. To survive these clandestine reforms, our actions should reap desired results. As like in the past, Glorious days of Banking in India must be revitalized and shall manoeuver to drive Indian economy forward! To grow and prosper tomorrow, we need to survive the day with resilience whilst rejoicing at the Golden Jubilee year of Nationalization of Banks!

S. Sathishbabu

Chinnakattalai Branch, Coimbatore Zone


onight we are victorious, Come celebrate with us, All of us are glorious, Tonight we are victorious

I heard to the guillotine, For saying what I didn't mean, My hands are bloody and unclean, No one won't let go this unseen, For I had murderd those bees queen. Tonight we are victorious, Come celebrate with us, All of us are glorious, Tonight we are victorious. I had worn the ambition's mane, Now all my efforts go and drain, However in their brain, They're the hero, I'm the villain, If only they'll see my tears rain. Tonight we are victorious, & Come celebrate with us. Now my touch is poisonous All of us are glorious, Can't they see I'am victorious, Tonight we are virtuous, Tonight the dark is victorious.


S/o Shri R. S. Chouhan General Manager, HO


March, 2018


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March, 2018



DID ANYONE SEE BLACK SWAN COMING he first 10 months of the financial year 2017-2018 have been very good for the Indian stock markets. The market saw new highs one after the other and investors saw their money multiplying like never before. Few corrections here and there, everyone saw much higher targets for indices and then in the first week of February 2018 market saw the biggest falls. The elated mood turned into somber. Analysts started looking the other way. This was a black swan event. Black swan is a bird we all know. Now it’s obvious to ask how there can be a correlation between some event and a particular bird. The explanation can be found in the idea propounded by celebrated writer Nicholas Nasim Taleb of Lebanese - American origin in his famous book ‘The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable’. Although Black Swan theory has been given by Taleb in the present century, the concept dates back several centuries. Till 1697 there was a notion that swans are only white in colour. When black swans were spotted in Australia for the first time that year it was realized how limited is the information and imagination of human beings. Since the discovery of black swan, the term is used as a metaphor to refer to an event of surprise. Taleb took a cue from this phenomenon, did extensive research to come out with his book which has sold more than 4 million copies and which the Fortune magazine has declared one of the 75 smartest books of all time. According to Taleb, a black swan event is a low probability, high impact event that is almost impossible to predict or forecast and which is disruptive in nature. The event is unprecedented at a particular point in time until it happens. Black swan events have following attributes:


History has taught us that the time to adopt and test crises management plans is before occurrence of disruptive events. 18


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- Black Swan events happen outside the realms of normal expectations. It is a surprise to the observer. -Black Swan event has a major impact which can be positive or negative. -After its first appearance, it usually gets explained as if it could have been predicted. Various reasons are given to substantiate the same. For example one given reason can be that data was available but ignored, etc. There is a theory of probability and there are models to predict the uncertainties and calculate risks to some extent but few isolated events, owing to their dynamics, stand largely outside the realm of the predictable. No historical data or empirical record is sufficient to forecast a black swan event because it was never seen before. To explore any possibility of predicting Black Swan event, one is required to think “out of the box”, not relying upon and taking any hypothetical or mathematical theories of probabilities or risk calculations because a Black Swan event is the one beyond normal expectations and predictions. The theory behind Black Swan events can be said to be a combination of mathematical and philosophical reasoning to explain and describe the randomness of uncertainty. When we say that a Black Swan event is unpredictable should we leave at that? No, says Taleb. His theory of Black Swan event deals with following three aspects -Trying one’s best to predict Black Swan event by thinking beyond possibilities, and making efforts to anticipate extreme events. -Strengthening and building robustness against negative Black Swan events. This can be achieved by having safeguards and developing organizational absorption* -Capitalizing on a positive Black Swan event, utilizing it for growth, learning and progress. For this a term AntiFragility is used.

The theory behind Black Swan events can be said to be a combination of mathematical and philosophical reasoning to explain and describe the randomness of uncertainty..

-Organizational Absorption is organization’s capacity to accommodate unfavorable and disadvantageous situations and market trends. Some of the defensive techniques used by organizations (companies, firms etc.) include contingency saving funds, emergency credit lines etc. -The term Anti-Fragility means withstanding a Black Swan event and improving because of it. As black swan events are rare only few instances can named as such. The Asian financial crisis of 1997, the global financial crisis, The European sovereign debt crisis The disaster at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear, the coordinated terrorist attacks on September 9, 2011 in the United States, known as 9/11; are few largely discussed black swan events. The Banqiao Dam catastrophe is quoted as a major instance. The Banqiao Reservoir Dam is built over river Ru in Zhumadian City in Henan province of the Peoples Republic of China. Its failure in 1975 with record rainfall of 189.5 mm per hour and 1060 mm per day, exceeding the average annual precipitation of about 800 mm led to a flood in which 171000 people died and 110000000 people got displaced. These instances convey that Black Swan events can evolve from a single or combination of factors covering negligence, human error, malicious / terrorist attacks, or acts of nature. Also there may be some subjectivity in classifying an event as a black swan event. For example few critics consider the decision of United Kingdom to leave

the European Union (Termed as Brexit) to be a black swan event while many have a different opinion. Some ways for predicting a Black Swan event are summarized as -Not to rely totally on past experiences. -Not to depend on standard deviations for risk calculations. -Recognize the fact that mathematical equivalent can be psychologically different. -Understanding that Black Swan events are always unique and therefore not subject to testing in repeatable experiments. -Develop ability to take into account the properties of the future. There may be disagreements over Black Swan theory. However it has lessons for Boards and Top Executives. The lesson is that crises triggered by risk events falling under unknown category, cannot be ignored. To assess such risks companies need to engage in a detailed planning exercise to identify such potential but unexpected events. Effective response plans to handle such risks should be developed and put in place. In summary, Black Swan theory holds significance in social, economic and personal context. It prepares us for the future which is prone to uncertainties - inevitably breaking as Black Swan, promotes the idea of building robustness and psychologically, turning the event to our benefit. History has taught us that the time to adopt and test crises management plans is before occurrence of disruptive

The Banqiao Dam catastrophe is quoted as a major instance. The Banqiao Reservoir Dam is built over river Ru in Zhumadian City in Henan province of the Peoples Republic of China. Its failure in 1975 with record rainfall of 189.5 mm per hour and 1060 mm per day, exceeding the average annual precipitation of about 800 mm led to a flood in which 171000 people died and 110000000 people got displaced.

events. The lessons we can draw from the above explanations and examples are -We should be ready for eventualities and surprises, live everyday as it is last day of our life which Steve Job also emphasized in his speeches and not to procrastinate. Before Nicholas Talib, our Sant Kabir Das too had a sense of Black Swan when he wrote these famous lines ˆÅ¸¥¸ ˆÅ£½ ¬¸¸½ ‚¸ ¸ ˆÅ£, ‚¸ ¸ ˆÅ£½ ¬¸¸½ ‚¤¸ œ¸¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸£¥¸¡¸ í¸½‡Š¸ú, ¤¸íº¢£ ˆÅ£¸½Š¸½ ˆÅ¤¸ —

Vijay Prakash Srivastava (Ex-Staff), Mumbai


March, 2018



Emerging Technologies in Banking Sphere All emerging technologies should have the ability to reduce installation costs, add flexibility, ease deployment and maintenance hassle-free conditions. This should be accompanied with an innovative service delivery mechanism using digital technologies to mitigate the cost-side implications. he banking industry today is in a state of flux, with multiple technology, regulatory demographic factors cutting across the length and breadth of the value chain. These facts are impacting the manner in which banks are conducting their business, as the traditional methods are no longer enough to meet the rising expectation of the customers and profitability. To meet this growing requirements, bank has already forayed into Android/IOS and Analytics to provide our customers with many choices. With newer technologies continuously emerging in the market, an esteemed institution like ours, has to keep up and look for feasibility options for the future. Being future-ready is the mantra for success. This can be done by realizing and implementing new technology/systems before our competitor does to capture the market. Now let’s look into a few of those technologies which will be driving the future.


Software-defined Data Center (SDDC) SDDC is the phrase used to refer a data center where all infrastructure is virtualized and delivered as a service. Control of the data center is fully automated by software, meaning hardware configuration is maintained through intelligent software systems.



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Commonly cited benefits of softwaredefined data centers include improved efficiency from extending virtualization throughout the data center; increased agility from provisioning applications quickly; improved control over application availability and security through policy-based governance; and the flexibility to run new and existing applications in multiple platforms and clouds. In addition, a software-defined data center implementation could reduce a company’s energy usage by enabling servers and other data center hardware to run at decreased power levels. Some believe that softwaredefined data centers improve security by giving organizations more control over their hosted data and security levels.

Domain Virtualization, Automation, Abstraction. Application 1. Data Center Management solution. 2. SDDC will provides an organization with its own private cloud for better control of hosted data. 5G Technology As the next step in the continuous innovation and evolution of the mobile industry, 5G will not only be about a new air interface with faster speeds, but it will also address network congestion, energy efficiency, cost, reliability, and connection to billions of people and devices.

Compared to 4G communication systems, significantly higher wireless transmission rates are expected in 5G communication systems, such as 10 Gbps peak data rates with 8~10 bps/ Hz/cell. Moreover, energy efficient concepts will be fully integrated into future wireless communication systems to protect the environment.

Domain Networking, Communication, Wireless Technology. Application 1. Use in production communication networks. 2. 5G will make world real Wi Fi zone. 3. 6th Sense Technology. Visible Light Communication The Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an emerging technology, which provides distinct facilities such as fast data communication, secure data communication, high data rate wireless communication, etc. Instead of radio frequency, VLC uses light, to transfer data. The visible light spectrum is unlicensed and 10,000 times larger than the range of radio frequencies. It can be used as an alternate to the existing radio based wireless communication technologies or in hybrid. The outstanding advantages of VLC when compared with Radio Frequency

Communication (RF) can be listed as follows: • Unregulated 200 THz bandwidth in the range of 155-700nm wavelengths. • No licensing fee requirement • Optical signals cannot pass through walls like radio waves penetrate. Therefore, the signals emitted in a room provides significant benefits in terms of security by staying in that room. • Stay of signals in the room or office, eliminates the possibility of any interference in adjacent rooms or offices. By this way, each room will constitute a cell and the capacity productivity will rise to the top levels. • The equipment used is cheaper when compared with RF devices. • Optical signals are not as detrimental as RF signals to the human health. • VLC requires lower energy consumption than RF systems.

Domain Networking, Communication, Wireless technology. Application 1. Communication in hazardous environment. 2. Underwater communications. 3. Smart Lighting in the home. 4. Visible light ID system. White-Fi White-Fi, also known as Super Wifi, is a Wi-Fi like technology operating in unused TV spectrum i.e. TV white space. Cognitive radio techniques enable White-Fi to avoid spectrum actively being used for TV and so prevent interference. White-Fi frequencies are much lower than Wi-Fi, so their radio waves propagate much further. This

could become an effective ‘backhaul’ technology to supplement wired networks, especially where wires are expensive or otherwise problematic to deploy. The basic concept behind White-Fi technology, IEEE 802.11af is that broadcast television coverage has to be organized so that space is left between the coverage area of different transmitters using the same channels so that interference does not occur. With Wi-Fi applications only requiring low power, it is possible to use this unused spectrum between the coverage areas without the fear of interference being caused within the television transmitter coverage area. Benefits of IEEE 802.11af, White-Fi There are many benefits for a system such as IEEE 802.11af from using TV white space. While the exact nature of the IEEE 802.11af system has not been fully defined, it is still possible to see many of the benefits that can be gained from White-Fi technology: One of the advantages of using TV white space is that additional otherwise unused frequencies can be accessed. However, it will be necessary to aggregate several TV channels to provide the bandwidths that Wi-Fi uses on 2.4 and 5.6 GHz, to achieve the required data throughput rates. Domain Communication, Wireless technology. Application 1. Ability to provide last mile connectivity. 2. Alternative wireless broadband connectivity. Blockchain Technology Blockchain technology is set to fundamentally transform banking and financial services. It decentralizes financial management from a central authority to a widespread network of computers. Financial transactions are broken down into encrypted packets, or “blocks,” which are then added to the

“chain” of computer code and encrypted for enhanced cyber security — it’s been compared to “email for money” by blockchain startup CEO Blythe Masters. Because the technology has the potential to improve numerous facets of banking — and is the basis for other banking technology trends like Bitcoin — it’s no longer a question of if blockchain will change the banking industry, but when, according to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. There are many possible applications in which blockchain can be used like music distribution, identity verification, title registry and supply chain. Domain Cyber security, Database, Finance. Application 1. Digital Identity. 2. Distributed cloud storage. 3. Public ledger for recording transactions. Through this article, we have tried to present emerging technologies that will become part of the future. All emerging technologies should have the ability to reduce installation costs, add flexibility, ease deployment and maintenance hassle-free conditions. This should be accompanied with an innovative service delivery mechanism using digital technologies to mitigate the cost-side implications. At the end, it is necessary to keep in mind that, technology should only be a means of reaching the destination, but shouldn’t define our business values and ethics.

Ajay Kapoor

Senior Manager (HO IT),

Karthik Kidiyoor Head Office-IT


March, 2018


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Star Sakhi Club members at its Annual Day Celebrations held at Mumbai in the gracious presence of Mrs. Rajshree Mohapatra and other senior sakhis. It marked the successful completion of an eventful year.

i ba um M b u l C i h k a S Star

Mrs. Rajshree Mohapatra, Mrs. Renu Gupta and Mrs. Sridevi Chaitnaya, felicitating Mrs. Anuradha Gore, Mother of Kargil War Martyr Capt. Vinayak Gore at Mumbai on behalf of Star Sakhi Club Members, Mumbai.

Distribution of stationery material to the students of a Govt. school at Dharavi was done under the charity work by Star Sakhi Mumbai


March, 2018


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MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra visited Amritsar Zone. He inaugurated Business Expo 2018 and addressed Customer Meet. GM NBG (N-1) Shri S K Swain, ZM Sh. Anil Jain and other staff members extended very warm welcome to MD & CEO. Shri Mohapatra appriciated Team Amritsar Zone lead by ZM Shri Anil Jain for their efforts under Project Connect-Sampark Initative.


GM (Wealth Management & Marketing) Shri Parshuram Panda, ED Shri C G Chaitnaya, ED Shri Atanu Das, Director Smt. Veni Thapar, MD&CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra, ED Shri Damodharan Neelam, Director Shri D Harish & Director Shri Debabrata Sarkar holding Awards and Certificates (Best Corporate Social Practices, Promoting Employment for the Physically Challenged. & Support and Improvement in Quality of Education) conferred to Bank by prestigious group ET NOW to Commemorate "WORLD CSR DAY" 2018.:

Shri Mrityunjay Kumar Gupta, General Manager (HR) has been conferred with prestigious ‘HR Professional of the Year’ Award by World HRD Congress during a glittering Global HR Excellence Award 2018 ceremony held at The Hotel Taj Land Ends, Bandra, Mumbai on 15th February, 2018. The award was received by Shri Mrityunjay Kumar Gupta at the hands of Dr. Siddhartha Pandey, Vice President (HR), Balasore Alloys Ltd. in presence of Global HR Leaders across world.



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Bank of India Uganda has received awards from two different forums. On 8th December 2017, BOIU received ‘Bank of the Year 2017’ award at the hands of H.E. Vice President of Uganda Mr Edward Ssekandi. The award was given by Visionaries of Uganda in partnership with Government of Uganda. On 24th January 2018, BOIU received another award for ‘Best Company Keeping Image High’ at the hands of H.E. High Commissioner of India Mr Ravi Shankar. The award was given by Indian Business Forum under the aegis of Indian Association which is the oldest association of Indians in Uganda serving the community since 1922.

Bank of India Kenya conferred with “The Most Efficient Bank in Kenya” by Think Business at Kenya. CE Shri A K Azad received the Award on behalf of the bank along with other Bank officials

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Jugsalai Branch, Jamshedpur Zone

Ludhiana Zone

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Tiruvallur Branch, Chennai Zone

Janakpuri Branch, New Delhi Zone

Mangalore Branch, Bengaluru Zone

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March, 2018


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED “A brother is a friend who was once a bother.” This sentence aptly describes the relationship of brothers; How communication is silent, yet it is the most powerful, How a casual pat on the back is the strongest embrace, How his mere shadow casts away the darkness

brother undeniably is the strongest support system. Like everyone else, I have seen my relationship with my brother evolve from those petty fights to sibling rivalry to best friends and to my hero. Today, my brother being ten years my senior I look up to him more as a fatherly figure than a friend.


My brother, or rather my superhero, has always been a lively outgoing fellow. He has always lived his life to the fullest and has taught me to do so. A psychiatrist by profession, he has invariably followed his heart always, unbiased by the mass. Bhai and Bhabhi, both doctors, were having the time of their lives in the states. A supportive wife, a beautiful daughter, an excellent practice, a luxurious life what more could you ask for. 26


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Yet after 12 long years, in 1998, our world came crashing down. My brother gave us some heartbreaking news. Both his kidneys could not function and he would need a kidney transplant soon. A mobile being a rarity in those days, calling him to ask about his condition meant making prior appointments at the telephone booth, standing in queues, awaiting your turn to make a 5 minute phone call, thousands of miles away. His meek voice at the end of the line reassured us that things were going fine and that the dialysis was doing him good, yet we could see the immense pain he was undergoing, both physically and mentally. Knowing that their young daughter and she herself needed Bhai the most,

Bhabhi decided to donate a kidney to Bhai. Cross matchings and tests were done, the procedure planned out when came another shock. Bhabhi had cancer in one of her kidneys, which mistakenly but luckily got diagnosed during this whole procedure. The critical time was drawing to a close. A brother with neither of the kidneys functioning and Bhabhi on a single kidney, required a bold decision. I decided to go ahead for the transplant. This took a lot of courage, considering my daughter was just 5 at that time and a second child was due in 6-8 months. 19 years back, kidney transplant was a huge thing. It is even now but those days, it was misunderstood to be a risky procedure. Tension was brewing. With

TRUE RELATIONSHIP each passing day, Bhai’s condition was worsening. The dialysis was draining all his strength. That’s when our father made a lionhearted decision of donating his own kidney. Going under the knife at the age of 70 years was a valiant move. By the grace of God, dad was in a very good health, even better than mine, maybe. In the blink of an eye, matchings were done successfully, tests were conducted, passports signed and soon my mother and father were on the way to New York. Dad used to cringe at the thought of blood tests but he did not let fear get in the way. The doctors there were impressed with his health and 3 months later, he returned back hale and hearty after donating his kidney to Bhai. No acknowledgements could ever be enough for this gesture. The only way my brother could ever repay dad was through continued love and affection. This kidney did wonders for Bhai. Kidney of a 70 year old functioning properly for the next 15 years was a miracle. In June 2014, Bhai sadly informed us that father’s kidney could not take the load and stress anymore and a kidney transplant would soon be necessary. Dialysis began once more. Without giving a second thought, I consulted my wife. She was skeptical initially but she understood the gravity of the situation and gave a willing consent. But fate had other plans for us. Bhai suffered a heart attack and the procedure had to be cancelled. It was saddening to see him go through dialysis again. This time around next year in 2016, tests and cross matchings were done once again. But time wasn’t favoring us and my weight issues crept in. I was not just overweight, but obese, according to the US standards. Though everything from my heart to my kidney was in a good shape , my weight issue was a hindrance. Another unsuccessful attempt and another discouragement. That’s when my ‘never give up’ attitude kicked in. In March 2017, I started exercising rigorously, walking and jogging 10 km a

day, reducing my diet to mainly proteins and vitamins. I left no stone unturned in accomplishing this goal. Of course, there were uncountable hurdles on the way. Changing your diet, running for long walks wasn’t a cakewalk. But my gradual transformation helped me go further, push my limits and I lost 27 kilos in a span of 8 months. When the doctors were consulted one more time, they readily accepted the proposal. Each small victory, increased our happiness leaps and bounds. The doctors concluded that I was in a good shape now to donate a kidney. Colonoscopy for the examination of the intestine was performed successfully. A confusing aspect though was the fact that my pulse remained a constant low. Though this

People say God listens to us all and now I know that He does. was nothing to worry about, the doctors recommended an echo cardiogram. It detected a RBBB (right bundle branch blockage). It is a condition in which the right bundles fibers of the heart aren’t able to send electric signals as swiftly as they should. This news shook us all. I saw all my efforts going in vain. However contrary to the scary name, this was a fairly common condition. The cardiologist explained that this in fact was a good sign, because my heart didn’t need to beat as many times as others to pump the required oxygen. My chances brightened. Plans were made and I flew to Florida soon. After a wait of 2 years, our efforts bore fruits or so I thought. I landed there, was

going through tests and was having a good time with Bhai and Bhabhi. But good times don’t last long. The surgeon there suggested that we see a pulmonary doctor for what he suspected to be tuberculosis. CT scan and MRI were performed. The doctor explained that if an active infection was detected, they couldn’t proceed with the transplant for another 6 months and if a passive infection is detected, then a treatment for 3 months was required because a small infection can prove to be fatal for Bhai, given the low immunity following the transplant. It seemed that Almighty was testing us one more time. I made up the mind and became strong to support Bhai Bhabhi through such trying times. They too were awaiting this transplant since a long time. Well life surprises us. The CT scan and MRI came out clean and so did the other tests. A group of doctors- a nephrologist, a pulmonary doctor and a surgeon met us and after examining the reports, concluded that since there was no active as well as passive infection, the transplant should go fine then itself. I was cleared for the transplant and that there was no need to wait another 3 months. God has the best plans for all of us. We just need to wait for the right time. On 21st March, a successful transplant was done. This marked a special day since we were now a unique family- four family members with one kidney. By the blessings of God and supportive family members, I could go ahead for this transplant. This kidney transplant was a dream come true after lots of hardwork by several people after a span of 3 years. People say God listens to us all and now I know that He does.

Rajiv Bhatt

Inspection & Audit Department, Head Office


March, 2018



Soul of 'Incredible India' DISHA dubbed as the soul of “Incredible India” by the tourism department, is cradled between the Bay of Bengal and the forest hills of Eastern Ghats. The state boasts of a 33 percent forest cover, two national parks, 19 wildlife sanctuaries, three tiger reserves and many spectacular water falls apart from a number of rivers and reservoirs. Hundreds of ancient temples and Buddhist sites add to Odisha’s beauty and tourism potential.


The wild variations of mangroves and the salt water crocodiles of the Bhitarkanika National Park and wildlife sanctuaries are popular destinations. The park is also home to the white crocodiles, the Indian python, the wild pig, the rhesus monkey, the chital, the cobra, the water monitor lizard and the black ibis, the darter and many migratory birds in water. Oliver Ridley sea turtles also nest at Gahirmatha in Kendrapara district and other nearby beaches. The Similipal National Park and Tiger Reserves in North Odisha is yet another hotshot for nature lovers. Known all over the world as a major biosphere reserve, Similipal is located in Mayurbhanj district. It is home to the royal Bengal tiger and the elephant. It has several waterfalls such as Joranda and Barehipani.



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Bhubaneswar, Puri and Konark are popularly known as the golden triangle. After a 60 km drive from Bhubaneswar, one reaches the serene beaches of Puri. Bhubaneswar is the capital of Odisha. It is the largest city in the state and is a centre of economic and religious importance in Eastern India. Bhubaneswar historically was often depicted as Ekamra Kshetra as the dirty of Lingraj was originally under a mango tree (Ekamra) as noted in Ekamra purana, a 13th century Sanskrit treatise. Modern city of Bhubaneswar was formally established in 1948. The history of this area in and around the present day city can be traced to 3rd century BCE and earlier. It is often referred to as a “Temple city of India.” With Puri and Konark it forms the Swarna Tribhuja (Golden triangle), one of the most visited destination of tourists. The modern city Bhubaneswar was designed by the German Architect Otto Konigsberger in 1946. It is one of the modern India’s first planned cities. Bhubaneswar and Cuttack are often referred to as the twin cities of Odisha. An emerging information technology and education hub, Bhubaneswar is one of the country’s fastest developing cities.

TRAVEL At Puri apart from offering prayers at the Jagannath temple, tourists can enjoy a stroll on the tranquil beaches nearby. They can also get to see sand sculptures carved on the beach by many sand artists. Sudarsan Pattanaik, Manas Sahoo and Sudam Pradhan are some well-known sand artists. Pattanaik has represented Odisha and the country in many Sand Art Championships. Since Sand Art at Puri beach has started drawing international attention Odisha government organised annual International Sand Art Festival in Konark. About 50 artists from different parts of the country and abroad attend

Since Sand Art at Puri beach has started drawing international attention Odisha government organised annual International Sand Art Festival in Konark. the festival which coincides with the Konark festival - a five day festival of the classical dances of India starting December 1 every year. The Konark festival is held against the backdrop of the “Sun Temple”. With a view to attract foreign tourists the Odisha Government has signed a memorandum of understanding with Air Asia to launch direct flights between Bhubaneswar to Kuala Lumpur. A policy to promote tour packages to South East Asia in collaboration with Air Asia will also be prepared. New

and a trip to the Sun Temple in Konark. Built in the middle of the 13th century, the Sun Temple is also known as the Black Pagoda. initiatives such as the Jagannath trail, coastal cruises, cycle tour, food festival and weekend gateway are being organised by the Odisha Tourism Development Corporation. Hoping that the new policy will boost Odisha’s tourism sector, the Government has started branding Odisha Tourism at strategic places such as airport, metrostations and International Convention Centres. Nature tourism destinations in Odisha have been attracting tourists from far off places for years. The endangered Oliver Ridley sea turtles’ annual visit to the state’s coast for mass nesting in January and February every year is one such popular attraction. Padampeta village, situated 142 kilometres from Bhubaneswar and a part of Rushikulya rookery in Ganjam district, off national highway 16, is a particularly popular site. Lakhs of sea turtles come to lay eggs on the beach near the village every year. Hundreds of tourists throng the place to witness thousands of tiny Oliver Ridley hatchings emerging from the sand pits on the beach and crawling into the Bay of Bengal in early April. Between Bhubaneswar and the Rushikulya rookery is Mangalajodi, a perfect ecotourism destination where birds can be seen throughout the year. The village is located on the northern banks of Chilika Lake, the largest brackish water lake in Asia and the largest wintering ground for migratory birds in India. Many tourists also visit Satapada, located on the south eastern part of the Chilika lagoon and home to the Irrawaddy dolphins. A visit to Satapada can be clubbed with a sojourn in Puri town, where the Jagannath temple is located,

Niyamgiri Hills, about 450 km from Bhubaneswar, is another major ecoand ethnic- tourism attraction. Spread across Kalahandi Rayagada districts, Niyamgiri is home to about 10000 Dongria Kondh tribal people. They organise the Niyamgiri Rajan Festival on the last Sunday of February every year to worship the hill, their source of livelihood. The two day festival atop the bauxite rich hills is a panoramic experience. Nandankanan Zoological Park is located 20 km ahead of Bhubaneswar. The name literally means ‘Garden of Pleasure’ is the most picturesque park to bring an opportunity to discover unique flora and fauna flourishing in their most natural habitat. This is also known as Nandankanan National Park where arrays of enthralling facilities like boating, white tiger and lion safaris, reptile park, aerial rope way and cable car are available. This is the first zoo in India to become a member of World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). Government of Odisha has decided to adopt a strong multi model approach and synergise the activities of the different departments and stakeholders for promoting Odisha as a one-stop destination to experience history, culture, society and natural beauty. Odisha state is well connected with the entire country and very significantly placed in Indian tourism map. With the improved road, railway and air connectivity the sky is the limit for Odisha Tourism.

Aurobindo Bhowmick

Retd AGM & Ex-Chairman RRB, Odisha


March, 2018



happy banker is a myth’ - This is a common phrase I have heard very often during my 8 months in the banking industry. Is it the truth? Well, no, not exactly. A happy banker is not a myth but it certainly is a rare species who are on the verge of extinction. Why is it so? The answer can be summed up in three crucial points: 1. Grueling Hours, 2. Lack of Work-Life Balance, and 3. Professional Demands. None of the bankers can deny the fact that our industry is painstakingly stressful and extremely challenging. Catering to the unique needs of every customer day-in and day-out, striving to meet targets set by the higher-ups,


Sushmita Sarkar

Rajiv Gandhi Chowk Branch, New Delhi

The Happy

undertaking various financial transactions throughout the day, each and every task allotted to a banker is a unique challenge in itself. All these challenges cumulatively create an extremely stressful environment for the banker. Thriving in such a stressfilled environment, achieving success and becoming the quintessentially happy banker may seem a distant dream. However, we all know the saying ‘No dream is too big and No dreamer is too small’. Nothing that we want in our life is beyond our reach. The path to success and happiness can be achieved by passion, determination and more importantly with discipline. ‘Successful people are simply

Banker Habits

Working overtime to impress your bosses may look all good at the beginning but it will end up sucking the life out of you. Working overtime at times when the company needs it is absolutely okay. But do not make it a habit. It can do you more harm than good.



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those with successful habits’. Every banker can become the ‘Happy Banker’ if they incorporate the following habits into their daily routine:

Smile and Repeat: 1LongSweat, grueling hours at work make

us bankers really tired. We usually sleep late at night and wake up late in the morning too. At such a point, the idea of working out early in the morning is definitely a nightmare for us. However, the fear of a nightmare can be swept off by the whiff of fresh air in the morning. Early morning workouts energizes your body, freshens up your mind, lowers the stress levels and can help you in focusing better throughout the day. It is not necessary to go for a rigorous workout session. If you are unable to manage the time in the morning, just a few jumping-jacks and breathing exercises are enough to reinvigorate your mind, body and soul. The bottom line is you must commit to be fit. Talking about exercising and following a healthy routine, we must never forget that smiling is one of the best exercises. There is no better way to start off your day than with a big, wide smile. A smile will bring in a positive outlook and will make the worries of the upcoming day appear smaller. It will reduce stress and boost your mood thereby making you a happy banker. Moreover, good energy is always contagious. A happy banker appears more approachable, trustworthy and can become a source of motivation for his counterparts as well.

without a good breakfast’. Every banker must make it a habit of having a wholesome, healthy breakfast first thing in the morning. The advantages of having a good breakfast are many. A healthy breakfast stimulates your intelligence, enhances your mood, keeps your endurance levels high and gives you a good jumpstart for the day. The long hours at work can take a toll on your body. One of the most effective ways to prevent your work life from ruining your health is by having a healthy diet. ‘Healthy’ is the keyword in your breakfast. Avoid eating sugary and oily foods. Always remember that your diet is akin to a bank account. Good food choices are good investments. Make the choices wisely. like you own the Bank; 3 Dress not like you need a Loan from it:

Clothes don’t make the man but they can surely make you feel better. None of our lives are perfect, but our outfits can be. Research has shown that a well-dressed person feels a lot more confident and has a higher self-esteem than others. Being in a completely professional industry like banking, every banker must know the art of presenting oneself properly. A well-dressed banker leaves a lasting impression on the minds of his clients as well as his customers. Make sure that you wear clean, wrinkle-free clothes and look prim and proper. Do not think that dressing well means over-dressing. Keep it simple yet classy. Try to maintain personal hygiene as well. Dressing well can surely go a long way in making you the ‘Happy Banker’.

Good Morning to your Plan the Day: 2 Say Body - Eat a Healthy 4 Breakfast:

As Robert Heinlein says - ‘One should not attend even the end of the world

All bankers must realize the importance of planning. A man without a plan for the day is lost even before he starts. Have a clear

idea of what all things you need to do throughout the day before you leave for office. Chalking out a plan will help you tackle the situations better, achieve the targets and finish the work in time. You need not have a rigid schedule but having a well-defined timeline of tasks to be done will boost your productivity and thereby add credibility to your profile. not make 5 Do Overtime a Habit:


In order to achieve the work-life balance, one must know the art of prioritizing things. The world is competitive and one of the easiest ways bankers find to showcase their competitive spirit is by putting in extra hours at work. Working overtime to impress your bosses may look all good at the beginning but it will end up sucking the life out of you. Working overtime at times when the company needs it is absolutely okay. But do not make it a habit. It can do you more harm than good. Regularly staying up late in the office can put a question mark on your time-management skills. It can make you feel overworked and at the end of the day, all those extra hours will hamper your performance and lead you simply nowhere. Hence, a happy banker should make working overtime an exception, not the rule. Motivated: 6 Stay People with goals

succeed because they know where they are going. To be a happy, productive and successful banker, you must have a long-term career plan. Having a vision of where you want to be in the next five years will help you remain motivated and work consistently towards achieving your goal. It will also help you remember why you wanted to work in the banking industry in the first place.


March, 2018




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SPECIAL id you ever come across feeling that made you seem unfit for the present era, time or even place? Does it feel as if nobody takes an effort to understand you, or is able to comprehend why feel aloof all the time? No, you’re not a commoner with personality or psychological issues and definitely not an alien! In fact you’re just the inverse. As we evolved we categorized people based on different personalities and the most popular is the Myers and Brigg’s framework, which orders all the diverse sorts of identity characteristics found in individuals. The framework has 4 distinct classifications - Extroversion /Selfpreoccupation, Instinct / Detecting, Considering / Feeling, and Seeing/ Judging. According to them the INFJ personality (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging), is an individual that has all the above categories instilled in them. And, they are rarest of the rare people present on Earth. These people have not 1 or 2, but all the below-mentioned 12 qualities that make them 1 in a billion. 1. More than present and past, they’re conscious about the future Individuals who have an INFJ identity are not worried about the easy details in life. They generally search for the master plan and concentrate on imperative things. They don’t get disheartened and confront challenges head on!


2. In the era of smart working, they’re still hard workers They continually are striving to accomplish their objectives since they understand that nothing in life comes simple. They adore what they improve the situation work and dependably give it 100%. 3. They only trust their instincts These individuals are exceedingly instinctive and can detect when something is off. When they sense something is off, they generally follow up on their instinct, regardless of whether they’re correct or off-base. 4. Truth seekers More than this world, they are fascinated by the universe and life beyond death, the INFJ people could spend a whole night simply gazing into the stars. They appreciate profound discussions and making sense of life’s examples. 5. They’re always friendly, but not have many friends They hate extensive gatherings of individuals. They would very much want to be at home, and would like to be separated from everyone else than be in a bad company. Their companions are just the individuals who share an indistinguishable esteems from they do. 6. They are sensitive and highly empathetic INFJ people are extremely minding and liberal people. They generally put themselves first and will dependably help a man in time of need. What makes them so sympathetic is they place themselves in other individuals’ shoes with a specific

end goal to see how they are feeling. 7. The love to read other’s mind They cannot be effectively controlled and have a sharp feeling of seeing through people groups words and activities. This quality causes them secure themselves by expelling those individuals who are awful for them. 8. The mavericks of the World You will regularly discover these individuals pondering the roads alone or drinking espresso alone in a bistro. They don’t do these things since they feel alone, yet they make the most of their alone time to get more in contact with themselves. 9 Win or bust mentality Choosing quality over amount is the means by which they carry on with their life. They trust that in the event that you are not ready to do your best at something you are doing, at that point you shouldn’t do it by any stretch of the imagination. 10. They Enjoy Writing They like to compose rather than talk. They aren’t quite a bit of a talker, yet put a pencil in their grasp and they will compose for quite a long time. It encourages them get their musings out inventively. 11. The Nurturer Those who have this identity will be peaceful, kind and principled. They are steady, viable, and have solid esteems on security and custom. They are very keen of different people groups sentiments and appreciate helping other people. 12. The Visionary Very imaginative, clever and scholarly. They adore debating issues and dependably need to “one-up” the individual they are conversing with. They can be exceptionally emphatic and frank, and love the organization of individuals. They have a solid capacity to comprehend ideas and apply rationale to discover arrangements.

Viswanath Inguva

AGM (Retd), Ex Principal STC Chennai


March, 2018



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Could you come back? M

UMMA ….. Could you come back? and stay a while?

I want to hear your voice and see you smile… I want to hold you tight and never let go and tell you How much I love you. You were my hardest goodbye, I miss you mumma. It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone… For so much of me went with you. You were and will forever be my strength, and I’ll Always keep you in my memories and my heart. I love you mumma and I miss you.


D/o Mr. Sudhir Tripathi Jhansi Branch


March, 2018


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March, 2018


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cee®e&, 2018

Primitive Look... A

primitive look sends signals of butterflies in the stomach. Stifled air, it seems derides the nature in an elusive mould. He looks agape, perhaps mocked by the cultural shock. Baffled - he dreams of the days that the deciduous forest, rivers and folklores gyrated in his soul. The era of modernity, the hypocritical civilization and mad rush for urbanisation dwarf his passion relentlessly. Yonder he sees the jungle huts dotted discretely amidst the forest cover. The playful mood swung in the tide of tribal moornings is lit large. Scornful eyes pierce into the hearth, where he loves to be cocooned. Malice and taboos of society leave him as pariah dog.

Subhashis Ray Bardhaman Zone

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March, 2018



hijadia Bird Sanctuary is a part of Marine National Park, Jamnagar situated in Gulf of Kutchh, Gujarat. It is an ideal location for Eco-tourism and nature education. It is located about 12km from the city of Jamnagar, is of complex wetland Eco-system like none other in India. The sanctuary is encompassed over 6.05 sq.km, but within this compact area it provides a unique assemblage of fresh and saline wetlands, being something of a patchwork of freshwater lake, large creeks, salt-pans, marshes, mangroves and scrubs. Little known and explored Khijadia bird sanctuary is nevertheless a magnet for large varieties of water birds, waders and terrestrial birds.


The sanctuary lying along the coastline of Gujarat on the western edge of India. It falls on the Indo-Asian flyway of Bird’s migration. Many migratory birds stay behind and use the Khijadia area as their wintering ground. The genesis of Khijadia Bird sanctuary lies in the two artificial lakes that were formed through the construction of reclamation bunds in early 20th century during the Princely regime of Jadeja Jamsaheb of Jamnagar. The bunds intended for preventing salinity ingress from destroying farmlands also resulted in the formation of lakes through rivers Ruparel and Kalindri. Thus, one side of the bund lie freshwater habitats while on the other, large creeks, flow from the Gulf of Kutchh. These creeks are lined with mangroves and



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other marine Vegetation. Together, the saltwater and freshwater habitats with their combination, water nutrients and warmth, supports a wide range of Biological activities. The Sanctuary not only attracts waterfowls but also many aerial hunters such as Kingfishers, Harriers, Gulls, terns and various raptors. It is classified as ‘Class A type’ wetland as per Ramsar (Iran) convention. There are trees, scrubs, shrubs and other vegetation including water reeds and huge area of water lilies. These together provides enough nutritional foodchain. Floral diversity of the Sanctuary includes over 108 species of trees, shrub, herbs, and grasses. Total around 270 bird’s species have been recorded here including domestic as well as migratory species. Eight

type of mammals and ten species of reptiles are also noted here. Khijadia Bird sanctuary is also a breeding ground

for varieties of Storks, herons, Grebes, ibises, cormorants and Egrets which have their heronaries perched on the thickets of trees scattered across the wetland. In the winter these residents are joined by thousands of other migrant waterfowls. Freshwater wetlands is one of the focal micro-ecosystem prevailing in the sanctuary. It is valuable for a large variety of water dependent birds such as Ducks, Divers, terns, Gulls, Moorhens, and Pelicans etc. At the same time Prosopis and Acacia (varieties of Babul trees) are excellent for providing a habitat for heronries for resting, roosting and nesting for several birds. The grassland in the Sanctuary are homes of several varieties of larks, Pipits, Partridges etc. The brackish water side of the Sanctuary includes Salt-pan and inter-tidal mudflats with their alkaline water micro systems. This part flourishes with insects, worms and microvegetation which are basic food for many waders, variety of Flamingos and rare bird like Black-necked Stork. Khijadia Bird’s Sanctuary is perhaps the only site in India where Great Crested Grebe is found throughout the year. During monsoon it breeds in the reeds in freshwater lake along with Coots, Purple Moorhens and Little Grebe. Considering the vast flora and fauna aggregated within a small area there are thousands of Winter visiting migratory birds from Eurasia, Middle-east, Russia,


Siberia and Arctic area, from mid of October to the end of March and then they return back to their native homelands for breeding. Khijadia Bird Sanctuary has recorded 6 Vulnerable species like Dalmatian Pelicans, Indian Skimmers etc. and 10 near threatened species of birds as per The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural resources (ICUN) red list over five decades. Here, during winter educational camps are held by the deptt. of Marine national park where students are provided with food, domes to spend a night with blankets all free of cost. They have to arrive there at 4 pm for 24 hrs. In between they are taken in the Sanctuary for bird watching and

knowledge on foot. Next day this group leaves the spot and the new group arrives. For visitors, spot payment for entrance fee is taken and permission is given. Some professional guides are also available. Khijadia Bird Sanctuary is a heaven for wildlife photographers to get a close look and capture varieties of birds in their Cameras. There is an interpretation centre to provide with basic knowledge with photos for visitors before they enter this magnificent area. There are 5 watch towers inside the sanctuary for visitors to have a good look around

and do bird watching. Khijadia Bird Sanctuary promises to offer an enriching experience for avid bird watchers across the globe.

Jaypalsinh Jadeja Hospital Road Branch Rajkot Zone


March, 2018


d e d u l c

x E e h T

thought I was already late that day, but perhaps not too late to miss my train to Andheri which was almost waiting for me at the platform. I pierced the assemblage of youngsters thronging the footboard and slipped inside one of the 2nd class wagons of the harbor (railway) line and found a safe corner at the opposite side of entry gate. Meanwhile the train had already started moving.


Suddenly a sound of clapping ruffled that unquiet calm. ‘Ye de na!’ she said with a stroke of her hands into a shrill clapping. A scantily dressed person wearing a female makeup; more than six feet in height, wide shoulders, strong forearms and a long pony tail that she was playing with, was roaming carelessly around. As she neared me I went breathless in fear, though I had already turned my head to the opposite direction staring at nothing



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EXPRESSION but to avoid her sight. She tapped my shoulder, did the same to others; got a few bucks and moved ahead. Not to say, her going away gave me a sigh of relief; Unsure of what prompted such an untoward behavior in me, it took another few minutes for me to get normal again. The next day, I was on time but the train was late. Looking at the vacant tracks, with a lazy walk I went down the stairs at the midst of the platform and strolled towards a Pedestal to make myself seated. Being free from the habit of fiddling with my cell phone at every other second, gives me a chance to notice things that take place around me. Thus, sitting idle at the platform while waiting for the train provides an immense pleasure to observe the people from different walks of the life, walk around. The variety of colors they scatter around gives us a new lease of life and relaxes us from our routine rut at office. Amidst that vibrant atmosphere and ruckus, a small aisle alongside a staircase

Here, we bachelors work to find a decent spouse & status and the married ones toil for their families & kids. But what they must be begging for………..? The dejection of aimlessness was conspicuous in their eyes. The most talkative species on the earth was sitting silent beneath that structure of dumb concrete. May be they know there is nobody to listen to, no sister to fight with, no brother to weep for, no parents to complain to. And why did they pick that lonely corner under that dingy staircase joining the foot over-bridge? Isn’t it surprising! When thousands of people are thronging the platform, this so called shameless community feels like hiding themselves? Apparently, this exclusion is not limited to the railway platforms only, it seems omnipresent. They are deprived of an opportunity to be schooled with us, play with us, colleging with us…… forget about career opportunities. Why it is so, that even menial jobs are

Their being abandoned by parents, being unknown to siblings, rejected by own society and ostracized from own families…… to gauge the grief and gloom of their life seemed really unthinkable. almost at the center of the platform suddenly attracted my attention; an undeclared silent zone where a few folks were sitting clad in colorful sarees was wearing a devastated look. I was astonished, as it was diametrically in contravention to the colors on their apparels and just unlike their glittering behavior in public. That dark corner started tormenting my mind. Their absurd walk and flamboyant smile; and everything that makes them look careless seemed getting submerged under the dusk of that clumsy bridge. Their being abandoned by parents, being unknown to siblings, rejected by own society and ostracized from own families…… To gauge the grief and gloom of their life seemed really unthinkable.

not allowed to them? Then what options they are left with apart from clapping at our face. I think our apathy towards them has created these inborn beggars; compelled to live in the margins of the society and face discrimination. As per a study, they are not 10 or 20 but more than 20,00,000 of them are squirming in their ghettoes, being sole target of the derision and ridicule that society heaps on them.

right to live with dignity for every single citizen; more than 1 million Indians can’t be left excluded in this dilapidated state. Though we keep hearing about some work being done towards the welfare of this marginalized society; like, lately Kochi metro decided to hire transgender personnel, Government of India recognized them as third gender and certain NGOs working towards their upliftment; however a complete reliance on Government institutions, NGOs or on certain other organizations may not prove to be fruitful. Since their being typecast is a social menace, we as a part of the society will have to rekindle our love and affection towards every such so called ignominious fellow citizen, irrespective to his/her gender and sexual orientation. Moreover, we must not be doing a mistake to think that these gender neutral people are just a modern day phenomena. In Mahabharata a mythological narration tells us about how a transgender is got to marry Aravan, the son of Arjuna; though just to be widowed the very next day of their marriage. Temple of Aravan, in Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu is an embodiment of this mythical story. Every year in Koovam festival they symbolically marry lord Aravan. Sadly to suffer widowhood for remaining of the year. The call of the hour is, to pull them out of the shadow of such thousand years old temples of justice and open new horizon of opportunities, happiness and bliss for them. This is for sure that they also want to get schooled with us, work with us, talk to us and live with us. Actually, they also want to enjoy the privilege of being proud Indians.

The feeling that life has shortchanged them may often prompt their perverse and obscene behavior in public. And thus it may make us to behave with them like untouchables. However, our acceptability of whatever they are and whoever they are may change this.

Kranti Nautiyal Head Office

In a democracy where we talk about the


March, 2018


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March, 2018


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cee®e&, 2018

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Chennai Zone, Kuinijipadi Branch, BM Shri Sanjeev Kumar giving away the prizes to the winner's student of the SKV Higher Secondary Govt. School Kurinjipadi during SWACHHATA ABHIYAN.

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March, 2018


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Visit of Mr K N Janardhana, National Director for RSETI @ Ratnagiri hri K N Janardhan, NDR, NACER, Bengaluru visited RSETI at Ratnagiri along with Shri Sunil Kasture, SDR (State Director of RSETI). An event was organized in which past trainees of RSETI participated. Zonal Manager Shri P B Kamble welcomed Shri K N Janardhan and Shri Sunil Kasture. Shri S U Adsul, Lead District Manager and RSETI staff were also present. During the event 7 selected trainees shared their successful journey from pre training to post training and share the experience upto the Settlement. These trainees are engaged in different activities like Mashroom production, Cloth bag making, Liquid soap / Detergent / Scent making, Mango pulp making etc.


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Shri Janardana was impressed after hearing the experience of trainees. He interacted with all the trainees and appreciated the products of these trainees displayed at RSETI. He also appreciated the role of our Bank in providing loans to the beneficiary. He also visited the site of New RSETI building along with Zonal Manager, Shri P B Kamble and LDM, RSETI staff. The construction of building is in final stage. After seeing the construction, Mr Janardhan has appreciated the banks effort towards the movement of RSETI. Under remarks in Visitors book, Mr Janardhan mentioned that the feedback of past trainees was encouraging. RSETI staff was doing well and were committed for RSETI works.

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March, 2018


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí (Ÿ¸š¡¸) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (CENTRAL)

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cee®e&, 2018

Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿ /ACTIVITIES

Bhopal Zone distributed five Auto tricycles to physically challenged persons under CSR activity at Ganj Basoda Branch. The function was graced by the presence of local MLA Shri Nishank Jain, Chairman Jila Panchayat, Chairman Nagar Palika, the then ZM Shri Haresh Mangal and other dignitaries & valued customers.

Vatva Industrial Estate Branch, Ahmedabad Zone conducted SME meet which was attended by large number of existing and Most desirable customers. Banks various SME products were showcased by Team SME CITY CENTRE headed by AGM.

Business Mobilisation and recovery camp at Sohagpur Branch by AMO Hoshangabad Cluster-Bhopal Zone.

Ahmedabad Zone, the then GM (NBG-Central) Shri D P Sharma, DGM Shri B Kumar, ZM Shri B K Mishra & DZM Shri Milind Pathak during NRI MEET organized by NBG (Central).

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March, 2018


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí ( ¸¸.‡¨¸¿ Ž.) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (J&C)

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cee®e&, 2018

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March, 2018


Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿ / ›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí ( ¸¸.‡¨¸¿ Ž.) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (J&C) ¸Ÿ¸©¸½™œ¸º£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ ׸£¸ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸¸®¸£÷¸¸ ¢©¸¢¨¸£

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›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí („-1) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (NORTH-1)

¸¿”úŠ¸ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ ׸£¸ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ Ÿ¸½Š¸¸ †µ¸ ¢©¸¢¨¸£ Ÿ¸Ê ŠÏ¸íˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ †µ¸ ¬¨¸úˆ¼Å¢÷¸ œ¸°¸ œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ Ÿ¸.œÏ. (œÏ.ˆÅ¸.) ªú ¬¨¸²Åœ¸™¸¬¸ Š¸ºœ÷¸¸, Ÿ¸.œÏ. ‡›¸¤¸ú ¸ú („-—) ªú ‡¬¸ ˆ½Å ¬¨¸¾›¸, ‚¸¿.œÏ. ªú ¬¸º‰¸™½¨¸ ¢¬¸¿í ‰¸¾í£¸—

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cee®e&, 2018

Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿ /ACTIVITIES Dehradun Zone

Jayapure, Daripur, Doddahundi, Bangalore Zone

Sonnappanahalli, Bangalore Zone

Kotehundi, Bangalore Zone


Kuduregere, Bangalore Zone Minnapure,Varadanayakanahalli, Byrenahalli, Bangalore Zone

Kinnarahalli, Bangalore Zone

Manchegowdanapalya, Bangalore Zone

í¸¨¸”õ¸ ‚¿ ¸¥¸, ¸¸£ ŠÏ¸Ÿ¸

Š¸¸¢ ¸¡¸¸¤¸¸™ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ ˆÅú í£¬¸¸¿¨¸ ‚¸¾£ £¸ ¸›¸Š¸£ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ƒ¿™£Š¸ õú-¢Ÿ¸©¸¥¸Š¸ õú Š¸¸¿¨¸

Š¸¸¢ ¸¡¸¸¤¸¸™ ‚¿ ¸¥¸, íº¬¸¾›¸œ¸º£ ¢ ¸£¸¨¸¥¸ú ©¸¸‰¸¸

Jiwachpur under Bhimpur Branch, Kolkata Zone

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Nimapada Branch, Bhubaneswar Zone


March, 2018


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí („-2) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (NORTH-2)

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cee®e&, 2018

›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸ºí (œ¸¢© ¸Ÿ¸-1) NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (West-1)

MD & CEO Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra, ED Shri N Damodharan, GM (HO) Shri R S Chouhan, ZM MNZ Shri Girish Kr. Singh, ZM NMZ Shri Vishwajit Singh, GM NBG(W-1) Shri Ashok Pathak during disbursement of Home Loan to the Beneficiaries during Ghar-Ghar Dastak.


A Mega Expo for MSME and Agri was organized by National Banking Group (W-1). 26 valued customers of four zone viz. Mumbai South, Mumbai North, Navi Mumbai and Raigad Zones put up their stalls. A Function was also organized at MDI, Belapur. GM (SME) Shri Swaroop Dasgupta, GM (Rural) Shri Ravi Kumar, the then GM (NBG-W-1) Shri R K Shrivastava, DGM NBG W-1 Shri Abhijit Bose along with ZM MNZ Shri Girish Kumar Singh, ZM Navi Mumbai Shri Vishwajit Singh, ZM MSZ Shri Meenketan Das and ZM Shri Vimal Rajput and other Senior Officers attended the function. During the function 64 MSME and Agri beneficiaries were handed over sanction letters.

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March, 2018


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸»¨¸Ä)/NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (EAST)

The then General Manager, NBG (East) Shri S K Aggarwal delivering his inaugural address in presence of ZM Shri D K Basu and ZM Shri A K Das and participant Doctors organized by Kolkata & Howrah Zone.

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March, 2018



FIX A GOAL oday, so many of us are just drifting through life. We do not know where we are going. We don’t know what we want out of life. We work like machines, going through same routine day after day. We forget that each of us is unique. They say that there are a hundred million people in India today. Just imagine, among those hundred million people there is no one exactly like you! Why, amongst the billions of people who inhabit the earth, there is no other person who is like you!


You are unique. God made you of special purpose. Discover that special purpose and make it your goal and once you have fixed that goal, you must keep your eyes fixed always on that goal. This is the fourth secret success - fix your goal! If I were ask to you right now? “What is it that you want out of life? What do you wish to achieve?” Not many of you will be able to give me an answer straight away. But if I were to phrase the same question in a negative manner, “what is that you feel, you cannot achieve?” Many of us will have ready answers, some of us will say to me. “Achievement does not run in our family. My father achieved nothing, my brother achieved nothing. I shall achieve nothing.” Perhaps others will say, “I do not have the power, the education or others might say, “my brother has all the brains in the family and my sister has all the good looks, I have nothing, so as I cannot do anything.” To each of us would say: you must fix your goal. It may be a material goal or a spiritual goal- but you must fix your goal, and every day you must work to reach that goal. Several years ago, a cartoon appeared in an American newspaper. It showed Martians, the inhabitants of mars, looking at people on earth. One Martian asks another,



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“What are those people doing on earth?” The other replies, they are moving. Where are they moving? The reply is they are just moving. We are just moving, we are just drifting. But if we wish to succeed, we must fix our goal! We should be able to describe our goal vividly. We should fix the goal on our imagination. We should have on unanswering focus on the goal all the time.” You have heard the name of Jesse Owen, the black American who won three Olympic gold medals and created a record at the Munich games. Jesse Owen was born with scrawny legs-lean, weak, bonny legs. But one day, the man who was known as the fastest runner in the world, Charlie Paddock came to his school. Addressing the boys, Paddock said, “You can be what you want to do in life. Decide what you want to do in life. Decide what you want to do in life, then go to God and ask Him to help you to become what want to be.” After the lecture, he went upon the dais to meet Charlie Paddock and said to him, “will you shake hands with me?” Paddock smiled and shook hands with him, and Jesse Owen felt as if an electric current passed through his entire being. He went out to the playground and started jumping. He kept on jumping, and in this upbeat mood, he met the sports coach and said to him, “I have a dream! I have a dream!” The coach asked him “my boy what is your dream?” Jesse Owen, the boy with the scrawny legs, replied “I want to be the fastest man alivelike Charlie Paddock.” The coach patted the boy on the shoulder and said to him, “it is good to have a dream, but you must build a ladder to reach the dream!” What is the ladder that one must build to reach one’s dream? This ladder is made up of four rungs - the four rungs are determination, dedication, discipline, and a positive attitude. Just imagine-a weak boy with scrawny legs set a goal for himself, and achieved it! And yet we complain, “I don’t have the strength……, I don’t have the resources….., I don’t have the influence to achieve what I want!” Fix a goal and keeps an un-wavering focus on it all the time! For eg. Jesse Owen entered the Olympic Games. He ran the 100 meters and won gold medal. He ran 400 meters

and won gold medal, as for high jump, he not only won gold but created an Olympic record that remained unbeaten for several years to come! There were three boys who were loafing on the street, fighting with each other. A man happened to pass by and he said to them, “come boys, stop fighting, I want you to run a race and I shall give the winner a prize!” When they heard this boy’s gathered around him, eager to start the race. But his instructions were unusual. He said to them, “I shall stand there at a distance, and you must reach me. But the winner is not the one who runs the fastest but the one who runs the straightest! I will give the signal for you to start and you must take off and run straight to me!” So the man went up to a distant point and gave the signal: “Ready! Get Set! Go!” The boys ran. The first boy kept looking to his right and left to align him. But the third one did not look here or there. His eyes were on the man who stood at a distance and he ran straight to reach him. The third boy was the winner-the one who ran straightest. How did he do it? He had his eyes fixed on his goal. When Abraham Lincoln was a young boy, he husked corn for three days. So that he could earn a little money, to pay for a secondhand copy of the life of Washington. He read the book avidly and said to a woman he knew, Mrs. Crawford by name, “I don’t always intend to do this know-delve, grub husk corn, split rails and the like.” “What do you want to be then?” asked Mrs. Crawford, “I shall be the President” announced Abraham Lincoln. I shall study and get ready and the chance will come.” The chance and Abraham Lincoln was ready to take on the most powerful position in the land-for he had fixed his goal early! It has been said that winners make goals, while losers make excuses.

Sunil Srichand Sachwani

SSI Andheri (East) Branch, MNZ

‚›¡¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿/OTHER ACTIVITIES

Gramin Bank of Aryavart – Promising 2018

Gramin Banks are commercial organization with social orientations. Our GBA during the quarter March, 2018, has launched various programmes for business development having orientation of social, educational, economic upliftment of the command area. Some of the major highlights of our initiatives are; i.

The business performance of the Bank has shown good improvement as on 31.03.2018. (` in lacs)

All Offices and branches of Bank celebrated Republic Day on 26.01.2018 with involvement of local residents. The Bank distributed more than 60,000 T-Shirts to the students of about 1000 schools.

ii. The Bank organized Health Camp on 24.02.2018 in collaboration with Religare Health Insurance Co. Ltd. at Firozabad, wherein about 4500 patients received free check-ups and medicines by Specialist doctors. iii. The Bank launched three Mobile Vans for providing various Banking Services and promoting financial and digital literacy.

The Vans were launched by Mrs. Swati Singh, Minister of State, Government of Uttar Pradesh on 08.03.2018. iv.

The Bank received the award for Makers of Excellence by PFRDA and Gramin Samridhi Samman by NABARD during the quarter.

v. For sustained long term growth with clear objectives, the Bank released its Vision, Mission and Strategy Document for 5 years from F.Y. 2017-18 to F.Y. 2021-22.

BANKING TIPS REVERSAL OF WRONG GST CHARGED. Information - GST was not supposed to be charged for some account. The entire amount needs to be reversed from the GST pooling accounts. Solution – (a) CCXLGST menu is available for reversing wrong GST charged. Below is the process for GST reversal. (b) Function: M. (c) Type: R. (d) Give the required date range. (e) Enter the account no. which was wrongly debited. (f) Press F2 in Invoice Number and select the tran id. (g) Make SGST and CGST rate as 0. (h) Also make charge account as 0. (j) Mention the PLCR account in Charge account 1. (k) Mention the original debit account in Charge reversal acct. (l) Then press F4 and F10. (k) Other user needs to verify in CCXLGST. (2) Not able to add SGST and CGST rate. Information - While adding in VNDRINVC menu the SGST and CGST rate field is not highlighted. Solution - Whenever the branch address and vendor address are in different state then IGST is applicable.

Sl. No. 1 2 3

Deposits Advances NPA- Gross


NPA – Net

5 6 7

Gross Profit Net Profit Net Interest Margin(NIM) Share Capital Reserves CRAR PCR

8 9 10 11


As on 31.03.2017 1404088 1034242 145465 (16.11%) 90432 (10.66%) 27923 999 3.85

As on 31.03.2018 1439061 1135877 104794 (9.69%) 41649 (4.09%) 51509 11270 4.65

9194 136697 13.22 37.83

9194 147967 13.80 60.26

The major activities of the Bank received good media coverage. A documentary on our Bank was also released by Door Darshan, Uttar Pradesh.

Hand out on Sukanya reversal menu for wrong deposit in Sukanya Accounts. (1) Branch can reverse the transaction for amount deposited in Sukanya account due to Branch mistake by using “SSAREV” menu option in Finacle. Note - only current financial year transactions can be revert with this menu. (a) Open the Menu SSAREV in Finacle. (b) Option R, transaction ID, transaction Date of original Deposit transaction has to enter manually. Check all the details and press F4. (c) After pressing F4, Old transaction details will be display, check all details and press F10 to add the record successfully. One reference Id will generate. (2) Now for verification the same, invoke Finacle SSAREV menu again, Function V, Enter, F2, it will display the added record. (a) Select the record and press F4. Check all the details and press F4. (b) Do you want to verify the transaction (Y/N) option will come. Select ‘Y’ then press F4. (c) Reversal transaction ID will generate after verification of record. (d) Now cross check the same in TM menu option. (3) Important Guideline for Old Date transaction reversal - If branch want to do reversal for any old date transaction for Sukanya account then Branch will debit SUNCR099 account and branch shall inform the Nagpur Government Business for reconcile the same with approval. Courtesy: StarParivar@112 Facebook Group


March, 2018



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Congratulations ! Sunil Kumar

Assistant General Manager SME City Centre, Pune

3 prizes (FIMMDA Prize, IOB Prize & Sir Norman Murray Prize) IIBF for securing First-Highest Aggregate in the exam of Diploma in Treasury, Investment and Risk Management.



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Sanjay Banerjee

Chief Manager, Publicity Department, HO 1st Rank in AMP Programme (IIBF)

¨¸¸í! ¤¸ ¸¸½¿ / WAH BACHHO!


¨¸¸í! ¤¸ ¸¸½¿ Chinmayee D/0 Shri Ramesh V Satardekar Senior Branch Manager, Oras Branch, Ratnagiri Zone, Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering Ayushi Shri Sunil Chandra Mahto ED Secretariat, Head Office, CBSE (Class-X)-2018, 96.40 % Karn Bhairab Dutt Pant New Delhi Service Branch (Class-X)- 2018 95.28%

Aditya ¬¸ºœ¸º°¸ ªú œÏ¢¨¸°¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£, Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ, ‚¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ ¸Ÿ¸©¸½™œ¸º£— ˆÅ¸Á¥¸½ ¸ ’¸Áœ¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸ BIMTECH, ›¸¸½¡¸”¸ Ÿ¸Ê ‡Ÿ¸¤¸ú‡ Ÿ¸Ê ’¸Áœ¸£ ‚¸›¸½ œ¸£ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ˆÅ›¨¸¸½ˆ½Å©¸›¸ (CONVOCATION) Ÿ¸Ê Ÿ¸¸›¸›¸ú¡¸ „œ¸ £¸«’¢÷¸ ªú ¨¸ÿˆ½Å¡¸¸ ›¸¸¡¸”» ˆ½Å ˆÅ£-ˆÅŸ¸¥¸¸Ê ¬¸½ MSc. Chemistry Ÿ¸Ê Š¸¸½¥” Ÿ¸½”¥¸ ˆÅ¸ ¬¸ŸŸ¸¸›¸ ŠÏíµ¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ‚¸¢™÷¡¸—

Shrabanee Srotaswinee D/o Shri Bijay Kumar Panda CBSE 10th CGPA 10 Grade "A" Area Office Balasore Bhagya Pradeep S/o Smt. Geeta Bijlaney Sect GM (HR) ICSE 10th Exam 95.33 %

¬’¸£ œ¸£¸Ÿ¸©¸Ä ¡¸¸½ ¸›¸¸ ¸›¸¨¸£ú 2018 ˆ½Å ¢¨¸ ¸½÷¸¸ ¢×÷¸ú¡¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ªú œ¸¿ˆÅ ¸ ¢Ÿ¸ª¸ ¸›¸œ¸˜¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ›¸ƒÄ ¢™¥¥¸ú ‚¿ ¸¥¸

AGM, Star Prime, NBG (East and J&C) Shri Arvind Singh giving presentation on SME products of BOI in presence of various office bearers of CII and Entrepreneurs during MSME Conclave organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Kolkata in which BOI was one of the sponsors.

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Shri Ayub Khan, Lead District Manager of Nagpur District was felicitated by Chief Minister, Maharashtra State Shri Devendra Fadnavis at Fortune Foundation Programme at Nagpur for implementation of Prime Minister’s Mudra Rin Yojna for splended performance in Nagpur District in presence of Minister for Renewal Energy Shri Bawankule, MLA Shri Deshmukh, MLC Shri Anilji Sole, District Collector Shri Kurve.


March, 2018



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Statement about Ownership and other Particulars concerning “TARAANGAN” Form IV (See Rule-8) 1. Place of Publication : Bank of India, Star House, C - 5, "G" Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051. 2. Periodicity of Publication : Quarterly. 3. Editor, Publisher and Printer’s Name, Nationality and Address : SARTAJ M. SHAKEEL, Indian Bank of India, Star House, C - 5, "G" Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051.

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4. Name and addresses of Individuals who own the newspaper : Bank of India, Star House, C - 5, "G" Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051. I, SARTAJ M. SHAKEEL, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/SARTAJ M. SHAKEEL Signature of Publisher March, 2018

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Let me say how proud and happy I am to learn that Taarangan has won the coveted ABCI Magazine of the Year 2017 award. The magazine has set a standard for the entire Indian banking industry and will continue to earn many more honors if the same effort in its making continues! My best wishes remain with you all. Abhik Ray Former Consultant (History and Museum Project), BOI



CONGRATULATIONS to the Editorial Team of Taarangan for bagging the coveted ABCI magazine of the year 2017 Award. As always, the July to December 2017 issue of Taarangan bore the stamp of an absolute class with diverse articles on range of topics to make an immensely enjoyable reading. The front page cover sums up the whole thing beautifully and in the fittest possible language “Star will always shine”. KEEP IT UP. Srinivasan Umashankar Nagpur.

I am indeed excited on reading many of the articles of December 2017 issue more particularly the editorial column. I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to the Editor on achieving 7 International awards as also more than half a century National and other awards from almost every reputed communication organization across the country during the period of last 7 years. This is an exceptional achievement of entire Team Taarangan. I once again express my deepest feeling of heartfelt congratulations especially to Sri Mrityunjay Gupta Chairman Editorial board and Sri Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel, Editor for clinching prestigious ABCI Magazine of the year 2017. Aurobindo Bhowmick Retd. AGM and Ex-Chairman RRB Odisha

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I am indeed very happy and delighted to learn that our House Journal has been awarded the prestigious ABCI award as the Best Magazine of the year 2017, competing against PSU giants. Please accept my congratulations for the coveted award and convey the same to the Team. I have been a keen reader and follower of the journal. I have seen it growing from strength to strength under various Editors. Prof. R C Bhavnagar HOD(Banking), Former DGM Bank of India, ASIBAS Amity University, Noida

We received the much awaited magazine, Taarangan. There were more than one reason to be happy on going through the magazine. One, getting the prestigious ABCI Magazine of the Year 2017 Award. Shakeel, you with your team have relentlessly worked hard on the magazine and the quality improves with every coming issue. Hearty Congrats to you and your entire team. Once we finish reading an issue, immediately we become eager and wait for the next issue. All the best and Congratulations, once again. Milind S Kulkarni Staff Training College, Goa.

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