architecture&urbandesign JungPORTFOLIO2023Choothian
I am a Portland-based enthusiastic architectural designer. I have experience working with public agencies, specializing in urban design and planning. Professionally, I have worked ranging from small-scale designs (street and furniture designs) to largescale designs (master planning and town center design). I am interested in using my design skills to respond to social issues such as climate change and the housing crisis in modern society. My education has also prepared me to critically respond to said issues through several architecture projects involving mixed-use housing and public interest design.
The works shown in this portfolio are all based in Pacific Northwest; such as Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington. I made sure that I used that knowledge I learned from different communities to respond to the different needs in each project. My main objectives shown through different projects in this portfolio are dedicated to creating joyful and beautiful spaces for strengthening a sense of community throughout Portland. For example, every project in this portfolio will have a space for gathering and connecting with others in public areas, like courtyards, lobbies, lounges, sidewalks, etc.
Furthermore, I specialize in visualization, and all of images shown in these portfolio is made by me. I also enjoy learning and using new technology to create designs. My skills dedicate specially to Rhino, Autodesk, and Adobe programs, as well as hand-drawn practices. It is important to me to use the right tools to communicate my ideas to precisely create quick and powerful graphics to tell stories of creative and beautiful spaces, which serve their users and communities.
Table of Contents
Urban Design
Vancouver Height District
Tower Mall Redevelopment
Vancouver Main Street Street Improvement Project
West Portland Town Center
Transit Design and Town Center Plan
82nd Ave Project
Addressing Challenges to Redevelopmen
Weatherly Commons
Low Income Housing for Seniors and Intergenerational Families
Social Services
Afro Village: Reimagine MAX LRT
Alternative Shelter on Wheels
Kenton Woman’s Village V2
Designing for Underserved Community
Village Comics
Drawing People who Experiencing the Village Program
Academic Thesis
Pressed to Start
A Center of Information and Storytelling
Green Loop - Hill Park Design
Architecture and #Urban Design
Vancouver Height District
Tower Mall Redevelopment
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional Work — First Forty Feet
Project type: Master Plan / Planning
Year: 2022- 2023
Location: Vancouver,Washington
Main Tools: Sketchup Pro, Q-GIS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Enscape, After Effects, Auto CAD
Team: Will Grimm, James Brackenhoff, Jason Graf, Cindy Trivisonno, Megan Doherty
The Heights District is the result of a coordinated multi-year effort between the City of Vancouver and the community to redevelop the former Tower Mall and surrounding area.This new district will be a vibrant, walkable, mixed-use neighborhood that is strategically located in the heart of Vancouver — a place where a mix of services and amenities, such as stores, restaurants, parks, schools and transit stations, are within a 20-minute walk. This project is also designed to support health,, safety, population grotwth, equity, and universal and accessible design. My tasks inculde design, planning, community engagement, feasibility study, udate zoning, and visualization.
The Grand Loop - Play-ologies Design
The Grand Loop is designed through the concept of PLAY as an inclusive activity along destinated streets where multiple generations benefit. The signature linear park promotes the health and development of all children and provides a source of fun, joy, discovery, possibilities, and curiously for all adults.
Each segment of the loop provides learning experiences anda stories about the natural environment of the Heights and Vancouver across time in a theme of four natural environments. The segments correspond with local ecosystems and the Ologies—hydrology, ecology, geology, and volcanology.
Aerial Rendering
The Grand Loop
Accessible Sidewalk Design
Inclusive Design
Our project team engaged in research, analysis and conversations with accessibility groups to identify the challenges and opportunities for promoting inclusive pedestrian access for all abilities, ages, languages, and socioeconomic statuses. Utilizing contrast, colors textures, rythm, audible messaging and wayfinding, the project team developed a suite of intersection, sidewalk, and wayfinding design elements that support safe and accessible streets and public spaces for people with different backgrounds.
Hydrology Segment of the Grand Loop Video Projection
Community Engagement 4 3 5 1 2 8 9 7 6 1 Furnishing Zone - to create a buffer zone between the sidewalk and the street 2 Degree of Enclosure - to create a secure, semi-private space to see and be seen 3 Lighting - to create safer, more visible streets after dark 4 Textured Transitions - to provide cues between sidewalk, planting areas, and the street 5 Flexible Seating - to accommodate small to large groups joining in conversation 6 Playologies Pathway - to provide safe space for conversation, circulation, and play activities 7 Inclusive Wayfinding - to guide directions and orient people in the physical space 8 Visual Cue - to increase awareness and safety, especially at busy intersections 9 Rhythm - to create visual patterns along sidewalk edges, aiding in spatial understanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Accessibility Diagram
Vancouver Main Street
Street Improvement Project
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional Work — First Forty Feet
Project type: Street Design
Year: 2022- 2023
Location: Vancouver,Washington
Main Tools: Sketchup Pro, Q-GIS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Enscape, After Effects, Auto CAD
Vancouver Main Street Concept (Draft)
Team: Will Grimm, James Brackenhoff, Jason Graf, Cindy Trivisonno, Megan Doherty
The City of Vancouver revisits Downtown’s Main Street to improve its safety, accessibility and connectivity to businesses, residents, and visitors. This project will reconstruct Main Street from 5th Street to 15th Street. Main objectives are widening sidewalk space, increasing public amenities, creating space for businesses along the street to use, improving quality of alternative transportations, and maintaining parking efficiency.
One Street Three Designs
Our project team designs three possible concepts using feedbacks from the stakeholders at our community engagements.
The Active Middle design miximizes the public space and utilize the furnishing zones as a flexible space for various activities like dinning, sitting,, playing, or performing art.
The Linear Park is designed to maximize the green space.
The Active Edge gives more frontage space to businesses along the Main Street, so they can use extra space for seating, planting, or bike parking.
Active Edge Concept
Linear Park Concept
Active Middle Concept
West Portland Town Center
Transit Design and Town Center Plan
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional Work — The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City of Portland
Project type: Urban Design / Planning
Year: 2017 - 2020
Location: Barbur Town Center Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Sketchup Pro, Arc GIS, Photoshop, Illustrator
Team: Mark Raggett, Lora Lillard, Cassie Ballew, Joan Frederiksen
Southwest Corridor Project is the Trimet’s extension of Max Light Rail Transits From Portland to Wilsonville. West Portland Town Center becomes a great opportunity to foresee new development in Barbur Town Center for the increasing populations in 2035. My main assignment is to design a new vision for the town center to respond to community’s feedback from several workshops. and illustrate a vision for Barbur Town Center. Main ideas in the design are focused on equities in accessibility, growth, muticultural identities, housing, and health. The end product is then new zoning code and development recommenations for Portland’s West Town Cencer.
Aerial Conceptual Rendering
Barbur Transit Center
Barbur Transit Center will be an important MAX stop and one of the main nodes in the West Portland Town Center. This center is planned to be redeveloped into the multicultural hub, supporting the community’s vision of a mixed-use, mixed-income project with market rate and affordable housing co-located with human services, a senior center, indoor and outdoor community gathering space for cross-cultural events, office and program space for nonprofit organizations, and affordable commercial space for Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and immigrant-owned businesses.
Green Ring
Green Ring is one of the key elements to create a pedestrian’s loop system to cennect the North and South areas together due to the seperations caused by a freeway and difficult terrains..
BARBUR TRANSIT N tu A S hoo Com ty G de S hoo Mosque S hoo b Holly Farm P W 53RD Max S o P Play ound SW 30TH Max S a n a and Wood N tu A e Barbu W oo SW POMONA S SW HUB ST E D W SW G LEBURN S SW T YLOR FER Y RD SWBARBURBLVD I-5 I-5 SWBARBURBLVD W H L A W A H W SW CAPITO HW SWTAYLORSFERRYRD E W SW LURADEL ST SW DOLPH ST SW D CK NSO ST A H W Church Church Woods Memorial Dickinson Ash Creek Spring Garden Mosque Community Garden Medium Office Large Office Destination Medium Mixed Use Residential Multi Cultural Hub Small Multi Dwelling Small Mixed Use (Live-Work) Park or Open Space Green Ring Green Ring Future Extensions Preservation Area Medium Multi Dwelling Large Mixed Use Residential New Park Opportunity Area West Portland Town Center Land Use Growth Concept October 2020 Land Use Diagram U.S. HWY. I-5 PED BRDG MAXSTATION SW TAYLORS FERRY RD. U.S.HWY.I-5 BarburBlvd CAPITOL HWY. A B C D E Potential Development Public Open Space Private Open Space SW Light Rail Line Bus Layover Pedestrain Only Road Bus Circulation Pedestrian Circulation N 050100150 Feet MT.HOOD MIXEDUSE MIXEDUSE MIXEDUSE OFFICE/PARKING OFFICE BARBURBLVD SW41stAVEResidential Commercial Community O ce Parking BLVD E low-income households events and/or office businesses providing (ex. multicultural views of Mt. public art and comconnects the jobs SITE PROGRAM • Five buildings: 3 mixed use and 2 office • 230 - 300 apartment units • Affordable housing: 23-30 units at 60% AMI or 46-60 units at 80% AMI provided through inclusionary zoning
15,000 - 20,000 square feet for retail
100,000 - 170,000 square feet of office space • 10,000 - 15,000 square feet of public open space • 10,000 - 15,000 square feet of private open space • 3 floors of parking with 150 - 250 stalls BUILDING PROGRAMS • Building A : 82,000 sf office • Building B : 82,000 sf residential, 10,500 sf retail, and 5,500 indoor community space • Building C : 86,000 sf office and 51,000 sf parking • Building D : 92,000 sf residential, 7,350 sf retail, and 4,870 indoor community space • Building E : 60,000 sf residential and 12,000 indoor community space DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT - Center Running Alignment Burber Transit Center Rendering Barbur Transit Center Feasibility Study
82nd Ave Project
Addressing Challenges to Redevelopment
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional Work — The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City of Portland
Project type: Urban Design
Year: 2016
Location: 82nd Ave Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Sketchup Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator
Team: Mark Raggett, Radcliffe Dacanay
82nd ave. in East Portland has become a part of potential developments along with other main corridors as the city is growing. The objective is to visualize the opportunities on 82nd Ave. Six different nodes on this corridor are chosen to be centers of development that serve different unique characteristics and purposes on the corridor. Also, these six nodes will be connected with the green infrastrucutre along the corridor. The green infrastructure will provide accessibility through centers of development and open spaces.
SE 82nd Ave / SE Stark St
Hancock City Park NE 82nd Ave MAX Station / I-84 SE 82nd Ave / SE Forster Rd Madison HS / 82nd Ave Max Station (I-84) / 82nd Ave Montavilla / 82nd Ave Jade District / 82nd Ave Foster St / 82nd Ave Springwater Corridor / 82nd Ave 82 AVE Main Street Designated Node Madison High School Max Station and I-84 Montavilla Jade District Foster Rd Springwater Corridor Bike Path
Architecture and #Housing
The Weatherly Commons
Low Income Housing for Seniors and Intergenerational Families
Project Summary
Project Level: Bank of America Low-Income Housing
Project type: Affordable Housing
Year: 2022
Location: Multnomah Village Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator
Team: Brian Gardner, Scott Goodman, Qin He, Heidi
Hinshaw, Sam Huck, and Scott Sharba
Weatherly Commons is a mixed-use affordable apartment building with a mix of 48 studios, 10 onebedrooms, and 4 two-bedrooms for low-income seniors and intergenerational families earning at or below 50% of the area median income (AMI). We intend to create a livable and premium living space without luxury materials or premium’s construction. Our task is working with the finance team and community team to efficiently fullfill our design’s objectives and provide neccessary community’s services with availble budget.
The Site with 22’ Slope Courtyard the Heart of the Building
Access from North and South
Building “Hugging” the Courtyard Dividing Kid Playground from the Courtyard
Pla�orm Provides Accesses to Courtyard Physically and Virtually
2 Commercial Floors and 4 Residen�al Floors The Weatherly Commons Massing
The Site with 22’ Slope Courtyard the Heart of the Building
Access from North and South
Building “Hugging” the Courtyard
Dividing Kid Playground from the Courtyard
Pla�orm Provides Accesses to Courtyard Physically and Virtually
2 Commercial Floors and 4 Residen�al Floors
The Weatherly Commons Massing
View from SW Capitol Hyw
Design Concept
Our main concept is integrating the idea of “Hugging” into the design, to emphasize the human interaction that show closeness and kindness to build a stronger relationship. Literally, the building is hugging the courtyard. Conceptually, our project explores the idea of hugging, of bringing different people and different generations together
East Section Drawing - Connectivity
The Courtyard with community garden
Betweeen SW Capitol HWY, Courtyard, and SW Moss St.
Space for Senior and Children
By intergenerational, we recognize that humans need family in order to flourish, so our project encourages familial-like support to help us age in place, safely, comfortably, and with a sense of connectedness.
1/32" = 1'-0" 1 UP UP UP 769 SF 3 -5 yrs old classroom 379 SF Office 387 SF 0 -3 yrs old classroom 769 SF 3 -5 yrs old classroom 194 SF Indoor Play Area 688 SF Outdoor Play Area 240 SF Garden Storage 140 SF Washroom 567 SF Mechanical Room 372 SF Trash Room 189 SF Storage 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Commercial Floor -Level G SW Moss St Early Childhood Educa�on Center 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Commercial Floor - Level G UP UP UP 769 SF 3 -5 yrs old classroom 379 SF Office 387 SF 0 -3 yrs old classroom 769 SF 3 -5 yrs old classroom 194 SF Indoor Play Area 688 SF Outdoor Play Area 240 SF Garden Storage 140 SF Washroom 567 SF Mechanical Room 372 SF Trash Room 189 SF Storage 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Commercial Floor -Level G SW St Early Childhood Educa�on Center Commercial Floor Plan: Level G - Courtyard and Childhood Education Center
The view from the Entrance looking through Lobby, toward Lounge and Patio
Trauma-Informed Design
This Project inergrates traumainformed design using biophilic tone, open space, and gentle textures while incorperate joyful colors and shapes for the development of young children.
1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Residential Floor - Level 1 DN DN UP UP964 SF Lounge 468 SF Lobby 270 SF Mailroom 241 SF Bike 173 SF Building Manager 134 SF CPAH 2368 SF Outdoor Lounge 681 SF Two Bedroom 342 SF Studio 123 SF Landry / Trash 74 SF Elec. Room 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 572 SF One Bedroom 377 SF Studio 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Residential Floor -Level 1 SW Capitol HWY Building Office / CPAH Lobby / Lounge Studio Two Bedroom One Bedroom 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Residential Floor - Level 1 DN DN UP UP964 SF Lounge 468 SF Lobby 270 SF Mailroom 241 SF Bike 173 SF Building Manager 134 SF CPAH 2368 SF Outdoor Lounge 681 SF Two Bedroom 342 SF Studio 123 SF Landry / Trash 74 SF Elec. Room 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 378 SF Studio 572 SF One Bedroom 377 SF Studio 1/32" = 1'-0" 1 Residential Floor -Level 1 SW Capitol HWY Building Office / CPAH Lobby / Lounge Studio Two Bedroom One Bedroom Residential Floor Plan: Level 1 - Entrance and Lounge
The “Porch” in front of the elevator and everyone’s rooms
Architecture and #Social Services
Afro Village Reimagine MAX LRT
Alternative Shelter on Wheels
Project Summary
Project Level: Non-Profit Project
Project type: Public Interest Design/ Design Built
Year: 2020 - present
Location: Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Sketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator
I got a chance to start this project while working with the City of Portland and later collaborated with Portland State University to research and design the potential solution to repurpose the decommissioned MAX light rail train from Trimet. As a team, we created a design challenge in 2020 to explore visions and alternatives for the decommissioned MAX LRT with designers. Our goal is to use this opportunity to help people in underserved communities, especially unhoused community and prevent the cars from ending up as waste or scraps. I am later working with the people choice’s winner of the challenge in Summer, 2020, the Afro Village team.Their goal is to use these trains to provide services for food, hygene, and therapy for unhoused communities.
Site Diagram
Food Resource Laundry
6” 2” 6’ 4” 7’ 6” 6” 3” 6’ 3” 7’ 6” 6” 3” 6’ 3” 7’ 6”
Sectional Drawings of Repurposed-LRT
Street Arts and MAX LRT Mock-up
This Project is on-going. In Summerof 2021, we celebrated the one year anniversary and rose the awareness of inequallity issues, housing crisis, and our upcoming repurposing MAX LRT. I designed the street art to reflect what houseless people need inorder toget back into the society. The MaxMockup was built to let people experience what the repurposed MAX LRT could look and feel like.
Street Design and MAX LRT Mock-up on NW Davis St.
Kenton Woman’s Village V2
Designing for Underserved Community
Project Summary
Project Level: Master Level
Project type: Public Interest Design/ Design Built
Year: Spring 2019
Location: Kenton Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Rhinoceros 6, Photoshop, Illustrator
Team: Todd Ferry, Daniel Baldwin,Valeria Degutis, Thomas Fentner, Brandon Parker, and Robert Wilson
The Kenton Women’s Village is a transitional housing community in North Portland for houseless women. This project focuses on designing community space and placemaking elements for the villagers to use in their daily lives.This success is a result of group meetings, community meetings, on-site decision makings, and supports from school and communities. In order to complete this project, we partnered with few organizations in Portland; The Rebuilding Center, CityRepair, Catholic Charities, AmeriCorps VISTA, and The North Portland Tool Library.
Bench with bike rack Gathering Area
Experiential Drawing
Axonometric Dimension Drawing
Village Comics
Drawing People who Experiencing the Village Program
Project Summary
Project Level: Professional with Portland State’s Homelessness Research & Action Collaboration
Project type: Research / Design Guide Book
Year: 2022
Location: Portland, Oregon
Main Tools: Adobe Fresco, Indesign
This comic stories are part of the Village Research & How-To Guide.While we made design guideline and diagrams explaining how to build a tiny village for transitional housing, we thought that comic portraits of village stakeholders could capture the voices of villagers and others who are involved in the village project using the creative process of the portraiture, choosing how participants wish to be represented. These images can tell their stories without relying on typical photos which can feel limiting or even exploitative.
I am all for outside support achieve their goals, but I'm dictating how someone else own houses don't have to d same rights and privileges should be extended to people lived in both a self-governed managed village, and the sel much more supportive of a my identities as a disabled, multicultural, Native Ameri became even more evident injured and had challenges for visitors to come help me managed village.
- RavenWolf SchmickJustice "Feather"
A Portrait
of - RavenWolf RisingPhoenix SchmickJustice “Feather” as a Wolf Person
Early Iterations
Architecture and #Academic Thesis
Pressed to Start
A Center of Information and Storytelling
Project Summary
Project Level: Master’s Thesis
Project type: Commercial / Mediatheque
Year: 2019
Location: Portland Southeast Industrial Area, Oregon
Main Tools: Rhinoceros 6, Grasshopper, Enscape, Oculus, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effect, Premiere Pro
Pressed to Start is a collection of multi-media or a mediatheque that let visitors withdraw from the everydayness and journey through information and stories. It is located at the Morrison Bridgehead as a gateway to Portland South East Industrial District. It offers a destination to explore digital space through information, arts, virtual reality, internet, and performance.The building intends to be an large version of digital interface like virtual reality goggle provide users an access to journey in virtual space. Interface can be defined by Jason Farman as “the interface is a set of cultural relations that serve as the nexus of the embodied production of social space.” The interface acts like a two-dimensional plane on the surface with the intention of exchanging data between human and computer.
Axonometric Drawing
Approach - View on Morrison Bldg
Wait -- View on Sky-bridge
Exit - Gallery
Engage - Auditorium 1
- Social Space
Arrive - View on Grand Ave Enter - Tunnel to MLK Blvd Continue
Transition to Gondola Move
Inside the Gondola Perform
Auditorium 2 Withdraw
Depart - Food Court
Social Space
Tunnel/ Computer
3) Food court
VR Station
6) Gondolas
Auditorium 1
Plan: Level 3 West Elevation - View from MLK Blvd Floor Plan: Level 1 Ground Floor Plan 3/32 “ = 1’ - 0” Grand Ave MLK Blvd Morrison St N 6 7 8 5 2 3 4 1
Building Cores/ Gondola Lifts Floor
System Cavity
Reflective Surface
Cross Section of the Golden Sphere on MLK
Digital Screens
Kinetic Floor
Server Room
Mechanical Services
A Link between Glitches
One of the main objectives is to utilize the unusable site due to the awkward interaction between infrastructures: streets, freeways, and railways. They are identified as urban glitches. In this case, these sites are awkwardly shaped by the Morrison Bridgehead with two circular ramps.
To utilize these sites, two main attraction is set on each site, and they will be connected with a major circulation that runs through the building and connects to the outside as a linear movement. Furthermore, building’s masses will be extruded from two sites A and B on MLK Blvd and linked with two sky bridges as a single building.
Designing in 360 Space
This thesis is an exploration on space of virtualarity. One of key methods is to design a space in 360 environment. Typically, this can be done by designing in 3D model software like Rhinoceros and Sketchup. At the early stage, this thesis is designed by digital painting and collaging in Photoshop 360 environment to understand a concept of 360 environment in digital world.
This image can be view with VR goggles: tour/359430/view/1219827
Conceptual Collage
Main Circulation Diagram
Making Realities
The building skin presents quality of virtuality in reality by using digital design tool like grasshopper. This skin intends to hold a building and skybridges with box truss system that is integrated in the skin. The concept of skin’s patterns is to hide and reveal the moving gondolas inside the building. The moving gondolas will excite the experience of travelers in the city.
Input Surfaces Create Hexagons on Selected Surfaces Attract Hexagon Opening with Attractors Minimum value to discard zero and inverse the values Mesh Output Outer Outline Inner Outline Input Attractors
Grasshopper Code for Screen Facade Skin
“The city fosters art and is art; the city creates the theater and is the theater. It is in the city, the city as theater, that [humanity’s] more purposive activities are focused, and work out, through conflicting and cooperating personalities, events, groups, into more significant culminations.
- Lewis Mumford, “What is a City?”