High security doors made of steel dressed in wood.

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MadeofSte e l Dre sse di n Wood

•60mm doorl eafmadeofdoubl egal vani sed sheetst eel ,( 0. 7mm) •Mi ner alwooll ayer sal t er nat i ng wi t hspeci alf i r er esi st i ngcompound. •Angul arf r ameon3si desmadeof gal vani sedsheetst eelpr of i l e,( 1. 3mm) , wi t hbendabl ecl ampsf orf i xi ngusi ngmor t ar . •St r engt heni ngpl at esf orf ast eni ngofemer gency handl esanddoorcl oser . •Fi ni shi ng-wat ert ypesemi br i l l i ant embossedvar ni sh,( RAL7035) . •Manuf act ur edt ost andar dandcust om si zes •2hi nges-spr i ngt ypef orsel f -cl osi ng, andhei ghtadj ust abl e,wei ghtbear i ngt ype. •Wei ght :60mi ns-35kg/ m2and 120mi ns-45kg/ m2.

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