Srpska - National Review - No 5

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Year II  No 5, 2014  price 10 KM

People and Marionettes


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Publisher “Princip Pres” Cetinjska 6, 11000 Belgrade Tel.: +381 (11) 322 70 34, 322 16 92 Director and Editor-in-Chief Mišo Vujović Editor Branislav Matić


Technical Editor Aleksandar Ćosić Photography Editor Dragan Bosnić Header and Cover Design Jovan Željko Rajačić Associates Milovan Vitezović, jerej Jovan Plamenac, Nebojša Jevrić, Dragan Lakićević, Bojan Mandić, Jovo Bajić, Dejan Bulajić, Dejan Đorić, Đorđe Srbulović, Mihail Kulačić, Zoran Pejašinović, Slobodan Krstić, Sandra Kljajić, Senka Trivić, Sandra Josović, Vanja Tepić, Dajana Korolija, Radmila Đević, Vesna Kapor, Aleksandra Glišić

Translated by Sandra Gagić & “Globe Translations“ Marketing Mirko Vujović, Irena Stolić Secretariat and Distribution Jelena Jović, Dragana Dimitrijević, Milenko Vasilić Print “Portal”, Belgrade Office for the Republic of Srpska “Princip Pres RS” Aleja Svetog Save 7, 78000 Banjaluka Tel/Fax: +387 (51) 304 360 Dijana Petković, Director

he spring has arrived, judging by cherry blossoms and the calendar, but our notebooks and cameras are still filled with snow. And then, one morning in April, we looked through the window and really saw snow. “They fixed the HAARP”, our humorous chronicler says. Two months ago he announced that “because of a malfunction on HAARP system, America was frozen instead of Serbia”. This fall he discovered that “there is a system in this madness”. He knows that every joke contains a grain of joke. But, we will not warm up stale stories here, like beans from the two days ago. National Review is in its second year of publishing in Srpska. We are young enough to preserve lightness and experienced enough to not underestimate our centuries long “current difficulties”. An important trait of a good driver is ability to understand the psychology of bad ones. In this edition we take you to the ceremony awarding an important medal in Moscow and we remind you of the 30th anniversary of the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo. We went on pilgrimage to Stuplje Monastery, we studied sand pyramids near Foča and admired the springs of Pliva. Important pieces of this mosaic are the history of the Doboj Fortress, archaeological explorations in Mahovljani and Collection of Old Books in the National Library of Srpska. No, we did not forget Mostar. Mostar cannot be forgotten; we only differ in the order in which we will learn that. However, this time again the emphasis is on people. On testifying by good example. And so, we bring before our readers one excellent local actress, renowned cardio surgeon, a girl from Trebinje who is the world champion in karate, but also brilliant young Frenchman who has been following the footsteps of Archibald Rice. Anyway, you will see. Put on some warm clothes and we are on our way. 

Office for Australia “Princip Press Australia PTY LTD”, 12/24 Loch Street, 3182 St Kilda West, VIC

Cover page: from the Puppet Museum (Photo: Archive of “National Review”) CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 008(497.6 Република Српска) ISSN 2334-850X, COBISS.SR-ID 199401228


Testimony by Example

SRPSK A  БРОЈ 5  2014

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NE WS S T RE AM >> The first phase of construction of the central memorial dedicated to the killed veterans of the Liberation-Homeland War of Republika Srpska 1991–1996 will begin in Banjaluka this year, said assistant minister of labor and veteran-disability protection Duško Milunović. >> Premiere of documentary drama Thessaloniki Front Veterans Speaking, on the occasion of one hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, took place in early April at the National Theatre of Republika Srpska in Banjaluka. >> Three-day long literary event “Dučić’s Poetry Evenings” gathered recently in Trebinje renowned artists from Srpska and Serbia, and from next year this event will be organized together with the “Dučić’s Day” and will take place in early April, around Annunciation, whish is the date of death of the great poet. >> B efore the Holiday, a novel by Saša Sta­ n­i­šić, writer from Višegrad, received the award for fiction at his year’s Book Fair in Leipzig. >> Book Raskovnik by Borislav Čičovački was crowned with “Kočić’s Quill” Award for the spring of 2014, “for high achievements in contemporary literature and dedication to the beauty of Kočić’s thoughts and words”. >> M an’s Head, a lithograph by famous Pablo Picasso, which has been owned by the National Library in Kozarska Dubica for many years, and the authenticity of which was recently confirmed, will be exhibited in this municipality within the permanent exhibition of legacy of Boško Šiljegović. >> Anthology of children’s poetry Beautiful Letter by Mirko Vuković and Ljubomir Milutinović was recently promoted on


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One Hundredth Anniversary “World War One – Causes and Consequences” is the title of the international scientific gathering which will be organized on May 30 and 31 in Banjaluka by the Institute for History of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republika Srpska, with expected participation of forty five renowned scientists from Srpska and the region. Within the events marking one hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of that War (1914–2014), in cooperation with the Archive of Republika Srpska, an exhibition of documents on World War One will be organized on May 29. The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Srpska announced that all these activities will be realized in cooperation with Institute “Ivo Andrić” from Višegrad and other cultural and scientific institutions in the Republic.

Economy of Horrors “Economies of the Jasenovac Concentration Camp” is the title of the documentary exhibition opened at the Gallery of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republika Srpska in Banjaluka. All Serbian villages in the vicinity of Jasenovac were in World War Two turned into economies of “Jasenovac” concentration camp, where concentration camp prisoners were forced to work to death producing food for the Croatian state – explained Tanja Tuleković, author of the exhibition. After Banjaluka, the exhibition will be organized in Donja Gradina, Gradišca, Doboj, Zenica, Mrakovica, Bijeljina, Trebinje and Herceg Novi.

Never Ending Story Production of The Bereaved Family by Branislav Nušić, directed by Nikola Pejaković and in production of the National Theatre of Srpska, was included in the official selection of the fifty ninth “Sterijino pozorje” Festival in Novi Sad. This year’s “Sterijino pozorje”, from May 26 to June 3,will be held under the slogan “Twentieth Century – A Never Ending Story”. It is marked by two jubilees – one hundred and fifty years from the birth of Branislav Nušić and one hundred years from the outbreak of the Great War – says Igor Bojović, the selector.

the occasion of the International Days of Literature for Children. >> The first edition of Life-Giving Progenitor, the magazine of Diocese of Zvornik and Tuzla of the Serbian Orthodox Church, was recently published, and the editor-in-chief is deacon Bojan Čečar. >> The best production at the Festival “Comedy Days 2014” in Bijeljina was Guarantors from the National Theatre of Republika Srpska, and the award for best male role went to Feđa Stojanović, and for best female role to Sofija Juričan. >> F rom Wheel to Rocket, collection of poetry for children by the famed boxer Marijan Beneš from Banjaluka, was recently promoted at the Cultural Centre “Banski dvor”. >> D inner of Fools, directed by Slobodan Perišić, is the sixth premiere in sixty first season of the Theatre in Prijedor.

May Musical Celebrations Traditional festival “May Musical Celebrations” in Bijeljina will gather this year more than thirty choir ensembles from Serbia, Srpska, Federation of B&H and regional countries. It will celebrate one hundredth anniversary of the death of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac, famous Serbian composer, and the festival will be closed by celebrating Saint Day of the Monastery of St. Vasily of Ostrog in Bijeljina. Side programs will include several scientific lectures on choir music, and there will also be an exhibition on the occasion of the one hundred and fifteenth anniversary of the existence of choir “Srbadija”.

>> Stanislav Tomić from Zvornik is the recipient of this year’s “Vib’s Award”, which is awarded by daily paper Politika to authors younger than 35 years for contribution to Serbian satire. >> A ssociation of citizens “Jadovno 1941” from Banjaluka, with help form Norwegian donors, organized in Oslo the memorial exhibition My Jadovno, which had previously been organized in several cities of Srpska and Serbia, in New York, Leicester and London. >> On the occasion of anniversary from the death of painter Branislav Višt from Doboj, an exhibition of his works was organized in the Art Gallery of the Centre for Culture and Education in Doboj.

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NE WS S T RE AM >> You may help the completion of the construction of Congregational Temple of Holy Martyr Marina in Klisina Monastery by sending an SMS message to humanitarian number 1412, which was recently donated by company “M:tel”. >> Missionary fund for scientific and pedagogical improvement of religious instruction was recently founded in the Diocese of Zvornik and Tuzla of the Serbian Orthodox Church. >> Members of Eco-Rafting Club “Paradise Beach” from Bratunac, in cooperation with school environmental sections and a group of fishermen, conducted action of cleaning of waste and organized the excursion site with the same name on the Drina near Bratunac. >> On the occasion of International Day of Joke, on April 1st, the award for the best written satirical aphorism went to Živko Đuza, author from Mrkonjić Grad. >> Kick-boxer Miloš Golić won on Pale the title of professional world champion in discipline K1, by winning Ištvan Bobiš from Hungary. >> “Children’s Empire Mikrofin”, international festival of poetry for children will take place in Banjaluka from April 23 to 25. >> National Library “Cyril and Methodius” in Prijedor introduced the second shift for working with readers, as it had been until the outbreak of the last war in B&H. >> The first Fair of Serbian Economy and Serbian Brands “Saspo 2014” took place recently in Innsbruck, Austria and the visitors had the opportunity to learn


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Restoration of Ceramics Prehistoric ceramics from archaeological collection of the Regional Museum in Doboj will be restored and conserved. This project includes about twenty ceramic vessels from the Neolith, Eneolith, Bronze and Iron Age, from as many sits in the vicinity of Doboj, Modriča and Derventa. The Doboj collection of prehistoric ceramics is one of the largest in Srpska. The Regional Museum in Doboj, in addition to the existing pottery workshop, also founded a ceramic workshop.

Since Ancient Times Višegrad – From Ancient Times until 1918 is the title of the monograph by Aleksandar Savić published by “Dabar”, publishing house of the Metropolitan of Dabrobosanska, in cooperation with Serbian Society “Hawk” from Dobrun. The book covers the most important periods in the turbulent history of this Serbian city on the Drina, from the 10th century, through Serbian Middle Ages, Turkish and Austrian-Hungarian occupation, to World War Two. Especially elaborated was the period of the Old Vlach of Višegrad and “Andrić Era”.

The Most Successful Businessmen Within the event “Selection of the most successful businessmen in the economy of Srpska for 2013”, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic selected twelve companies whose products have marked the last year with their recognizable quality. The best companies were “Tanasić”, “Mega drvo” and “Kiko” from Bijeljina, “Exclusive Lingerie” from Banjaluka, “Triangle”, “Krznarija Pristaš” and “Eko-Bel”, “Cellars Vukoje” from Trebinje, “Višt” from Doboj, “Sana linea” from Kostajnica, “Vizion” from Rogatica and “Di bor” from Gradiška. The event has been organized for eleventh consecutive year.

Market Breakthrough Health-Tourist Centre “Banja Vrućica” near Teslić this March recorded more than 11,000 overnight stays of guests form the region, which is almost twice as much against March last year, when there were 6,000 overnight stays. Acting General Manager of “Banja Vrućica” Aleksandar Radošević said that this number is the indicator of success of breaking through in South Slavic mar-

about the potentials for investment in Srpska and Serbia. >> European rafting championship “Ba­ njaluka Vrbas 2014” will be held from May 19 to 25, which is another opportunity to promote the capital of Srpska in the best possible light. >> The first daily centre for autism in Republika Srpska will begin to operate in Banjaluka in late August. >> The winning solution for the new appearance of the logo of the Bank of Srpska is work by Dejan Jović, senior student at the University for Business Studies in Banjaluka, who was awarded with 3,000 KM. >> Vanja Ćirković, student of the third year of Department for Accordion of the Music Academy of the University in Eastern Sarajevo, won the first prize at the International Festival for Children and Youth “Talents Without Borders“, in the category of 20–25 years of age. >> School of icon painting “Odigitrija” of the Diocese of Zvornik and Tuzla in Bijeljina will be admitting in 2014, for three-year long study, a new generation of eighteen students, who will, after graduating from this school, have the title of icon painters. >> International handball TV tournament of champions “Doboj 2014” will be held from August 19 to 23, and the “Sports Parade” on August 18 will be an introduction into the competition. >> In August this year, Banjaluka will be the host to the World Parachuting Championship, it was decided by the World Aviation Federation.

kets, mostly Croatia, but also Slovenia. Foreign tourists, says Radošević, are primarily attracted by the medicinal properties of the thermal-mineral waters, but also good quality of service. SRPSK A  No 5  2014



 Milutin Popović: “On Serbian Officer’s Grave”, 1917  Petar Ranosović: “Through Albania”, 1916

Let us mention at least some of their names: Vladimir Becić, Beta Vukanović, Nadežda Petrović, Miloš Golubović, Vasa Eškićević, Kosta Miličević, Mihailo Milovanović, Vasa Pomorišac, Veljko Stanojević, Petar Ranosović, Živorad Nastasijević, Stevan Milosavljević...



Serbian War Painters


heir muses, of course, were not silent even when the weapons thundered. Historians could not betray history, artists could not betray heroes, the best sons and daughters their Homeland. There were about forty artists in the Serbian army during World War One, assigned as war painter, with the Supreme Command and in combat units. “Conditions for work were difficult”, a chronicler says. “From dangers in the battlefield where they painted, to lack of supplies and basic materials... They worked most in pencil, aquarelle, pastel, ink, less with tempera and oil.” The term war painter was first officially used by Živojin Mišić, on September 21, 1912, in announcement for a travel issued to Petar Ranosović. That year, Nadežda Petrović made the first “art record” known to us directly in the front (On positions near Kumanovo). Duke Radomir Putnik, Chief of the Supreme Command Staff of the Serbian Army, ordered in August 1914 issuance of the Referral for the use of war painters added to headquarters of higher units on the battlefield. To preserve the most important moments of battle and war images for history. The first exhibition of works of war painters was organized in Belgrade in 1919, in school “King Petar”, quickly and modestly. The second one, for the fiftieth anniversary of the Great War, was organized in the Gallery of the Military museum in Belgrade Fortress. It included thirty five authors and ninety works. (...) In March 2014, for the one hundredth anniversary, the Gallery of RadioTelevision of Serbia, a respectable exhibition was finally organized again: Between Trumpet and Silence. Serbian War Painters 1912-1918. It is also the reason for this little reminder. And most of these works are kept in the collection of the Military museum in Belgrade, so go there, even when there is no specific reason.  (B. M.)

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Коста Јосиповић: „Аутопортрет у униформи“, 1918. Kosta Josipović: “ Auto Portrait in Uniform”, 1918


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Vasa Eškićević: “Serbian Army Reaching the Sea”, 1916

Vasa Eškićević: “The Village of Bač on the Black River”, 1916

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Todor Švrakić: “Crossing Albania”, 1921

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For Religion and Freedom Despite the pressures he is exposed to, he has managed to preserve Republika Srpska and stop the process of its nullification, but also to preserve stable relations with Russia, strengthen Christian Orthodox Serbian-Russian ties and identity of Slavic people – it is said in the explanation read by Valeri Alexeiev, president of the Orthodox People’s Unity Fund. The medal is decided by Patriarch Cyril and top Russian state officials


n March 11, at the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and the entire Russia Cyril handed out the medal of the Orthodox People’s Unity Fund for 2013 to the president of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik. The award ceremony in the luxurious Hall of Church Councils of the Temple of Christ

the Savior was attended by director of the   Russian State Secretariat for Religions of Srpska DraPatriarch gan Davidović, head of the representative ofCyril and fice of Srpska in Russia Duško Perović, direcpresident of tor Emir Kusturica, ambassador of Serbia in Srpska Milorad Russia Slavenko Terzić, ambassador of B&H Dodik at the Ivan Barbalić, a large number of important ceremony guests from Russian public life. SRPSK A  No 5  2014



 Dragan Davidović, director of the Republic Secretariat for Religions of Srpska, in conversation with His Holiness Cyril, the Patriarch of Moscow and entire Russia

A concert of spiritual music took place in the Ceremony Hall of the Temple, and for Dodik’s honor the choir sang “There, Far Away”. Several hundred invitees had an opportunity to watch a short film about the work of the president of Srpska. In the explanation that was read by Valeri Alexeiev, president of the Orthodox People’s Unity Fund, it is said that the Medal was awarded to Dodik because, despite the pressures he is exposed to, e has managed to preserve Republika Srpska and stop the process of its nullification, but also to preserve stable relations with Russia, and did everything to strengthen Christian Orthodox Serbian-Russian ties. Republika Srpska is the only legal option to ensure safety of Serbs west from the Drina, the river that separates them or, better, connects them, with the parent country of Serbia. President Dodik attaches great importance to the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in preserving the identity of the Serbs, works hard on the protec-

New Contribution The head of the Representative Office of Republika Srpska in Moscow Duško Perović says that this Representative Office has had very significant results and enjoyed great respect in Russia. – This event and the award given to president Dodik will certainly increase even more that reputation and strengthen our positions even more. Of course, it obliges us to not only maintain what we have achieved, but also to improve the results even more – said Perović.


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tion of Serbian Orthodoxy and the entire Serbian ethnos, as well as on strengthening the unity of the Orthodox world, they say in the explanation of the Decision on Medal award. Addressing the guests at the fourteenth ceremony of this high Russian award, Dodik said that he is honored by the decision made upon agreement between the Russian Orthodox Church and the cabinet of the president of Russia. – Our God is God of freedom. Out faith in that God has made us become freedomloving nations. Everything that has been happening in Russia in the past years, and what every person in Republika Srpska follows with interest, is the return of dignity – said Dodik. He emphasized that Russia is still helping Republika Srpska today, as it did in the most difficult times. – This precious award gives hope that together, in peace and harmony, in struggle for improvement and wellbeing of our people and nation s, we will preserve freedom and dignity, which is so important to us – emphasized the president of Srpska. FOR ORTHODOX UNITY The awards of the Orthodox People’s Uni­ty Fund are awarded every year to heads of states, governments and parliaments, leaders of Christian Orthodox churches, well known public figures and cultural workers.

Russian ambassador in B&H Aleksandar Bocan Harčenko said that he medal of the Orthodox People’s Unity Fund confirms high level of respect of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev toward the president of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik. – The medal confirms high level of that respect, primarily because of the contribution to development of our relations and protection of identity of Slavic peoples, with protection of status of Srpska and international law – said Bocan Harčenko. He emphasized that the decision on award recipients is made jointly by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and state leaders of Russia. – I am pleased that you are the recipient of this year’s award – said Russian patriarch Cyril to the president of Srpska in conversation before the award ceremony. – We are well acquainted with your life position: as a Christian Orthodox and the president of Republika Srpska you attach great importance to restoration of churches and give support to Serbian Orthodox Church. We know how honorably you fight for the interests of your people. During the encounter, patriarch Cyril gave to president Dodik an icon of Our Lady of Kazan. With words of gratitude, the president of Srpska gave to Russian patriarch an icon of Three-Handed Mother of God. Dragan Davidović gave to patriarch Cyril, in the name of the government of

Republika Srpska, a painting by Milivoje Unković “Imperial Gate” and newly published reprint edition of the “Constitution of Saint Sava”. – I am glad that the Orthodox Church in Russia is again breathing freely and that the harmony between the Russian church and Russian state has reached the level from the “old times of the Empire” – said Davidović. – Of course, delegation of Republika Srpska may proudly say that we have also completed this process, which was initiated after the fall of communism. It was also a condition for Republika Srpska, Serbian Orthodox Church and our political leadership to have such a high rating, and for president Dodik to receive such great honors in Moscow. The minister of foreign affairs of Russia Sergei Lavrov also congratulated the award to the president of Srpska, whom he had met before the ceremony. Lavrov said that this recognition is the assessment of contribution to promoting the historical togetherness of these two nations. 

 Director Emir Kusturica at the ceremony in Moscow

High Ranking Since 2009, the Medal has been carrying the name of patriarch Alexy II. It is awarded every year to one president, church dignitary and one association for humanity. Among the laureates of this award are presidents of Russia, Greece, Estonia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Cyprus, as well as the leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church, late patriarch Pavle, Serbian tennis player Novak Đoković, director Emir Kusturica...

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Much More than Memories Forty-nine national teams, with more than 2.500 participants, stayed here during those eleven days. Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman, Trebević... entered the history of world sports. Competitions in giant slalom, slalom and downhill were held on the tracks of Jahorina. The mountain was then called “ the Olympic Beauty” and kept this name to the very day. It’s not just a charming old chronicle, but also the flywheel of new development and flourishing of this mountain and this region


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Jahorina, an Olympic mountain

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his year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the fourteenth Winter Olympic Games, held in Sarajevo from February 8 to 19, 1984. It was a revue of youth and sports, which brought 49 teams of national Olympic committees and more than 2.500 participants to Sarajevo that year, which was then the record of the Games. The main places of all Olympic events were the city of Sarajevo, Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman, Trebević, Čvrsnica, as well as some other mountain areas around Sarajevo. The winter Olympics “Sarajevo ’84” remained the most important sports event held in the Southern-Slavic lands to the very day, an event that made Sarajevo part of the history of world sports. Olympic Beauty Jahorina, today the pearl of the tourism offer of Republic of Srpska, was the host of the Olympic competitions in giant slalom, slalom and downhill for women. The skiing legends of the time Debbie Armstrong, Paoletta Magoni and Michela Figini won gold medals in these disciplines. STILL THE “OLYMPIC BEAUTY”

 Olympic courts on Jahorina are today a great tourist potential

Besides several other infrastructural objects, attractive ski tracks today remind of those golden times of Jahorina. In that year of 1984, today seeming such a long time ago, Olympic competitions in giant slalom, slalom and downhill were held there. Each of these tracks is attractive both for professional and amateur skiers. Numerous competitions are held, including the most popular “FIS Cup Jahorina”. In 1984, Jahorina, naturally, flourished. The name earned at the time, the “Olympic Beauty”, is still popular today. There is almost no need to mention how much it meant to the promotion of its tourism. High quality and well-arranged tracks, in wonderful natural surroundings, are a

Torch and Promoters A lit torch symbolically connects the Winter Olympic Games of 1984 and “EYOWF 2017”. Those present that day had the opportunity to meet Olympic legends and promoters of “EYOWF 2017” Vlade Divac, Sanda Dubravčić, Bojan Križaj and Bogdan Tanjević.


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challenge and pleasure for all true lovers of skiing. The magnetism of the Olympic arena additionally enriches this mountain. Therefore it is no wonder that it is today an equally attractive and popular tourist destination as it was then. A series of cultural and sports events during 2014, within the “Olympic Family – Celebrating the Olympic Spirit”, will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the fourteenth Winter Olympic Games in Jahorina. The Olympic sports weekend “JahorinaBjelašnica 2014” at the end of January, drew great attention. – Our objective is to initiate the Olympic spirit and Olympic values with such projects – tell us in the Tourism Organization of Srpska. – We will also promote the upcoming European Youth Olympic Festival “EYOWF 2017”, and point out its importance. The hosts of the festival will be the cities of Sarajevo and Eastern Sarajevo, while the event will also be an excellent opportunity for Jahorina to present itself in its full glory. Our Olympic Beauty will again host competitions in slalom and giant slalom. Dvorišta in Jahorina will welcome biathlon competitors, and the municipality of Pale will greet the best representatives of countries in fast skating. RETURN OF THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT A show race of ski clubs in slalom and giant slalom was held in Jahorina during the “Olympic Sports Weekend”. Winter sports, ski clubs and schools were promoted, a show race of ambassadors, businessmen and public figures was held, the Olympic team of B&H was seen off to this year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi. The official promotion of “EYOWF 2017” and the “Olympic Family – Celebrating the Olympic Spirit” were held, and the “Olympic Spirit” exhibition opened. All these events prove that the Olympic spirit, after all the historical whirlpools that swooshed over the SouthernSlavic lands, is returning gloriously to Jahorina. The “Olympic Beauty” is already glowing and will glow even more forcefully in the following period. It will refresh and enrich its offer, remaining one of the leading places on the tourism map of the Balkans. 

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The Stones have Finally Spoken


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It was the time of war, in the year 1994. Something was beating under the earth, in Crkvište, beating like a heart. Those who heard it had to start digging. Thus foundations of the famous medieval monastery, destroyed in 1691, whose traces were lost, emerged before us. “If we do not speak, the stones will”, says the Holy Bible. And so it was. This year, a week after St. Peter’s Day, the renewed temple, large and very beautiful, will be consecrated. And everything came to life: the village, the people, nature

By: Senka Trivić

Photographs: Priest-monk Danilo, Archive of Stuplje Monastery, Senka Trivić SRPSK A  No 5  2014




 Prior priestmonk Danilo. Iconostas in the Winter Chapel. Temple and residence in the night, illuminated. Nun Efrosinija. Priest-monk Georgije giving communion to the children

n the fifteenth kilometer of the motorway from Banjaluka to Čelinac, there is a turn to the village of Ukrina, and then again one towards the village of Gornji Vijačani. For centuries the village has been hiding a story about a holy temple, an old monastery, now restored and very beautiful. We are before its gates, on a field the locals have called Crkvište since the old times. It is still winter, about twenty locals attend the liturgy in the monastery’s winter chapel. Less than twenty years ago, in that very place, foundations of a monastery were discovered, those which hieromonk Danilo, head of the monastery, describes as “stones that have spoken”. In the war year of 1994, two locals, Dušan Jokić and Milenko Malešević, decided to check why legends call that place Crkvište (Church Place). The story about the beauty of a lost monastery, destroyed a long time ago by enemies, was told in the village from generation to generation. And it turned out that both the legend and the toponyms (the Manastirica river, Kaluđerovo hill, Crkvište field) were based upon reality. And one does not discover foundations of a monastery every day. Although for many people the time of war was not the best time to begin the restoration, hieromonk Danilo says that this decision of Archbishop of Banjaluka Jefrem seemed as if led by God’s providence. – We have two realities: Republic of Srpska, created on firm foundations and

Buildings The monastery of Stuplje has two praying buildings. A chapel dedicated to apostles Peter and Paul, in the quarters, in which we attended the service last winter, one day before the day of St. Sava. The other building, Church of Holy Archangel Michael, is impressively large. Its foundations revealed to the world twenty years ago that monastic communities and Orthodox Christianity have been present in these lands for centuries.

defended, and the monastery of Stuplje, discovered and renewed with great force – tells us hieromonk Danilo. – Today the monastery is a witness that destroyers will never be ahead of builders, that imperishability and truth are always before lies, that justice is always before injustice, that time will come to renew and repair everything that has been destroyed. Thus the message to all future people and times is that it is better to do good deeds in time and understand and accept everyone, than to destroy someone’s tradition and culture, since, at one point of time, it will speak for itself. The Holy Bible says: “If we do not speak, the stones will.” And here the stones have spoken. They showed and marked whose land this was and will be, who lived there for centuries, built, educated his people. It also showed who came to destroy and crush all that. He says that for people of the Church, there is no unreasonable time to answer the call of God. If the discovered foundations of the temple were left to wait for better times, the monastery would not be renewed to the very day. THREE HUNDRED YEARS LATER The fate of the monastery of Stuplje is wondrous. The little that has been preserved in the church books and manuscripts indicates the wealth of the monastery and power of its monastic community. Threatened by the enemy in the XVII century, the monks set off to the monastery of Orahovica with books in their hands. Prayers and holy liturgies vanished and the Turks destroyed everything. It was the year of 1691. The stones remained silent waiting for their time to come.


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 Summer ceremony in the monastery  At Sunday service, last winter

– Legends state that the monastery was built at the time of Dragutin (XIII and XIV century). The discovered foundations indicate the early Raška architectural style, characteristic for Serbian churches from the late XIII century. We have material proof from the late XVI and early XVII century. We also have manuscripts that the monastery was destroyed in the Great Viennese War, around 1691. From that time, all traces of the monastery were lost. “... That year, monks moved from the monastery of Stuplje to the monastery of Orahovica”, states a handwritten book of the monastery. And further writes their names: Arsenije, Sava, Maksim, Teofil and old Teodosije. “The monasteries of Liplje and Stuplje were left completely desolated.” The monastic communities of Liplje and Stuplje, twelve kilometers far from

Measure – If you consider the fact that the foundations of the monastic quarters were about fifty meters long, you can imagine how it looked like and how glorious the monastery of Stuplje was in the XIII, XIV and XV century – says hieromonk Danilo. – Even today it is difficult to build such a monumental edifice, let alone then.


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each other, have always been strongly connected by fate and prayer. – The history of Liplje was different from Stuplje. The temple in Liplje was never completely destroyed, it has a historical continuity. Our closeness is mainly based on prayer. Ever since his arrival in 2008, with the blessing of Bishop of Banjaluka Jefrem, hieromonk Danilo has constantly been searching for new written proof about the history of the monastery and its monastic life. The discovered manuscripts show that it also had a developed transcription school. – I came, before all, to establish monastic life in the monastery and begin liturgies, to complete its renewal. To accept the people who come and find support in the monastery, their second home. To testify faith in Christ. FOLLOWING TRACES OF SALUTARY HOPE The renewal of the monastery and arrival of monks marked a new era for the local people. They see spiritual support in the monastic brotherhood, in hieromonks Danilo and Georgije, they consult them about everyday problems of contemporary life.

– These monks are incredible, we are amazed by them. Teofil was here before, but he moved to the monastery of Osovica near Srbac. We go there to visit every year, on the day of St. Prokopije. Father Danilo came here first. They are so humble, they don’t have prices and tariffs. If someone can do something, ok, nobody is obliged to do anything – tells us Radmila Đurđević from the village of Gornji Vijačani. With a smile on her face and heartedness characteristic for our people, she asks where we are from. I saw unknown people at the liturgy, she says. Her neighbor Dražen Janković says that he comes whenever he can: – They don’t write minuses for absence. We come when we feel the need and when we have time. Many people come on the days of big saints. Only a few people had known about this village before the remains of the monasteries were discovered. The infrastructure was rusty, we only had the railway, but it was not of much help. After the monastery had been discovered and restored, people became interested. Some for tourism, some through faith. They began helping and, thanks to the monastery, the village came to life too. It is still not enough, but we are moving forward. – The restoration will not be completed soon. We are attempting to give the monastery its original appearance – said bishop of Banjaluka Jefrem in 1994, at the consecration of the discovered foundations. The works will last about twenty years, perhaps even more, until everything is as it was. This year, 2014, when the reporters of National Review visited the monastery, is the twentieth year. – We are planning to consecrate the renewed temple one week after St. Peter’s day – says hieromonk Danilo. – We have a lot of work until then. To place the iconostasis, icons, choir stalls… Finish the yard. After the liturgy we attended, brothers invited the gathered people to their dining room for refreshment. With coffee and rakia, conversation and agreement. Blessed peace and eternal hope are following each step we take.  SRPSK A  No 5  2014



Sculpted by Rain

Text and photo: Radmila Đević


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and Time The time of creation of these strange figures in the village of Daničići, located on the ninth kilometer from Foča to Sarajevo, on the old road over Miljevina and Kalovnik, is not known for certain. Similar figures in America are called the Garden of Gods and in Serbia Devil’s Town. Scientists speak about erosion, washing down the sand clay, legends preserve different images, and those employed in tourism see their chance in them, with a reason

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 As in national parks of the North America: sand pyramid at Daničići, near Foča

merica has Colorado and the Garden of Gods, Serbia has Kuršumlija and Devil’s Town, and Srpska has Foča and the Sand Pyramids. Although they are a natural wonder, hundreds of years old, the pyramids of Foča are still insufficiently known to wider public. If you start down the old road from Foča to Sarajevo, over Miljevina and Kalovnik, on the ninth kilometer, in the village of Daničići, you will come upon this natural phenomenon: sand pyramids. When watching them, a lame visitor may think they are a masterpiece of a sculptor. But they are not. Instead of a chisel, they were formed by wind, rain, sun, snow. And time. They are different from everything else in this region’s relief and their origins are unknown. They grew from sand clay, from which loose soil was washed away, leaving solid rock tops. Rocks stop erosion; they redirect it. Many experts claim that the pyramids of Foča are the same as those near Kuršumlija: same type of erosion, similar soil. Generous nature is continuing its work and the pyramids are still growing. They are neither getting smaller nor disappearing. Science claims that the pyramids of Foča testify about the turbulent geological past. Legends, however, reveal something different. – People say that there, in front of the pyramids, many people prayed for salvation and resolution to their problems, regardless of the religion they belonged to. Allegedly, locals used to gather here in the past, to hold meetings or just to socialize – says Dragica Ćurčić, curator of the Old Herzegovina Museum in Foča. Besides oral legends, the pyramids of Foča were also depicted by many travel writers. Dragutin Deroko described and photographed them in the 1930s. He says that they are “not made of stone, but of sand clay”. “They are made of washouts, rain and water drainage, carrying away soft soil in

Positioning – Similar in their appearance to those in Colorado and Devil’s Town, yet attractive in a unique way, the sand pyramids in Foča have an important contribution in positioning our country on the tourism map of the Balkans, and beyond – emphasizes Nada Jovanović, director of the Tourism Organization of Srpska.


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unprotected places. The rocks in certain spots protect them and prevent landslides under them, thus leaving entire pyramids, similar to the famous soil pyramids in Bolzano, Tyrol and Colorado”, stated Deroko in his travelogue Drina – Geographic and Touristic Monograph. Deroko claims that the washouts and erosion will continue, so these pyramids will become even more distinct in time. Žika Mitrović, famous Serbian and Yugoslav film director, filmed several scenes for the partisan movie Captain Leshi in 1960 near the pyramids of Foča. There are also numerous reports, writings and photographs. The pyramids of Foča were photographed as early as 1888, at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. In the photo dated 1964, kept in the Museum of Foča, they are already enchanting with their beauty and peculiarity. IN A SERIES OF SMALL STEPS The sight is almost unbelievable, as if from another part of the world. Unlike Devil’s Town, the pyramids of Foča grew on a somewhat more docile soil. Trees and pastures are around them. The brownyellow figures are of different height, from eight meters up. They survive despite laws, forces and time. More people have found out about them lately, but they are still not sufficiently utilized or promoted. They used to be disordered, without tourism signalization and furnishing. “Zelengora” Alpinism Society and Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Foča changed their image a few years ago. The alpinists cleaned the site, placed benches, trash cans, erected a protective wooden fence. The pyramids immediately flashed and numerous tourists and travelers started arriving. – Our objective was to give significance to the pyramids, so this site would be prepared as an important tourist destination. It is important for tourists to have a place to rest and to be able to stay longer. The pyramids themselves will leave a strong impression on them – says Nikola Jegdić, young secretary of the “Zelengora” Alpinism Society. There are several ideas for projects on how to strengthen this site as part of the tourism offer of the Foča area.

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– We have several projects in mind. The problem is in the bad road infrastructure to the site and still insufficient signalization. We hope the authorities will also understand the importance of repairing the road – says Ljeposava Đajić, director of the Tourism Organization of Foča. – More and more people call us, asking how to visit the pyramids of Foča, the unique attraction. The sand pyramids of Foča are also part of the tourism package of certain rafting clubs. They are doing a lot to promote the site and say that the guests are thrilled. – They are amazed. Sand pyramids are unusual for these lands, a true geophenomenon. Everyone takes the opportunity to take a photo, so the story about them spreads throughout the world – says Mirko Davidović from “Tara-Raft” Rafting Center. The pyramids are a perfect excursion site for many people of Foča. – We visit the pyramids several times every year. They are most beautiful in summer and most unusual in winter, when it’s most difficult to reach them. The winter environment here, the colors, from sky-blue to mild-red, are amazing. It’s a pity the road isn’t better – tell us Bojan Starović and Svjetlana Popović, who organized excursions to the sand pyramids more than twenty times. RESEARCH AND PROMOTION

Unusual Surrounding There are two interesting caves in the vicinity of the pyramids: Ledenjača and Toplica. There is also the Londža stream, which takes the color of the pyramids at the time of frequent rainfalls. In such times, the stream becomes almost orange and sometimes even paints the Drina in this color.

 For taking institutions would be filed a request to photos and enlist the pyramids of Foča as protected observing: A visit natural beauties of Srpska. to the pyramids Ms. Kadić confirms that the phenomenon of the pyramids of Foča is most Works on the similar to Devil’s Town, however these are environment significantly smaller. – We expect support from our colleagues from Serbia who conducted research there. After all this, we expect increasing popularity of the site – adds Ms. Kadić. The Tourism Organization of Srpska, together with the Municipality Tourism Organization, is promoting the offer of this region, including the phenomenon of the sand pyramids, in the country and abroad. Thus they are, slowly but surely, becoming one of the recognizable landmarks of this part of Srpska. – With an adequate offer, improving infrastructure and interactive contents, the sand pyramids would be much more interesting to tourists and this area would have more visitors – concludes Nada Jovanović, director of the Tourism Organization of Srpska.   View from afar

Archeological explorations at this site would give special significance to the pyramids of Foča. This is one of the objectives of the Institute for Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Republic of Srpska. – We visited the pyramids several times. Exploring this phenomenon has been part of our plans for a long time and we expect to begin this year. Geology experts from Serbia will also come to help us – says Jelena Kadić, head of the Institute’s Natural Heritage Protection Department. – It will last until the end of the year. Then we will make a feasibility study and this area would finally get legal protection. We will know who manages it and according to which plan. Competent SRPSK A  No 5  2014





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Birth of the River from Stone

No one knew for centuries where the “pljeva” in these crystal clear waters came from, until their mysterious connection with the Glamočko Polje was discovered. Beauty possesses and pervades you here, like a spirit. One of the biggest springs of potable water in Europe, natural fishing area, settlements of old millers, a river stronger than the one it flows into, make this place extraordinary. Together with the Janj river canyon, it should soon become part of the UNESCO list


hot day on Glamočko Polje is coming to an end. Tired hands wipe the sweat from the faces of harvesters. Millions of tiny particles kept in the wheat grains continue their journey with the last drops of sweat. People call the membrane around the grain “pljeva”. Strong summer rain showers, from the dark cumulonimbus clouds, wash away

the pljeva from bare fields and take it to the karst river of Jaruga. The karst is a wonder. The Jaruga takes the water, and with it the pljeva, into the abyss. That is where all its traces are lost… At an altitude of 483 meters, at the juncture of Jastrebnjak and Smiljevac mountains, the springs of the Pliva are born. The Šipovac area is famous for its rivers SRPSK A  No 5  2014




  The most picturesque part of the village of Pljeva, on the springs of the Pliva

and the incredible beauty of these springs. Locals who have lived in their vicinity for centuries called the river Pljeva, without knowing where pljeva comes from in the springs. In time, the river got its name Pliva. Hundreds of years later, scientists discovered the mysterious underground water from Glamočko Polje and the spring of Pliva. Color was poured into the depths the Jaruga disappears into on Glamočko Polje and it was ascertained that it appears in the springs of the Pliva. SMALLER, YET STRONGER

The Pliva is the left tributary of the Vr­ bas. Its flow is stronger than the river it flows into, so one could rightfully say that, from the moment of their merging, the waters could be called Pliva, not Vrbas. The Pliva brings more water to the joint flow than Vrbas. The Pliva is 33 kilometers long, and its total watershed area is 768 square kilometers. The average flow rate is 38,4 cubic meters per second. There are only a few rivers in the world with such diverse hydrological phenomena in such a short length. Big settlements: Šipovo, Jezero and Jajce, and many villages were Photographs: formed in the valley of this beauty. A par“Get to Know ticularly beautiful river bed, numerous Srpska” and rapids, calcareous bars, mills and about Archive of “National Review” 25 meters high waterfall at its conflu-

Drinking from the River Enormous is the amount of water in two springs of the Pliva. It is often said that they are the biggest sources of potable water in Europe. The water in the springs is of high quality. It is cold (about 80 С) and can be drunk directly from the stream.


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ence in Jajce, make this river our most important natural attractions. The Pliva has two big main springs, karst springwells and several smaller ones. The right spring sprouts from a forceful crack in the rock. The terrible roaring of the water sprouting out of the crack leaves visitors breathless. The left spring is about a kilometer away. It appears under a big rock. Big blocks of rocks are covered with moss, like a beautiful carpet. A special attraction for visitors is walking on a stone mosaic from which enormous quantities of water sprout. White-blue waves, directly from this spring, are one of the most beautiful natural creations in our lands. After one kilometer, the waters from the two springs merge into one, powerful stream. WATER AND MILLSTONE A small settlement, picturesque part of the village of Pljeva, was formed by the springs of the Pliva. One can recognize the harmony of traditional architecture and natural environment. The primary function of this settlement was, and partially is today, production of flour in mills, whose wheels are turned by the powerful water streams. Today one can find supreme quality wheat, corn and buckwheat flour, ground on millstones. The Pliva Springs with their canyon are a protected natural reserve of Republic of Srpska. There are plans for their protection by UNESCO, together with the Janj river canyon. The settlement of Pljeva, in the immediate vicinity of the spring, has a recreational fishing area, about two kilometers long. Numerous fly fishing competitions were held there, including the world championship in 2010. The area of the Pliva springs is rich in sprout and grayling. One can arrive to the springs of the Pliva from the village of Pljeva, about 15 kilometers far from Šipovo, and the village is accessible from the regional Šipovo-Barači road. There is an asphalt road leading to the immediate vicinity of the spring. The ambient, scientific, environmental, aesthetic and ethnological value of the Pliva springs make this site one of the leading tourist attractions of the Republic of Srpska.  (www.Upo­znaj­Srp­

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Фо­то­гра­фи­је: Ор­га­ни­за­ци­ја „Ро­тор“, Да­мир Кља­јић


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Built in the 13th century, it was the embryo of this city and its protector through centuries. It opened and closed the roads. Many alternated in it, from Serbs and Hungarians to Austrians and Turks, until the last military garrison left it in 1851. Restored in 2005, today it is an important cultural and tourist center, increasingly important

By: Damir Kljajić

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or its good strategic position, on an important road from the Pannonia and Central Europe toward the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean, the area of modern Doboj has always been a target to numerous conquerors. Exactly there, where roads from the valleys of Bosnia, Usora and Spreča were coming together, the Doboj fortress was built in the 13th century. It has been destroyed and restored, it has changed masters, but it has survived. With its beauty, it is still drawing attention of everybody who comes to Doboj. The life of the fortress, also called Gradina by the locals, is almost inseparable from the life of the city. Although this area has been inhabited since ancient times, only after the construction of the fortress the city Doboj began to be created. On the spacious plateau in front of the entrance into the fortress, a medieval Doboj city square was created first. When hoses were built around the square and near three roads that enter it, and church and cemetery opposite from the entrance into the fortress, a small town was born. Unfortunately, there are no preserved records about the construction of Gradina itPhotographs: self. Construction of the fortress began in the Organization 13th century, which is proved by numerous ar“Rotor”, Tourist chaeological findings (jewelry from the cemOrganization of etery on Usora, ceramics from the bottom of Doboj, Damir the Southern Tower...), Austrian engravings Kljajić from 1697, old Turkish inventory lists...


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Name and Assumptions According to one assumption, the name of the city – Doboj – was made of word boj, battle. According to another, it comes from naboj, a mixture of clay and tailings, which was used for construction of thick defense walls. There is an interpretation that the name originated from word deboj (luggage and food for the army) or word dub (oak tree forest).

The oldest written account about Doboj and the fortress found thus far is from June 28, 1415 – Dubrovnik merchants are sending a message to Hungarian king Sigismund, whose army was then in military campaign through the valley of the Bosnia. They say that his army is “in Uxora suptus castrum Doboy”. “In Usora, under the Doboj fortress.” In 1449, in Doboj, a treaty was made between Bosnian king Stjepan Tomaš and Hungary on joint military appearance against the Ottomans. On the basis of the Turkish-Hungarian treaty from 1503, the Doboj fortress remains in Ottoman hands. In 1697, the fortress was occupied by Austrian troops for a short time, during the campaign of Eugene of Savoy on Bosnia. In front of 6,500 of his soldiers, the garrison of the Doboj fortress surrendered without fight. Turks return to the fortress again. In the Austria-Turkey War from 1716–1718, they

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Arthur Evans “The old fortress is the crown of the hill, the peak, and we are heading upward. The locals here call it the Old Town, and it is one of the most interesting historical remains of the entire Bosnia. A view from those ruined walls also shows importance of its position. The Doboj fortress is standing on the top of the hill that is protruding vertically toward the valley of the Bosnia, exactly at the place where the Spreča is opening a passage toward the Drina and Serbian border, while in the other direction the Derventa passage opens up the road to Croatia.” (Arthur Evans, 1875)

manage to defend it, despite the entire settlement being set on fire during the battles. With time, the Doboj fortress lost its importance. The last military garrison left the fortress in 1851. FROM QUARRY TO MONUMENT The fortress has been restored and expanded several times. One of the best known reconstructions is the one from 1490: as many as 1,500 people daily worked on building the defense walls, towers and areas for accommodation of people, ammunition and weapons. The calculation records from that year contain data about this


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major repair under supervision of mimar Ibrahim. Since then, however, the Turks were not repairing the fortress, and bulwarks and towers turned into ruins with time. After it was completely abandoned in 1851, the fortress became a kind of a quarry from where stone was taken for construction of houses in the town. The repair was conducted by Austro-Hungarian administration in 1881. During World War Two, the fortress was adapted into a modern war fortification. Germans turned the main and the southern tower, the main bastion and the plateau of the upper fortress into modern bunkers. The hall in front of the main bastion was covered with a concrete slab. Miodrag Bosić, director of Organization “Rotor” (for development of tourism in the Doboj region), which has been taking care of the fortress in the past years, says that there were only three major reconstruction of the walls in the 19th century. – Until 2005, before “Rotor” completed the project of reconstruction and revitalization, the Doboj fortress was in a very bad condition. Left to the ravages of time, like most other fortress in B&H, it was not valued as a tourist potential. It happened that several decades at the time no protective measures on its maintenance would be implemented – says Bosić. In 2005, the Committee for Protec-

tion of National Monuments proclaimed the Structural Unit Old Town of Doboj as a national monument of B&H. It consists of bulwarks and towers of the fortress, as well as mobile heritage in the Museum of Doboj, i.e. archaeological excavations found in 1963 and 1973 (parts of a grindstone, ceramics from the Middle Ages and the era of Turkish occupation, stone cannonballs, various arrows, iron wedges, jewelry, glasses...). POSSIBILITIES, TOURIST AND OTHERS After the reconstruction completed by “Rotor” in 2006 with help from the municipality and donors, the Doboj fortress, says Bosić, has become the first local tourist attraction. Destroyed parts of the old fortress were reconstructed and protected, and the fortress has obtained new, tourist function. Replicas of old weapons, knightly welcome with fanfare, monolog of the fortress princess, tournament of knights for the hand of the princess, as well as a program for school trips, are only a part of the unique offer. – One of the first programs, organized during reconstruction, was festival “Cultural Summer on the Doboj Fortress” (it takes place every year). It was followed by festivals of food and beverages “DobojGastro” 2007 and 2008, and regional tourism festival “FestTour”, and the Doboj fortress became the center of gathering of tourist economies from the Southern Slavic regions – says Bosić.

He emphasizes that the fortress, since its construction in the Middle Ages, has been extremely significant for the entire region. The modern Doboj and surrounding settlements have been funded thanks to the fortress. – The medieval Doboj fortress is a cultural and historical monument of exceptional value for Doboj, Srpska and wider area of the Balkans. Centuries long history of Gradina is written on every stone of this fortification. The fortress is a symbol and an important tourist potential of Doboj – says Mitra Đuričić, acting director of the Tourist Organization of Doboj. Both Bosić and Đuričić emphasize that all possibilities of the fortress, despite the large number of visitors and programs, have not been used. – There are many ideas as to how we could complete the tourist offer here. The most interesting is the idea about a kind of permanent performance, which would show the way of life of people from this region through certain historical periods – says Đuričić. Bosić emphasizes that the potential of the fortress, at the junction of important roads in Srpska and B&H, has not been properly used primarily because of the lack of funds. – We hope for better times and stringer awareness of importance of financing culture and historical heritage. In this way, the fortress could get what it deserves and its potentials could be used more completely.  SRPSK A  No 5  2014




In the Network of Roman Roads Coins, weights and the remains of monuments from the third and fourth centuries are only part of what archaeologists from Gradiška found in Mahovljani, after invitation from the local people. Roman settlement here undoubtedly existed, and presumably it is a road station Ad Fines. In ancient times, people lived here continuously until intrusion of the barbarians in late fourth century By: Nataša Lazendić


lready at the end of the 19th century, famous archaeologist Karlo Pač showed interest in the area of today’s Mahovljani in Laktaši municipality. He found remains of the ancient period in this village. Other scientists were also interested in this area. Although for centuries the population has been finding jewelry, coins, bricks and other remains, detailed

Lijevče polje In the late 19th century, Karlo Pač says that the entire Lijevče polje was inhabited in the ancient times. There were numerous agricultural villages here, the so-called villae rusticae. In the Roman period, there was a settlement around the thermal bath in Laktaši. Remains of Roman buildings have also been found in the villages of Šušnjari, Hrvaćani and Trn in Laktaši municipality. Gradiška, the neighboring municipality, is also well known for the findings from the Roman period.


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archaeological explorations have not been performed. For many reasons. It was only in late 2013, upon invitation from the residents of Mahovljani, that archaeologists from the Home Museum in Gradiška began explorations next to the highway Banjaluka-Gradiška, t the site called Maleševića polje. They found many things. Among others, coins, and remains of the monuments, which clearly indicates, they say, that once there was a Roman settlement here. Presumably, it was Roman road station Ad Fines. – For many times during their work in the fields, residents of Mahovljani would find various objects from the Roman period. The Đumišić family recently gave us two coins found on their land. One is illegible, and the other is from the fourth century, money of Julian the Apostate (reigned between 361

Road Stations Roman road stations, on all more important Roman roads, contained shops, workshops, storage areas, warehouses... Border stations also had military garrisons and customs.

and 363). It was forged for the thirtieth anniversary of some important event, maybe even for the e30th anniversary of the founding of Constantinople – says archeologist Milan Đurđević, director of the Home Museum in Gradiška. Archeological remains were found mostly on the left side of Banjaluka–Gradiška road, where a Roman road used to pass, as had been previously established. At the end of last year, archeologists explored the site and performed probe explorations. They found significant material from the 3rd and 4th century. – Prominent are coins of Emperor Constantine, Valentinian I, Julian the Apostate and Gratian. A lead weight was also found, with inscribed Roman number XII, which signifies its grammage. It was most probably used during coin production. There is also a key from the 3rd or 4th century. Explorations indicate that most probably there was a Roman settlement on this site, villa rustica – emphasizes archeologist Bojan Vujinović, who has been exploring this site together with Đurđević. A number of iron wedges have been unearthed, smaller lead weights, iron rings, parts of vessels, Roman brick... Fragments of brick of hypocaust indicate that central heating was used here. – The most interesting finding is a battlement of a stele (top of an upright monument) and square shaped inner box for the stele, and we may conclude that there is a Roman necropolis here, namely cemetery. The battlement has illustrations of lions, which is a very frequent motif in the Roman Empire from the 1st until the late 4th century, and this battlement is from the 3rd or 4th century – says Vujinović. The site bears witness to the continuity of life and permanent inhabitance of this area in ancient times. – It was like this until the late 4th century, when the barbarians entered this area. The population migrates to the mountain to protect themselves. Roads were also moved to the slopes of Kozara Mountain, where there are several fortifications created after the 4th century. Gradina is the most interesting, in the

village of Gornji Bakinci, which existed from the late 4th century until the first decades of the 7th century – says Vujinović. ON THE BORDER Especially interesting is the fact that traces of a Roman settlement indicate Road station Ad Fines, which was written about by numerous explorers. Ad Fines means near the border or before the border. – There are remains of maps of this area in ancient times. They show data about Ad Fines. O tome Ivo Bojanovski talks about this in his monograph Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Ancient Times“, in the work “The Bosnian Sava Basin”, which addresses the issue of southern border of the Pannonia Province. Well known Solin inscription Dolabele viam a colonia Salonitana ad fines Illyrici places Ad Fines station in where Mahovljani is situated today – says Vujinović. On the famous Tabula Peutingeriana, one of the oldest cartography images from the Roman period, Ad Fines station was drawn at about 24 kilometers south from Servicium, what Gradiška is today. Ad Fines, adds Vujinović, is also mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary (Itinerarium Antonini). – Word iter in Latin means road, namely road map with descriptions of roads. It shows road stations and distances between them in Roman miles. In the Antonine Itinerary, Ad Fines road station is also placed in the area of where Mahovljani is today. There are discussions as o whether Ad Fi­ nes is the border between provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia, or between Illyrian tri­ bes Oseriates and Maezaei. – Previous explorations have given very positive results, and already this spring we expect their continuation and answers to many open questions. We will work within explorations of the early Byzantine city of Balkis. This is necessary, in order to explore in detail the ancient life in Lijevče polje – conclude Đurđević and Vujinović. s

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 The parapet of the stele, an interesting finding in Mahovljani




The name of the library has changed with time, but the readers have never forgotten where its doors are. This written treasure preserves touches of all those dedicated in the secret and power of a book. The collection is not yet very bog, but from cultural aspects it is precious, from Reuchlin’s “De verbo mirifico“ from 1552, through first editions of books by Vuk Karadžić, to titles from personal library of Petar Kočić. Digitalization of this repository, a well as existence of an electronic catalogue since 2007, has profound importance for Serbian national culture By: Milica Despot

Photographs: Archives of NUBRS



hose who truly enjoy reading adventure will certainly have no regrets if they open the door of the National and University Library of Republika Srpska and head toward the Collection of Old and Rare Books. Real pearls are hidden in this paper kingdom SRPSK A  БРОЈ 5  2014

and special treasure consists of three books from Kočić’s personal library. – The proof of ownership is the seal of Petar Kočić with autograph impressed on the front page of one and cover pages of two books, as well as librarian remark that they were a gift from Milka Kočić, author’s

wife – says the bibliographer at the national library of Srpska, Jelena Janjić, in charge of the Collection of Old and Rare Books. From the library of Petar Kočić, famous writer from Banjaluka, this collection includes works The Open Sea and Ordinary Man by Branislav Nušić (Belgrade, 1905), by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos De administrando imperio, chapters 29–36 (Zagreb, 1909) and Data for the Study of Educational Work in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Report for “Prosvjeta“ Survey (Sarajevo, 1911). – It is assumed that these books arrived in Banjaluka as a gift in 1956, with a part of Kočić’s archive, as a way in which the writer’s wife Milka expressed her gratitude to her hometown in a nice way. These books may be useful in reconstruction of the original Kočić’s library, most of which is in the collection of the National Library of Serbia, and a part of it is in the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of B&H – explains Janjić. Admirers of the works of this writer and national tribune can find among rare books of the National and University Library of Republika of Srpska a copy of his famous Cries from Zmijanje. – The book was printed in “Serbian Printing Office” in Zagreb in 1910. That same

year, Petar Kočić in Banjaluka started magazine Development. It was published monthly, from January to June 1910, and only six editions were released. Continuing the tradition of Kočić’s Development, a group of intellectuals later, at the time of Vrbas Banate, launched a magazine with the same name – reminds Janjić. That Development was in print from 1935 to 1941. The National Library of Srpska, in cooperation with publishing house “Besjeda” from Banjaluka, published in 2010 its facsimile edition.

 Bibliographer Jelena Janjić, in charge of the collection of old and rare books at the National and University Library of Srpska

HISTORY OF THE CULTURE OF READING The Collection of Old and Rare Books in the Library of Srpska is not big in numbers, it has 400 bibliographical units, but, Janjić explains, because of diverse content and numerous cultural data, it is a treasure that deserves to be presented to the public. All books from this collection are available only in the library reading room, take out is not allowed. They are mostly used by researchers. The foundation is formed by books from the field of social sciences, literature, history, linguistics, pedagogy, law and religion. SRPSK A  No 5  2014



Gifts A big number of works in the Collection of Old and Rare Books have been donated by archpriest Dušan Kecmanović, which is recorded on books themselves. – With cooperation from Society “Prosvjeta”, and under the agreement with the Serbian Reading Room, which was then headed by archpriest Dušan Kecmanović, in 1936 the National Library was founded, from which a big number of books were donated to us – says Jelena Janjić.

They take special care of the rarities in the Library. The Collection is also physically separated from other books. In metal containers, at temperature of 18 degrees, it is also protected from daily light. – The oldest preserved treasure in the current collection is comprised books that used to belong to the former Serbian Reading Room (1868). The oldest in the collection is De verbo mirifico by Johann Reuchlin (1455–1522), printed in 1552 in Lion – says Janjić. In announcements of new editions they often printed calls for subscription, and lists of subscribers in books themselves. Lists of subscribers indicate the number and social class of the readers, as well as places where they lived, which is precious data for various cultural and historical researches. In this was, contemporary readers can find out what mademoiselles of Banjaluka used to read beck then, what kind of literature was fashionable, but also what was included in the mandatory list of former students. A little history of the culture of reading in Banjaluka hides among the walls of the library, and it is understandable why this collection has been attracting increasing attention among “ordinary readers” as well. It is important to mention that from October 2007, after the transfer to computerized categorization of the rarities, they also enabled browsing of a part from this collection in the electronic catalogue ( RARITIES SPEAK Significance of the collection is also reflected in the available works by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić. – Among the rarities in our library, his works are the most numerous. This includes Serbian Dictionary (Vienna, 1818 and 1852) and Serbian Folk Proverbs (Vienna, 1849) - says Jelena Janjić. History of the library begins on November 25, 1935, when it was decided to estab-


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lish the National Library of King Petar I the Great Liberator, in Banjaluka. Administration of the House of King Petar I provided necessary facilities for the library, ministry of education allocated one elementary school teacher as the librarian. The royal Banate Administration of Vrbas Banate and municipality of the city of Banjaluka allocated permanent annual subsidy, and Serbian Educational and Cultural Society “Prosvjeta” and Serbian Reading Room in Banjaluka made available a big number of their books. Some books were also donated by the Real Gymnasium in Banjaluka and some businessmen. The library then had 6,000 books. Society “Prosvjeta” allowed that books could also be borrowed from the Central Library in Sarajevo. Records say that on April 26, 1936, the National Library of King Petar I the Great Liberator was officially opened with a big ceremony in the House of King Petar I the Great Liberator. In Banjaluka, like in the entire Vrbas Banate, there had been no public libraries before this. Pursuant to the decision of the Assembly of Municipality of Banjaluka, on July 30, 1980, the National Library changes its name into National and University Library “Petar Kočić”, and pursuant to the decision of the government from 1999, the name of Republika Srpska was added to the name of the library. It was renamed as the National and University Library of Republika Srpska pursuant to the decision of the government from December 7, 1999. The library has been changing its name through decades, but the readers have never forgotten where its doors are, the doors through which, and through countless pages of books, one opens “the gates of history and culture”. Written treasure, much older than the library in the repositories of which it was deposited, preserves touches of all those dedicated in the secret and power of a book, through numerous times. Because of them, the libraries have the reason to breathe a sigh of relief. 

On the Network of All Networks – Digitalization of old and rare books from the collection of the National and University Library of Republika Srpska has great significance for the institution itself, its readers, but also for protection and presentation of cultural treasure contained in its collection. The Collection of Old and Rare Books needs protection that can be achieved through digitalization – says Janjić and reminds us that the digital collection is also available on the website of the library ( SRPSK A  No 5  2014



Following the Traces of Aleksa Šantić By: Aleksandra Glišić


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For more than a century, the Society has been preserving the best this city and Serbs in Herzegovina have, things without which Mostar would lose its soul and become “a common storage of houses in a rocky area”. It has preserved it under four occupations, in three wars and six regimes, even when everyone else thought that there is nothing more to preserve. It renewed its operations in 1990, and after the nineties’ war has its seat in the Vladičanski Dvor in Mostar. It continues its important mission and expands its programs

Photographs: Archive of “Prosvjeta”

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C E N T E R S  Monument to Aleksa Šantić in Mostar. Restored Bishop’s Palace (Vladičanski dvor) of the Diocese of Zahumlje, Herzegovina and the Littoral in Mostar, where the Serbian Consulate and the seat of “Prosvjeta” board are also located

 Programs of “Prosvjeta” are divers and well visited



fter spending the night in Mostar, what wakes one up in the morning is not sound, it is light. These words written by Ivo Andrić are confirmed the morning when the Herzegovinian sun lures the reporters of National Review to take a walk through this city. The silent call of Aleksa Šantić, Mostar’s greatest poet of all times, takes us down his paths. Down the same cobblestone road he walked towards his two greatest loves, Anka Tomlinović and Zorka Šola. We come to Šantić’s monument. The poet, in marble and blossom, quietly looks at the city. We continue, towards our hosts from the renewed board of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society “Prosvjeta” in Mostar. A view of the Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity: destroyed in the latest war, still not completely renewed, however Serbs gather here, especially on Sundays and holidays, as a big praying community. “Prosvjeta”. One of the main guardians of Serbian spirituality and tradition in Mostar. – By dedicating myself to the Mostar “Prosvjeta”, that is, by dedicating myself to the role of its president, I experienced

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Memory of Aleksa In February, “Prosvjeta” marked the 90th year since the death of Aleksa Šantić. After the memorial service in the Church of Nativity of Virgin Mary, members of “Prosvjeta” and “Gusle”, together with priest of Mostar Marko Gojačić and admirers of the great Serbian poet, visited his grave. Ranko Čvoro, vice president of Mostar “Prosvjeta” spoke about Šantić.

its problems as my own – tells us deacon Branislav Rajković, head of the Board. – I consider my primary assignment resolving the main problems not only of “Prosvjeta”, but also the wider community of the people I belong to. By this, I primarily mean unity, the essential application of what that idea means. We need everyone: young and old, men and women, the rich and the poor, those who live in the cities and in the country, position and opposition… Unity and harmony is what we need most. No individual or fraction can bring us this, regardless of their wisdom, experience, strength and will – says the deacon. “Prosvjeta” is really important for Serbs who returned to Mostar after the war.

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– Almost unchanged for over a century, “Prosvjeta” today has the same, very important tasks. Founded in 1902 in Sarajevo, “Prosvjeta” was in operation (with pauses during the world wars) until 1949, when the activities of national societies in B&H was banned. Its activities could be traced in three different state orders: under AustroHungarian occupation in B&H, in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and socialist Yugoslavia. – The present time does not differ from the past for those who should be educated, but for those who should educate and cultivate. “Prosvjeta” today points out and gathers people who should serve as an example. This enhances its reputation – believes Rajković. PRUDENTLY AND PERSISTENTLY, WITH SELF-AWARENESS In order to remain on the level of its importance, “Prosvjeta” is still working hard, preparing various programs. It organizes annual events, such as “Šantić’s Poetry Evening”, “Christmas Concert”, “Orations of St. Sava”… There are also numerous poetry readings, book promotions, lectures, theatrical plays and musical performances. – Our intention is to draw attention to other important people of our city and area, whose personalities, work, even identity, were neglected or misinterpreted – says Rajković. In order to remain faithful to the first president of Mostar “Prosvjeta”, Aleksa Šantić, they did not forget the Serbian Singing and Cultural and Art Society “Gusle”.

Organization The Assembly of “Prosvjeta” has numerous members. The Board is made of eleven people (president Branislav Rajković, vice president Ranko Čvoro, secretary Milan Sitarski). He is automatically the president of the “Gusle” Society (now presided by Radislav Tubić). President of the Supervisory Board is Simo Gordić, manager of the Archive Šemsudin Zlatko Serdarević, manager of the Library Jagoda Serdarević...

– “Gusle” are a collective member of Mostar “Prosvjeta”. As the first honorary president of “Gusle”, Šantić was the founder of both societies. Members were people, who, like him, left a deep trace in the culture of both Serbs and nations with whom they lived and are living now. Since January, says Rajković, they are especially committed to the project “Prosvjeta” School of Serbian Language, History and Culture. Elementary and high school students are enabled to hear lectures from educational and scientific areas which do not exist in the official educational system of the Herzegovina-Neretva canton. The objective is to fully utilize the cooperation with other boards of “Prosvjeta”, both here and in the diaspora. The cultural lighthouse around which Serbs in Mostar gather are “Šantić’s Poetry Evenings”. – “Šantić’s poetry evenings” have been continuously held from the beginning to the very day, so this year will be the 95th in a row. We wish to make them shorter, yet with higher quality. We will also improve the regular thematic evenings. The work of “Prosvjeta” in Mostar was renewed in 1990, and after the war, its members began using Vladičanski Dvor in Mostar, where most of their programs are organized. 

 The people also defend themselves with culture: Programs of “Prosvjeta” in Mostar

Groups – In order to expand and improve connections between our members, and in order to be more successful in our activities, we founded a series of groups early this year and appointed their coordinators. So now, besides the Assembly, President, Board of Directors and Supervisory Board, we also have the Scientific (coordinator Tamara Rajković), Artistic (coordinator Veselin Gatalo) and Organizational (coordinator Velibor Stanković) groups – says deacon Branislav Rajković, president of “Prosvjeta”. SRPSK A  No 5  2014




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School Lectures in “Prosvjeta’s” School of Serbian Language, History and Culture will be held from February to June this year. Teachers of Serbian language will be Jelena Gordić and Tanja Čvoro, of Serbian history Milan Sitarski, of Serbian culture Tamara Rajković...

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Maybe life really is a funny habit, but only those who know how to laugh know this. They know who the man on the horse is and the fat guy who is with him, they recognize all those cute little dragons, they always keep some peas for the princess and do not forget messages of the Pinocchio’s nose. What are we talking about? Come to this Museum, unique in Southeast Europe, and it will be revealed to you. And bring your children, don’t be ridiculous By: Vanja Vojinović


ead soldier, Pinocchio, the Master and Margaret, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza and the Wizard of Oz welcome us while we are entering the Museum of Theatrical Puppets of Republika Srpska, the only one in Southeast Europe. We start to feel like Gulliver in the Land of Puppets, the namesake hero of a production of the Children’s Theatre of RS, whose puppets are also included in the exhibition of this unusual and valuable museum in Banjaluka. In the first exhibition in the museum housed in the Children’s Theatre of Srpska, the visitors can see puppets from 23 productions. Among them are those from production Aucassin and Nicolette, by an unknown author from the 12th century, which premiered here in 1982. It was directed by Miroslav Ujević, and the puppets were designed and created by Branko Stojaković. Puppet painting is signed by Sejfulah Bibić. Although the museum was officially opened only last spring, director of the Children’s Theatre of Republika Srpska, Predrag Bjelošević, says that this theatre has kept the puppets with care and pride, boldly heading toward the ambitious project. – Puppet is as old as civilization, and puppetry is an art for all ages and all times. People are happy and the city is proud if it has long tradition of the art of puppetry – says Predrag Bjelošević.

He reminded us that the Museum of Theatrical Puppets of Srpska was created out of awareness of the need to preserve local and global puppetry treasure, which has been kept by the Children’s Theatre of Srpska since its establishment in 1955. FROM THE BEST WORKSHOPS

 Puppets from productions “Master and Margarita”, “Ducklings”, “Don Quixote”...

– Visitors of the museum can see, on 300 square meters, more than two hundred puppets, including those from productions The Princess and the Pea, Little Fairy, Dragon from Vojteška Street, Magic Flute. Puppets were created in the best workshops of European cultural centers, such as Sofia, Prague, Berlin, Warsaw, Sankt Petersburg – says Bjelošević. Authors of the first exhibition in the museum are set designer Dragana Purković– Macan and puppeteer Zoran Bjelošević. – Inspiration for this exhibition came naturally. When I enter the Children’s Theatre of Srpska and see the collection of beautiful puppets, costume design and set

Puppeteers Puppets exhibited at the Children’s Theatre of Srpska were made by Svila Veličkova, Marieta Golomehova, Stefka Kjuvlijeva, Vasil Rokomanov, Ana Pulijeva, Ana Viktorova, Ahmed Bešić, Zoran Bjelošević.

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Puppets for Adults Special treasure of the puppet collection are certainly Master and Margaret, well known characters of the novel by Mikhaíl Bulgakov, who were under director’s eye of Slavčo Malenov turned into a puppet production for adults.

 Exhibition in the Puppet Museum keeps attracting attention of children and adults

design, the ideas come on their own - says Dragana Purković–Macan. The youngest audience, as can be expected, is thrilled the most. Boys and girls stop in front of fairies and princesses. They make loud comments on their favorite heroes, such as Pinocchio. – If you lie, your nose will grow big, just like Pinocchio’s – we are advised by one of the girls who is curiously looking at exhibited puppets. And Pinocchio is one of the major hits of the Children’s Theatre of Srpska, staged by Bulgarian director Slavčo Malenov. The production of the namesake play by Carlo Collodi premiered in this theatre in 2007, and Pinocchio’s team of puppets is a work of Vasil Rokomanov. Told many times, the story about the puppet boy on the stage of Banjaluka was given new clothes. No doubt, the impressive puppets made a great contribution. Animal Farm by George Orwell was the real hit, when in 2007 it was performed on the stage of the Children’s Theatre, adapted for stage and directed by Aleksej Ljeljavski. True theatre lovers, who know quality when they see it, liked to watch this production that used to be on the repertoire of the EvePhotographs: ning Stage of “Atelier 333”. Although Farm Archive of the Puppet Museum is no longer one of their living productions,


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the puppets have become a part of the museum and true bait for visitors. The puppet that represents pig’s head, with pink beads, still reminds the audience of the excellent theatrical version of Orwell’s bestseller. MASTER, TAKE CARE OF MARGARET Those who understand the situation in theatre in Banjaluka still remember the remarkable production of Master and Margaret, with puppets by Vasil Rokomanov. It premiered in 2000, but it was renewed in 2005, and was then on the repertoire for some time. Margarita in red dress and Master in light suit are not the favorite characters among the youngest visitors of the museum, but the older ones stand in front of these puppets for a long time, as if paying honors to one of the greatest writers in the history of literature. And on guard among all these puppets, like two lone knights in the struggle against windmills, there are Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Without exaggerating, these puppets seem to be alive, which was also the comment from numerous spectators at the première of this production directed by Hartmur Lorenz in April 2010. Karin Tifens is the creator of these puppets, thanks to which the novel by Miguel de Cervantes was given new clothes and the production became attractive for adults. But, Don Quixote is not less interesting to little ones who are asking who “the man on the horse is and the fat guy with him”. Little Elfa was at the time of its premiere, in 1992, a true spectacle for children. Puppets from this production are a whole new story. They were made by Ahmed Bešić, and the director was Slobodan Stojanović. Equal enthusiasm, many years later, in 2011, was caused by The Princess and the Pea directed by Biserka Kolevska. Children were talking for das about how puppets were “biiiig and beautiful”, the work by Biserka Kolevska. Before we leave, we stop in front of the boy-puppet form production Life is a Vicious Habit by Duško Radović and director Nenad Bojić. Radović’s thought was brought to life last year on the stage of the Children’s Theatre, and the puppets in bright colors were made by Zoran Bjelošević. The hero of Duško Radović bids us farewell in Guernsey shirt with a red heart in front, staying as the part of the best company he could have been given in his puppet life. 

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Acting Has Always Kept Me in Its Grip Already in the elementary school she dominated the stage. She enrolled in the Academy when she was in the third grade of high school, acting Ćopić’s Little girl and Batrić’s Sister. She thinks that one’s responsibility for their talent is one of the highest in life. Film and TV roles have helped her, such as those in the “Forger”, “Military Academy”, “That Long Hot Summer”, but even now she says that theatre is her second home. The centre of her world is her little son. She thinks that people should give more to Banjaluka, because Banjaluka knows how to give back By: Dajana Korolija

Photographs: Dajana Korolija and archive of Anja Ilić


wenty-nine year old theatre and film actress. She graduated from the Academy in Banjaluka, and is a proud member of the National Theatre of Srpska. Although people knew about her even “beyond her hometown”, she still wants to build her acting career here, where her family and friends are. She has never given up on her way, the way of acting. And now, as a grown woman, mother and wife, she says that theatre is her second home. There she lives her dreams, enjoys and is giving her maximum. Childhood. I have really wanted to act since I was very little: I showed interest exactly for stage and public appearance, acting, reciting, singing. I have always been a member of drama section at school and had that feeling that I would be involved in arts. I felt good in it. Sometimes I would try to find myself in

Influences I have had someone important in each period of my life. In the beginning those were my parents and my sister, later my professor at the Academy, Željko Mitrović, and my then boyfriend, today husband. His opinion has always been important for me. His perspective on what I am involved in. Different phases of my life have been filled out by different, but for me equally important people.


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another profession, but the acting has always kept me in its grip. When I go back to that time, I am sure I would choose the same again. Academy. After completed third grade of gymnasium, I enrolled in the Academy. That was the turning point, my final decision, my road to happiness. For the entrance exam, I prepared monolog “Batrić’s Sister” from The Mountain Wreath, and as comic monolog I used “Little girl” from Nikoletina Bursać and some other poems. I made it into the second circle, which lasted seven days. We had individual classes, then group ones, and we wrote critical essays about films, we sag, we danced... I must admit that it was a little stressful. At the end, seven of us were chosen, four girls and three boys, in the class of associate professor Željko Mitrović. We have all graduated. Then they also recognized my high school diploma. But, I remember, I stalled with my thesis work, and at one moment I was twenty three years old and only had elementary school diploma. Now that sounds funny. I graduated with play Murlin Murlo by Nikolaj Koljada. The feeling at the end was mixed. You are happy because you finished one chapter in your life, now you have something behind, some work, but you also feel sad.

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В И ­Ш Е






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Beautiful and difficult things happen at the Academy, there are some impressions that I will remember for as long as I live. Seven of us, in the class, were very much directed at one another. We worked together, mostly there were group assignments, team work, which brings you to the future work, theatre itself, because you are learning to work in smaller or bigger groups. Support. My parents were prejudiced at first. In a small town you must have strong will in order to create something, and everything can also be in vain. For them it was important that at the end of the story the outcome is positive and that it is something that I could make a living from. But, when I was enrolling in the Academy, that was not important for me. All that mattered is that I was acting, that’s it. They knew that I had chosen this as my life, that I wanted it, that it meant something for me. And really, at the end, both friends and family were on my side. Talent. I think that everybody who recognizes a certain talent and affinity toward something must not be irresponsible toward that. One should educate this with full faith, nurture it, work on it, because something good will come out of it, at any case. I don’t mean only in the material sense, but also spiritually. They would improve as people, it will mean something for them, they will feel fulfilled. Theatre. Besides it being my place of work, it really, really means a lot to me. Beautiful things happen there. It is excitement, escape from reality. I don’t say that my reality is bad and that I want to run away from it, but this is a nice refuge, another world, away from the everyday life. At least for an hour or two you have the opportunity to live some other life, to be another person. It is magic. At first, I was a free lance associate for two-three years. Three and a half years ago I was admitted as a permanent member of the National Theatre. Like all things in life, this also carries its weight, there are two sides to a coin. Of course, for me it has more positive things. I think, if I would do anything else in life, that would not last long and I would be unhappy. Every day

is different for me, from the moment I enrolled in the Academy until this moment. Every time I do something else, rehearsals are twice a day, working hours flexible, it is exciting and I would enjoy anything else like I enjoy this. Roles and Awards. After second year at the Academy, I got my first role in theatre, in production Donkey Years by Branko Ćopić, adapted for stage by Radmila Smiljanić, directed by Nemanja Petronji. Almost everybody from my class acted in that production. A wonderful experience. All of us were literally transferred from the Academy to the theatre. We played kids who were, at that time, younger than us. It was a lot of fun and full of excitement. The second role I got was the lead role in Game Trail directed by Filip Grinvald. We were young, twenty one- twenty two. It was a great experience in a different way, the lead role, responsibility to myself, to people who gave me that role. It was really successful. At MESS Festival in Sarajevo I received the award for the best young actress, Filip was winning awards for directing. After that I received many other awards. After this production, people from the theatre recognized me as someone who could become their member. The most important award was the one “from home”, when Game Trail was proclaimed the best production, and I the best actress in the season. They say that I was so happy, as if I received the Academy Award, but for me it had special emotional significance. There are no roles that I am secretly looking forward to. I think that they come by themselves. I would like to work with good colleagues and on good plays, with people who have opinions and ideas, who are at he same wave length as I am, to work for the common cause. If such projects are waiting for me, I would be overjoyed and I would give my best.

 The role of Spirinica in Nušić’s “The Parliamentarian” As Katarina in Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”

Free Time I like to walk, I really enjoy it. I like to go out in the nature. It relaxes me. I read, watch films. I enjoy with my family, friends, my sister and her girls. I like when I spend time with people who are closest to me, but also people who have nothing to do with theatre.

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 The role of Therese in Roger Vitrac’s “Victor or Power to the Children” As Amy in production “The Star is Born” by Branislav Pipović



Film, Television. I wish there is more of it. Most of these things I did outside my city. I haven’t done a lot of it, but then I have in comparison with other actors her. It is a completely different medium than theatre performance, carries special excitement and charm, although theatre is my firs love and always my first choice. While I was a student, I did many student films, with students of film directing, editing, camera. My first major film role was in film December 32, directed by Saša Hajduković. I would also mention roles in films Zduhač Called Adventure, The Forger, roles in TV series That Long Hot Summer, Military Academy. Those were not big roles, but had some specificity. Every actor should undergo that type of drill and training, it is important that you keep your acting fitness. I am sorry that there are no bigger investments in it, and I hope that not much time will pass until something changes, because as a young actress I feel very frustrated and unhappy for the current condition in this area. Wife and mother. I find strange all that. I have always thought that it would happen, but not yet. However, it happened. I have been together for ten years with my husband. It was, finally, the normal order of events, and we wanted it. Now, I have to admit, I am overjoyed that everything happened as it did. Only when you become a part of it you can say what it is and how much you enjoy it. The list of priorities has changed, you are no longer your highest priority. Now there is my little boy, very cute, the centre of my world. It takes sacrifices and understanding from both sides. It seems that one must be sufficiently tolerant and love the person who is involved in my profession a lot. Banjaluka. I am tied to its streets, buildings and institutions, but most important for me are the people, environment. It may sound cruel, but I think that I could live somewhere else also if I feel good in the environment. I am sorry that they do not invest more in Banjaluka, in young people, arts and culture. It has its power with which it could pay back. To spark here. People here are searching for additional possibilities in addition to their main profession. I have this opportunity through films, TV series, addition-


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al engagements, but that is not easy. We should nurture it more. Music. My second love. Good ear and affinity toward music runs in my family, although I did not educate my voice and I am very sorry for that. It is my unfulfilled wish. I think that it was my big mistake, it is that irresponsibility to your talent, although it is never too late to dedicate myself more to it. I acted in musical A Star Is Born. I enjoyed it. I had the opportunity to act Amy Winehouse, the modern icon of world music scene. It was phenomenal to sing and to dance. Actors have rare opportunities to do that, because it is more demanding in terms of production. I don’t divide music into the one I like and the one I dislike. I also enjoy pop music, and old country music if performed well. I like jazz, blues soul, it all depends on my mood, atmosphere and the moment, my current interest. The Just Assassins. The latest production in which I act is The Just Assassins by Albert Camus. It was directed by Bojana Lazić. It premiered on March 15. An exceptional play. The cast includes my colleagues from the Academy, the male part of the team. It is my pleasure, especially since we had not worked together since the Academy. The entire season will be marked by the year of 1914, and one hundredth anniversary of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip. Our play takes place in Russia. A group of terrorists is planning assassination of a grand duke. The story reveals their relationships, conflicts, opinions, doubts. It is interesting and I believe we have made a good production that the audience will like to watch. It is not a comedy, I know that audience loves that, but purpose of the theatre is not only to entertain. There are also other things that can enrich you and make you think. In dreams and in reality. Uh, it is so uncertain, especially in this time. My child is my priority. As form my work, I want to stay in shape as an actress. I would like to have more roles in film and television. I would like for all my colleagues to work as much as possible, to have more action. I wish things would shake up a little, start moving. Good health, good relationships with people. 

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True Meaning of Giving Not yet thirty years old, and he already spent more than one third of his life leading the humanitarian organization “Solidarity for Kosovo”. From 2004, he has secured support from eight thousand French donors and delivered to the Serbs in occupied Kosovo and Metohija, in thirty humanitarian shipments, aid worth more than 1.5 million Euros. He says that power of the Serbs lies in faith and solidarity, and that this people have given him much more that what he has given to it. He has learned to speak Serbian, he worked in Srpska, married to a Serb, and from 2012 he has been living in Belgrade


few years ago, when I visited Belgrade for the first time, exactly in this bookshop I bought my first Serbian language dictionary. Today, my book in Serbian language sits in the windows of that same bookshop.... My special wish, which Photographs: also has a symbolic character, was to pubMatija Koković lish this book first in Serbian language. Unand Archives of NR fortunately, I was not able to write directly


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in Serbian, but Milan Komnenić created a faithful version of my book. Now, when I read it in Serbian, I have a strange feeling that I wrote it in this language, as if I made it fully mine in this translated version. As you have already mentioned, I am the founder of French humanitarian organization “Solidarity for Kosovo”, which has been, since 2004, helping Serbs in Kosovo

and Metohija. In the past ten years we have organized thirty humanitarian shipments worth more than 1.5 million Euros. Thanks to the support from 8,000 French donors, and in cooperation with Diocese of Raška and Prizren, we have been financing numerous projects in the enclaves, such as renovation of schools, purchase of livestock for village estates, summer vacation at the seaside for children from enclaves... It has been 10 years of such engagement and it is time for me to look back, to make a balance and write this book. Ten years is a lot, when you are not 30 years old yet. It is more than a third of your life! I may say without exaggeration that I spent one third of my life with Serbs... OURS IS WHAT WE GIVE TO OTHERS The questions you might have in mind, and which I have been asked so many times in Serbia: “How? Why? Why would a Frenchman, without Serbian roots, decide to stand up for Serbs in Kosovo, to learn their language and, after that, to connect his own destiny with that of the Serbs, by settling in Belgrade with his wife?” The answer to these questions lies in the book. This book, which is on the border between autobiography and a dissertation, seem as the best way for me to explain to the

Serbs my ten-year long work in the enclaves in Kosovo. To explain to them the reason for such engagement, as well as the reasons that led me to come to Serbia and live among the Serbs. Today I want to talk to them, to whom this book is dedicated. People often thank me for all the help we have brought and provided for the Serbs in Kosovo, but I have never had the possibility to tell them how much I admire their courage and nobility, despite the poverty in which they live, to tell them what they have given to me. I have brought help to these people, but I have received from them a hundred times more. I have learned that you gain by giving. I have learned that courage does not belong only to men, but also women who have been giving birth to their children all over the en-

 With readers and his wife: Arnaud Gouillon at the Belgrade promotion of his book “All My Roads Lead to Serbia”

New Archibald Rice Born in Grenoble in 1985, he graduated from the prestigious School of Polytechnics of the local University, earning his masters degree. He worked in Paris, Bordeaux, Egypt and Srpska. He grew up in a good and harmonious family, in which the historical French-Serbian friendship is regarded as high value. When he was thirteen years old, in the 1990’s, he realized the true monstrosity of the media deception the victims of which were Serbs in the Balkans. After the anti-Serbian Pogrom in the occupied Kosovo in 2004, he founded the organization “Solidarity for Kosovo” and started the mission that has lasted up to present day. SRPSK A  No 5  2014


F R I E N D S  “I brought help to these people, but they gave me a hundred times more”

claves, raising them and believing in their future. This faith is the power of those people. From those people I have also learned the true meaning of giving. I will never forget that. Once, before the winter, we brought help to Kosovo. We handed out a part of the help in the village of Banja and we were supposed to continue our journey immediately. But it became dark quite early, it started to snow, and the Serbs from Banja would not let us drive in such conditions. They got organized quickly, and provided accommodation for us in their houses. In the house where I was staying, an elderly woman, our hostess, made dinner for us. She took out the best they had: prosciutto, cheese, wood oven bake bread, wine... I was ashamed. I knew that they lived in extreme hardship and that already tomorrow they would not have food for themselves. – Why did you bring all this for us? It is too much. You need it more. We came here to help, and not to be served by you – I told her. – Just help yourself, don’t hesitate – she replied. – You are our guests. – But tomorrow you will not have enough for your family and your children. – Don’t worry, son. If you are not giving what you truly need, you are not really giving. I am not sure that with my actions I have managed to change their lives for better, at any case not as much as I would want to, as much as it should be, but they have changed mine. They have changed my view of the world, shoed me the true meaning of freedom and how one must fight for it. I have learned so much about them, but also about myself. THE WORLD BUILT FROM ABOVE If it hadn’t been for my encounter with the Serbs in Kosovo, with the Serbs in Serbia, in Bosnia and elsewhere where I would meet

Language Once, together with my friends, I brought shipment to a Serbian enclave in Kosovo. I was astounded when a young man from the enclave spoke to me in perfect French. Then I said to myself: if this young man, living in this village, surrounded and with his life at stake, without any tools, and without ever having been in France, was able to learn my language so well, why couldn’t I learn his language in my village. Especially because I have been coming here and I want to understand these people. Then I decided to learn your language that is beautiful but, I must admit, very difficult to learn.


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Doll Before the arrival we had now idea how we will be received by those we want to help. Whether they would reject us, with contempt, angry at France for the way in which it had betrayed them? And they received us in a very simple way, like a brother world receive his brother, cordially and joyfully. I gave a doll to a little girl and her face turned into a big smile. “Do you like to play with dolls?” I asked her through Dragan, my translator. She shrugged and said she didn’t know. When Dragan translated this to me, my heart stopped for a moment: it was the first doll in her life.

them, I would not he talking to you today in this pretty bookshop in the center of Belgrade. Life is a miracle. If someone had told me ten years ago that I would be living n Serbia one day, speak Serbian and be married to Serbia woman, I would not believe them. But life is a miracle. And miracles will never happen to those who do not believe in them. This book is my small contribution to French-Serbian friendship. It has no intention to judge or to flatter. In this book, I simply want to show, as clear as possible, how a young Frenchman in the 21st century sees these for many years friendly people. In addition to humanitarian situation in Kosovo and encounters with people, I have tried in this book to show Serbia and Serbian people in the way in which I saw and experienced them. This book was also born out of a moral need. Filled with an increasing suspicion in social and political action, people, especially young people, are tempted to give up on everything. We often think that the world is built only from above, where big decisions are being made, and not from the bottom, where we, ordinary people, can act. Contrary to this, I think that everybody can, if they want to, become someone who is building that world. Some conviction, will and perseverance are sometimes sufficient to move things. We might not change the world, but we will make it at least a little better. I hope that my book will inspire the affinity to such feats.  (Speech at the promotion of the book “All My Roads Lead to Serbia“, in bookshop-club of the “Official Gazette” in Belgrade, March 11, 2014)

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Healing Potential of a

Kind Word Medicinal is not only a natural science, because a man is not only the body. “Heart is the place where human soul meets with the Lord.” Not less important than analgesic medicine are the apophatic and divine ones. Paracelsus is right when he says that illnesses come from the empire of nature, and healing comes form the empire of spirit. Disorder in social, ethical and educational system is frightening, and we ask ourselves for a reason: who will treat us in the near future? By: Mišo Vujović

 “The most important foundation of doctor’s vocation is love.” (Paracelsus)



e is a professor of surgery, cardio surgery, medical ethics and palliative medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University in Novi Sad. He is the head of the Department for Congenital Heart Defects of the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina, in Sremska Kamenica. He teaches ethics at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade, Department of Parish Psychology and Missiology of the Church, and teaches surgery and health care at the Pan-European University in Banjaluka. He is also a cardio surgeon at the International Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases “MC Medicor” in Izola. He is a member of the All-Orthodox Bioethics Committee of the Ecumenical Patriarchy. He is married to Smiljka, and has four children.

You were born in Prnjavor, in a family of doctors, in the late 1960’s. Your late father, primarius Dr Slavko Šušak, was your personal and professional role model. Freud says that childhood is the parent of a person. What was your childhood like and with what desires you left your parents’ home? Childhood is really a parent, mother of human personality as a unique individual of the god’s domostroy. It is the fruit of parents’ love and total social environment. Freud described this well in his psychoanalytical studies in which – in my modSRPSK A  БРОЈ 5  2014

est opinion – the other parent is still missing, and it is that divine image, hypostasis, archetype, which we all carry in ourselves and which will unmistakably develop from every embryo in a mother’s womb. The mixture of what was given from God and parents’ love makes the milieu of the most sensitive period of our earthly lives. In such a milieu, thank God, I grew up as well. Careless childhood, parents’ love, complete protection. Father was a very strong personality, mother was wise and full of understanding for my father’s vocation. Exactly this little world of a child, the family milieu – says Jung – represents a model of the big world. Looking back, looking from this point of my life, I matured very early and chose the life path I will pursue in the future. My late father was really great support for me in my life but – I realize this only now – also a teacher. He showed me the way I should follow with is own example. Devotion and love for family, dedication to patients, courtesy toward fellow man. IN THE CENTRE OF GOD-LIKENESS You graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad, where you teach today. Can you make an ethical parallel between that time and this one? Technical-technological development gave to people unspeakable possibilities to

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act and influence the entire creation. That action, unfortunately, is not always for the benefit of people and their environment. We are aware of some consequences of that action. We must always keep in mind that civil, secular laws are on the lowest scale of the moral law. A conscientious doctor must always doubt all of his skills and the existing theories, otherwise he will fall into a scheme and algorhythms, which unmistakably lead to limitation and inhumanity. What is reliable in this are our conscience and wisdom in actions. Contemporary circumstances and the speed of everyday life have consumed people today to such an extent, alienated the man from himself, that with his entire being he dove so deep and remains breathless in the wilderness of the information vacuum. It is increasingly evident among young people, future doctors. Simply, there is no more wide education, erudition, eloquence... It has been replaced with binary thinking and multimedia communication. It is very difficult in such a milieu, except for very few examples, to find and build a future good expert, trying to instill in his conscience primarily responsibility as the basis of human existence.

bases of that. We can certainly not measure the soul and all spiritual functions. Then, how can we talk about the cure? We are aware that there are no generally applicable rules in the reality. There are only individual cases, with the most diverse needs and requirements. Every new case requires pioneer work, and every trace of routine turns out to be the wrong way. Fr this reason, every doctor must not only have high professional knowledge – surgeon must have skillful hand, intuition, courage, presence of spirit and determination – but in the first place he must invest huge effort in educating his own character. I have learned from personal experience that kind word, true word – regardless of how painful it may be for the patient and those close to him in that moment – introduces the patient into the atmosphere of natural trust in the doctor, even if he is facing the horror ahead of him. In the light of this, every doctor should rise above mere facts, which are offered to him from poor frameworks of the medicine as a natural science, and to see the man as a godlike individual (personality) with his dignity. Then we can talk about real medicine, apophatic and divine, and not only about the contemporary analgesic medicine.

Kind word is an ointment and cure, but also the postulate of your profession. However, this recipe is now less and less used? The goal of every therapy is the totality of the patient. This totality is reflected in indivisibility of human personality, his, psychosomatics, namely indivisibility of body, soul and mind. Exactly for this reason medicine cannot be classified into socalled natural sciences, because the man is not only his body. Access to a person, especially sick person, requires holism. The basis of that holism, in my modest opinion, is word. Word is the basis and the beginning of every communication, especially kind word. It moves the world. Anyway, the Word (Λόγος) created this world. However, in the dialogue between the doctor and patient, the man placed on the first place not word but a machine. “Personality of the patient requires personality of the doctor in the battleground, and not technically skilled maneuvers”, said Jung not so long ago. We are also measuring certain parameters and make diagnoses and initiate treatment on the


 “The first sip from the glass of natural sciences turns one into an atheist, but at the bottom of that glass there is God.” (Werner Heisenberg)

Surgery is craft, ethics, light, history, refuge, Christianity, way to salvation... In the era of technological perfection, but also spiritual alienation, how do you maintain balance on uncalibrated scale of distorted values? I am not sure that at the age of 45 I have already managed to create harmony on my road to individuation. There is only great

Power of Doctor – Regardless of complexity of the work that we do, difficult situation in the society, lack of understanding from the estate and politicians for this very responsible line of work, none of the doctors have the right to soil the purity of white color of doctor’s coats. The work must be done conscientiously and responsibly, and salary and award will still come at the end. In the light of that, I will quote Paracelsus: “Doctor’s power lies in his heart; his work must be guided by God and shed natural light and experience; the most important foundation of doctor’s vocation is – love.” Purity of the white coat and the uniform we wear is the reflection of our soul. SRPSK A  No 5  2014


P H I L O S O P H Y  “Patient’s personality requires personality of the doctor in the fighting ring, and not technically skilled interventions.” (Carl Gustav Jung)



and continuous effort, prayer, faith and hope to discard that mask, to defeat my Shadow, to face my Anima and somehow to reach my Self. TO rise above Id and to conquer my Ego. That rise and potential victory are very difficult to achieve, but they are not unreachable. Values have been distorted, and the scale is really uncalibrated. I see the way out in calibration of scale, and that is ourselves, regardless of what side of the scale we are on. By changing ourselves, by accepting true and permanent values, in a very near future we would not have anybody on the opposite side of the scale of distorted values. In one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, Deutsches Herzzentrum in Berlin, you sub-specialized cardio surgery. What are your experiences from Germany? Not only in the field of profession or craft, but total? Approach, doctrine, code, approach to the patients...? If we disregard and set aside the well developed state system, mechanisms of internal control and technical-technological superiority of Germany, as one of the most developed European countries, there are essentially no differences. Everywhere there are experts and those who are not so good, those who are hard working and those who do not make much effort, those who are ethical and conscientious those who do not respond to silent calls from their own conscience. A man is just a man even there, with all virtues and flaws. We are witnesses of great increase in cardiovascular diseases in Serbia. The state has been acting in a detached and powerless

Books – Like all other scientists and teachers, university professors, I have moral and professional responsibility toward educational and scientific work. The products of that work are two textbooks (Mitral regurgitation – cardio surgical aspects of diagnosis and treatment and Bases of Surgical Instrumentation) and two chapters in international textbooks (Surgical Valve Replacement – Bioprosthetic vs. Mechanical in the book Calcific Aortic Valve Disease and Aortic Valve Endocarditis in the book Aortic Valve). Another specialized textbook on cardio surgical aspects of diastolic (dys)function of myocardium of the left ventricle is being prepared, a well as a book that will address bioethical controversies and metaphysics of “brain death”. Of course, there are also professional publications in international and national journals, as well as works presented at congresses and symposiums.


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way. Where is Serbian cardio surgery today in comparison with the European one? The answer to this question is not much different from the previous one. Srpska, Serbia and the entire region are facing great struggle in implementation of the value system. It is necessary to define priorities and prevent outflow abroad of young people, and now already experienced experts. Elitism has been lost, and our daily life has turned into a true reality show. We are facing difficult economic situation and incurable wound of Serbian healthcare system – nepotism and employment down party lines. In Serbia there are four serious institutions for cardio surgery. Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica is an institution with world reputation and experience, with about 30,000 open heart surgeries. Very few institutions in Europe have this kind of experience. That is why I call all politicians, our political elite, to turn the disastrous reality of today, this omnipresent agony, into a blessed reality of the future. Only in that way we can preserve that little enthusiasm of a few experts, with whom young generations will be forged in the future, those who will stay to nurture the school of their teachers, and in this way give their contribution in treatment of all diseases. If this does not happen, what kind of response will we give at the little court to our teachers, from whom we learned and who transferred all of their precious knowledge and experiences from abroad to us? What kind of response will we give at the Last Judgment? AGAINST YOU, YOUR LEADERS We live in times when we cannot be proud with role models. Negative selection, favoring the obedient, party lists in all spheres of life, even medicine, resulted in deterioration of the profession and distrust in medical profession. Judging by surveys on corruption, white coats are at the very top! How can we cure one of the most vital organs of the society today? Against you, your leaders... What can we expect from any profession, if its main representatives, and especially those who are running the HR policy, are the result of that negative selection. There are bright exceptions, of course, I walkways empha-

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 “Small world of a child, family milieu, represents a model of the big world”: Dr Šušak with his family under Ostrog




size this. Unfortunately, we are witnesses to a pseudo-Bolognization of universities, students are no longer expected to have true academic knowledge and skills, so that soon we will have a problem with hyper production of (non)personnel, who will constitute a (pseudo)elite of our society. Students who have managed to get away with their lack of knowledge during undergraduate studies will continue to do so during specializations and sub-specializations. They will get jobs in the same way. They will spend their entire working life in the same way. Of course, we have all the reasons to ask the question: Who will treat us in the

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future? To whom are we addressing this question? Not to us doctors-professionals, of course, but exactly those on the opposite side of our uncalibrated social scale. To your question, how can we cure one of the most vital organs of the society today, I can only say that very old phrase: “Doctor, cure yourself...” (Lk 4, 23). You are holding human hearts in your hands every day. Calm hand, steel nerves, skill..., are only the prerequisite for that heart to keep pumping life. What does it feel like to assist to the Almighty and keep someone’s heart in your hand? “Heart is the place where human soul meets with the Lord”. It is a physical and metaphysical organ at the same time. From the metaphysical side – in the words of Holy Archbishop Luka Vojno-Jasenecki i Krimski (in lay world Dr Valentin Feliksovič), one of the most famous surgeons from the late 19th century – heart is the organ of highest human knowledge and the most important organ of the senses. Man, in a way, experiences everything with his heart. (...) If we do not have love for others, if we say heavy and false words, have evil thoughts in our heart, cover the purity of the spirit with a mask, all this affects the heart and it begins to suffer. High blood pressure appears first, then there is metabolic imbalance, where the man enters a vicious circle from which he can hardly get out on his own. Then he goes to a doctor, who subjects him to diagnostic procedures. Typically, one of the diseases would be diagnosed, which requires intensive cardiology and/or cardio surgical treatment. How can one treat a heart then? From the physical side, we treat with medications and/ or with scalpel, and on the metaphysical side, the cure is possible only with a kind word, which should purify the mind and the heart. That kind word – blessing – does not come from us doctors, but from the Creator, and therefore you are completely right when you asked me, what does it feel like to assist to the Almighty and keep someone’s heart in your hand. Again, I would quote words of great Paracelsus, who says: “Illnesses come from the empire of nature, and healing comes form the empire of spirit”. We can talk a lot about this topic, so we better leave it for a separate essay, in line with my humble abilities. s



Despite All Odds

She reached Melbourne last year je thanks to “donations from the audience”, and returned with gold medal that “she is not sure anybody needs”. Sport has taught her that life is struggle, difficulties are a challenge and not excuse, hardship is there to identify heroes. She is aware that many things around us are not good. May be it will be her generation to make things really start moving for the better By: Dejan Bulajić SRPSK A  No 5  2014


T A L E N T S  At the training in her hometown of Trebinje

 Before the ceremonious procession in Melbourne 2013



rpska has a long tradition of success in martial sports. It has excellent boxers, kick-boxers, karateka, judoka... There have been an increasing number of ladies lately. In a group of exceptionally talented and successful female karateka Tamara Lozo stands out, a twenty-year old from Trebinje, who was crowned last year with gold medal at World Championship in Melbourne, in organization by the World Karate Foundation. – If it had not been for people who are well aware of the financial difficulties we are facing, and our people in Australia, we would not have gone to Melbourne. They paid our travel expenses and accommodation. At the competition itself, we felt great support from our people in that distant country. I am very glad for my medal, and medals won by my colleagues Nikola Poluga, Mladen Ploskić, Zoran Bakmaz, Mladen Ćulum, Danka Gavrilović and Maja Mirdinja. We have proven that we work well and are worth a lot. We compensated to our wonderful hosts, in the best possible way, for all attention and funds they had given to us. We have also justified the trust of those

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people in Republika Srpska who helped us to reach this competition. Title of world champion in category up to 60 kilograms is the crown of many years of work of the karateka who many years ago, as a six-year old, entered one of the gyms in Trebinje inspired by martial arts movies. - I know that it is a little unusual for girls to be impressed with martial arts movie stars and to identify with them. But that is exactly what happened to me. Very early in life I started showing brisk temperament, which was partially influenced by my brothers, because when I was very little they taught me to fight for my space with fists. Trebinje is the city where she was born and grew up. – When I was four, my family moved to Trebinje, which will forever have a special pace in my life. I love that city. I have had wonderful childhood moments in it, met and kept for life in my memory some dear people, finished elementary and secondary school, and learned to enjoy light, which is very important for me. Trebinje is a city with a big number of sunny days in a year, and this speaks of cheerfulness

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 At the championship in Novi Sad 2013

and optimism. I miss that a lot, especially here on Pale, where there can be many gloomy and heavy days in a row. Višegrad is also important for my childhood. It is the city where, after my birth, we lived for four years. It might be unusual, but I still remember some places where my parents were taking me, such as the Bridge, which has always seemed impressive to me. I wish these memories would last forever inside me and remain as my strong connection with that beautiful city. LITTLE THINGS THAT MAKE LIFE Tamara is now a student of the Faculty of Law in Pale. – This city is different from those from my childhood. People here live faster, everybody is in a hurry, but they still have time to socialize. I fit in well and I already have a circle of close people. Many of them recognized me, and they probably find it interesting to have a world champion in their company. I believe that there is

Freedom and Rhythms – In my life, of course, there is room for other things as well. Most of my free time I spend with my boyfriend who supports me and who completely understands the rhythm of my obligations. I have a big circle of friends although, to tell you the truth, I am not the type who likes to strengthen her acquaintances by frequently going out and staying until late at night. I have my rhythms. I think that everybody around me know me for running. Pale is surrounded by forests, here are beautiful running and walking treks, and I use them whenever I can.


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bright future for Pale, that it will keep developing and becoming increasingly important. As for the studies, I have always been attracted to law. I wanted to research it and get to know it better. I think that I have chosen the right faculty, because the first freshman impressions confirm this. I admit that I have not begun to think about what I would choose as my life profession. Maybe I will stay in sports, and maybe I will turn to the law, as a lawyer or through judicial practice. It is important that I remain responsible and consequent in the studies, just like in sports. School has always been something special for me. Unlike many other people who sacrificed everything to sports, I missed much training because of school obligations, even when it was clear that I was growing up into a good karateka. The situation now is a little different. I don’t want to stay behind either in sports or at the university. Therefore, there are two priorities in my life: karate and law. Her youth brings other interests as well. – I have already said that, to a certain extent, it was films that inspired me to enter the world of martial arts. I am still interested in films, but not martial arts films. I watch action films and thrillers, which probably says something about my character. Another side of my personality is revealed by comedies, which I really like, provided they are worth something. Love for literature suffers because of lack of free time.

– I enjoy reading but, unfortunately, now I don’t have enough time for that. My daily obligations are abundant, and I have to deprive myself of some beautiful and useful habits. Now I mostly read professional literature, for the university, and some other dear books are waiting for me. Kitchen is yet another place where she has the opportunity to excel. – Those who have tasted my specialties say that I am doing great. I am happy for that, especially now, when I am separated from my family and must eat independently, and my diet has to meet certain conditions, since I practice sports. I like meat, especially white meat, and I can prepare it excellently. I can also make other specialties, from pasta to deserts. BITTER DEPOSIT OF EXPERIENCE Tamara sees the sports in Republika Srpska with certain uneasiness. – Unfortunately, financial problems hinder every serious sports project, in many places, and in our country as well. Those limited funds that are available for sports in Srpska, it seems, mostly go to addresses where there are no good results. I think primarily soccer, while not enough is being invested in other sports, such as martial arts or basis sports. In these sports, athletes are mostly left to themselves and their enthusiasm. There is no good organization, no long-term plans, everything is moving in the circle of intermittent successes, which stand out in the general mediocrity. I also

notice that a decreasing number of parents  Moments of are bringing their children to sports clubs. rest in Melbourne: With Maja As if people have forgotten that sports is Mirdinja and the prerequisite for healthy life. Many clubs operate in a wrong way, they employ insuf- Danka Gavrilović, friends from the ficiently qualified people, and parents see national team. all this and are being discouraged. Walking around What will she do with her children one the city day? – I will certainly advise them to practice sports, but I am not sure whether I would persist that it should be martial arts, especially not karate. I don’t know whether something will change in a near future, whether karate will become and Olympic sport. If that does not happen, everything will remain as it is now: groups of ambitious and enthusiastic people, who are trying their abilities and patience. Honestly, if I direct my children to sports, then it would be sports in which the invested effort is appreciated and rewarded more. So that they would not end up in a situation that they go to a world championPhotographs: ship from donations of the audience, and Archive of return from it with a golden medal that Tamara Lozo nobody would appreciate enough. 

With Headphones – Whenever possible, I have headphones on my ears. Music means a lot to me, it makes me feel better and makes me focus on some beautiful things. I love music that inspires passion and powerful energy, but also beautiful emotion. Pop and rock are my choice. I am sorry that there were no good concerts of that type in Trebinje. SRPSK A  No 5  2014






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Conquering the world with His Products

Vacuum presses with membrane produced in company “Wischt” in Lipac near Doboj have been exported worldwide, from Russia to Peru, from Portugal and Italy to India. They are used in auto and aviation industry, production of furniture, and even one national agency for space explorations. Numerous awards and recognitions have been won. Further improvement of the products continues, and plans are big and strategically conceived


ood idea is not only worth gold, but it is also one of the foundations of contemporary economy. And the fact that, with effort and investments it can be not only successfully realized in our country, but also transferred into a successful business, was demonstrated by the innovator, entrepreneur and constructor from Lipac near Doboj, engineer Zvjezdan Višt, owner of company “Wischt”. He also started from an idea and his patent, vacuum presses with membrane, is today sought for and purchased around the world. SUCCESS – There is no recipe for having an idea. My idea was developed from personal need, i.e. inability to purchase the necessary equipment – explains Višt how it all began about ten years ago. Namely, he needed an expensive machine for a big business deal. As he was not able to purchase it, he decided to build it. That is how vacuum press with membrane came into being, the machine that was in its first version intended for production of

furniture and carpentry. The model of the Doboj innovator has brought completely new solutions, and it immediately attracted public attention. Višt did not stop there, but he worked on technological improvement of his invention, which he applied for patenting in 2007. Thanks to this machine, company “Wischt” was founded in 2011, and the press, for which Višt has received numerous awards, is today, among other things, also used in auto and aviation industry. Machines produced in Lipac can be found worldwide – from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and

 Zvje­zdan Višt at the trade fair in Nurnberg and promotion in Sankt Petersburg

Innovations and Scientific Achievements Thanks to its invention, Višt has presented itself at trade fairs around the globe and won numerous awards. In 2007 in Belgrade, it was awarded for the best technological innovation, a year later in Banjaluka it receives Gold Medal “Nikola Tesla” at the exhibition of innovations, and in 2009 it receives Gold Medal “Mihajlo Pupin” at the exhibition of scientific achievements in Belgrade. There are also Gold Medal “Nikola Tesla” from the exhibition of innovations “Tesla Fest” from 2010, and recognition “Innovator 2011”. SRPSK A  No 5  2014


E X A M P L E S  Production in Lipac near Do­bo­j and installation of one machine in Peru

Slovenia, through Italy, Switzerland and Portugal, to Peru, Russia and India. – They are used by big car manufacturers, even the Scientific Institution for Aviation and Space Explorations of India. Our company, which has nine employees, has been defeating world giants in tenders – explains Višt. Still, he says that not everything went smoothly, and that a lot of will, effort and patience have been invested in all this, while many did not believe in his success. Lack of money was a special problem. – It was very difficult. I have invested almost all of my real estate property as mortgage to get a loan. But we have succeeded, the loan is repaid, and the product has been recognized worldwide - says Višt. He says also that it is very expensive to protect your product. – Submitting application locally is quite cheap, about 50 KM. Many people do that and they say “I have a few patents...” It is only the ticket, serious costs come in later stages. The invention must be sufficiently innovative to make it all worthwhile. This is typically the reason why not everybody succeeds. Until now, we have invested about 50,000 in protection of the product and the patent has been protected in America, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and Turkey. We have our representatives in all these countries – emphasizes Višt. He also adds that he company name has been copyrighted. ADVANTAGES AND USES – Generally speaking, vacuum press is a relatively new invention. Like any other press, it is used for pressing of different materials, which is necessary in case of putting things together and creating shapes. When heat is used, it also serves for thermo-form-

High Product Rating At the event “Selection of the most successful in the economy of Republika Srpska for 2013” the company was recently awarded in the category for recognizable quality and development of local product. The Chamber of Commerce of RS awarded to “Wischt” a special recognition for product line: vacuum press with one desk, vacuum press with two desks, vacuum press with four desks, vacuum press for lining with PVC and automatic vacuum press for thermo-forming.


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ing, namely shaping of materials such as plastic, etc The main advantage of vacuum presses with membrane is that they achieve equal pressure on material regardless of its shape. In order to achieve this effect with standard presses (pneumatic or hydraulic), additional, expensive tools (molds) are necessary –Višt explains. He also adds that his invention has enabled increase in capacity of such machines by many times. – Simply speaking, our invention enables you to work with single equipment on six presses. Increased capacity, decreased energy consumption by product unit by as many as five times, full use of work force and saving of work space – these are only some of the advantages of its use – Višt explains. Thanks to its production, this company is an important factor in local economy. – Out of 150 produced and sold machines since 2008, 50 were delivered to local customers, and 100 were exported. We enabled local producers, mostly in wood industry, to get better quality equipment with lower investments, equipment that previously had to be imported and paid many times more – Višt emphasizes. With this equipment, customers can make products of highest quality and beautiful design, and to go into the world market with such products. – Those 100 exported machines have a special dimension. We have increased export and certainly repaired the image of Republika Srpska – Višt explains. The concept of production, Višt adds, is also based on cooperation with cooperative companies, such as “Limex” from Karanovac, “Stator GS” and Locksmith-Sheet Metal Workshop “Ćelić” from Doboj. – Average price of machines sold in 2013 was 10,500 EUR –Višt says. He is still working on improvement of the press. – We are currently developing a new model that will be presented by the end of May this year. This product is the response to demands of a number of customers from different parts of the world. It will be universal and applicable in various fields (auto industry, aviation industry, furniture production...). The other goal is to find sales agents in Great Britain and in the Middle East. We have big plans – Višt concludes. 

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Maintain Reputation through Continuous


Well in its sixth decade of operation, one of the biggest colleges of vocational studies in Europe. More than 120,000 of its alumni are currently employed on important positions around Serbia. In addition to previous vocational economists in various fields, from finances to business informatics and marketing, it has been preparing three new programs: for state administration, vocational legal officers and tourism. One of the strategic goals is to have the school grow into a business academy By: Aleksa Mitić


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n highly develop countries of the modern world, vocational education is the main stronghold of operational work. Belgrade Business School – College of Vocational Studies is well in its sixth decade of educating such personnel. Diplomas of this school are recognized worldwide. There are about 12,000 active students, while currently more than 120,000 of its alumni are employed in Serbia. The school educates vocational economists in the fields of finances, accounting, banking, business informatics and e-business, management, marketing, trade, taxes and customs. Specialist vocational studies are in the areas of accounting management, control and audit, strategic financial management and business process management. Since the state is the founder of this school, a part of the students have their tuition paid from the budget, while the others have to pay tuition that has not changed for six years and is acceptable for most of the students (adapted to the budget of an average family).

Since recently, professor Đuro Đurović, PhD, has been leading this institution. He has been working at the school for almost a decade. He has been elected by majority votes of the School Council, at the secret voting, with unanimous support from the Student Parliament. – I am very proud of this school, which has been working for almost sixty years. Generally, one regular and legal election of school director does not really change anything. The previous director, prof. Ilija Samardžić, PhD, exceptionally well defined directions for school development and put them in such a manner that they should not be changed. For two mandates at the head of this institution, he and his team strengthened the reputation of the school and significantly increased the number of students. He had an exceptional support from the team and the institutions he cooperated with – says professor Đuro Đurović, PhD. – The main directions of our development remain to maintain the number of students and to expand our

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 Prof. Ilija Samardžić, PhD, previous director of Belgrade Business School, one of the people most responsible for its success



Cooperation With 1,200 freshmen enrolled every year, Belgrade Business School is one of the biggest colleges of vocational studies in Europe. In accordance with the “Strategy for development of information society” of the government of Serbia, which requires computer literacy in accordance with ECDL standards, in this institution students are systematically being trained in the area of information technologies. They cooperate with other institutes of higher education in Serbia and abroad. Its students can, free of charge, obtain computer literacy license, can use Microsoft licensed software free of charge, train in using legal base “Paragraf Lex” free of charge, study foreign languages, and complete their internships in leading companies.

activity. The school has been working very transparently, open for any control, and it will stay like this. CHALLENGES OF REMAINING ON TOP – We have been preparing three new programs, for state administration, vocational legal officers and tourism, in order to improve the possibility for additional education of those people who, for example, stopped studying at some faculties of law. We would like to create vocational legal officers, because the rule of law and legal state are the imperative of the modern time. We have to realize the program together, by relying on te best people we have. I believe that we will find motivation and everything else necessary for such an endeavor, because we are working at one of the best places in Serbian


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education. We will shape the school development with our own forces. We have staff with a lot of potential, it is only necessary to stimulate people’s creative abilities. I stand by strict principles, that is what I learned in my family the place where I grew up, northern Montenegro, the area of significant Serbian provenance, although it is now outside the joint country with Serbia. This means, among other things, that we do not attract students with low criteria but with the quality of teaching and grading. Our alumni will be able to find jobs also in all legal fields in state administration. They will not be able to be judges or lawyers, but the state administration will need tax and customs officers. We must train such people through educated administration. Serbia has fascinating history and nature, but it must present itself in the world in a better way, and therefore we will educate vocational tourismologists. There are many ideas in Belgrade Business School. One of our strategic goals is also that it should become Business Academy so that, in addition to specialist studies, it could also introduce masters studies. It is necessary to think in terms of development, the reputation must be maintained. Prof. Đuro Đurović, PhD, practically the same age as Belgrade Business School, was born in the village of Kovren, between Bijelo Polje, Pljevlje and Prijepolje. He finished gymnasium in Bijelo Polje, Faculty of Law in Belgrade. He started his career a judge in Bar and worked as a judge in the Federal Court. He rendered more than 10,000 rulings in the field of civil law. In 2002, he was declared the best judge in Montenegro. In life and work, he often references traditional wisdom and sayings. For example, the saying: “Let me be ashes, at least they will know I was once fire. Just so that there is no slimy trail behind me, like behind a snail.” – They don’t see me as a strict, but as an objective professor – says director Đurović. – I am also a father, I understand those young people. I think that good teachers must love their students. And they love them by being true professors, who are giving all they can when teaching, and are also available to their students after the school hours. 


Tailored to You S A M S U N G GALAXY S5 New Samsung flagship – Samsung Galaxy S5 stands out for numerous technological improvements created as the result of constant inspiration of Samsung’s visionaries who are striving to adapt as much as possible the development of new generations of Galaxy models S series to the lives of their users. Beautifully designed, durable phone with good performance, Galaxy S5 with dimensions142x72.5x8.1mm and weighing 145 grams, is equipped with 5.1-inch FHD Super Amoled monitor with resolution of 1.920x1.080 pixels. It is powered by new 4-core Snapdragon 801 (Qualcomm MSM8974-AC chipset)


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at 2.5GHz. Samsung Galaxy S5 has 2GB RAM, and 16 or 32GB internal memory that is expandable by means of micro SD card. Together with Galaxy S5, Samsung launched new TouchWiz user interface based on the latest Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system. New 16 megapixel camera provides the fastest autofocus of only 0.3 seconds, and the users may have additional inspiration while making photos by the selective focus that enables focusing of a certain object, while the background remains blurred thanks to the phase detection auto focus effect (PDOF) that is used on cameras. Power supply for the device is provided through 2.800mAh battery, and new “ultra power saving” function in the situation when the empties below 10% of its nominal capacity, switches off all functions except for calls and SMS messages, and with black and white monitor extends the operation of the device for subsequent 24 hours. Samsung Galaxy S5 is waterproof and dustproof in accordance with standard IP67, which guarantees resistance to sinking in water up to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes. Except coal black and sparkling white, Galaxy S5 comes in two additional colors, electrical blue and copper gold, while the casing of the device on the backside is perforated in a specific and modern way.

GALAXY S5 supports healthier lifestyle This time, by means of Knox application, Samsung has ensured high degree of protection that is especially significant for business users. In order to restrict the access to the telephone, the application is using fingerprint scanner, and it is also possible to have double protection that, in addition to fingerprint scanning, also includes password entry. Of numerous applications, we single out S Health 3.0 application that is now, in addition to the standard pedometer, recording of exercises and diet, supplemented with heart rate monitor, which is located next to the LED flash and which perfectly fits into the story on a personalized device such as Galaxy S5. There is also a special children mode that allows you to, with one click, turn the telephone into a device that will be fully adapted to your children, showing applications that are intended only for them. Emphasizing primarily the highest level on which the new Samsung Galaxy S5 is approaching its users, during the presentation of the new model in Barcelona people in Samsung again, we are convinced, played the right card. This is also reflected in the information that this exceptional telephone can be yours at M:TEL recommended price of 199 KM in tariffs My Mix 80 and No Limit Flex/Flat 80.

STAY FIT WITH GEAR FIT Samsung Gear Fit with its rounded 1,84-inch Super AMOLED touch screen monitor and immediate notifications on incoming calls, e-mails, SMS messages, perfectly fits into the continuation of the story on definitely the most professional model from the Galaxy family. What makes Gear Fit revolutionary is the function that monitors physical activities and supports physical fitness, which also makes it the perfect travel companion for everybody who is health conscious.

SRPSK A ď‚ No 5 ď‚ 2014


SERBIA – NATIONAL REVIEW! Beautiful Face of the Homeland

Sister edition of “National Review” in the Republic of Serbia!


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