2 minute read
From the Head of School
Dear St. Andrew’s Community,
We have much to be grateful for, which I think you will appreciate when you review this beautiful recap of our spring and summer accomplishments at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. What an incredible year for our scholars, artists, athletes, and servants!
We have so many exciting projects, programs, and priorities on the horizon. Our new Five Year Strategic Plan—which was carefully curated by our Board of Trustees with significant community input—is reflected in these pages along with our beautiful new Portrait of a Graduate, which defines the qualities, characteristics, and hopes for our students as they grow in their own beautifully unique ways at St. Andrew’s.
Our Athletics Complex & Student Union is under construction and our Campaign Committee and staff are working very hard to raise the remaining $14M to complete this magnificent facility. Next will be our incredible new Middle School and STEM Center on Southwest Parkway, which will improve our programming opportunities, allow for modest growth, and support and inspire our students and teachers in very meaningful ways.
It has been a privilege this year to know and love our students. We are so proud of the work they do, for their curiosity and compassion, and for our families and teachers who nurture them along the way. As our seniors walked across the stage on May 24, I hope they knew in their hearts that our school will always be a place where they are loved, remembered and welcome.
Please enjoy this Spring/Summer 2024 edition of our Highlander magazine—we look forward to another wonderful new school year ahead!
Melissa Grubb Head of School