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Strategic Plan 2024–2029
The Board of Trustees of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School enthusiastically shares the strategic priorities of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in the 2024–2029 Strategic Plan that follows.
Included with each identified priority is a sampling of possible operational means to achieve them which charts a course of action that the Board of Trustees and the school’s leadership team will use to guide our work over the next five years.
Last summer, in planning for our future, the St. Andrew’s Board of Trustees committed to a comprehensive, community-wide strategic planning process that considered a variety of perspectives from key constituents. This process began with a facilitated retreat in August of 2023. It was followed by several weeks of third-party led focus groups to listen, test assumptions, and discern emerging themes from an inclusive sampling of the school’s constituents as well as perspectives from beyond the St. Andrew’s community. The alignment among the constituent groups regarding the highest priority next steps in support of the school’s future was compelling, allowing the Board of Trustees to confirm priorities with confidence and optimism.
Thank you to the parents, alumni, students, faculty, and staff who participated in this process and provided invaluable insight and feedback that have informed this Strategic Plan. It is clear from your feedback that St. Andrew’s is valued, loved, and supported by both current and previous generations. As trustees of the school, we have no greater responsibility than holding the school “in trust” and assuring that this and future generations benefit from the most outstanding version of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School we can create, support, and sustain for them.
Grace Ingram-Eiser Chair, Strategic Planning Task Force
Yvette Rios Chair, Board of Trustees

Assure Excellence in all Four Pillars
Assure excellence in all four pillars of the school: academics, arts, athletics, and service in ways that lead to outcomes articulated in the Portrait of a Graduate. Fully realize programmatic opportunities created by new facilities. Place particular emphasis on assuring both vertical and horizontal curriculum and program alignment are continually updated. Augment current K–12 leadership opportunities in each division and across each pillar. Enhance the K–12 experiential education program and the STEAM curriculum that will be especially supported by new facilities. Stay abreast of and leverage positive impacts of AI.Enhance impact of the service pillar, recognize student success in all four pillars on a regular basis, and ensure divisional communications include K–12 successes and updates about all four pillars

Preserve and Strengthen the School’s Long-Term Financial Sustainability
Preserve and strengthen the school’s long-term financial sustainability by growing the endowment through fundraising and increased communication about the importance of endowment dollars for the St. Andrew’s student experience. Expand the school’s comprehensive multi-year financial modeling that seeks to fully fund the needs of the school while being mindful of the impact of tuition increases on families and helps inform the school’s optimal enrollment. Preserve and increase the value of the school’s physical plant by investing in improvements and additions to facilities in ways that align with and enhance our curricular and programmatic goals across all grades and all four pillars. Leverage non-tuition based auxiliary revenue opportunities in ways made possible as new facilities are completed.

Attract and Retain Outstanding Faculty and Staff
Assure that St. Andrew’s is positioned to attract and retain outstanding faculty and staff members who know they are valued, supported, and appreciated. Prioritize competitive compensation and benefits packages, access to professional development, and additional leadership opportunities. Build upon onboarding procedures for new faculty and staff members to accelerate integration into the community and augment opportunities for K–12 faculty and staff to connect and engage both professionally and casually to strengthen the sense of welcome and belonging.

Enhance a Culture of Belonging and Inclusion
Augment efforts to create a safe and inclusive school community and a culture in which all families K–12 find opportunities to connect and engage in ways that create a sense of belonging. Cast a broader net in the greater Austin area to connect with under-represented communities and enhance transportation options to reduce geographic barriers. Continue to evaluate our program to assure it represents a variety of viewpoints and voices. Provide more grade level social events for parents, create and leverage parent booster clubs for athletics and the arts, and eliminate financial barriers to full participation in school-sponsored events and activities for students receiving tuition assistance. Offer more consistent opportunities to engage in service projects for alumni to increase their sense of connectedness. Enhance opportunities for faculty and staff to build community and form connections with one another.

Navigate and Manage Change in Ways that Strengthen and Build Community
Prioritize timely and transparent communication when navigating significant changes within our school community. Manage the relocation of the Middle School with care and in ways that strengthen and build school culture. Make changes related to the relocation of the Middle School to Southwest Parkway in advance of the move when possible. Align class schedules grades 6–12 in support of course access and shared faculty when appropriate, re-align current K–8 staff assignments to reflect coming K–5, 6–12 needs. Enhance grade 5 spring “step up” experience to support transition to grade 6 on Southwest Parkway. Provide additional opportunities for collaboration among grades 6–12 faculty members and enhance programs designed to ease student transitions between divisions
While this strategic plan will be used to guide our decision making in the coming five years, it is a living document. As such, the St. Andrew’s Board of Trustees commits to reviewing it on a regular basis to ensure that these strategic priorities— and our operational means to achieve them—remain relevant, appropriate, and the best path forward to ensure we are meeting our mission as a school.