Saskatoon HOME magazine Summer 2021

Page 43

Granny Chic

by: Karin melberg schwier

The Grandmillennial Antiquing Movement Happily, what’s old is new again. If you yearn for things reminiscent of yesteryear, or if you feel you were born in the wrong century, count yourself part of the "grandmillenial" revival. It’s a longing for homey reminders of childhood and a more innocent time. This

might be a new thing for some, but many have long known the value in antiques and keepsakes is much more than monetary. Whether you’re deciding what of Grandma’s to keep, what to cull or if you’re treasure hunting yourself, the journey is steeped in nostalgia. Using antiques as focal

points or accents in your home décor—inside and out—is a trend seen more and more in many different styles of homes. We l l before the grandmillennial movement— some are calling it "granny chic"—one of the province’s most popular antiquing ‘destination drives’ has

been to a spot just outside of Davidson. The mid-way town between Saskatoon and Regina has been home to farm girl Erin Kinder all her life. Since 2006, it’s one she shares with her husband Craig, a Kiwi from New Zealand she met when he was working on a neighbouring farm in 1999. Today, the

Saskatoon HOME Summer 2021 | 43

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