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Our School Community

École Silverspring School offers French Immersion programming in Kindergarten through Grade 8 alongside our English program.

We are dedicated to excellence in academic pursuits and firmly believe a focus on healthy bodies leads to active minds. Our proximity to the grasslands, the Northeast Swale, and the Forestry Farm allows us unique opportunities to learn first-hand from our land, history, and environment.

We offer a full range of extracurricular opportunities in our school such as cross-country, volleyball, basketball, skipping club, Marafun, Student Leadership Council, band/music, Core French. We are proud of our strong sense of community and we celebrate the diversity of our students.

We have a very supportive School Community Council, which is actively involved in supporting our school plan through many activities including academic evenings and presentations at the request of parents. Our Home and School is a dynamic fundraising group that hosts a variety of events to support the school population. Their generous support provides opportunities for deeper exploration of academic goals.

Our French Immersion Program

Our French Immersion program is open to all students. We are pleased to offer a dynamic elementary French Immersion Program from Kindergarten to Grade 8. French Immersion programming is provided through authentic learning environments and engaging linguistic experiences. Students will participate in diverse learning experiences both in and out of the classroom.

• Evergreen

• Willowgrove

610 Konihowski Road | TEL: 306.683.7900

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