2 minute read
Softball Academy
Tommy Douglas Collegiate
PHONE: 306-683-7916 EMAIL: ethiert@spsd.sk.ca / batesd@spsd.sk.ca WEB: www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/softball
Students enrolled in the Softball Academy can earn two credits. Grade 9 students receive credits in Physical, Health and Career Education 9. Grade 10 students receive credits in Wellness 10 and Career Work Exploration 10. Grades 11 and 12 students receive credits in Physical Education 20 or 30 and Geography 30, Psychology 30 or an online credit.
In past years, the program has visited Phoenix, Ariz., Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., Cal State Fullerton, San Diego, Calif., and Hawaii. In addition to an incredible clinic experience, students in the program also attended professional sporting events and family attractions such as Disneyland, Sea World, Six Flags and Universal Studios.
Tiger Softball Academy is open to all students in grades 9 to 12. Students must be registered as full-time students at Tommy Douglas Collegiate during the semester(s) they are enrolled. Softball Academy students come from different high schools throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta. Out-of-city students are responsible for providing their own accommodation.
Students are expected to supply their own glove, mouth guard, bat and batting helmet with face mask. Participants are supplied with a wind suit, T-shirts and shorts. The program supplies softballs, pitching machine, batting tees, protective screening and cages. Students enrolled in the program have access to weightlifting and fitness areas of Tommy Douglas. Total cost for the program is $450. Students who are enrolled for a second or third semester in the academy will be charged $300, as they already have program apparel.
Potential Softball Academy participants can apply by downloading an application at www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/softball. Students must fill out an application form and have a reference from a current teacher at the school they attend. Applications are due in early April at the student services office of Tommy Douglas Collegiate. Please contact the school or program instructors for the specific date or visit the program website at www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/softball. The selection committee will review every application received by the due date with consideration given to maintaining an equitable gender balance of participants, as well as an equitable balance of position players. All applicants will be contacted before the end of April. HIGHLIGHTS • Students are able to earn the
NCCP Community Sport Ongoing
Participation Certification • Extended study tour • Access to weightlifting and fitness areas of Tommy Douglas
CREDITS • Physical, Health and Career Education 9, 10, 20, 30 • Wellness 10 • Career Work Exploration 10 • Geography 30 • Psychology 30