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Mustang Cree Language and Culture Program
Mount Royal Collegiate
PHONE: 306-683-7806 EMAIL: mountroyalschool@spsd.sk.ca WEB: www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/mountroyal
ABOUT THE MUSTANG CREE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROGRAM The Mustang Cree Language and Culture program is a language learning opportunity that focuses on Cree language development, the y-dialect, in a culturally rich learning environment. Prior Cree language knowledge is not required for students interested in this learning opportunity.
A culturally based learning environment is an integral part of the Cree Language and Culture program, including land-based education. This is achieved through a holistic approach to learning and language development, led by meaningful teacher-student relationships and enriched by the guidance of a Traditional Knowledge Keeper and Cree/cultural teacher. Students in this cohort engage in all core Grade 9 requirements. Students also take a practical and applied arts class at Mount Royal Collegiate.
APPLICATION PROCESS Future Grade 9 students who are interested in developing their Cree language skills and connecting with Cree culture and ceremony should apply. Online applications are available on Mount Royal’s school website; for help with the application process please work with your current Grade 8 teacher. A student statement expressing interest will be a requirement with each application. HIGHLIGHTS • Cree language development • Culturally based activities • Land-based education • Guidance from a Traditional Knowledge Keeper
• Cultural Arts 9 • Cree 9 • English Language Arts 9A and 9B • Math 9 • Physical Education 9 • Health Education 9 • Career Education 9 • Social Studies 9 • Science 9