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SPRA Grants and Funding Guide
The SaskFestivals program supports and encourages eligible festival organizations in the province that have a positive impact on the arts in Saskatchewan. www.saskartsboard.ca/menu/grants/grant-programs.html
Settlement Program and Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP)
This program assists immigrants and refugees to overcome barriers specific to the newcomer experience (such as a lack of official language skills and limited knowledge of Canada) so that they can participate in social, cultural, civic and economic life in Canada. www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/grants-contributions-funding/index.asp
SPRA Community Cultural Diversity Inclusion Grant
The SPRA Community Cultural Diversity Inclusion Grant assists SPRA Active members in developing new recreation programs, events or enhancing existing recreation opportunities to target the diverse population within the members’ community. www.spra.sk.ca/funding/spra-grants/
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage **
This program increases opportunities for local artists, artisans, heritage performers or specialists to be involved in their community through festivals, events and projects. It also allows local groups to commemorate their local history and heritage. The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program offers funding through three separate components: www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/building-communities.html
Local Festivals
The Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans and heritage performers. www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/building-communities/festivals.html
Community Anniversaries **
The Community Anniversaries component provides funding to local groups for non-recurring local events, with or without a minor capital project. www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/building-communities/anniversaries.html
Legacy Fund **
The Legacy Fund component provides funding for community-initiated capital projects that restore, renovate or transform an existing building or exterior space (such as a statue, community hall, monument, garden or work of art) intended for community use. www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/building-communities/legacy-fund.html
Celebrate Canada
Celebrate Canada provides funding for activities organized on National Indigenous Peoples Day, Saint-JeanBaptiste Day, Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Canada Day. www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/celebrate-canada.html