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Recreation Environments, Parks and Green Spaces

SPRA Grants and Funding Guide


Recreation Environments, Parks and Green Spaces

Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF)**

The Government of Saskatchewan and Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs Canada provide funding from the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF). Funding is provided up front to municipalities twice-a-year to support local infrastructure priorities. Municipalities can pool, bank and borrow against this funding, providing significant financial flexibility. All Saskatchewan municipalities are eligible to participate in the program. www.saskatchewan.ca/government/municipal-administration/funding-finances-and-assetmanagement/funding/federal-gas-tax-program

Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Green Jobs Initiative

This program provides direct financial support (via 50% wage subsidies) to local governments (municipalities, Indigenous communities, etc.) and other sector organizations, to support jobs that focus on green careerrelated activities. https://cpra.ca/funding/

Canadian TREE Fund

This grant is awarded nationwide for projects promoting arboriculture research and education in Canada. Individuals and/or agencies are invited to submit proposals for consideration. https://canadiantreefund.org/

Canada Community Revitalization Fund in Western Canada**

The Fund aims to help communities across Canada build and improve community infrastructure projects so they can rebound from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund’s purpose is to support not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and other community groups, as well as Indigenous communities: build new community infrastructure and revitalize existing assets, bring people back to public spaces safely as health measures ease, create jobs and stimulate local economies. https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/20175.asp

Climate Action Incentive Fund **

The Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF) is a new Environment and Climate Change Canada program, delivering up to $218M in its first year (2019-2020), funded from the proceeds of the federal carbon pollution pricing system. The CAIF consists of three funding streams to support projects and measures undertaken by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals (“MUSH sector”), and not-for-profit organizations. www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/carbon-pollution-pricing-proceedsprogramming/climate-action-incentive-fund.html

Curling Canada – Curling Assistance Programme (CAP) **

The Curling Assistance Program’s purpose is to loan money to affiliated curling rinks. The loans are to assist capital projects or renovations in respect to Bricks & Mortar. www.curling.ca/about-curling/curling-assistance-program-cap/

SPRA Grants and Funding Guide



Funding is available for new projects that engage Canadians and clearly demonstrate measurable, positive results related to the key environmental priority: Freshwater. www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/ecoaction-communityprogram.html

Eco-Friendly Saskatchewan Grant

EcoFriendly Sask believes that people want to make a difference and have a positive impact on the environment, but sometimes they need additional financial resources. They decided to help by providing small grants, usually $500, to support local projects that will improve the environment. www.ecofriendlysask.ca/p/action-grants.html

Enabling Accessibility Fund **

The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for projects that make communities and workplaces more accessible for persons with disabilities. EAF creates more opportunities for persons with disabilities to: take part in community activities, programs and services and access employment. www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/funding/enabling-accessibility-fund-smallprojects.html

Environmental Damages Fund

The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to direct funds received from fines, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment. www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/programs/environmentaldamages-fund.html

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)

FCM offers grants for municipal environmental projects. Loans are also available to municipalities at competitive rates, and most recipients receive an additional grant of up to 15% of their loan amount. Municipal partners may apply for competitive, long-term financing. We encourage municipalities to check out their large range of funding opportunities, of which we only offer a sample here. www.fcm.ca/en/funding

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Capital Project: New Construction of Energy-Efficient Facilities **

FCM funds capital projects of initiatives that target net zero energy performance in new municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/capital-project-new-construction-energy-efficient-facilities

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Capital Project: Retrofit of Municipal Facilities **

FCM funds capital projects for retrofits that improve energy efficiency by at least 30% in municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/capital-project-retrofit-municipal-facilities

SPRA Grants and Funding Guide


FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Capital Project: Signature initiative **

FCM funds highly innovative and impactful environmental capital projects that reduce GHG emissions and protect the air, water or land. This funding is designed for transformative, best-in-class projects. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/capital-project-signature-initiative

FCM – Community Building Recommissioning Grant

Optimize the energy performance of a local recreational or cultural facility in your community. Use this grant to help identify opportunities to reduce whole-building energy use by up to 5-15 percent (with higher savings possible), extend equipment life and reduce maintenance costs. https://www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/community-building-recommissioning-grant

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Pilot Project – New Construction of Energy-Efficient Municipal Facilities**

FCM funds pilot projects of initiatives that target net zero energy performance in new municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/pilot-project-new-construction-energy-efficient-municipal-facilities

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Pilot Project: Retrofit of Municipal Facilities**

FCM funds pilot projects of retrofits that improve energy efficiency by at least 30% in municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/pilot-project-retrofit-municipal-facilities

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Pilot Project: Signature initiative

FCM’s signature initiative funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes pilot environmental projects that reduce GHG emissions and protect the air, water or land. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/pilot-project-signature-initiative

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Study: New Construction of Energy-Efficient Municipal Facilities

FCM funds feasibility studies of initiatives that target net zero energy performance in new municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/study-new-construction-energy-efficient-municipal-facilities

FCM – Green Municipal Fund – Study: Retrofit of Municipal Facilities

FCM funds feasibility studies of retrofits that improve energy efficiency by at least 30% in municipal facilities. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/study-retrofit-municipal-facilities

FCM - Green Municipal Fund - Study: Signature initiative

FCM’s signature initiative funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes study bold environmental projects that reduce GHG emissions and protect the air, water or land. www.fcm.ca/en/funding/gmf/study-signature-initiative

SPRA Grants and Funding Guide


Fund for Wild Nature

The Fund provides small grants for North American campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with particular emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity. www.fundwildnature.org/

Government of Canada – Canada Summer Jobs Grant

The program provides wage subsidies to employers from not-for-profit organizations, the public-sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees, to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years. www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/funding/canada-summer-jobs.html

GRIN - Growing Roots in the Neighbourhood

The GRIN grant is an annual $1,000 fund awarded to one or more approved project applicants. Successful projects will promote the engagement of Regina citizens in gardening through education for the enhancement of their local environment and their quality of life. Projects must be located within Regina. They must be started in the spring of the calendar year. www.reginahortsociety.ca/grin-grant/

Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk

The program provides funding for projects submitted by Canadians that contribute directly to the recovery objectives and population goals of species at risk listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and prevent others from becoming a conservation concern. www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/programs/habitatstewardship-species-at-risk.html

Healthy Communities Initiative **

The Initiative will provide funding to a broad range of organizations, including local governments, charities, Indigenous communities and nonprofits, for projects, programming and services that help communities: create safe and vibrant public spaces, improve mobility options or provide innovative digital solutions. https://communityfoundations.ca/initiatives/chci/

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) **

Canada and Saskatchewan signed the bilateral agreement for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) in October 2018. The program will provide more than $896 million in federal funding for all types of Saskatchewan infrastructure projects over the next ten years until 2028. www.saskatchewan.ca/government/municipal-administration/funding-finances-and-assetmanagement/funding/investing-in-canada-infrastructure-program

Northern Capital Grants Program **

The Northern Capital Grants Program provides northern municipalities and settlements with financial assistance to build or purchase municipal infrastructure and capital assets. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/municipal-administration/funding-finances-and-assetmanagement/funding/northern-capital-grants-program

SPRA Grants and Funding Guide


Saskatchewan Environment Society - Ann Coxworth Environmental Fund (ACE)

The fund supports environmental leadership development, like staff development opportunities, sending volunteers to conferences and educational events and holding leadership development and public education events. www.environmentalsociety.ca/resources/ace-fund/

SaskOutdoors Grant

Projects must have an outdoor and/or environmental education or environmental action focus. Projects that have been supported in the past include: camping trips, winter camping trips, canoe trips, facilitator fees/honorariums for outdoor and environmental education experiential workshops/programming, school campaigns to save energy/recycle, community outdoor recreation events, etc. www.www.saskoutdoors.org/pages/grants

Six Rivers Fund

Community leaders from across northern Saskatchewan, Cameco and Orano have established a legacy trust fund that will provide funding for community projects for decades to come. Six Rivers Fund, an independent non-profit corporation, will support projects and initiatives across the Northern Administrative District (NAD) that focus on youth, education, sports, recreation and health and wellness. www.sixriversfund.ca/

SPRA Framework in Action Grant

The SPRA Framework in Action Grant aims to support SPRA member initiatives that advance the goals and priorities identified within The Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015 – Pathways to Wellbeing (the Framework). Initiatives will show alignment with one of the goals of the Framework and can be local, regional or provincial in scope. www.spra.sk.ca/funding/spra-grants/

SPRA Parks for All Action Grant

The Parks for All Action Grant is a commitment to the National Parks for All Action Plan and aims to support efforts that achieve the Parks for All Vision. Efforts can be local, regional or provincial in scope. Applications should highlight how people will be engaged, and the long term benefits that are expected. www.spra.sk.ca/funding/spra-grants/

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant

Need funding for your environmental project? This Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. www.td.com/ca/en/about-td/ready-commitment/funding/fef-grant/

The Feed Opportunity Fund

The Feed Opportunity Fund provides grants to organizations engaged in testing and expanding innovative approaches to advance food security. https://www.feedopportunity.com/apply-for-funding/

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