SHH... THE SECRET MARATHON The Secret 3K run/walk is an event held annually during International Women’s Week to promote equality. It started in 10 cities across the country three years ago, and has grown every year since. This event is supported by the Running Room and is coordinated by The Secret Marathon, an organization that has created a documentary following the plight of women in Afghanistan organizing and participating in the Marathon of Afghanistan, where women are not freely able to walk or run in public as they are here in Saskatchewan. The Secret 3K is a way to honour those women and to promote that the right to move and have a physically active lifestyle in your community should be shared by everyone. This year there were events held in fifteen cities in Canada on Wednesday, March 4, and a large number of people participated virtually as well in communities not just throughout Canada, but around the globe. The addition of an event in Regina this year was so exciting! This was the first time that the Secret 3K was held in Saskatchewan and there was an excellent turn out. Over 100 people participated in the run/ walk and there were participants of all ages who came out to show their support of equality in our local communities and in the global community. There were a number of Girl Guide units that participated in the event, both as walkers and as volunteers. The chilly winter evening weather and a light snowfall that took everyone by surprise didn’t dampen any spirits as the group made their way through the three-kilome-
ter course through the beautiful Cathedral neighbourhood in Regina, wearing race bibs promoting equality. At the conclusion of the run/walk, participants were encouraged to complete a certificate for themselves acknowledging their inspiration for taking part in the event and issuing a challenge to someone else in their life to come along next year. By participating in the Secret 3K at all levels possible for this event; being a national organizational partner with The Secret Marathon, helping to organize the local event in Regina, the Girl Guides of Canada was able to promote a healthy lifestyle, being active, and encourage our members to participate in equality movements. This was a great example of how our programming can come together with community events and even a global movement to exemplify “a better world by girls”. Girl Guides of Canada - Saskatchewan Council receives financial assistance from the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, through the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.