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Freshmen Focus Tips for Success from Student Experience

What comes to your mind when you think of High School? Do you think of exciting things? Or dull things? Has perhaps your older sibling or friend told you about some horrors that come with High School?

Well, I’m here to tell you that the aspects that make you dread it the most probably aren’t true. It’s no walk in the park, but it can be fun. My best advice would be to live in the moment, don’t focus on what you’re going to be doing next block. Or at the end of the day. Or even every 5 minutes. I promise you’ll focus better. If you’re anything like me, you have a one-track mind.


So, if I got told by a parent that after school we’re going to the mall, all day I would think about what I’m going to buy and would be unable to focus on the task at hand.

Another piece I’d like your to consider is keeping your eyes on the prize. In this instance, the prize is graduation. It’ll be over before you know it. You got this, eya.

High School is like a seesaw. If you don’t bal- ance it out, it will either go up in the air or down to the ground. Going in, I didn’t have a mentor. I’m the oldest of 7 so I had no guide. I didn’t have anyone to tell me what to do and what not to. In general and Fulton-based. So, allow me to be your guide. I’m currently a Senior, but at the time you read this, I don’t know how old I’ll be or where I’ll be.

I’m going to start off by saying stay strong. There are going to be plenty of times you’re going to want to quit. Don’t do it. Please don’t. I promise in the end, it’ll be worth it. I would say get to school early. In general, we start here at 8:25 but make the transition at 8:15, so come at least 8am. Make plenty of friends. It’ll make the class a lot easier. If you actually know people in the class, then there’s a sense of welcome and if you feel welcome, you’ll come to school as you should.

This brings me to my next point. Attendance. Unless you have an appointment show up. I’m guilty of not coming just because, but if I could do it over, I would. I would also get involved more. I didn’t really get active within my school until this year. And I’m a senior. Too little too late, huh? I would also go with the flow. It’s less stressful that way.

It still does get pretty stressful, so just take deep breath and tell yourself “I can handle this.” I started doing that mid-fall semester of senior year. Just keep your eyes on the prize, which in this instance is graduation. It does in fact go fast, take it from me.

Go make some people proud, you got this, baby Falcon. - Daniella:

Former Falcon

schedule once you’re off it. - Gavin

To try your best on your freshman year so you can have a high gpa to start off and try to not get distracted easily so you can focus more on school and it comes more easy on you - Anabel

I advise freshmen to focus on their classes and get enough rest.- Juan

My advice is make the right kind of friends, and don’t fall for peer pressure. - Josh

My Advice is always to look for a positive light in everything and make the right type of friends.-


No matter what happens, don’t let other people influence you in bad behavior and always stay on top of your school. You don’t always get what you wish for, so keep an open mind and flexible attitude - Kylie

Don’t give up. - Yareli

Every mistake you make is a learning opportunity that helps you grow mentally and academically at school. - Ofeliia

You got to get enough sleep at least 7 hours because it’s hard to get back on a good sleep

My Advice is Don’t wait till the last minute to do your work turn your work in on time. - Tyler

My advice would be to walk on the right side of the hallway and don’t stop, or you’re gonna get trampled.- Elijah

My advice would be putting yourself and you’re work before others as you should care about your education before others, another one would be don’t be a distraction in class as well as don’t clog the hallways making people get in trouble for being late. - Matthew

Advice I would give a Freshman is to take opportunities that’ll benefit you. Whether you are interested in it or related to your career, it wouldn’t hurt to try it out. It may be stressful and overwhelming to think and act on it but once you give it a go it’ll give you a new perspective on high school and learn more about yourself.-


Freshman Academy

Freshman Academy is designed to prepare 9th-graders for selecting their Academy Pathway, including a Freshman Seminar to identify interests, aptitudes and skills; Career Exploration activities and guest speakers from various industries; exposure to Advanced Academics; and College Visits to learn about postsecondary opportunities.

So a Roth Assistant Principal

Beth Brown, School Counselor

Chad Negendank, Student Support

Chris Ottinger Dean/Lead Teacher

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