1 minute read

School Rules

by Tionna Weaver

Manyschools have different rules but not many students follow those rules. Just because mainly they can be not understanding or dumb. Like for example the no hood rules some students wouldn’t understand why that rule is needed because some students show up in bonnets, durags, or just something to cover their hair when they don’t feel like doing it or it’s just a bad hair day.


But some school rules can be followed like not smoking in the bathrooms or destroying school property. Almost 90% of school students have vaped or smoked in them. And due to bathrooms being destroyed the principal would have no choice but to lock all the bathrooms except for one which in my opinion is a dumb idea because that will cause everyone to be in one bathroom in between classes.

Another example of school rules would be cell phones. Some students don’t know how to put away their phones even in class, so schools have to make new rules for phones even then students won’t follow them, so what’s the point?

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