SAMK Applicants guide 2011

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Hakijan opas APPLICANT’S GUIDE 2011 Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu | Satakunta University of Applied Sciences


In the Joint Application of Spring 2011 Satakunta

January and ends on the 15th of February 2011 at 4:15

University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) offers three

p.m. For more information about applying to SAMK,

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (DP’s), which are

please contact the Admissions Office: admissions@

tuitioned in English:, tel. +358 2 620 3034.

• Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering in Pori • Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics in Rauma

The combination of a higher education degree, international experiences and excellency in English – why not?

• Degree Programme in Physiotherapy in Pori DP in Environmental Engineering leads to an engineering

Janne Santala

degree of the future. The key themes of studying

Head of Student Administration

are advanced energy production and environmental awareness in industrial processes. Completing the degree – Bachelor in Engineering, 240 ECTS credits – takes four years.

Degree Programmes in English

DP in International Business and Marketing Logistics prepares the students for tasks in the multicultural business environment. You’ll be able to handle operations in the international supply chain and gain expertise in marketing and purchasing. Completing the degree – Bachelor in Business Administration, 210 ECTS credits – takes three and a half years. DP in Physiotherapy opens opportunities to work within the field of rehabilitation. The studies will focus on the structure and function of the human body and the methods of physiotherapy. Completing the degree – Bachelor in Physiotherapy, 210 ECTS credits – takes three and a half years. The application period for the English-tuitioned Degree Programmes starts at on the 3rd of


Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering Tekniikan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Insinööri (AMK), Bachelor of Engineering

240 ECTS credits

Environmental engineering will play an important role in

run various industrial procesesses and energy production

making our modern society work within the frames of

systems in a sustainable way.

sustainable development. The work of an environmental

Since environmental engineering links people, it is necessary

engineer is challenging, because modern production

to understand how individuals behave and perform and how

and consumer habits are associated with growing

organizations and social systems function. To be successful

environmetal interests. Priorities and environmental

in problem solving, environmental engineers must be able

policies call for new multidiscipline solutions.

to communicate effectively with different personalities. Therefore, special attention is paid to learning fluent writing

The approach of Environmental Engineering programme

and speaking skills. After your studies you will be able to work

is multidiscipline. It educates engineers for designing,

as a member of an international team.

operating and managing sustainable and safe processes. Also it provides skills to choose different types of advanced energy production technologies,

This is where you can work:

to either replace or complete the fossil-based energy

A degree in Environmental Engineering makes you qualified


to work in various tasks relating to environmental protection and energy production. The type of work you can do is

Your studies: • drinking water supply, wastewater treatment and sanitation

very diverse. You can be a designer, a developer, a tester, a supervisor, an operator, a marketing or sales engineer, a project engineer, a government or local agency official or involved in professional association work.Your employers

• waste recycling and management

can be private companies, consulting companies,

• industrial ecology

research institutes, universities, testing laboratories, local

• future ways of energy production

or government agencies, professional associations or

• advanced and intelligent energy technologies and

international organizations. You can also establish your own



• solar, wind, bio and geoenergy • nuclear technology and radiation safety

Entrance examination:

• legislation, finance and governance

28.4.2011, Pori

• ICT -applications in environmental and energy sectors • tuition is in English

Goals of the studies: In the Environmental Engineering degree programme the goal is to educate engineers who can design and 70

All the applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility will be invited to the entrance exam. Intake: Pori 25

Degree Programme in Innovative Business Services (IBS) Liiketalouden ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Tradenomi, Bachelor of Business Administration

In the Innovative Business Services programme you will learn to operate and work in the changing environment of business services. The IBS programme is an excellent

210 ECTS credits

• you will be able to work in multi-cultural teams and networks • you will improve your communication skills

opportunity for you, who are interested in combining the fields of business administration, communication and information technology and media – and maybe starting up your own business.

This is where you can work: In addition to traditional business administration positions, graduates from this programme will have

Specialists of different business areas are coaching you

the capability to work, for example, in the following

along the studies to reach understanding and develop

positions: as business consultants, heads of services

practical views of new business perspectives. You

and service developers. The graduates are also able

will study in an international student group and gain

to develop new business models based on service

valuable skills needed when working in multinational and

innovations and may become entrepreneurs already

multicultural business environments.

during the studies.

Your studies:

Intake: Pori 40

administration, information and communication

Application period in the autumn 2011.

technology and media studies

Studies start in January 2012.

Degree Programmes in English

• are an effective combination of business

• are based on modern methods of network learning environments and on the principles of Problem Based Learning, that is, learning by doing • will include activity modules, projects and live cases • include work placements in international and national companies • tuition is in English

Goals of the studies: • you will have the capability to support the development of services in different industries • you will have the appropriate tools for innovative business thinking



Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics (IBML)

210 ECTS credits

Liiketalouden ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Tradenomi, Bachelor of Business Administration

The IBML programme will prepare you to work on

Goals of the studies:

a broad scale of tasks in the international business environment. You will be able to handle all necessary operations along the supply chain from raw material

• you are able to handle all necessary operations along the international supply chain

supplier to the final consumer. You will gain competence

• you can work in multi-cultural teams and networks

in international marketing and logistics with the focus

• you will receive the necessary tools to solve

on Customer and Supplier Relationship Management,

problems and communicate the solutions

Distribution Management and Business Analysis. The learning environment is based on the principles of

This is where you can work:

Problem Based Learning. It provides you with an inspi-

After graduating you can work for example as marketing

ring and challenging way to learning by doing. You will

and purchasing manager, import and export assistant or

work in international teams with your fellow students on

controller in an international business.

real-life cases. Your information acquiring and communication skills will evolve and you will develop your

Entrance examination:

problem-solving skills within multi-cultural teams and

27.4.2011, Rauma

networks. As Satakunta University of Applied Sciences All the applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility

guarantee internationalisation at home as well as during

will be invited to the entrance exam.

Degree Programmes in English

welcomes a lot of exchange students yearly, we can the student’s study or working period abroad.


Your studies:

Rauma 24

• will give you business skills and professional competence within international marketing and logistics • are based on the Problem Based Learning -environment: you will work in international groups on real-life cases and finally present group solutions to real-life companies • tuition is in English



Degree Programme in Physiotherapy Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Fysioterapeutti (AMK), Bachelor of Health Care

The English Degree Programme in Physiotherapy opens opportunities to work within field of rehabilitation. Studies are grounded on ten modules and practical

210 ECTS credits

• you will be able to provide high-quality physiotherapy services based on up-to-date knowledge • you will have good interactive and educational skills

studies are intergrated with theoretical studies. Clinical practice which takes place both in Finland and abroad is tutored by qualified instructors. Students’

This is where you can work:

professional growth is supported by the production of

You may work within the field of rehabilitation both in

a thesis planned in collaboration with the producers of

the private and in the public sector. You can work in

physiotherapy services.

hospitals, health centeres, private practice, industry, sport clubs and clinics and non-governmental

We provide modern learning facilities, a firstclass

organizations, with people of all ages.

scientific library, expertise in teaching and guidance and a friendly and open athmosphere. On the campus

Entrance examination:

we provide 24/7 access both to computer rooms and a

26.–27.4.2011, Pori

gym. All the applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility

Your studies:

bases of physiotherapy and rehabilitation • Professional studies like structure and function of the

The pre-reading material for the entrance examination will be published at when application time begins

human body, methods of physiotherapy • Clinical physiotherapy practice


• Bachelor thesis

Pori 20

• tuition is in English

Goals of the studies: • you will be able to examine and treat human movement orders and your therapy is based on physiotherapeutic examination • you will have good theoretical knowledge which you can apply in practice and evaluate your action


Degree Programmes in English

• Basic studies like languages, communication studies,

will be invited to the entrance exam.



Applying to programmes conducted in English at Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS’s) takes place through a system of joint application. Prospective students can apply to four different degree programmes at UAS using the same application form. The application form can be submitted online or sent by post to the admissions office of the applicant’s first choice UAS.

When applying Apply online at It is important to follow all the instructions. The application period starts on 3 January 2011 and closes on 15 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time (+2 hrs GMT). All online applications must be submitted before the closing time. All required attachments have to be at the admissions office of the applicant’s first choice UAS by 25 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time. Paper applications not submitted online must arrive at the admissions office of the applicant’s first choice UAS by 15 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time. Please contact the admissions office of the UAS of your first choice in all matters relating to your application and to changes in your circumstances.

TIME TABLE FOR JOINT APPLICATION Degree programmes starting in autumn 2011 • Application period 3 January – 15 February 2011 at Online application closes on 15 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time (+2 hrs GMT). Copies of relevant certificates and authorised translations of them must arrive by 25 February 2011 at the latest. Paper application forms must arrive by 15 February 2011 at 4.15

Degree Programmes in English

pm Finnish time at the latest to the UAS of the applicant’s first choice. • UAS’s announce the results by 19 July 2011. • Admitted students must confirm their study places by 2 August 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest.

MORE INFORMATION Admissions offices at your service All UAS’s have an admissions office that is happy to assist you in all questions and matters relating to applying. The admissions offices’ contact details can be found at Internet • Online application to Finnish polytechnics/UAS’s. At the website you can find out more about studying in Finland, available degree programmes and links to the UAS’s. • Up-to-date information about education on offer. • Ministry of Labour’s website with useful information about careers and working life. • Centre for International Mobility’s website with a wide range of information on studying in Finland.


APPLICATION Online application You can apply to up to four different degree programmes conducted in English at Choose your options of preference carefully, you cannot change the order of preference after the application closes. The application service guides and helps you to fill in the application form, and gives information relating to studying and applying. The online application service is open until 15 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time (+2 hrs GMT). During the application period, the service is open 24 hours per day, except for short maintenance periods during the night. Follow the instructions carefully and submit the application. An application submitted online is directly received by the admissions office of the UAS of your first choice. The applicant is only allowed to submit one application form. If the applicant submits more than one, only the last application form will be taken into consideration. Print a copy of the application form for yourself for future reference. Copies of relevant certificates and authorised translations of the certificates into English, Finnish or Swedish must arrive by post at the UAS of your first choice by 25 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time. In order to demonstrate eligibility to UAS studies, an applicant applying with a non-Finnish qualification must provide a copy of the original certificate to the admissions office of his or her first-choice UAS by the set date. This does not apply to those applicants who are citizens of an EU/EEA country and who are completing their qualification in the spring of applying. The UAS will then decide on the applicant’s eligibility to all options in the application. In addition, an official Finnish, Swedish or English translation of the certificate must be provided, if the certificate is not written in one of these languages, the translation must have the translators signature and stamp. The copies must be sent by post, scanned or faxed copies will not be accepted. Applicant who is not a citizen of an EU/EEA country must provide proof of his/her English language skills by 25 February 2011 4.15 pm at the latest to the admissions office of his/her first preference UAS. In order to prove the applicant’s English language skills, he/she must provide one of the following minimum requirements: IELTS score academic level 6,0 or TOEFL score 550 paper-based test/213 computer-based/79-80 internet -based test, or grade C in the Finnish matriculation examination in advanced level English (IB examination grade 4 completed in Finland, Reifeprüfung examination grade 7 completed in Finland or EB examination grade 6.00-6.95), or skills level 4 in English in the Finnish general language examination => Tutkintopalvelut => Yleiset kielitutkinnot). Both TOEFL and IELTS test results are valid for two years. The Finnish general language examination does not have a set date of validity. TOEFL score results are only accepted directly from the Educational Testing Service. This requirement of valid English language certificate concerns also the applicants, who are refugees or in a refugee-like situation. In addition, primary and secondary school education in English completed in Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand or Bachelor’s or Master’s degree completed in English in one of these countries, is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient English language skills. Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree concucted in English in a European Union/European Economic Area country is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient English skills. Also applicants with a Finnish competence based vocational qualification (ammattitutkinto) or competence based further vocational qualification (erikoisammattitutkinto) must provide a copy of the original certificate to the admissions office of his or her first-choice UAS by the set date. The student selection is not final until the applicant’s original certificates have been checked. If the applicant has given false information about his/her qualifications, it will make him/her ineligible for admission.


Paper application form A paper application form is available from the admissions offices. Paper application forms are not available for applicants living outside Finland. Please remember that a paper application form must arrive by post at the UAS of your first choice by 15 February 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time. A postal stamp from that date will not be sufficient. Scanned or faxed copies are not sufficient. All applications arriving after the closing date are void. Consider your options of preference carefully You can apply for up to four different degree programmes from all UAS’s in Finland. You can choose 1–4 different degree programmes on the application form. Choose your most preferred degree programme as your first option, and then choose your second to fourth options when applicable. The order of preference chosen in the application is binding and cannot be altered after the application closes. Please note, that it is not advisable to apply to many different study fields. An applicant is advised to choose his/her options from one or two study fields. If you are not accepted on the programme of your first preference, your points will be checked to see if you can be accepted for your second, third or fourth preference. If you are accepted on the degree programme of your first preference, you cannot be selected for your second, third or fourth preference. Once you have been placed on a reserve place, you can be accepted for a higher preference option due to cancellations, if you have decided to be placed on a waiting list for a higher preference option or you have not accepted another study place. Please note that you can accept only one new study place during the same academic year.

Changing the application • The order of preference can only be changed during the application period. • Changes in address or other relevant personal details can be changed outside the application period. • All changes in the application or additional information must be sent in writing to the admissions office of the UAS of your first preference.

All UAS’s arrange entrance examinations. All applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility and required language skills will receive invitation letters to the examinations. Final selection is based on the results of the entrance examinations for all applicants who apply with certificates other than the Finnish Matriculation examination, Finnish International Baccalaureate or Reifeprüfung examination completed in spring 2011 or earlier or European Baccalaureate completed in 2010 or earlier. Selection of those applying with the Finnish Matriculation examination, Finnish IB or Reifeprüfung completed in spring 2011 or earlier or European Baccalaureate completed in 2010 or earlier, is based on the results of the entrance examination and points awarded for school certificates. Some UAS’s select all their new students solely on the basis of the results of the entrance examinations. Details of this can be found at -> Degree programmes. Many UAS’s cooperate in the entrance examinations. This means that an entrance examination completed at one UAS is accepted by another. Please note that some UAS’s require that you participate in their own entrance examination. The list for co-operating degree programmes is at -> Application practicalities -> Selection of new students/Entrance examinations.


Degree Programmes in English

Selection of new students

Some Degree Programmes of Finnish UAS’s organise entrance examinations in some locations outside Finland. Other Degree Programmes arrange entrance examinations only in Finland. More information about the entrance examinations outside Finland will be available at -> Application practicalities -> Selection of new students/Entrance examinations by the end of 2010. Please note that the UAS cannot and will not in any case influence the decisions made by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland in regards of visas. The admission of a student is conditional until the UAS has checked the applicant’s school and other relevant certificates. The UAS may withdraw the admission, if the applicant has given false information. Make sure that you confirm your study place by 2 August 2011 at the latest, otherwise you will lose the study place offered to you.

One study place per year You can only accept one study place at a higher education institution in Finland starting in the same academic semester (in Autumn 2011: 1 August–31 December). This rule is valid only in the joint applications in higher education. This rule does not prevent you from accepting another study place during another academic semester.

If you are not selected If you do not receive a study place in the joint application, you will receive a letter informing you of your points and the possible reserve places for the options to which you have applied. Applicants allocated to reserve places are chosen according to the level of their results, if reserve study places become available. Find out about your possibilities by directly contacting the institutes of higher education. You can always apply again next year and it is worth contacting the admissions offices or employment offices in order to plan how to improve your chances for admission.

Appeal An applicant not satisfied with the results of the student selection process should first contact the UAS he/she has applied to. If the matter is not resolved, the student may appeal in writing to the executive board of the UAS in question. Such an appeal must be made within 14 days from the time the applicant had the possibility of receiving information on student selection.

Confirming the study place Application results for degree programmes starting in autumn 2011 will be sent by mail to the students by 19 July 2011 at the latest. In addition to the letter of admittance, the student will receive a confirmation form. It is imperative that the student submits the confirmation form to the higher education institution in which he/she wishes to study by 2 August 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest, otherwise the student will lose the study place. Confirmation of the study place is binding and cannot be altered or cancelled. If you have applied to several degree programmes, please wait until you have received all the admission results as you can only accept one new study place. Once you have received all the results, select your study place and return the confirmation form. If you have applied with a qualification completed in Finland, please attach a copy of your certificate(s) to your confirmation form. If you have been accepted to a higher option of preference, you cannot choose a study place from options of a lower preference. A student loses his/her study place, if the confirmation form arrives at the higher education institution after the set date.


The admission criteria for degree programmes conducted in english Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering at Pori Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics at Rauma Degree Programme in Innovative Business Services at Pori Degree Programme in Physiotherapy at Pori


Applications for the programmes are submitted through the joint application system. The applicant may choose at most four options. The student admissions follow the admission criteria decided on by the universities of applied sciences (UAS’s) in the joint application system, and the order of preference of the options chosen by the applicant.

Degree Programmes in English

The application form must be submitted by the end of the application period. The admission is conditional until the UAS has checked the applicant’s school and other relevant certificates. The UAS may withdraw the admission, if the applicant has given false information. Changing and supplementing the application The applicant may change the order of preference of the options indicated in the application form in writing until the end of the application period. Once the application period has ended, the order of preference may no longer be changed. The applicant may, out of his or her own initiative or at the request of an authority, complete the application form after the end of the application period as specified in the 22§ of the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003). The extended supplementation may continue only until the joint application register data entering has been completed, as specified in decree (353/2003). The application schedule for spring 2011 is 3 January – 15 February 2011. If a UAS chooses to arrange additional application periods, the additional applications can begin from 30 May 2011. If a UAS arranges an additional application, the applicant’s education must be completed by the end of the additional application period.


1 Eligibility for applying to the Programmes General eligibility for the programmes is given by: • completed Finnish upper secondary education or the Finnish matriculation examination • International Baccalaureate, Reifeprüfung or European Baccalaureate examination • a vocational college diploma or higher vocational diploma (e.g. in engineering) • a vocational qualification of at least three years duration, completed in vocational upper secondary education and training, referred to in the Vocational Education and Training Act (630/98), or an earlier corresponding qualification • combined education programmes of at least three years duration, referred to in the Act on Youth-level Education and the Polytechnic Experiment (391/91) • a vocational qualification in adult education of at least three years duration, referred to in the Vocational Adult Education Act (631/98) , competence-based vocational qualification or competence-based further vocational qualification or • a foreign degree or qualification which gives eligibility for higher education studies in the country in question Those applicants who are applying with competence based vocational qualification, competence based further vocational qualification or non-Finnish qualifications must have completed their studies by the end of the application period. If an applicant who is applying with a non-Finnish qualification is a citizen of an EU/EEA country, he/she can apply if the qualification is completed during the spring of applying. The admission of such EU/EEA applicant completing his/her education in the spring of applying is conditional until the UAS has checked the applicant’s final certificates. Only final certificates will be accepted, result slips or statements of results will not be accepted. If the applicant is a refugee or in a refugee-like situation and the qualifications obtained cannot be proven through documentary evidence, UAS can consider whether the applicant can be invited to the entrance examination, even if the UAS does not use discretionary admission. The applicant must prove his/her refugee status by decision made by a competent authority by 25 February 2011. Eligibility for applying a corresponding field of study is given by: • a vocational qualification of less than three years duration, completed in vocational upper secondary education and training, referred to in the Vocational Education and Training Act (630/98), or a corresponding earlier qualification • combined education programmes of less than three years duration, referred to in the Act on Youth-level Education and the Polytechnic experiment (391/91) • vocational qualifications or further vocational qualifications in adult education of less than three years duration, referred to in the Vocational Adult Education Act (631/98) Eligibility for UAS studies in a corresponding field of study on the basis specified above may be broadened into general eligibility for UAS studies by: 1) completing in addition general or vocational studies that extend the post-basic education studies to three years of duration, or 2) gaining at least three years of work experience in a corresponding field, after completing the qualification. The corresponding field of study is defined according to the following fields of vocational education and training: humanities and education; culture; natural sciences; natural resources and the environment; tourism, catering and domestic services; social services, health and sports; technology, communications and transport; social sciences, business and administration. UAS can also take into consideration a vocational qualification or school-level vocational education that does not fall into the fields of education and training specified above as studies in a corresponding field, if its content is close to the study programme specialisation. 82

2 Admissions procedures In order to demonstrate eligibility to UAS studies, an applicant applying with a non-Finnish qualification must provide a copy of the original certificate to the admissions office of his or her first-choice UAS by 25 February 2011. This does not apply to those applicants who are citizens of an EU/EEA country and who are completing their qualification in the spring of applying. The UAS will then decide on the applicant’s eligibility to all options in the application. In addition, copy of an official Finnish, Swedish or English translation of the certificate must be provided, if the certificate is not written in one of these languages, the translation must have the translators signature and stamp. The copies must be sent by post, scanned or faxed copies will not be accepted. Also applicants with a Finnish competence based vocational qualification or competence based further vocational qualification must provide a copy of the original certificate to the admissions office of his or her first-choice UAS by the set date. Applicant who is not a citizen of an EU/EEA country must provide proof of his/her English language skills by 25 February 2011 4.15 pm at the latest to the admissions office of his/her first preference UAS. In order to prove the applicant’s English language skills, he/she must provide one of the following minimum requirements: IELTS score academic level 6,0 or TOEFL score 550 paper-based test/213 computer-based/79-80 internet -based test, or grade C in the Finnish matriculation examination in advanced level English (IB examination grade 4 completed in Finland, Reifeprüfung examination grade 7 completed in Finland or EB examination grade 6.00-6.95), or skills level 4 in English in the Finnish general language examination => Tutkintopalvelut => Yleiset kielitutkinnot). Both TOEFL and IELTS test results are valid for two years. The Finnish general language examination does not have a set date of validity. TOEFL score results are only accepted directly from the Educational Testing Service. This requirement of valid English language certificate concerns also the applicants, who are refugees or in a refugee-like situation. In addition, primary and secondary school education in English completed in Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand or Bachelor’s or Master’s degree completed in English in one of these countries, is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient English language skills. Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree concucted in English in a European Union/European Economic Area country is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient

The certificate copies must be delivered to the admissions office by 25 February 2011 4.15 pm Finnish time (+2 hrs GMT). All applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility and language skills will be invited to the entrance examinations. The applicants’ language skills will be evaluated in the language test included in the entrance examination on a pass/ fail basis. An applicant who has failed the language test is withdrawn from admission. An applicant, who is not obliged to send proof of his/her language skills, can be exempted from the language test, if he or she has provided a certificate of his or her language skills to the first-choice UAS by the end of the application period. The minimum language skills requirement is IELTS score academic level 6,0 or TOEFL score 550 paperbased test/213 computer-based/79-80 internet -based test, or grade C in the Finnish matriculation examination in advanced level English (IB examination grade 4 completed in Finland, Reifeprüfung examination grade 7 completed in Finland or EB examination grade 6.00-6.95), or skills level 4 in English in the Finnish general language examination => Tutkintopalvelut => Yleiset kielitutkinnot). Both TOEFL and IELTS test results are valid for two


Degree Programmes in English

English skills.

years. The Finnish general language examination does not have a set date of validity. TOEFL score results are only accepted directly from the Educational Testing Service. In addition, primary and secondary school education in English completed in Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand or Bachelor’s or Master’s degree completed in English in one of these countries, is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient English language skills. Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree concucted in English in a European Union/European Economic Area country is also accepted as a demonstration of sufficient English skills. Selection between applicants with equal admission points In case there is a tie in admission points, the applicants to UASs will be ranked on the following basis: 1.

the order of preference of the options indicated by the applicant


the result of the entrance examination


the grade point average in all subjects


points awarded for school performance

Admission groups All Degree Programmes in SAMK will use the admission groups as follows: 1. Admission on the basis of the total of points for school performance and the entrance examination: applicants who have completed or are completing the Finnish matriculation examination, IB examination in a Finnish upper secondary school or the Reifeprüfung examination in Finland, or applicants who have completed the European Baccalaureate examination of European schools. Applicants who are completing their Finnish matriculation examination during the application process apply with their latest upper secondary school certificate. Grades for the Matriculation examination are received from the Matriculation Examination register. The maximum total of admission points is 100, out of which at most 30 can be awarded for school performance and 70 for the entrance examination. 50% of the study places in the programme will be filled on the basis of the combined points for previous school performance and the entrance examination. If study places become available later, applicants on the waiting list will be 2. Admission on the basis of the entrance examination Applicants with eligibility to apply to UAS studies referred to in the Polytechnics Act (351/2003), not mentioned in section 1 above, or whose eligibility to apply is based on non-Finnish qualifications. The admission of those completing an EB in a European school in the spring of the application is based only on the points awarded for the entrance examination. The admission of those EU/EEA citizens who are completing their qualifications in the spring of applying is based only on the points awarded for the entrance examination. The maximum total of entrance examination points is 100. 50% of the study places in the programme on the basis of the entrance examination only, and admitted in the order indicated by their admission points. Points awarded for school performance Applicants who are applying on the basis of their upper secondary school leaving certificate and the Finnish matriculation examination certificate are awarded points for three grades on their matriculation examination certificate: mother tongue, English, and the best of either general studies or mathematics. In the field of technology


applicants are awarded points for three grades on their matriculation examination certificate: mother tongue, English and the best of mathematics, general studies chemistry or general studies physics. Candidates for the matriculation examination apply with their latest upper secondary school certificate. The UAS will receive results of the matriculation examination directly from the Matriculation Examination Board. Applicants who are completing their IB examination in a Finnish upper secondary school in the spring 2011 apply with their Predicted Grades and these applicants must provide a copy of their Predicted Grades to the admissions office of their first choice by 13 May 2011. The admission of an applicant who is completing his/her IB examination in a Finnish upper secondary school during application process is conditional until the applicant’s final certificate has been checked. Applicants who are completing their Reifeprüfung examination in the spring 2011 in Finland must provide a copy of their final certificate to the admissions office of their first choice by 13 May 2011. Applicants completing their EB examination in the spring of applying are admitted on the basis of the entrance examination only. All English-tuitioned Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in SAMK Upper secondary education leaving certificate Grade point average


≥ 8,00

≥ 7,50

≥ 7,00

≥ 6,50

≥ 6,00






A. Degree Programmes in International Business and Marketing Logistics and Physiotherapy; Degree Programme in Innovative Business Services in Fall 2011 Finnish Matriculation examination Grades





Mother tongue






English, advanced level or






English, basic level






Mathematics or best general studies test*






Degree Programmes in English


(*general studies, if the exam was taken before 2006)

B. The Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering Finnish Matriculation examination Grades






Mother tongue






English, advanced level or






English, basic level






Mathematics or physics/ chemistry test*







Applicants, who have completed the IB examination in a Finnish upper secondary school, or a European Baccalaureate examination of European schools or Reifeprüfung examination in Finland, convert the grades on their certificates according to the following charts: Conversion chart for EB, IB and Reifeprüfung examinations Finnish matriculation examination

Reifeprüfung examination

EB examination

IB examination


Other subjectspecific tests


13–15 points

7 (Excellent)



Eximia cum laude approbatur

12–10 points

6 (Very good)



Magna cum laude approbatur

8–9 points

5 (Good)



7 points

4 (Satisfactory)



5–6 points

3 (Mediocre)



4 points

2 (Poor)



Cum laude approbatur Lubenter approbatur Approbatur

Conversion chart for the grades on leaving certificates Finnish upper secondary school leaving certificate

Reifeprüfung * programme leaving certificate

IB programme leaving certificate

EB programme leaving certificate


13–15 points

7 (Excellent)



10–12 points

6 (Very good)



7–9 points

5 (Good)



5–6 points

4 (Satisfactory)



3–4 points

3 (Mediocre)



1–2 points

2 (Poor)


* The average of grades on the Reifeprüfung examination is converted by dividing the total of points by 60, and then converting it according to the chart (e.g. 520: 60 ~ 8,67, thus converted to 8.)

Entrance examinations The maximum points awarded for the entrance examination is 100 points. The entrance examination results of those applicants who are admitted on the basis of the total of points for school performance and the entrance examination are automatically scaled down by 0.7. The dates of the entrance examinations in Finland can be found in the descriptions of the Degree Programmes in this guide. The dates of the entrance examinations outside Finland can be found at by the end of 2010. The exact place and time will be informed in the invitation letter which is sent to an eligible applicant. The minimum score for a passed examination is 30 points out of 100 points in every degree programme in SAMK. If an applicant gets less than 30 points from the entrance examination, he/she cannot be accepted to the programme.


Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Tiedepuisto 3, 28600 PORI, puh. (02) 620 3000 Liiketoiminta Huittinen | Faculty of Business and

Sosiaali- ja terveysala Rauma | Faculty of Social

Culture Huittinen

Services and Health Care Rauma

Risto Rytin katu 70, 32700 HUITTINEN

Steniuksenkatu 8, 26100 RAUMA

Kuvataide Kankaanpää | Faculty of Business and

Tekniikka ja merenkulku Rauma | Faculty of

Culture Kankaanpää

Technology and Maritime Management Rauma


Suojantie 2, 26100 RAUMA

Liiketoiminta ja kulttuuri Pori | Faculty of Business

Tekniikka ja merenkulku Rauma | Faculty of

and Culture Pori

Technology and Maritime Management Rauma

Tiedepuisto 3, 28600 PORI

Urheilukatu 22, 26100 RAUMA

Liiketoiminta Rauma | Faculty of Business and

Tekniikka ja merenkulku Pori | Faculty of Technology

Culture Rauma

and Maritime Management Pori

Satamakatu 26, 26100 RAUMA

Tekniikantie 2, 28600 PORI

Sosiaali- ja terveysala Pori | Faculty of Social Services and Health Care Pori Maamiehenkatu 10, 28500 PORI

Ammattikorkeakoulujen hakutoimistot Kaikissa ammattikorkeakouluissa on hakutoimisto, josta voit kysyä mitä tahansa hakemiseen liittyvää.

DIAKONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Sturenkatu 2, 00510 Helsinki puh. 020 690 431, faksi (09) 4780 0774 hakutoimisto(at); HAAGA-HELIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU / HAAGAHELIA YRKESHÖGSKOLA Hakutoimisto/ansökningsbyrån: Ratapihantie 13 / Bangårdsvägen 13, 00520 Helsinki/Helsingfors puh./tfn 0400 230 409faksi/fax (09) 147 063 hakutoimisto(at), ansokningsbyran(at);

Degree Programmes in English

ARCADA – NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA Ansökningsbyrån: Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 1, 00550 Helsingfors tfn 0207 699 699 (växel), fax 0207 699 611 ansokningsbyran(at);

HUMANISTINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Annankatu 12 A 17, 00120 Helsinki puh. suora 020 7621 300, vaihde 020 7621 390 faksi 020 7621 391 hakutoimisto(at); HÄMEEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 225 (Visamäentie 35 A), 13101 Hämeenlinna puh. (03) 646 4501, faksi (03) 646 4404 hakutoimisto(at); JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 207 (Rajakatu 35), 40101 Jyväskylä puh. 040 526 2681, 040 542 3469, faksi (014) 449 9694 hakutoimisto(at);


KAJAANIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 52 (Ketunpolku 3), 87101 Kajaani puh. (08) 6189 9648, faksi (08) 6189 9626; KEMI–TORNION AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 505 (Lumikontie 2), 94101 Kemi puh. 010 383 5274, faksi (016) 251 139; KESKI-POHJANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – MELLERSTA ÖSTERBOTTENS YRKESHÖGSKOLA Hakutoimisto/ansökningsbyrån: Talonpojankatu 2 / Bondegatan 2, 67100 Kokkola/Karleby puh./tfn (06) 825 2081, faksi (06) 825 2075; KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 111 (Paraatikenttä 7), 45101 Kouvola puh. 044 702 8890, 044 702 8891, faksi 05 230 2433; LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 214 (Paasikivenkatu 7 A), 15101 Lahti puh. (03) 828 2069, (03) 828 2076, faksi (03) 828 2064; LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Ratatie 22, 01300 Vantaa puh. (09) 8868 7293, faksi (09) 8868 7298 ; METROPOLIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOLU Hakutoimisto: PL 4011 (Bulevardi 29), 00079 Metropolia puh. 020 783 5100, faksi 020 783 5500; MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 181 (Patteristonkatu 3 A), 50101 Mikkeli puh. 015 355 6335, faksi 015 355 6371; OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 405 (Albertinkuja 20), 90101 Oulu puh. 010 192 000, faksi 010 272 1370; POHJOIS-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Tikkarinne 9, 80200 Joensuu puh. 050 408 8429, 050 594 4022, faksi (013) 260 6411;


ROVANIEMEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 122 (Yliopistonkatu 8, E-siipi, huone 101), 96100 Rovaniemi h. 020 798 5401, 0400 8300 36, faksi 020 798 5498; SAIMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 99 (Pohjolankatu 23), 53101 Lappeenranta puh. 040 029 0422, 040 746 8631, fax 020 496 6588; SATAKUNNAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Tiedepuisto 4, 28600 Pori puh. (02) 620 3033, faksi (02) 620 3031; SAVONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 1028 (Sairaalakatu 6-8, rak.1), 70111 Kuopio puh. (017) 255 5056, 255 5044, 044 785 5056, faksi (017) 255 5043; SEINÄJOEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: PL 412 (Keskuskatu 34), 60101 Seinäjoki puh. 020 124 5023, 020 124 5018, 020 124 5147, faksi 020 124 5022; TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Kuntokatu 3, 33520 Tampere puh. (03) 2452 395, 2452 397, 2452 398, 2452 399, faksi (03) 2452 396; TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Hakutoimisto: Joukahaisenkatu 3 A, 20520 Turku puh. 02 2633 5821, faksi 02 2633 5791, VAASAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – VASA YRKESHÖGSKOLA Hakutoimisto/ansökningsbyrån: Wolffintie 30 / Wolffskavägen 30, 65200 Vaasa/Vasa puh./tfn 0207 663 300 (vaihde/växel), faksi/fax (06) 326 3327, ansokningsbyran(at); YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA Ansökningsbyrån: PB 6 (Fabriksgatan 1), 65201 Vasa tfn (06) 328 5555, fax (06) 328 5117;

Sisällysluettelo SAATTEEKSI.................................................................................................... 1 KOULUTUSOHJELMAT Liiketalouden koulutusohjelma........................................................ 7 Kansainvälisen kaupan koulutusohjelma...................................... 8 Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutusohjelma.............................................. 9 Matkailun koulutusohjelma............................................................... 11 Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelma ........................................................... 13 Viestinnän koulutusohjelma............................................................... 14 Fysioterapian koulutusohjelma........................................................ 16 Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma............................................................... 17 Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma.......................................................... 19 Automaatiotekniikan koulutusohjelma.......................................... 21 Kemiantekniikan koulutusohjelma................................................... 23 Kone- ja tuotantotekniikan koulutusohjelma............................ 24 Logistiikan koulutusohjelma............................................................. 25 Merenkulun koulutusohjelma........................................................... 26 Rakennustekniikan koulutusohjelma............................................. 28 Sähkötekniikan koulutusohjelma.................................................... 29 Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma....................................................... 30 Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma.............................................. 33 VALINTAPERUSTEET Valinnan yleisperiaatteet..................................................................... 35 Kulttuuriala.............................................................................................. 40 Luonnontieteiden ala............................................................................. 43 Matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousala................................................... 46 Sosiaali-, terveys- ja liikunta-ala...................................................... 50 Tekniikan ja liikenteen ala.................................................................... 54 Merenkulkualan koulutus.................................................................. 59 Yhteiskuntatieteiden, liiketalouden ja hallinnon ala................ 61 degree programmes in english STUDYING IN SAMK IN ENGLISH.................................................................. 67 Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering..................... 68 Degree Programme in Innovative Business Services (IBS).......... 69 Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics (IBML)......................................... 71 Degree Programme in Physiotherapy............................................... 73 HOW TO APPLY ............................................................................................. 75 The admission criteria for DEGREE PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH.................................................. 79 SAMKin yhteystiedot............................................................................... 85 Ammattikorkeakoulujen hakutoimistot......................................... 85


HAKIJAN OPAS | APPLICANT’S GUIDE • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Automaatiotekniikan koulutusohjelma Fysioterapian koulutusohjelma Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Kansainvälisen kaupan koulutusohjelma Kemiantekniikan koulutusohjelma Kone- ja tuotantotekniikan koulutusohjelma Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelma Liiketalouden koulutusohjelma Logistiikan koulutusohjelma Matkailun koulutusohjelma Merenkulun koulutusohjelma Rakennustekniikan koulutusohjelma Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma

• • • • •

Sähkötekniikan koulutusohjelma Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutusohjelma Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma Viestinnän koulutusohjelma

• • •

Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering Degree Programme in Innovative Business Services (IBS) Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics (IBML) Degree Programme in Physiotherapy

SAMKin hakutoimisto puh. (02) 620 3033

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