Make Math Your Best Friend With Speed Number Tricks!
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Are you struggling to teach your child simple math problems? Well, you can introduce the different speed math techniques that can boost their confidence and help combat the fear of numbers. Puzzles, abacus, and timetables are some of the fundamental tools that can help in building good number sense. You can introduce everyday math to your children. It is possible when you engage them in activities like going shopping, playing in the park, cooking in the kitchen, and even driving. Keen observation and logical thinking are the brain activities that can stimulate your kid’s ability to pick speed mathematics techniques. Here are some easy methods that can become a handy assistant for your children:
Technique #1 Multiplying large numbers: It seems a challenge to ask your child to come up with a quick reply, especially when it’s multiplication problems with large numbers. Here is a quick trick you can teach to handle tough multiplications. If one number is an even, divide the first number in half and double the second number. Let’s try with an example: 20 x 120 =? Divide 20 in half = 10. Double 120 = 240. Now multiple both these, and you will get your answer – 10 x 240 = 2400 And answer to 20 x 120 = 2400.
Technique # 2 Multiplication of numbers that end at zero: Zero can make any math problem tricky and simple. But when it comes to multiplication – it is just like a curveball. Here is a simple trick you can try to multiply large numbers that end in zero. Start the problem by multiplying the two numbers (without zero) and adding the zero to get the correct answer. Let’s try this with an example to understand better. 200 x 400 =? Multiply 2 and 4 = 8 Now, add all the zeroes that were in both the original numbers after 8 80000 Thus, 200 x 400 = 80,000
Technique # 3 Division tricks: When you get a number for division, use the following tricks to solve it quick to ascertain if you can evenly divide it: If any number ends in 0, you can divide it evenly with 10. If the total of all the digits in the given number is 9, it will divide evenly by 9 and 3. If the last three digits are evenly divisible by 8 or 000, you can evenly divide it by 8. If the last digit is 0 or 5, you can completely divide it by 5.
Conclusion There are many more tricks that you can find in any math book, and try to simplify the complex calculation and turn mathematics into an interesting subject for your kids to learn and thrive. There are many ways to solve an arithmetic problem. All you need is to figure out the best way. This is where the faster calculation tricks prove handy and helpful. It helps students to solve complicated questions more swiftly.
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