Finding the Best SAT Prep Materials by Dr. Steve Warner This PDF will be focused on SAT math since that is my area of expertise. But much of what I say here can be applied to SAT verbal materials, and in fact educational products in general. With so many products available for standardized test preparation it can be quite an arduous task to find the best SAT math prep book. Let me begin with a “must have” for anyone taking the SAT - the College Board’s “Official SAT Study Guide.” Make sure you get the 2nd edition since this is the only version that has three previously administered SATs. In fact, this book can be your primary source for SAT preparation if it is used correctly. For example, when I began tutoring for the SAT many, many years ago I used only College Board materials. I would have my students save the first 3 or 4 tests to use as full timed practice tests, taking approximately 1 full test per month. I would then have them cut and paste (physically with scissors and tape) all the
problems from the other sections and reorganize them by topic and difficulty level. This would allow them to focus on the SAT practice questions (math) that would help them to raise their score in the shortest amount of time possible. Now there are some fundamental problems with the College Board’s book. These include the following: