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as 110 Muslims arrested protest turns ugly

See page 16-17 >>


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Year 1  Issue 43  Thursday, 10.05.12

Muslim influence in French election

France’s Muslim community mobilized voters to reject President Nicolas Sarkozy in Sunday’s election to punish the conservative leader for his anti-immigrant and anti-Islam rhetoric. There were special efforts by imams and Islamic associations to get French Muslims to vote in the second round of the French presidential elections May 6. Socialist Hollande swept to victory in France’s presidential election on Sunday, in a swing to the left at the heart of Europe that

could start a pushback against German-led austerity. Sarkozy conceded defeat within 20 minutes of the last polls closing, telling supporters he had telephoned Hollande to wish him good luck. “I bear the full responsibility for this defeat,” he said. Many French nationals in Israel were unhappy Monday with Paris’ newly elected President Francois Hollande, who beat incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy. The rhetoric escalated last month after Mohammed

Merah, a French-born Muslim who blamed to be inspired by al Qaeda, killed seven people in a shooting spree. Mr. Sarkozy, of the conservative Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party, called for tightening immigration because there are “too many foreigners” in France. Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of the far-right National Front party, talked about “green fascism” (a reference to the color of Islam) and wondered “how many Continued on page 2 >>

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Demoniser of Islam:

Abu Qatada loses European appeal against deportation

Abu Qatada has lost his appeal bid against deportation after European judges rejected his eleventh hour challenge. ABU QATADA could finally be on his way out of Britain after his appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against his deportation was rejected. The radical cleric will not be allowed to have his appeal heard by the Grand Chamber of the Strasbourg-based court, a Council of Europe spokesman said. Qatada, who has been linked to the 9/11 bombings, now faces deportation to Jordan. A panel of five judges ruled there were no grounds to reconsider a decision that the hate cleric would not face torture if returned to Jordan, sources said. The decision was a narrow escape for Theresa May, Home Secretary, after the court decided the application was submitted within time. But in an embarrassing development for Home Secretary Theresa May, it is reported that the Court found that Qatada’s appeal was submitted within the three-month deadline. Downing Street said at the time of his arrest last month that they believed the deadline had already passed before his appeal was submitted.

Queen’s speech puts ‘growth, justice and constitutional reform’ at its heart Lords reform takes centre stage in legislative agenda, alongside measures to support families, change employment law and reform pensions The Queen has announced the primary aim of her Government is to “reduce the deficit and restore economic stability.” In her address outlining the government’s plans for the coming year, the monarch

spoke of important changes to the banking sector. Measures proposed by the Independent Commission on Banking will be put in place to prevent further crippling bank bailouts like those seen in 2008. Another proposal involves forcing banks to separate their retail arms from riskier Continued on page 28 >>



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Boris Johnson unveils senior team for second term as London mayor Conservative mayor appoints Kit Malthouse as his deputy for business and enterprise as he promises to create 200,000 jobs Newly re-elected London Mayor Boris Johnson has announced a string of appointments to his top team, as he pledged to put jobs and growth “at the heart” of his second term as mayor. Conservative Mr Johnson secured another four years at City Hall in last week’s elections by polling 1,054,811 votes to Labour candidate Ken Livingstone’s 992,273 in a contest that was much closer than experts predicted. Kit Malthouse was named as deputy mayor for business and enterprise, with the remit to progress plans to increase jobs in the capital, help establish 250,000 apprenticeships Publisher Salah Bu Khamas (UAE) Sabha Khan (UK) UK Office 10 Courtenay Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 7ND UK Phone: +44 20 8904 0619 Fax: +44 20 8181 7575 India Office Satya Infomedia Pvt. Ltd. C/O Satya Group. 1st Floor, Avenue Appt., Near Sheth. R. J. J. High School, Tithal Road, Valsad - 396001 Gujarat, India United Arab Emirates Office S.K. Group of Companies P.O. Box 9021, Karama Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 2659970, 3359929; Fax: +971 4 2659971, 3341609 Managing Editor & CEO Mohammad Shahid Khan Group Editorial Managers Gulzar Khan (India) Abdul Khalique (Pakistan) Editorial Board UK Frances Brunner FYI Tribune team Adrian Fellar Misbah Khan Reema Shah Rohma Khan Keziah-Ann Abakah Marketing & Sales Andrew Klugman (Manager) Art Department UK Ali Ansar (Art Director) Md. Reazul Islam

and attract further investment to the city. Mr Johnson has pledged to invest in London’s infrastructure, regeneration and housing to create 200,000 jobs over the period of his mayoralty. Richard Blakeway was appointed deputy mayor for housing, land and property to help spearhead investment in housing and will also chair Homes for London, formerly the London Housing Board. Johnson’s new team also sees a promotion for Munira Mirza, formerly adviser on culture and youth, who becomes deputy mayor for education and culture –

reflecting the fact that Johnson is keen to have strategic oversight of

schools in his second term. Mirza will be responsible for delivering

Munira Mirza, the Mayor of London’s new director of arts and culture policy

Johnson’s pledge to boost literacy as part of a range of projects to boost young people’s education and attainment, as well as focusing on plans for a supplementary schools programme and his Education Inquiry Panel, launched last November. The Conservative mayor used his Daily Telegraph column on Monday to spell out his intention to investigate why young Londoners are “losing out” to foreign nationals in the jobs market. Johnson has also pumped up the role of his former housing adviser, Richard Blakeway, by creating the new brief of deputy mayor for housing, land and property. Announcing the decision, Johnson said the release of surplus public land inherited from the London Development Agency and Homes and Communities Agency to create “thousands of homes and jobs” would be key to his growth programme. The Prime Minister earlier praised Mr Johnson for running a “very strong” campaign and said he had enjoyed backing his bid for re-election. Speaking at City Hall at the weekend, David Cameron said: “I enjoyed campaigning for Boris but now what matters is working together for the good of London, as PM, as mayor, and that is exactly what we are going to do.”

Muslim influence in French election

Continued from page 01 >>

Mohammed Merahs are arriving on boats and planes each day, filling France with immigrants.” The speeches infuriated French Muslims and reignited the debate over origins and identity. As Europe’s largest Islamic community, French Muslims account for as much as 10 percent of the country’s 65 million people. For many Muslim religious leaders, it was time to act. “We don’t live on Mars. We live in France and we are constantly listening to what is happening,” said Kamel Kabtane, the rector of the Lyon mosque, who was among a group of imams at some 30 mosques in southeast France pressing Muslims to vote. “By this initiative, we want to show that Muslims aren’t citizens of the second zone ... They can vote for whom they want but be present in the voting booth,” he said. The more than 5 million Muslims in France — the largest such population in western Europe — could potentially prove a decisive weight for or against a candidate. But experts say their footprint on the political landscape is nearly invisible. The French model of integration is officially

colorblind, demanding that immigrant minorities forgo their customs to meld into the universe of Frenchness. Statistics on race, ethnic origin and religion are formally banned, though researchers find ways to circumvent the rule, like using last names to deduce who is who. Kabtane said the Muslim get-out-the-vote initiative in southeast France was the first of its kind, although some mosques in the Paris area are also asking Muslims to go to the polls. “The terms [Islam, immigration and fundamentalism] are being used interchangeably, without care, with people being targeted, denigrated and used for [votes].” The debates and rhetoric aren’t new and have been at the heart of French political campaigns for the past decade. Muslims - especially those living in the “banlieues,” France’s poor immigrant suburbs - sometimes have been courted by candidates with promises of jobs and better living conditions, but they mostly have been stigmatized as threats to the French identity, analysts say. The rhetoric escalated last month after Mohammed Merah, a French-born Muslim who claimed to be inspired by al Qaeda, killed seven people in a

shooting spree. More than five million Muslims live in France, and one of their leaders has told AP, “If Muslims were organized, it would be dangerous for Sarkozy.” In Israel, the city of Netanya has the largest community of French nationals. Many expressed concern that Hollande will “Care for the Muslims, because they supported him.” “Hollande is not good for the Jews or for Israel,” said Lorence Partush, adding that many Jews in France will now have an excuse to make aliyah, because “he loves Muslims.” “Hollande is a danger to the Jewish community in France. We lived there for over 40 years, but those were different times. Now its difficult for us,” she added. Meanwhile the European Jewish Congress congratulated him: “Our recent meeting with Mr. Hollande was very constructive and touched on many areas of concern to the Jewish community,” EJC President Moshe Kantor said in a statement. “[French] Muslims can’t stand it anymore. They are fed up with these debates about national identity, halal meat, the veil or fundamentalism all over the place,” said Francoise Lorcerie, a sociologist with the Institute of Studies on the Arab and Muslim World near Marseille.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



Asian child sex gang jailed for over 70 years Nine Pakistani and Afghan men found guilty of sexually abusing vulnerable girls in Rochdale

Men plied girls as young as 13 with drink and drugs in order to use them for sex, jury heard Chief Constable Heywood: ‘Fantastic result for British justice’

A gang of nine Asian men behind a child sex gang involving girls as young as 13 have been jailed for between 19 and four years. The men, all from the Greater Manchester area, had been charged with a variety of offences, including rape, trafficking, conspiracy and sexual activity with a child. Sentencing them at Liverpool Crown Court, Judge Gerald Clifton said: “You attracted them to your company by flattery, free food, and alcohol. Some of you acted to satiate your lust, some to make money out of them. All of you treated them as though they were worthless and beyond all respect. “One of the factors leading to that was the fact that they were not part of your community or religion. Some of you, when arrested, said it was triggered by race. That is nonsense.

What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.” Judge Clifton said the men had been convicted for their “grave” sexual offences, which involved “grooming and sexually exploiting” several young girls. He added: “In some cases those girls were raped callously, viciously and violently.” The gang’s 59-year-old ringleader, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was jailed for 19 years for conspiracy, two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, sexual assault and a count of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation. The others were: - Kabeer Hassan, 25: Nine years for

rape and three years, concurrently, for conspiracy. - Abdul Aziz, 41: Nine years for conspiracy and nine years, concurrently, for trafficking for sexual exploitation. - Abdul Rauf, 43: Six years for conspiracy and six years, concurrently, for trafficking for sexual exploitation. - Mohammed Sajid, 35: 12 years for rape, six years for conspiracy, one year for trafficking and six years, all concurrent, for sexual activity with a child. - Adil Khan, 42: Eight years for conspiracy and eight years, concurrently, for trafficking for sexual exploitation. - Mohammed Amin, 45: Five years

for conspiracy and 12 months, concurrently, for sexual assault. - Abdul Qayyum, 44: Four years for

Abdul Qayyum, Mohammed Amin, Hamid Safi and and a 59-year-old man were all convicted of conspiracy

conspiracy. - Hamid Safi, 22: Four years for conspiracy and one year, concurrently, for trafficking.

to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16. Five girls aged 13 to 15 were passed around by the gang and some victims were forced to have sex with “several men in a day, several times a week”, prosecutor Rachel Smith told Liverpool Crown Court. It can be revealed today that Greater Manchester Police and the Crown Prosecution Service apologised after they failed to bring the case of the first victim to trial following her cry for help in August 2008.

Chief Constable Heywood: ‘Fantastic result for British justice’ Police Chief Constable Steve Heywood condemns the nine men found guilty of child exploitation. A paedophile grooming gang who passed girls as young as 13 around for sex after plying them with drink and drugs are facing jail. Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid, Adil Khan,

The victims, all white, were from broken homes and one was in care when the offences took place in and around Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in 2008 and 2009. The girls, who often played truant and spent the day drinking, were the “sort of children who were easy to identify, target and exploit for the sexual gratification of these men”, Miss Smith said.

The child abusers, all from Pakistan except Safi, who is Afghan, sometimes gave the girls alcohol, cannabis, food and money in return for sex but there were times when violence was used. The trial almost had to be abandoned when a tweet from BNP leader Nick Griffin about the jury’s deliberations led to accusations that someone in the jury room was feeding information to the far right organisation. It took the jury of three men and nine women 21 hours and 22 minutes to reach all their verdicts. The Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk, criticised the police for their inaction four years ago. He said: “What has become clear is that if the police had acted seriously on these concerns in 2008, many of the victims of this appalling case would not have to go through such horrific trauma.” He said it was unacceptable that the young women were let down by people they should have been able to trust. Shazad, who was cleared of both charges, said he was delighted with the verdict. He said he was an innocent man and was glad the jury had believed him. His reputation had been badly damaged after his arrest but he could now go back to his life as an innocent man with his head held high, he said. Failed inquiry It was also revealed in court that a 13year-old victim who became pregnant by one of the defendants went to the police in August 2008. After the verdicts, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) apologised for failing to bring her case to trial following her cry for help. The Independent Police Complaints Commission is spearheading an investigation into that failed inquiry. All those convicted were found guilty of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with girls under the age of 16. Griffin tweet The tweet from Nick Griffin almost caused the trial to collapse when it led to allegations of the jury having a “far-right bias”. Last Thursday afternoon - two-anda-half days after the jury retired to consider its verdicts - Griffin posted a comment on Twitter account that read: “News flash. Seven of the Muslim paedophile rapists found guilty in Liverpool.”




93 Percent Of French Muslims Voted For Hollande A sweeping majority of Muslim voters in France cast ballot for Socialist candidate Francois Hollande in the run-off election, a new survey has found. “It is the mark of a true rejection of Nicolas Sarkozy” said Julien Goarant, research director at Opinionway. Hollande defeated his right-wing incumbent Sarkozy with 52 percent in Sunday’s runoff vote. According to a survey of 10,000 voters conducted by Opinionway for Le Figaro (not online), 93 percent of French Muslims voted for Francois Hollande in the second round of the French election, La Vie reports. Another poll put Muslim support

for Hollande at 85 percent. A prior Opinionway survey showed that 59 percent of Muslim voters (numbering about two million in total) voted for Hollande in the first round of the French elections, with Sarkozy only managing four percent. “It is the mark of a true rejection of Nicolas Sarkozy” said Julien Goarant, research director at Opinionway. Sarkozy’s attempts to woo Far-right voters and question the role of Islam (especially Halal meat) in France also did not go unnoticed. On the flip side, a poll for La Vie showed that 79 percent of practicing Catholics voted for Sarkozy, with Hollande cornering only 21 percent of their vote. But 70 percent of those considering themselves “without religion” went with Hollande, according to Le Figaro. Sarkozy has won the ire of French Muslims, estimated at six million, over a series of measures targeting their community. He has toned up his rhetoric on Muslim immigration into France in an effort to win far-right votes. Sarkozy has also expelled a number of imams following a spate of killing in Toulouse on claims of inciting hatred. Muslim leaders have distanced themselves from the killing, saying the murders run counter to the Islamic teachings. In 2010, Sarkozy’s Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party launched a debate on the role of Islam in secular France. He has also banned the Muslim hijab in schools and face-veil in public.

Sorry we let you down Ken The re-election of Boris Johnson, whilst is disappointing for anybody who opposes Islamophobia, is not at all too surprising. The king makers of the election, Muslims voters, failed to actualise on their potential once again. Only 33.6% came out to vote in the Muslim concentrated City and East constituency and in doing so, let Boris win by a whisker of 3%. The Jewish political establishment has won in reality. “Only 38% of the London electorate actually voted. That means Boris Johnson has been re-elected with about 19% of Londoners voting

for him. To all those who did not vote for whatever reason, Muslim or Non-Muslim, guess what .. You just voted for Boris Johnson! Also those of you who did not vote now have NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN if you disagree with any of Boris’ policies, because you refused to make a difference when you had the chance! Had these Muslims gone out and voted for Ken, we would not be stuck with Islamophobic Boris Johnson for another 4 years. In a predictable trend, it is the same people that have allowed the Zionist Mike Gapes to keep his seat for many terms. This is not an isolated situation. It was the lack of the Muslim vote that allowed the BNP leader, Nick Griffin to be sworn in as an MEP and with the newly formed EDL’s British Freedom Party (BFP), how bad does it need to get before Muslims understand the vital necessity of the vote? Muslims should see Galloway’s win in Bradford as a political realisation, that as a floating vote, Muslims should decide who is the best person to represent their views. Muslims will no longer have devils that claim to represent them, but once in power do everything they can to undermine and plot against their constituent base. Also a heartfelt goodbye to Ken Livingstone, Sadly we will not see you running again for Mayor of London, I wish you all the best in the future. Thanks for all your hard work over the years. Lastly, sorry we let you down Ken. Speak truth to power, get organised, and get political.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Labour :

London 2016 –

who’s in the running? It’s only 36 hours since the London Mayoral race came to an end, but already thoughts are turning to who might be Labour’s candidate next time. As Ken Livingstone leaves elected politics, for the first time in a generation theres a completely open field in the capital. So far four candidates are being mentioned about as potential runners for the Labour selection. They are: So far four candidates are being mentioned about as potential runners for the Labour selection. They are: Sadiq Khan – the most senior of the candidates in the running, the shadow justice secretary is thought to be seriously considering a run for mayor. By 2016 he’ll have been an MP

for over 10 years (with 12 years as a local councillor), and has a Mayoral-candidate friendly back story – his father was a bus driver. Could “Yes We Ken” morph into “Yes We Khan”? David Lammy – considered running in 2012 but decided instead to back Livingstone. His stock rose significantly after his reaction to riots in Tottenham, and his subsequent critically acclaimed book “Out of the Ashes” – leading to LabourList readers voted him MP of the Month back in August. Oona King – The only person who chose to stand against Livingstone in 2010, she was crushed in the

selection campaign. But she built a campaign team around her and is popular with sections of the London Party. Her mischievous tweet yesterday suggests she’s at the very least trying to keep people guessing. Which she has…

Stella Creasy – well liked, determined and ambitious, many have questioned why Creasy isn’t already in the Shadow Cabinet alongside talented peers like Umunna and Reeves. But a run for London Mayor could be on the cards for the Walthamstow MP – and it’s a win-win proposition for her. If she wins, she’d be one of the biggest names in the party. If she doesn’t, the profile would propel her to greater heights within the party. She’s the dark horse in this race, but certainly one to watch.

Amiens, Northern France : two elderly Muslims attacked by far right thugs on way to mosque Two elderly people from the Muslim community were assaulted on FridaySaturday night in Amiens. The two attackers claimed to be from the far right, it was learned on Sunday from the Regional Council of the Muslim Faith in Picardy and the Somme prefecture. The victims, two men aged 70 and 71, were attacked around five o’clock in the morning while they were on their way to the mosque in North Amiens for Fajr prayer, which takes place at

dawn. After being violently abused by two men “with very short hair and claiming to belong to the extreme right” the two men were beaten up.

Their lives are not in danger, but they were admitted to Amiens hospital with injuries particularly to their legs and ribs, according to the Regional Council. Their attackers, meanwhile, had fled. Two complaints were lodged on Saturday afternoon at the Amiens police station and an investigation has been launched by the Amiens prosecutor, the prefecture has confirmed, adding that the area where the assault took place was not equipped with CCTV cameras.

Bournemouth councillor suspends herself after EDL Twitter comment

A Bournemouth councillor has apologised “unreservedly” after saying online that only the English Defence League “sticks up for the English”. Conservative councillor Sue Anderson said she had suspended herself from the party and referred herself for disciplinary procedures. She made the comment via her Twitter account on Saturday. Ms Anderson said she had also referred herself to Bournemouth Council’s Standards Board. The married grandmother has been a councillor for the Moordown ward in the Dorset town since 2007. Her Twitter comment posted in a conversation on Saturday read: “but

nobody else except the EDL stick up for the English.” The account has since been taken down from the site. On Sunday Ms Anderson issued a statement saying the comment had been made in haste. “As a result of the attention it has attracted, I have been made aware that a previous comment may also have been offensive. For both comments I apologise unreservedly. I would

like to make it clear that I in no way support the English Defence League or any other organisation that promotes intolerance.” She said she realised her comments were “incompatible with active participation within the Conservative Party” so had suspended her membership of the Bournemouth East Conservative Association and Bournemouth Conservatives Council Group.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



UK PM could lose party leadership A British Conservative MP has warned Prime Minister David Cameron that he could be kicked out of office by his own backbenchers if he does not change his policies. Conservative MP Nadine Dorries urged Cameron to “dramatically” change his policies as she described Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne as “dangerous”, reported the Guardian. Dorries’ warning comes after the Conservative party took a drubbing in local elections this week. Dorries also warned that Cameron and Osborne are leading the Conservatives “towards defeat” at the next general election. Dorries said Tory backbenchers could urge for a change of leader and file letters indicating they have

no confidence in Cameron. “I happen to know this is already being discussed,” said Dorries. After Boris Johnson was elected as the mayor of London in mayoral elections this week, speculations went viral that he could become the next leader of the conservative

party and even could cross from City Hall to Downing Street, becoming Britain’s Prime Minister. Last month, Dorries described Cameron and Osborne as “two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition, and no passion to want to understand the

lives of others”. In her comments in an interview with the BBC on 5 May, Dorries used the word “posh” once again as she referred to Cameron and Osborne and said the combination of “arrogance” and “privilege” is “pretty dangerous”.

The re-elected London Mayor joked that he beat Labour’s Ken Livingstone DESPITE the support of the Prime Minister. Mr Johnson told supporters at his victory party: “We survived the rain, the BBC, the Budget - and the endorsement of David Cameron.”

US, China to hold consultations US to continue on South Asia drone hits: Panetta

The United States and China have announced they will hold consultations on South Asia and

the Asia-Pacific region later this year, just as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in India on Sunday. While the two countries have already held three dialogues on South Asia and several consultations on the Asia-Pacific region, the announcement following Friday’s conclusion of the fourth round of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue (SED) was seen as reflecting a new impetus to address strategic mistrust and Chinese concerns in the region. Analysts have noted after Friday’s talks an increasing U.S. willingness to take on board Chinese concerns in both regions, while Washington seeks Beijing’s support on issues ranging from Iran and North Korea to trade. Ms. Clinton left Beijing describing U.S.-China ties as “the most consequential relationship of the 21st century.” The Secretary of State, who will arrive in Kolkata on Sunday following a short visit

to Bangladesh and then travel on to New Delhi for talks, said the U.S. wanted China to “play a key

role in world affairs” as the world’s rising power. “Together, the U.S. and China are trying to do something that is historically unprecedented, to write a new answer to the age-old question of what happens when an established power and a rising power meet,” Ms. Clinton said. While the SED was overshadowed by the diplomatic crisis over the case of visually challenged Chinese lawyer and rights campaigner Chen Guangcheng, the dialogue also gave both countries an important platform to address mutual perceptions of rising strategic mistrust, largely sourced in Chinese anxieties over the U.S. strengthening its alliances in its “pivot” to Asia. Chinese State media and analysts have welcomed reported assurances made by the U.S. that it would not take sides on the South China Sea issue. “U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recently declared that

the United States would not take sides on the competing sovereignty claims” to land features, wrote leading Chinese strategic analyst Shen Dingli in the overseas edition of the People’s Daily. He described her comments as “a positive signal.” Ms. Clinton said the SED was a “testament to how far we have come in building a strong and resilient relationship, and being able to have very candid open discussions on issues where there is disagreement.” The two-day talks reflected the growing breadth of the U.S.-China relationship, addressing issues beyond bilateral ties from Iran, Syria and North Korea to South Sudan. “We need this kind of open regular mechanism for strengthening our partnership and managing those areas where there are tensions and differences,” Ms. Clinton said. The U.S.-China relationship, she added, was “a long-term proposition” and “the most consequential relationship of the 21st century”. The U.S. saw China’s rise “as an opportunity, not a threat.” “We believe that neither of us can afford to keep looking at the world through old lenses, whether it’s the legacy of imperialism, the Cold War, or balance-of-power politics. Zero sum thinking will lead to negative sum results,” Ms. Clinton said. “And so instead, what we are trying to do is to build a resilient relationship that allows both of our nations to thrive without unhealthy competition, rivalry, or conflict while meeting our national, regional, and global responsibilities.”

The US will continue to launch drone strikes against militant sanctuaries in Pakistan even if that nation’s government keeps opposing them, Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said. While Panetta declined to be more specific when asked about the unmanned vehicles because they “remain covert operations,” he said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s ‘‘Conversations with Judy Woodruff’’ airing later this week, “The United States was attacked on 9/11, and we know who attacked us.” ‘‘We know that AlQaeda was behind it,” Panetta said. “And we are going to do everything

we can, use whatever operations we have to, in order to make sure that we protect this country and make sure that that kind of attack never happens again.’’ Told that sounded as if he meant drone attacks will continue, Panetta said simply, “The United States is going to defend itself under any circumstances.” Drone attacks against sanctuaries of the Taliban and other groups in Pakistan are carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency, which Panetta previously headed. Pakistan has opposed the strikes, saying they violate nation’s sovereignty.

Barrister Sibghatullah kadri and Lord Nazir Ahmad talking to the media persons regarding the Lyari operation in Karachi, during a press conference in London.



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Jew-hater Lost Muslim hater won!

The re-election of Boris Johnson, whilst is disappointing for anybody who opposes Islamophobia, is not at all too surprising. The king makers of the election, Muslims voters, failed to actualise on their potential once again. Only 33.6% came out to vote in the Muslim concentrated City and East constituency and in doing so, let Boris win by a whisker of 3%. The Jewish political establishment has won in reality. The counting went on for hours longer than expected. Declaration of the result was delayed over and over again. There was a power cut in north London. Two batches of ballot papers were mishandled and had to be handcounted. Finally, more than a full day after polls closed, the winner of London’s mayoral election was announced minutes before midnight on Friday night: Boris Johnson, the floppyhaired right-wing incumbent, was narrowly returned to office. Johnson just staved off challenger Ken Livingstone, by a margin of barely 60,000 votes — 51.53 percent to 48.47%. London’s mayor from 2000 until Johnson defeated him in 2008, Livingstone was sent home by the voters a second time, and immediately declared that “this is my last election.” For most of the Jewish community, the announcement was a major relief. “I hope that Ken Livingstone is consigned to the dustbin of history,” said David Mencer, former director of Labour Friends of Israel, a lobby group affiliated to Livingstone’s own party. He says he did not vote for Livingstone: “Why would I vote for a Jew-hater?” Jewish community sources say that an apology issued by Ken Livingstone in the Jewish Chronicle for the “rich” Jews debacle was highly untypical, and would never have been issued without considerable pressure from the party leadership.

Livingstone’s strategy during the campaign, many claim, was to win Muslim votes by alienating the Jews. There are an estimated million Muslims in the capital, compared to 200,000 Jews at most. The Jewish vote is negligible on the national scale – there are around 300,000 Jews out of a total UK population of 62 million – “in order to win power, parties need to win the middle ground, which is where the Jewish community is, by and large. It’s a great barometer – if they can win over the Jewish community, it’s a sign you’ve won over middle England.” In the immediate aftermath of the election, it was still unclear whether Livingstone did indeed win the Muslim vote. Jonathan Arkush, senior vice-president of the Board of Deputies, the representative body of British Jews, says that voting patterns will have to be analyzed properly, but in the meanwhile he has seen “no evidence that Ken Livingstone had special support amongst Muslims.” George Galloway won a seat in Parliament in March by directly courting the Muslim vote. The recent success of the Respect Party in Bradford West as an illustration of what can happen when Muslims “feel strongly” about politics. For issues that matter to them they do turn out. George Galloway has

electrified the Muslim community of Bradford. Last week George Galloway warned Ken Livingstone that unless he campaigns “more as Red Ken and less as New Labour”, he will not inspire Londoners to return him to City Hall when they vote on Thursday. George Galloway offered his endorsement. George Galloway threw his weight behind the Labour candidate’s reelection bid. He revealed he was already out knocking doors for Mr Livingstone in the streets of East London - where he was previously an MP. “I’m openly campaigning for Ken Livingstone,” he told the House Magazine. “He’s a friend of mine who I admire very much. I hope very much that he will win and insofar as I have influence in some communities in London I’m using it. I am already in East London.” That was alarming for the Jewish political establishment . Livingstone and Galloway , their eagerness to lash out against Jews and Israel is shared with other leftist politicians and parties around the world. Israeli injustices take their breath away, and local Jewish communities and individual Jews irritate them endlessly. Accused of both anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, Livingstone had been clashing with London’s Jews for the best part of three decades. In the

run-up to the election it had looked at times as though he might overtake Johnson, Several prominent Jewish Labour supporters publicly declared that they would not be voting for Livingstone, including Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland and host of television show The Apprentice, Lord Sugar. Miliband, who is himself halachically Jewish, declared that “Ken doesn’t have a prejudiced bone in his body.” In a report published it was revealed that the Boris Johnson campaign had lawyers at the ready last night who were prepared to issue an injunction against the results being announced in the event of a Livingstone victory. But Ken obviously lost by 60,000 votes, so why did they have lawyers at the ready? They didn’t think it was still close did they? But why did the Johnson campaign think they had lost? Even Boris lawyers went as far as informing Downing Street that Livingstone was worryingly close to a win. “Only 38% of the London electorate actually voted. That means Boris Johnson has been re-elected with about 19% of Londoners voting for him. To all those who did not vote for whatever reason, Muslim or NonMuslim, guess what .. You just voted for Boris Johnson! Also those of you who did not vote now have NO RIGHT

TO COMPLAIN if you disagree with any of Boris’ policies, because you refused to make a difference when you had the chance! Had these Muslims gone out and voted for Ken, we would not be stuck with Islamophobic Boris Johnson for another 4 years. In a predictable trend, it is the same people that have allowed the Zionist Mike Gapes to keep his seat for many terms. This is not an isolated situation. It was the lack of the Muslim vote that allowed the BNP leader, Nick Griffin to be sworn in as an MEP and with the newly formed EDL’s British Freedom Party (BFP), how bad does it need to get before Muslims understand the vital necessity of the vote? Muslims should see Galloway’s win in Bradford as a political realisation, that as a floating vote, Muslims should decide who is the best person to represent their views. Muslims will no longer have devils that claim to represent them, but once in power do everything they can to undermine and plot against their constituent base. Also a heartfelt goodbye to Ken Livingstone, Sadly we will not see you running again for Mayor of London, I wish you all the best in the future. Thanks for all your hard work over the years. Lastly, sorry we let you down Ken. Speak truth to power, get organised, and get political.

Liberal Democrats ‘want to pull out of Coalition’ to avoid poll wipe-out

Senior figures within the Liberal Democrats say the party may need to pull out of the coalition well before the next general election to have any hope of avoiding a wipe-out at the polls, it was reported. The Times also reports that that senior Liberal Democrats believe the party needs to withdraw from the Coalition if it is to avoid devastating electoral losses in 2015. One told The Times: “We will have to disengage and we will have to decide whether it is a matter of weeks or months.” The report comes as David Cameron and Nick Clegg prepare to make a rare joint appearance to restate the

case for the Coalition. It also suggests that George Osborne blamed Mr

Clegg for leaking Budget secrets during an angry confrontation.

The Chancellor was said to have been particularly displeased to have heard while on his way home from Heathrow after a trip to Washington that his plan to reduce the top rate of tax had been leaked. But Liberal Democrat sources suggested that they had no choice but to prepare the ground for the move with their MPs, after Mr Clegg agreed to it against the advice of his top advisers. David Cameron on Tuesday insisted the Government’s economic programme was one of “efficiency” not austerity, as he and Nick Clegg reaffirmed their commitment to

reducing the deficit. The pair insisted the country’s economy was in a far worse state “than anyone thought” when they formed the Coalition and pledged to do “whatever it takes” to get it back on track. In a joint appearance in Essex, the Prime Minister and his deputy reaffirmed deficit reduction as the Government’s “guiding task”, as they marked the two-year anniversary of the Coalition. Labour has hit back with ‘The Toryled Government: A programme for no change’, a blow-by-blow account of how the Government has “failed to live up to its own rhetoric”.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



‘Netanyahu forming war government’ Arab newspapers interpret new NetanyahuMofaz alliance as preamble for war Newspapers across the Arab world could not ignore Israel’s political drama and the declaration of a unity government on Tuesday. Benjamin Netanyahu and Shaul Mofaz were described as conniving war mongers and corrupt politicians as editorials declared war was looming. The three Palestinian Arabic dailies highlighted in their Wednesday issue Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s’ announcement of a broad coalition government. Al-Ayyam and al-Quds reported on Netanyahu’s announcement of the new coalition after Kadima, under Shaoul Mofaz, has joined the Likud, leading to call off early elections, which were expected to be held on September 4. “Netanyahu is forming a war government,” al-Quds al-Arabi’s headline cried. “No one knows what goes on through the mind of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu on many regional issues these days. One can predict that this man is scheming and planning wars after murdering

the peace process with the settlement policy in the occupied Arab territories,” the Londonbased paper said. The UAE paper al-Bayan printed an editorial titled “A government challenges peace.” The headline in Saudi Arabia’s al-Madina paper read: “Israel prepares for war.” The paper analyzed Netanyahu as a statesman and ruled he was “concerned about his status in Israeli history and wants to be remembered as the leader who destroyed the Iranian nuclear

program and solidified Israel’s nuclear monopoly in the region.” Lebanon’s popular as-Safir newspaper chose to address the political drama from a different perspective. Titled “Israeli recklessness,” its editorial explained that the “news (of early elections) turned out to be random fraud but it captured the attention of the entire world and became the focus of analyses and estimates that war is looming.” “The country once described as the

only democracy in the Middle East is slowly emerging to be nothing more than a yard-sale, not just because some of its Arab neighbors are trying to establish true democratic models but because its current statesmen are behaving like crime bosses.” Meanwhile Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday to discuss the upcoming talks between the P5+1 group of world powers and Iran,

scheduled to take place in Baghdad on May 23. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and newly-minted Vice Premier Shaul Mofaz were also present at the meeting in Jerusalem. Netanyahu requested that Ashton ask the Iranians to halt all uranium enrichment, remove all the enriched uranium currently in their territory and cease activity at the underground nuclear facility at Fordow near the city of Qom. According to Haaretz, Ashton came to Israel to “prevent Israel from speaking out publicly against the talks.” Ashton was briefing Netanyahu about past and future discussions with Iran “in an effort to assuage his concerns that a deal is in the works that would authorize Iran to continue enriching uranium,” the paper wrote. Ashley met Israeli leaders on this visit, and will not meet with Palestinians in Ramallah.

Prince Andrew criticised after flying on private jet to visit Indian slum The Duke of York has been accused of behaving “as if he were living in the days of the Raj” on a visit to India in which he flew to visit a slum on a private jet.

Prince Andrew, who is in India for a week, was shown around Dharavi, one of Asia’s biggest slums and a hotbed of both desperate poverty, entrepreneurship and community spirit. Infosys, a global leader in consulting and technology, today announced that it has committed to developing an Apprenticeship Program with the National Apprenticeship Scheme (NAS) in the United Kingdom (UK). Through this program, Infosys will develop and support learners to achieve long-term employability through a combination of training and gainful employment. The deed of commitment was signed in the presence of His Royal Highness The Prince Andrew, Duke of York, KG and Mr. Srinath Batni, Member of the Board and Head Delivery Excellence, Infosys at the Infosys Headquarters in Bangalore.

He started in Kumbharwada, known as the potters’ village, where people live and work in impossibly cramped conditions. The Dharavi area of the city, is home to some of the world’s poorest people. But Andrew chose to fly to Mumbai in a jet

hired at taxpayers’ expense, as part of an official tour of India to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, it was reported. The cost of his travel around the country has been estimated at £80,000. Labour MP Paul Flynn accused the prince of behaving “as if he were living in the days of the Raj”.



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Sky News launches Arabic news channel

Sky News launched its 24-hour Arabic language news channel, Sky News Arabia, from its studios in Abu Dhabi, in United Arab Emirates (UAE), on Sunday 6 May at 4pm GMT (8pm UAE time). The 24-hour Arabic channel, a joint venture BSkyB and Abu Dhabi Media Investment Corp, will broadcast to an estimated 50m households across the Middle East and North Africa. “Although not a direct replica of Sky News in the UK, Sky News Arabia will share our major principles: independence, impartiality and providing breaking news - first,” John Ryley, head of London-based Sky News, said in a statement. The service, which is also available online, on smartphones and tablets, is supported by 400 editorial staff across 12 bureaus. The channel in February unveiled the names of its six news anchors, including former Al Jazeera reporter Amr Abdelhamid and Fadila Souissi, who prior to her

Sky News first foreign language service under a joint venture with Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the owner of Manchester City Football Club. show on Abu Dhabi TV. equal merger of Sky Television, The news channel is a joint set up by media mogul Rupert project between the British Sky Murdoch in 1989, and British Broadcasting Group (BSkyB) and Satellite Broadcasting. Abu Dhabi Media Investment Rupert Murdoch’s News Company (ADMIC). The channel’s Corporation currently has a 39.1% newsroom is in Abu Dhabi and it stake in BSkyB and Murdoch’s will broadcast free-to-air across plans to take full control of BSkyB multiple platforms including TV, failed after investigations into the mobile, and tablet. Sky News phone hacking scandal forced him Arabia will also be available to shut down his British tabloid, appointment hosted Mouthir Lili online. the News of the World. Jadal, a socio-political weekly In 1990, BSkyB was formed by the “I believe that from tonight

at 8:00pm viewers across the Middle East and North Africa will experience a new standard for consuming news in the region,” said chairman of Sky News Arabia, Sultan Al Jaber. John Ryley, head of Sky News based in London, said Sky News Arabia would follow the same major principles as Sky News, though it would not be “a direct replica” of it. Sky News says its new Arabic channel will bring news to 50 million homes across the Middle East and North Africa.

Ahmadiyya Muslims celebrate Queen’s jubilee at Tower with fleet of buses

The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also sends congratulations to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II upon Diamond Jubilee Ahmadiyya Muslims from across Britain are heading for London - to honour Her Majesty The Queen. They will converge on the Tower of London on May 13th for a 10km charity walk which is expected to raise up to half a million pounds for The Queen’s charities. The charity walk is an annual fixture in the community’s calendar and in recent years has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for British charities each year. This year a special effort is being made in honour of the Diamond Jubilee. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson; Secretary of State for Communities, Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP; and a number of senior figures from charities; the Metropolitan Police; and the Armed Forces together with various diplomats and parliamentarians will attend the historic walk. Boris Johnson said: “It’s fitting that different communities making up the fabric of British life play a part in honouring our monarch on this special occasion.

The occasion will also see the launch of 100 special buses in London congratulating The Queen on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee. The banners on the London buses will also sport the Jubilee Logo and the Ahmadiyya Muslim motto: Love for All, Hatred for None. The charity walk & the bus campaign are a prelude to a series of activities to mark the Jubilee celebrations including: • A letter from the worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, to Her Majesty The Queen congratulating her on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee • Interfaith peace symposiums and jubilee dinners across the country • Ahmadiyya Muslim mosques being lit up and decorated and sporting the British flag • Prayers for the Queen • Charity events in aid of British

charities • Blood drives to donate blood in the UK

participate in this charity walk that provides a testament to our faith and sense of duty to Queen and country.

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and 50 years of Ahmadiyya Muslim Assocation in Huddersfield. Huddersfield Town Hall

The National President of the UK Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mr Rafiq Hayat, said: “We share in the national pride and joy at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. As Muslims, we feel we are duty bound to serve Queen and country and we regard this as an important act of faith. Love for our country and its monarch is our Islamic obligation. “It is with a tremendous sense of national pride and civic duty that we

“Our mosques throughout Britain will be decorated for the Jubilee and will host dinners or organise street luncheons to mark this historic occasion.” The event is entirely organised by an army of volunteers with every penny being raised going to charity. Meanwhile The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Huddersfield held a function at Huddersfield Town Hall on Sunday 6th May 2012 to mark the

was packed with guests and members of the Ahmadiyya Community. The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire represented the Queen. A book “Tohfa-e-Qaisariyyah - A Gift for the Queen” by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, written in 1897 for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee and republished for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, was presented to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, along with £500 for the Queen’s charity.


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Thursday, 10.05.12

international Air India crisis

Pakistan must crack 10 more pilots sacked, down on terror: Clinton court steps in

New Delhi US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrapped up a three-day visit to India yesterday, downplaying differences over Iran, stressing the shared goal of a stable Afghanistan, and calling for greater US company access to India’s booming economy. But Clinton reserved her most pointed comments for neighbouring Pakistan, which she called on to stop using its territory as a safe haven for insurgents keen on striking nearby countries or its own people. “We look to the government of Pakistan to do more,” she said at a press conference with Indian foreign minister S.M. Krishna. “We need stronger, more concerted efforts against the scourge of terrorism.” Clinton described the $10 million (Dh36.73 million) bounty on Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed as unmistakable “solidarity” with New Delhi. At a joint press conference after her talks with Krishna, Clinton said the US had every reason to believe Saeed was the “principal architect” of the Mumbai terror strikes that claimed 166 people, including six Americans. Pakistan army derailing peace process, S. M. Krishna tells Hillary Clinton External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna on Tuesday is learnt to have told US secretary of state Hillary Clinton that the Pakistan Army is derailing the peace process between the neighbouring countries. He is also believed to have told her that the Pakistan Army was behind the cancellation of the commerce secretary-level talks this May. According to the Indian assessment, while the civilian government in Pakistan wanted the talks, it was the general headquarters in Rawalpindi that

shot it down. The talks would have paved way for the ‘Most Favoured Nation’ status being accorded to India. Cementing trade ties has remained the high point of the dialogue process between the two sides and on his recent visit to India, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari had also told Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that closer trade ties should be a priority. But Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani seems to have torpedoed it. He is believed to be not fully behind the peace process and even though the civilian government in Pakistan wants to move forward on issues such as trade, there is a confirmation that the army has applied the brakes on the proposal. The candid remark came when Krishna and Clinton discussed the issue of terrorism and shared their assessment on Pakistan. According to Krishna’s assessment, the Pakistan Army is providing tactical support to the dialogue owing to internal compulsions and because of strained relationship with the US. “It is not a strategic change in their position, but a tactical shift,” he is learnt to have told Clinton. He has apparently asked the US to factor in pressurising Pakistan on the issue of terrorism as it negotiates the new rules of engagement. Krishna told his US counterpart that there is no seriousness in Pakistan to bring the perpetrators of 26/ 11 terror attacks to justice. As the two leaders exchanged frank views, both agreed that the Haqqani network was being supported by the Pakistan intelligence agency, the ISI, and was responsible for recent terror attacks in Afghanistan.

National carrier Air India sacked 10 more pilots who went on mass sick leave leading to several flight cancellations on Wednesday, as the Delhi High Court stepped in to normalise operations by restraining pilots from going on strike. "We have sacked 10 more pilots. We are ready for talks, negotiations but

"We have called in reserve pilots and other flights are operating per schedule. Passengers are being updated about their flight status." Sources in the pilots union claimed that the disgruntled aviators had reached out to the chief labour commissioner's (CLC) office. The IPG is likely to discuss the issue and

we will also not tolerate this kind of illegal action which will permanently hurt the airline's image," a senior Air India official told. The flag carrier had sacked 10 pilots on Tuesday and derecognised their union - Indian Pilots Guild (IPG). The Delhi High Court attempted to restore operations and issued restraining orders on pilots from going on strike. The flag carrier had moved the court against the agitating pilots. Trouble started when pilots belonging to IPG, of pre-merger Air India pilots, had gone on mass 'sick' leave protesting the move by the airline to provide Boeing-787 Dreamliner training to pilots from the erstwhile Indian Airlines. The stir caused four international flight cancellations each on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday, the airline had to cancel three international flights from Delhi and one from Mumbai. "Till now in the day, four flights have been cancelled, including New DelhiSingapore, New Delhi-New York, New Delhi-Frankfurt and MumbaiNewark," the official said.

the sacking of its senior pilots at a meeting later Wednesday. On Tuesday, Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh slammed the agitation calling it illegal. "There are certain ways of even going on strike. The pilots may have grievances but they should have spoken to the management, to me and other well wishers." "How can they (pilots) go on strike when Air India is on the path of recovery and when it is not out of the woods," he asked. Ajit Singh further said that while in an earlier order the Delhi High Court had upheld the contention that the erstwhile Indian Airlines pilots cannot be trained on the Dreamliner, the Supreme Court had vacated the stay. "How can the protesting pilots expect the government to go against the Supreme Court?" Currently training for the first batch of pilot and crew members for the 787 is going on in Singapore. An aircraft like 787 requires around 10 pilots for operating a full day's schedule or a connecting long haul flight.



Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012

India ready to open more land border crossings

India is willing to look at opening more land border crossings with Pakistan, for instance, at places like Munnabao in Rajasthan, India’s high commissioner to Pakistan Sharat Sabharwal said on Monday. He was addressing the inaugural session of the 2nd Aman Ki AshaIndo-Pak Economic Conference. At present, the Attari-Wagah post is the only land border transit point between the two nations. Later this month, home secretaries of the two countries are expected to sign on an agreement to liberalise the business visa regime. In the works are multiple entry visas, abolishing police check-posts and multi-city visas. These measures are expected to give

countries can touch $12 billion in the next five years, Sabharwal said. He reiterated commerce minister Anand Sharma’s promise that “for every one step Pakistan takes, India will take two”, to further trade

be settled through dialogue and called for enhanced people-to-people contact. He said his government was committed to normalisation of relations. “Non-state actors from both sides of the border are

is huge scope for cooperation. He commended The Times of India and Pakistan’s Jang Group for launching the Aman Ki Asha initiative when tensions were running high between the two nations. Speakers at the conference highlighted the fact that improved economic relations between India and Pakistan would lead to peace and prosperity. But a few delegates said they were worried that offering most favoured nation (MFN) status to India might result in highly skewed trade relations with the balance tilting in favour of India. These worries were addressed by Pakistan business leaders like Mian Muhammed Mansha, chairman, MCB Bank, and Bashir Ali

a fillip to Indo-Pak trade, which today is languishing at below $3 billion. The Indian commerce ministry believes that trade between the two

between the neighbours. Delivering the keynote address, Pakistan Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani said core issues should

determined to harm relations. We need to be vigilant. He said that in sectors like information technology, education, health engineering, there

Muhammed, chairman, Gul Ahmed Group. They were unequivocal in saying that more trade would only benefit the Pakistani people.

Industry would benefit from greater competition in the long run. Mansha said he was keen on starting a bank in India. Adi Godrej, CII president and head of the Godrej Group, said the two largest economies of South Asia should work together to ensure that bilateral trade touches $10 billion in the near term. Textiles, agriculture, engineering, IT, education and health care are sectors which can see immediate traction, he said. “Removal of tariff barriers should set in motion processes for the removal of asymmetries in trade.” Group managing director of Jang Group Shahrukh Hasan said the Aman Ki Asha initiative had helped change perceptions in both countries. “Peace, which has been tantalizingly elusive, is inevitable,” he said. He and almost all speakers said that a liberalised visa regime was a must for any forward momentum in relations. “MFN and FDI are of no use without people being able to travel across the border,” he said. Rahul Kansal, executive president, Times of India Group, said that history has shown that when foes develop deep economic stakes in each other, war becomes a nonoption. “We are at a historic moment; it will be a pity if we can’t seize the opportunity.” Aman Ki Asha is an initiative of The Times of India and the Jang Group of Pakistan and is co-sponsored by CII and Pakistan Business Council.

Pakistan Supreme Court issues detailed judgment in contempt case

The much-awaited Supreme Court verdict which explained the reasons behind Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s contempt charge left much to be desired after it failed to answer the most important political question of the day: should the prime minister be disqualified? The Supreme Court’s April 26 short order and the symbolic 30-second punishment unleashed heated debate and widespread confusion, especially after judges mentioned Article 63(1g) — disqualification of the prime minister — as an option. While some constitutional lawyers argued that the seven-judge bench should have come up with a clear argument for the immediate disqualification of the prime minister, others held that doing so would have required altering the earlier short order. If the judges wanted de-seating of the prime minister they would have done it when they had issued the short order. Authored by the presiding judge, Justice Nasirul-Mulk, the 71-page reason issued on Tuesday retraced the entire history of directions issued by the Supreme Court in an attempt to implement the NRO judgment, including how it led to a contempt of court charge. On the question of disqualification, however, it repeated the verdict issued on Jan 10 when the court gave six options

of which one can entail a possible disqualification from elected or appointed membership in the parliament for five years. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was convicted of contempt of court by the apex court for refusing to write to the Swiss authorities to reopen a corruption case and was sentenced until the rising of the court. A seven-judge bench of the court, headed by Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk, announced the verdict in the contempt of court case. On April 26, the Supreme Court convicted Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani for his willful intent of not complying with its order regarding writing a letter to the Swiss and other authorities for the reopening of illegal wealth cases against President Asif Ali Zardari. Within hours, the government announced its decision to appeal against the verdict. Prime Minister Gilani, became the first prime minister in a democratic dispensation convicted on the charge of deliberately disobeying the country’s highest court. Justice Nasirul Mulk, while announcing the order in the contempt of court case against the hapless premier, ruled that the accused, Yousaf Raza Gilani, is found guilty of contempt for willfully flouting the directions of the Supreme Court. PM

Gilani was punished with imprisonment till the rising of the court. Reading an already prepared verdict, Justice Nasirul Mulk said, “For the reasons to be recorded later, the accused Yousuf Raza Gilani, the prime minister of Pakistan and chief executive of the federation, is found guilty of and convicted for contempt of court under Article 204(2) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 read with Section 3 of the Contempt of Court Ordinance (Ordinance V of 2003) for the willful flouting, disregard and disobedience of this court’s direction contained in paragraph number 178 of the judgment delivered in the case of Dr.

Mubashar Hasan vs the federation of Pakistan after our satisfaction that the contempt committed by PM Gilani is substantially detrimental to the administration of justice and tends to bring this court and the judiciary of the country into ridicule”. Justice Mulk went on to read, “As regards the sentence to be passed against the convict, we note that the findings and conviction for contempt of court recorded are likely to entail some serious consequences in term of Article 63 (1) (g) of the 1973 Constitution which may be read as mitigating factors towards the sentence we passed against him,” adding the premier was therefore punished under Section 5 of the Contempt of Court Ordinance 2003 with imprisonment till the rising of the court. The court notified reasons behind Gilani’s conviction and details of the court proceedings. The court ruled that possible outcome of the judgment could be disqualification from the Parliament’s membership. Justice Nasirul Mulk had headed the sevenmember bench which heard the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) implementation case and convicted the premier of contempt for not pursuing corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012




Flash floods kill 27 in Afghanistan- scores missing

At least 27 people were killed and more than 100 missing after flash floods hit a wedding party and three villages in northern Afghanistan, an official said Monday. Most of the victims were women and children as the floods, caused by heavy rains, swept through areas of Deh Mardan district in Sari Pul province, said Fazlullah Sadat, head of the provincial disaster management authority. “We have found 26 bodies mostly women and children — and more than 100 others are still missing,”

he told AFP. Wedding parties are traditionally large and joyous occasions in rural Afghanistan, but 21 people from one gathering were among the victims, he said. “This is a human tragedy. We have a lot of human losses,” said Sadat. Rescue teams had been dispatched to search for the missing, he added, and the floods also swept away livestock and swamped agricultural lands. The defense ministry had dispatched two helicopters to flood-hit areas, he said, and disaster management

teams assisted by the UN’s World Food Program were at the scene, distributing food, blankets and tents. Afghanistan’s harshest winter in 15 years saw unusually heavy snowfalls, and experts predicted melting snow was likely to cause floods in the mountainous north in the spring. In March, the UN humanitarian office for Afghanistan said at least 145 people were missing and presumed dead” after an avalanche hit a remote village in northeastern Badakhshan province.

Karzai warns civilians casualties could hinder US pact Afghan President Hamid Karzai summoned the NATO commander and the U.S. ambassador on Monday to warn that civilian casualties in military operations threatened a strategic pact he has signed with the U.S. The strategic pact sealed by President Barack Obama last week in Afghanistan is at risk of becoming “meaningless” if Afghans do not feel safe, President Hamid Karzai said on Monday, referring to recent civilian casualties inflicted by NATO. The president said civilian casualties always hurt Afghan-American relations, adding that Afghanistan had signed the strategic pact with the U.S. to prevent such incidents and safeguard the lives of Afghans. A spokesman for president Hamid Karzai Aimal Faizi said president Karzai had spoken with local officials and the families of the victims and then summoned International Security Assistance Force commander, Gen. John Allen, and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker

to the palace for an explanation. In the meantime a spokesman for NATO said the air strikes were under investigation, and the palace statement quoted Allen as saying: “I personally take responsibility for these incidents.” A spokesman for U.S. Marines in Helmand, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, said in an e-mailed statement: “At this point in the investigation we are able to confirm the incident and will be formally apologizing in the next couple of days to the family. We are deeply saddened by any civilian deaths, and particularly regret incidents where civilians are killed as a result of actions by ISAF.”

Panetta warns troop scandals endanger US Afghan mission

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned troops Friday that it takes just seconds for misconduct to make headlines and said that enemy insurgents can use recent military scandals to fuel their fight. Speaking to soldiers at Fort Benning, Georgia., where Panetta began his military career as an Army lieutenant nearly 50 years ago, the defense chief delivered a personal plea, urging troops to honor their military values. “These days, it takes only seconds -seconds -- for a picture, a photo, to suddenly become an international headline,” Panetta said. “And those headlines can impact the mission that we’re engaged in, they can put your fellow service members at risk, they can hurt morale, they can damage our standing in the world, and they can cost lives.” The message, which military leaders have also been pushing in recent meetings with their commanders, reflects a growing concern about the broader effects of the widely publicized episodes: the mistaken burning of Korans, images of

Marines urinating on Afghan insurgents’ corpses and photos showing U.S. soldiers posing with Afghan police holding the severed legs of a suicide bomber. It is unclear, however, how the entreaties will reverberate across the military and what actual impact they may have on a young, battle-hardened force strained by 11 years of war. While there have been some quiet complaints and discussions by military leadership about flagging discipline, the more public campaign to raise awareness among the ranks has been slow to expand. This is the first time Panetta has personally pressed the issue during a troop visit, and the Army and Marine Corps leaders have delivered similar messages during more private meetings with their midlevel officers. Panetta was careful on Friday to stress that only a very small percentage of the force is involved in the scandals and that no one is deliberately acting to sabotage their mission or put fellow soldiers at risk.

But, he said, “these incidents concern me and they have to concern you ... because a few who lack judgment, lack professionalism, lack leadership can hurt all of us, and can hurt all of those men and women who serve this country with distinction.” The military service leaders have acknowledged that part of the problem may be leadership stumbles by the young officers who have shouldered much of the burden of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Maybe we’ve gotten overconfident

and maybe we’ve gotten a little bit comfortable in our young leaders,” Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday. “Realizing that they are young, they don’t have a lot of experiences. We have to continue to assist them so they understand what is expected of them.” Marine Corps Commandant James Amos, in a blunt letter to his commanders, said, “We are allowing our standards to erode,” and the incidents have “brought discredit on the Marine Corps

and reverberated at the strategic level.” Senior leaders have warned for several years about a deterioration of discipline that may have contributed to increased substance abuse, suicides, domestic abuse and other problems. Marine Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, has expressed concern about the impact that those incidents have had on the war, according to a senior defense official. Allen believes that a number of major setbacks in the past six months have resulted from moral, not operational, failures, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal assessments. Insurgents have used the incidents to incite violence and undermine U.S. efforts to win over the Afghan people, considered critical to counterterrorism operations. The incidents have reinforced the perception of Americans as unfriendly or occupying forces who do not understand the culture or the religion of the people they are supposed to protect.



Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012


HC gives split orders, no harassment in 7 days A two-member High Court bench on Monday passed split orders on the bail petitions of 43 leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its allies in two cases of violence during the recent general strike. Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury, the presiding judge, granted bail to the leaders, including acting BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, till submission of the police reports in the cases, while Justice Nazrul Islam Talukder directed the petitioners to surrender to the Dhaka Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court in seven days. Justice Nazrul also asked the police not to arrest or harass the 43 leaders in the seven days. Justice Moyeenul issued a rule asking the government and the police to explain in a week in the arson case and in three weeks in the explosion case why the 43 leaders should not be granted regular bail in the cases. Justice Nazrul, however, declined to issue the rule. After the split orders, the presiding judge told defence counsels and the government that the bail petitions along with the split orders would be sent to the chief justice for a decision to assign a third judge to resolve the dispute. Moudud Ahmed, the chief counsel for the defence panel, told reporters, ‘The leaders of BNP and its allies are now free until the third judge settles the issue.’

Twenty-eight leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party-led alliance were accused in the case of blasting two crackers in the secretariat and 44

they held top positions. It is unbelievable that politicians like Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, MK Anwar, Khandakar Mosharraf

leaders were implicated in the case of setting a bus on fire near the Prime Minister’s Office on April 29. Most of the leaders were accused in both the cases. A total of 50 leaders of the BNP and its allies were accused in the two cases. Of them, 43 leaders filed the bail petitions, three had been remanded in jail custody and the rest four – Jamaat nayeb-e-amir Maqbul Hossain and two leaders of its student wing – did not file bail petitions. Dozens of pro-BNP lawyers appeared for the leaders. Moving the bail petitions, Moudud Ahmed argued that the ‘false cases’ were filed against the opposition leaders to ‘harass’ them ‘politically’ as

Hossain, Hannan Shah, Mirza Abbas and Gayeshwar Chandra Roy could damage buses by setting them on fire at night when there was no hartal, Moudud said. The leaders surrendered to the High Court seeking bail as the police continued raids at their houses forcing them to stay out, Moudud submitted. ‘Under the circumstances, we fear the politicians may not be granted bail by the lower court, rather they may have to face torture in the name of police remand,’ Moudud said. He mentioned that ailing BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi and party leader Kamruzzaman Ratan had been arrested and the police sought their remand for interrogations, but

Friendship with US sees new era Bangladesh hopes Hillary Clinton’s visit will take Dhaka’s political, economic and security cooperation with Washington to a new height and clear the clouds that recently shrouded the ties over Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus. The US Secretary of State will arrive in Dhaka today. During her less-than-24-hour stay, Hillary would hold talks with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni and Opposition Leader Khaleda Zia, said official sources. She is also expected to meet Yunus whose removal as the managing director of Grameen Bank prompted Washington to warn that the government move might affect the bilateral relations unless he was allowed to have a respectable exit from the bank he founded to pull millions of poor rural women out of poverty. Since then Dhaka and Washington worked patiently to overcome the

tension spawned from the Yunus issue and took some significant steps to warm up the relations. Hillary’s visit, which is seen here as a major diplomatic triumph for Sheikh Hasina’s government, follows a series of high-level visits by US officials in recent months. Last month, the US and Bangladesh held their first-ever security cooperation talks in Dhaka. It signified that Washington was keen on moving forward despite concerns over the Grameen Bank without Yunus’ leadership and the state of human rights in Bangladesh. Hillary is due to arrive from Beijing at 4:10pm leading the US-China

Strategic and Economic Dialogue for her country. Foreign Minister Dipu Moni will receive her at the VVIP Lounge of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. After Bangladesh, the US secretary of state will go to New Delhi. Dhaka has taken unprecedented security measures centring the visit. Hillary will be hosted like a head of state with Special Security Force deployed the whole time of her stay. Her visit will coincide the visit of Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who is due to arrive in Dhaka from Manila today at 9:00pm. Mukherjee will be given the same status of reception as of Hillary. The US secretary of state will lead a 38-member delegation, including 14 media personalities. As per the programme schedule, Hillary will first join the bilateral talks with her Bangladesh counterpart Dipu Moni at 6:00pm at the Prime Minister’s Office.

the magistrate remanded only Ratan in police custody. About the explosion case, Moudud said that the leaders were accused of supplying explosives to unknown people, so they were not prime accused. ‘We have committed no offence, so why should we surrender to the magistrate,’ Moudud said after Justice Nazrul observed that the petitioners should surrender to the lower court. Additional attorney general MK Rahman opposed the bail petitions saying that the politicians should approach the lower court for bail. MK Rahman, however, argued that BNP leaders Mirza Fakhrul Islam, MK Anwar, Khandakar Moshrraf Hossain, Hannan Shah, Sedeque Hossain and Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, Liberal Democratic Party chairman Oli Ahmed and acting Jamaat amir Maqbul Hossain, who were named in the arson case as plotters, financers and abettors, were not accused at all as their names were not mentioned in the column of the accused in the first information report. After the hearing, the senior judge of the two-member bench, Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury, granted bail to the 43 leaders. As Justice Nazrul Islam was about to pass his order dissenting from that of the presiding judge, the Supreme Court Bar Association president, Zainul Abedin, told the court that the people were getting wrong signals

from the recent incidents of junior judges dissenting from the orders of their seniors. ‘As the president of the bar, I will request you to consider the sentiment of the bar, otherwise, the situation may go out of our control,’ Zainul said. Justice Nazrul Islam then consulted his senior and started to pass his order. During the hearing, Mirza Fakhrul, MK Anwar, Khnadakar Mosharraf, Hannan Shah, Mirza Abbas and Gayeshwar Roy, Sadeque Hossain, Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, Amanullah Aman, Fazlul Haq Milan, Ruhul Kuddus Talukder Dulu, Habibunnabi Khan Sohel, Sultan Salauddin Tuku, Oli Ahmed, Shafiul Alam Prodhan, Sheikh Shawkat Hossain Nilu, chairman Andaleeve Rahman Partha, MP, who were among the accused, were also present. The top leaders went into hiding after the filing of the cases on April 29. Some of them took shelter at the lawyers’ chamber at the SCBA building on the holiday on Sunday as the police had cordoned all entrances to the Supreme Court since the filing of the cases. On Monday, Moudud Ahmed mentioned the matter to the court which agreed to hear the bail petitions and verbally asked the law enforcers not to create any obstruction at the entrance saying that every citizens had right to appear in any court to seek justice.

US wants next polls to be free, fair

An hour long meeting between visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and BNP chairperson Khaleda Ziaheld at latter’s Gulshan residence on Saturday night. Before Hillary’s entrance,Federal Bureau of Investigation personnel took position in an around the house. During the meet, BNP standing committee member Dr Abdul Moin Khan, vicechairman Shamser Mobin Chowdhury, advisor to Khaleda Zia Riaz Rahman and SabihAhmed were present. Hillary told the BNP chairpersonthat the US wanted to see the participation of all political parties in thenext election. US secretary of state also underscored the need for holding offree, fair and neutral elections through dialogue. Saiyana Nawal, daughter ofmissing BNP leader Elias Ali, was also present. Daughter of Ilias, Sayena Nawal,handed over a letter to Hillary Clinton. However, the content of the letter wasnot known immediately. .

Earlier Hillary met with PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister Dipu Moni held at Prime Minister’soffice in the evening. adds: Missing BNPleader M Ilias Ali’s eight-year-old daughter Sayena Nawal was brought to partychief Khaleda Zia’s residence just before US secretary of state Hillary Clintonpaid a courtesy call on the leader of the opposition. Sayena was with Khaleda duringthe meeting at her Gulshan house on Saturday night, senior leaders of the partysaid.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012




Private diagnostic health centres await green signal

A month more for additional requirements are to be met and proposals revetted. The health ministry is yet to give its final decision that would mark the beginning of private participation in health care services in Bhutan. Although the cabinet approved it a month ago, the health ministry is yet to give its final decision that would mark the beginning of private participation in health care services in Bhutan. The guidelines for establishment of private selective diagnostic services was framed after the ministry received about 10 proposals to start medical diagnostic services, such as laboratories, radiology, dentistry and ultra-sound some six months ago. Four of the proposals then were for dentistry, which the ministry said do not fall under diagnostic service. Health ministry officials said there were more “requirements” in the

framework the cabinet had approved, which the applicants had to meet for the ministry to give the green signal. Except for the dentistry proposals, the rest are all likely to get through, health officials said. “After the additional requirements are met, the technical committee will go through the proposals again,” health ministry’s spokesperson Kado Zangpo said. “It shouldn’t take more than a month now.” Meanwhile, one of the centres that’s all set to open in Thimphu is waiting to hear from the health ministry. It’s run together by retired surgeon Dr Sonam Dukpa’s and former health secretary Dasho (Dr) Gado Tshering. “We’ve submitted a letter to the ministry, asking them to tell us what requirement we need to meet, but somehow they aren’t sure how our proposal fits the cabinet’s framework,” Dasho (Dr) Gado Tshering said. Their centre would offer endoscopic,

ultrasound and ECG, among other diagnostic services, he said. They have also submitted the charges of each of these services to the ministry. “We

not being allowed to treat patients. As per the Health Policy 2011, the participation of private sectors shall be permitted in the provision of

want to give people a choice that’s cost effective,” he said “It’s not focused on making profit from the sick.” But what’s worrying some applicants is that these diagnostic centres have to “depend” on doctors to send patients to them for tests, apart from

selective diagnostic services such as laboratory, radiology, endoscopic and other supportive services for those tests and examinations recommended by the government health professionals. An applicant, who has proposed to

offer X-ray and blood test services, said there might be “tie-ups” between the doctors and these centres, if they were to depend on doctors for their patients. However, health ministry officials said the decision to get a test done in a private diagnostic centre, or at the hospital, is left for the patient to decide and not the doctors. “It’s the patient’s choice, and doctors won’t be allowed to recommend any center,” Kado Zangpo said. “Also, these services will be available in hospitals as usual.” Another issue that might also come up later said health officials and applicants would be on the number of centres a particular place can have. A national steering committee, said ministry officials, would have to make that policy decision. But for now, applicants are just waiting to hear from the ministry to get their centres started.

Agreement on marketing 2-day Assam strike freezes traffi c of petroleum products The trade department and the Indian Oil corporation limited have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), renewing the agreement on marketing of petroleum products from IOCL in Bhutan. Commercial enterprises will have to buy bigger cylinders now at unsubsidised prices. The agreement, signed yesterday in Thimphu by IOCL’s executive director Indrajit Bose and trade director general Sonam P Wangdi, is valid until April 15, 2015. The previous agreement expired last year. IOCL has been marketing petroleum products in Bhutan since 1972, via its installations in Guwahati and Bongaigaon in Assam, and Siliguri and Hasimara in West Bengal. It has a predominant market share in Bhutan, and is the sole supplier for domestic LPG and kerosene. During the signing, the trade officials announced that, by next month, hotels and restaurants in Thimphu and Phuentsholing that use domestic cooking gas would be required to buy the gas at a higher rate from an appointed commercial distributor.

Bhutanese vehicles travelling through the Indian state of Assam are likely to remain stranded in Phuentsholing today as well, because of a two-day strike called by the People’s Joint Action Committee for Bodoland Movement (PJACBM). Many trucks, small vehicles and transport service buses, headed for the central and eastern regions via Assam, were sent back yesterday from the Phuentsholing

“The Indian petroleum ministry would be endorsing the deal for the supply of bigger sized gas cylinders, meant for commercial use within the next ten days,” IOCL’s executive director Indrajit Bose said. Commercial gas cylinders will contain approximately 19kg of gas, while the cylinders available contains 14kg of gas. This is expected to ease the supply of cooking gas in the country. The LPG gas from existing dealers will be meant only for domestic household use. The government provides a 67 percent subsidy on these cylinders, which it gets from India as a quota item. Trade director general Sonam P

Wangdi said the need to have a commercial distributor was felt since last year. “The country has been facing a serious shortage of LPG gas, because even commercial entities were using the cylinders meant for domestic purposes,” he said. Sonam P Wangdi said, with the supply uncertain, hoarding of gas cylinders has increased in extent. Although there are 200,000 cylinders today, only around 40,000 are in circulation, he said. Indrajit Bose said IOCL’s supply would become more certain, with their refineries increasing capacity, and through the setting up of new refineries.

Dr. Avtar Lit

CEO, Litt Corporation Ltd

gate. But vehicles heading towards West Bengal were allowed to move. The two-day strike came into effect from five in the morning yesterday, and ends today at five in the evening. PJACBM is a conglomeration of 47 organisations of various communities, living within the proposed Bodoland area, demanding a separate Bodoland state.

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Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012


Aligned on non-proliferation but energy ties SC strikes down Haj subsidy guided by national interests, PM tells Hillary To be eliminated within 10 yrs PM Singh on Monday told U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that India was aligned with the international community on checking the spread of nuclear weapons but would be guided by its national interests on securing its energy supplies. India’s stand on non-proliferation and approach to importing oil was reiterated during an 80-minute unstructured meeting between Ms. Clinton and Dr. Singh that was described by informed sources as “cordial’’ during which “a lot of issues were discussed.’’ The meeting preceded an address by Ms. Clinton in Kolkata where she dwelt on specific U.S. expectations from India in dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue. “The reason why India, China and Japan and European countries are being asked to lower their supplies is to keep the pressure on Iran,” she said while commending Japan for doing so despite last year’s tsunami and a shutdown of its nuclear programme. But during her interaction with Dr. Singh, Ms. Clinton dwelt on the “broader regional and global implications’’ if the U.S. pressure through sanctions on Iran did not force it to completely open up its nuclear programme for inspections. The Indian delegation

was in a listening mode while Ms. Clinton spoke of attempts by the P5 + 1 grouping to engage with Iran and apprehensions among the neighbours about its recalcitrant behaviour. The meeting did not see Ms. Clinton seeking a further reduction in Indian purchase of Iranian oil and this task is likely to be entrusted to U.S. Special Envoy for global energy issues Carlos Pasqat, who will visit Delhi later this month during a swing through the region to convince countries such as India that import a substantial quantity of oil from Iran. The two leaders also discussed how both nations could contribute to sustaining Afghanistan after the 2014 withdrawal of western forces.

Supreme Court mulling total ban on plastic

The Supreme Court on Monday said it will consider whether to completely ban the use of plastic in the interests of animals and the environment. A bench of Justice GS Singhvi and Justice SJ Mukhopadhaya said this while hearing a public interest litigation (PIL), drawing attention to the plight of animals which swallowed plastic with their food. Issuing notice to the central and state governments and plastic makers, the court suggested that either the use of plastic be banned or the manufacturers should pick up used plastic for recycling. The PIL, by the Karuna Society for Animal and Nature, sought direction to the government to ban the use, sale and disposal of plastic bags in all municipalities and municipal

corporations and phase out, in a time-bound manner, the “open garbage disposal system”. Seeking the removal of open garbage receptacles, the NGO also sought directions requiring municipal corporations and municipalities to implement door to door garbage collection. It further wanted that municipal bodies should ensure that waste storage facilities were built and managed in such a way that animals were not allowed to move around their vicinity. The NGO said it runs a hospital and shelter for small animals that are injured ill or have been abandoned. The animals rescued and treated at the shelter include dogs, cats, monkeys and a variety of birds.

Ms. Clinton also told the Prime Minister about last week’s U.S.-China strategic dialogue. Under the bilateral rubric, India mentioned the seven indigenously designed nuclear plants it was putting up and reiterated its commitment to providing civil nuclear business to U.S. companies.

The supreme court on Tuesday struck down the government’s policy of giving subsidies to Haj pilgrims and directed that it be progressively “eliminated” within a period of 10 years. “We hold that this policy is best done away with,” a bench of justices Altamas Kabir and Ranjana Prakash Desai held. The bench also directed the government to reduce to two the number of its representatives in the Prime Minister’s goodwill delegation. It said it will look into the functioning of Haj Committee of India and it process for selecting people for Haj pilgrimage. The apex court was hearing an appeal filed by the Centre challenging a Bombay High Court judgement which had directed the Ministry of External Affairs to allow certain private operators to handle 800 of the 11,000

pilgrims earmarked under the VIP quota subsidised by the government. The bench while hearing the plea of the Centre had expanded the purview of the plea and decided to look into the legality of the government’s policy on granting subsidies to Haj pilgrims. During the hearing in the case, the Centre had defended the policy of giving subsidies to the Haj pilgrims and had said it had framed guidelines so that people get subsidies only once in their lifetime. In an affidavit, the Centre had told the court that it has decided to restrict Haj pilgrimage at government subsidy to Muslims only as a “once in a lifetime” affair as against the existing policy of “once in five years”. It had said the new guidelines have been framed to ensure that priority is given to those applicants who have never performed Haj.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012



Nine get life term for Ode massacre

Thirty acquitted, 13 given benefit of doubt in massacre which happened post Godhara riots in Anand dist Nine persons were sentenced to life imprisonment on Friday and 30 acquitted by a special court for the killing of twenty three members of a Muslim family in Ode village who were burnt alive during the 2002 post-Godhra riots in Gujarat. The nine accused were convicted by Special court judge R M Sarin on charges of murder, rioting and criminal conspiracy and awarded life imprisonment. The court also awarded six months imprisonment to another accused who has been convicted for voluntarily causing hurt to the victims. The court acquitted 17 people saying that they were not involved in the case while 13 others were given benefit of doubt. There were 41 accused in the case

against whom the charges were framed on the complaint of Rehana Yusufbhai Vohra, a relative of the victims. One of the accused died during the trial. Ayesha Vohra, Nuriben Vohra and Kaderbhai Vohra were killed in Malva Bhagol area of Ode village on March 1, 2002 as part of statewide repercussions of Godhra train burning incident of February

27, 2002. Those convicted by the court are Harish Patel, Vasant Patel, Lala alias Nilesh Patel, Tina alias Mahesh Patel, Mimesh Patel, Prakash alias Pako Patel, Ritesh Patel, Ashok Patel and Kirit Patel. This is the second case of Ode village in which court has given its verdict. In the first case, another court had sentenced 18 people to

life imprisonment while awarding seven years jail to five others, in connection with massacre of 23 persons in Ode village during the 2002 post-Godhra riots. The case was probed by the Supreme Court appointed special investigation team headed by former CBI director R K Raghavan. Out of the 67 witnesses examined by the court, 16 had turned hostile. The court imposed a fine of Rs 21,500 on each of the nine convicted for murder while Rs 500 on the one convicted for causing hurt. Public prosecutor B C Trivedi said the court has accepted criminal conspiracy charges against the convicts in the case in its 470-page

judgement. They had demanded capital punishment for all the nine people who were convicted in the case. A decision on challenging the acquittal of 30 people will be taken after going through the judgement, he said. Out of the nine cases probed by the SIT headed by former CBI director R K Raghavan, judgements have been pronounced in two other cases also, including the Godhra train burning incident where 11 people were awarded death sentence and 20 were sentenced to life imprisonment. The second case was that of Sardarpura village in Mehsana district where 31 persons were awarded life term and 42 others were acquitted.

India to cut subsidies to 1.75 PM takes charge of sanctions to per cent of GDP in 3 years, prosecute corrupt bureaucrats says Pranab Mukherjee The Indian government is committed to bringing down subsidies to below two percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the current fiscal and cut it further to 1.75 percent in the next three years, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said here Saturday. Addressing a press conference after taking over as chairman of the board of governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Mukherjee said the government was taking measures to boost growth and curb fiscal deficit.

“On the fiscal front, we are committed to bring down the subsidy bill below two percent of GDP in 2012-13 and to 1.75 percent of GDP in next three years,” he said. Mukherjee said the loosening of monetary policy by the central bank will help revive private investments and boost business sentiments. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in its annual monetary policy for 2012-13 announced April 17, lowered key policy rates by 0.50 percent. This was the first rate cut by the central bank in three years. “I hope this will help in investment revival and contribute to strengthening

of business sentiments,” he said. The finance minister said India’s economic growth is likely to accelerate in the coming years with the government’s efforts to revive investments. “In the union budget for 2012-13, we have focused on strengthening domestic growth drivers, encouraging private investments to regain its pre2008 crisis growth momentum and addressing supply constraints in infrastructure and agriculture sector,” Mukherjee said.

India’s economic growth is estimated to fall to 6.9 percent in 2011-12 as compared to 8.4 percent registered in the previous year. The government has set a target of 7.6 percent growth for the current financial year that began April 1. Mukherjee said crisis in the euro zone had negatively impacted Indian economy. “The unfolding of the Euro zone crisis has impacted the Indian economy through lower growth, falling business sentiments, declining capital inflows and exchange rate and stock market volatility with attendant implication for investor confidence,” he said.

Of the 2,000 cases filed in the past 3 yrs, CBI is awaiting sanctions in over 700 cases Prime minister Manmohan Singh has taken command of permissions to prosecute corrupt bureaucrats. The prime minister will be personally monitoring the persistence reluctance and refusal of sanction to the CBI and other investigating agencies to prosecute corrupt babus. In a bid to send out the message that his government will not compromise on any kind of corruption, Singh will be keeping a tab on such matters through the cabinet secretary and the department of personnel and training (DoP&T), which functions directly under him. He wants them both to keep him posted to ensure that the decision on sanctions is taken strictly within three months. Investigating agencies like the CBI need the sanction of the department or the ministry where a bureaucrat is posted to prosecute the official. If the official is of the rank of joint secretary or above, a sanction is needed even to begin a probe. Any minister trying to put a lid on any such case is now required to submit to the prime minister a copy of the order refusing sanction to prosecute within seven days. All central ministries and departments have been also mandated to keep DoP&T posted with any move to deny sanction to give it at least three weeks to revert with its views. An office memorandum (OM) issued on Thursday by DoP&T also mandates a monthly report by every ministry and department to the cabinet secretary about any case pending for more than three months, “giving reasons for such pendency and the level where it is pending”. The prime minister has also tied hands of the sanctioning authorities in refusing the sanction on their own. They have to first refer the matter to the central vigilance commission (CVC) and if they disagree even with the CVC, they have to take view of the DoP&T before passing the final order, giving reasons for still sticking to the refusal. This is an indirect way of telling ministries to exercise caution in refusing sanctions — which is now more the norm than exception. It is extremely rare for competent authorities to sanction the prosecution of officials. CBI officers say that of the 2,000 cases filed in the past three years, the agency is awaiting sanctions in over 700 cases. In most cases that evoked a response, sanction was refused. The DoP&T must get “at least three weeks time to finalise its views and communicate to the competent authority” and that too within three months from the date of the request

for prosecution comes from the investigating agency, updated with a draft chargesheet and related documents, notes the OM. It says the advance intimation will help the DoPT finalise its own views and communicate them to the sanctioning authority. The prime minister personally added this proviso of getting clearance of the DoP&T before closing down any corruption case by refusing sanction to the investigation agencies for prosecution, over and above the recommendations by a group of ministers (GoM), headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, that he had constituted in January last year to suggest measures to tackle corruption, including fast-tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption. The sanctioning authority is required to frame its tentative views on the prosecution request of the investigating agency and seek the advice of the CVC, who is required to respond within ten days. The case can be referred to the CVC for reconsideration only in exceptional cases of new facts coming to light. The CVC is bound to tender appropriate advice within a fortnight and “if the CVC on reconsideration advises for grant of sanction, the ministry/department concerned will issue the requisite order immediately”. However, if the authority concerned does not accept the CVC’s reconsidered advice, it has to refer the case to DoP&T for the final decision. The OM also directs ministries and departments to submit “copies of orders refusing sanction to prosecute” to the next higher authority for information within seven days.


South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012


South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Muslims in Bonn protest against the provocative rally held by the right-wing Anti Islamic Pro-NRW party on Saturday.

110 Muslims arrested as protest turns ugly

Muslims in Germany clashed on Saturday with members of the right-wing extremist party Pro-NRW in Bonn. Twenty-nine police officers were hurt, two seriously after they were stabbed. The violence occurred as Pro-NRW attempted to display Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and anti-Islam caricatures in front of a Muslim Mosque in the city. There were hundreds of Muslims counter-demonstrators on hand from across Germany. Most of the 109 people arrested on Saturday were Muslims. Police confiscated several weapons, including knife, slingshot and bag of steel balls bearings. On Monday a state court lifted a previous ban on the “Pro NRW” group using

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) caricatures in their election campaign in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) – despite criticism that the idea was pure provocation, and amid fears of violence. The Interior Minister of Germany’s western state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has blamed a far-right group that displayed lampooning cartoons of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him) outside mosques for a recent cycle of

quoted as saying by Deutsche Welle on Monday, May 7. Gathering outside the Saudi Fahd Academy in Bonn’s suburb of Mehlem, “Pro-NRW” supporters showed caricatures depicting a man said to be the prophet. Hundreds of Salafis gathered in response to protest the rightist rally, which developed into clashes that left 29 policemen injured. More than 100 Salafist protesters were briefly arrested.

“This was an explosion of violence as we haven’t witnessed in a long time,” said Bonn’s police chief, Ursula Brohl-Sowa. Tension started days before the rally, when Pro-NRW announced plans to run a ‘Muhammad cartoon contest’, referring to

Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country. A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors. Germany’s daily Der Spiegel had warned

unforeseeable consequences for public safety. Germany is believed to be home to nearly 4 million Muslims, including 220,000 in Berlin alone. Turks make up an estimated two thirds of the Muslim minority.

last August that the country is becoming intolerant towards its Muslim minority. According to a 2010 nationwide poll by the research institute Infratest-dimap, more than one third of the respondents would prefer “a Germany without Islam.”

the prophet. A cash prize was also designed for the “best” anti-Islamic caricature, named after Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who was responsible for the 2005 cartoons which provoked anger in the Muslim world. Saturday’s rally by the Pro-NRW, which has been categorized as an extremist rightwing group by the domestic intelligence agency, was among several rallies planned at 25 mosques throughout the state in the run-up to the election on May 13. Other protests were planned in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Aachen, Wuppertal and

Solingen. Anti-Islam Campaign However, the right-wing group insisted that “provocation” is a cornerstone of its campaign against Muslims. “It is of course part of the campaign,” ProNRW spokesman Markus Wiener told

violence in the European country. The actions of the extremist anti-Islam group, “Pro NRW”, in Bonn on Saturday had been a “deliberate provocation” that had triggered reprisals by Salafists, Ralf Jager, the NRW Interior Minister, was

arson on German Muslims who would feel provoked and upset by the far-right protest. German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich also warned of a possible confrontation between Muslims and rightwing extremists, saying it could have

SPIEGEL ONLINE on Monday. “We are a party that is critical of Islam and we wanted to show our standpoint.” Last week, the NRW interior minister accused Pro-NRW of committing spiritual



Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012

Who is Khalil Chishty?

In April 1992, Dr Khalil Chishty, a virologist from Karachi visited his ailing mother in Ajmer. Dr Chishty did not know that he would not return home to Pakistan for the next two decades. On that visit to the city of his birth, the Pakistani scientist got caught in a brawl between two sets of relatives; one person was shot dead. Dr Chishty was arrested, though he protested all through that he was but an onlooker. The trial took 18 years; in 2010 he was awarded life-imprisonment for murder. An appeal in the High Court was rejected. In all that time, while he did get bail, his passport was impounded and he had to stay in Ajmer. For long years Dr Chishty lived alone in his ancestral home in Hatundi near Ajmer, growing older and frail. Two decades is a long time. Back home in Pakistan, his daughters got married and he had grandchildren. His family has been quoted as saying that Dr Chishty even tried to set up a virology

centre in Ajmer but was denied permission. A scientist who had taught in universities in Europe, Africa and Pakistan, had nothing to do but wait for a verdict. Last year his wife Begum Mehrun Nisa, in her 70s, daughter Shoa Jawaid and grandson Ali Ghalib traveled to India to appeal that Dr Chishty be released. The octogenarian has had two heart attacks and as he fractured his hip bone two years ago, he now can’t

Indian SC agrees to hear Khalil Chishty’s plea for Pakistan return

Lawyers of ailing Pakistani virologist, Khalil Chishty filed an application in the court, seeking that he be permitted to go to Pakistan. Leveraging the fact that the Indian Supreme Court had granted him

bail and had offered to hear his plea of permission to visit his country, lawyers of ailing Pakistani virologist, Khalil Chishty filed an application in the court, seeking that he be permitted to go to Pakistan. The court asked the Indian

government to respond on Monday, indicating it was serious about moving quickly on the matter. If things go in Dr Chishty’s favour, the court might pass an order as early as Monday. Dr Chishty was recently released from the Ajmer Jail in Rajasthan, after being sentenced to a life term in a murder case of 1992. He was set free on April 9 following a direction from the Indian Supreme Court. A bench granted him the reprieve, considering his old age and the fact that he has been in India for the last 20 years after a murder case was lodged against him when he came on a visit to Ajmer. The court had agreed to hear

Chishty’s plea to allow him to go back to Karachi and asked him to file a separate application for it but directed him not to leave Ajmer. The Chishty case was discussed between the authorities of the two countries during President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to India.

walk unaided and even for his basic ablutions he needs support and help from other people who carry him inside the jail. He has been in jail since his sentencing in 2010. Sources said Dr Chishty’s case was discussed at the lunch meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari during the latter’s oneday India visit on Sunday. Pakistani officials have urged India to set Dr Chishty free, sources said. President

Zardari’s was on a private visit to the Ajmer shrine, with a diplomatic stopover in New Delhi. In June last year, Supreme Court Justice Markandeya Katju had requested Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to release Dr Chishty on humanitarian grounds. Acting on Justice Katju’s appeal, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot approved his mercy plea and sent it to Governor Shivraj Patil for final clearance. But Mr

Patil sent a questionnaire to the law department on various issues related to the case and the mercy petition has remained pending in the Governor’s office. Human rights activists have also sought Dr Chishty’s release for years. On Monday, the Supreme Court granted Dr Chishty bail but asked him to stay in Ajmer. It however did say that it would hear a fresh appeal from him to return to his country.

Indo-Pak bilateral trade may reach $10b in 3 years Pakistan and India bilateral trade is expected to reach $10 billion during the next three years, a top official said. The Most Favoured Nation status to India and opening of bank branches by early next year will pave the way for direct trade between the neighbours and reduce the cost of import through third country. “Bilateral trade may reach $6 billion mark within a year or two as the two nations act fast on easing visa rules, removing non-tariff barriers and reducing the negative list,” Tariq Puri, chief executive of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, told Pakistan and India official bilateral trade stood firm around $2.7 billion and heavily tilted in New Delhi’s favour. The MFN status to India by year-end may prove the ‘game-changer’ that will drastically reduce illicit trade through third countries. “The exchange of goods through thirdcountry will drastically drop and cut the Pakistan import bill by 20 to 30 per cent because of reduction in import costs,” Puri said. Pakistan’s federal cabinet approved a negative list of 1,209 for India, which will be phased out in three installments by December 31 this year, after the grant of MFN status to India. The MFN status will mean India can export 6,800 items to Pakistan, up from around 2,000 at present. “We started the process

to normalise the trade with India last year in April. Both the countries have adopted a well-structured and calibrated approach and made steady progress,” he said adding that

next secretary-level talks are due to held in Pakistan this month. “Negotiations to set up bank branches in each other country are underway and we hope further progress on easing visa rules for Pakistani businessmen and removing non-tariff barriers on Pak goods import in India in next meeting.” “It’s a step-by-step approach that will benefit both the countries,” he added. He said two countries in April inaugurated a trading post at AttariWagah crossing that will help speed-up

transportation of goods to either side of the border. It is expected that number of daily trucks crossing the border will sharply go up to four times to 600 from present level of 150. He said the MFN status to India, setting up of bank branches and easing visa rules will help boost bilateral trade and pave the way for frequent exchange of trade delegations and arrange exhibitions in the two countries. Pakistan successfully concluded a lifestyle exhibition in New Delhi last month while India attended the similar expo in November. “The exhibition will go a long way in opening of trade opportunities for Pakistan business,” he said. Puri dispelled the impression that Pakistani products will not be able to compete in Indian market. “Pakistani products are competitive and known for its quality. We are competing in international markets in US, Europe and Middle East and can compete the Indian products as well.” “Pakistan achieved $25 billion exports target last year due to enabling environment. This year, we are sustaining the same level despite economic problems in Europe and some other international markets,” he said. Puri, at the investment meeting, also presented a snapshot of Pakistan trade with major regions like NAFTA, Saarc, Asean, EU where tremendous opportunities exists for Pakistani businessmen.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012



Pakistan most dangerous for journalists: UNESCO

While journalists and media organisations are all set to enthusiastically observe and celebrate ‘World Press Freedom Day’ on Thursday, a new report released by UNESCO may leave them with very few reasons to do so. The report alarmingly ranks Pakistan as “the second most dangerous country for journalists the world over”. The report titled ‘Safety and the danger of Impunity’ says that a dramatic increase in the number of media staffers killed in Pakistan has been witnessed from two and six killings registered in the two previous reports, respectively, to 16 during 2010-11. Mexico, it claims, is the worst affected country in the period as far as risk for the journalists’ fraternity is concerned. While the president of Pakistan sounds loud and clear in his commitment, though in mere words, that his party and the government were determined to uphold the freedom of media, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) President Pervaiz Shaukat pleads that media

will not accept any sort of curbs since it has rendered sacrifices.

setting up a Press Complaint Commission and demanded

He said the PFUJ has submitted proposal to the government for

that the government should now consider it seriously. President Asif Ali Zardari, in his special statement for the day, said that the liberalisation of media in Pakistan owed a great deal to the struggle of the journalists and the support given to it by Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) no matter whether it was in government or in opposition. The president further said the government believed in providing genuine access to information for the sake of transparency and accountability and had decided to repeal the old Ordinance of 2002, and bring in a new Act of the Parliament in consultation with all

Indian govt opposes Dr Chishti’s repatriation

The Indian government on Tuesday opposed Pakistani scientist Mohammad Khalil Chishti’s repatriation appeal after he was released from a jail in India. During the hearing in the Indian Supreme court, Manmohan’s government argued that it was not in favour of Chisti’s repatriation to Pakistan saying that in that case Chisti might not return for future hearings in the Indian apex court. “The court is giving Chishti’s case special consideration, given his extraordinary qualifications,” one of the apex court judges remarked. “The government should also adopt a positive and constructive stance in this regard,” the judge added. Earlier, the court had asked for the Indian government’ stance regarding Chishti’s case. Dr Khalil Chishti is Pakistan’s first virologist. He had gone to India in 1992 to see his ailing mother where he was implicated in a murder case.

After an 18-year-long trial, the octogenarian professor was awarded life imprisonment and sent to the Ajmer jail in January last year. President Asif Ali Zardari had written a letter to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last month, seeking Chisti’s release and repatriation to Pakistan on humanitarian grounds. Following the high-level diplomatic talks between the two countries, Chishti was released from the Ajmer central jail.

stakeholders. However, the statistics compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) tell an entirely different story, saying as many as 42 journalists have been killed in Pakistan since 1992. While freelance journalist Mukarram Khan was killed by two gunmen on January 17, 2012 in Shabqadar area near Peshawar, at least 14 journalists who lost their life in the line of duty the previous year included: Javed Naseer Rind of Daily Tawar, Faisal Qureshi of London Post, Shafiullah Khan of The News in Wah Cantonment, Asfandyar Khan of Akhbar-i-

Khyber in Peshawar; Saleem Shahzad of Asia Times Online, Nasarullah Khan Afridi, freelance journalist, and Wali Khan Babar of Geo. Similarly, Pervez Khan of Waqt TV and Abdul Wahab of Express News were among the journalists killed in 2010. “The prevalence of conflict and financial hardship across Pakistan has a direct impact on the risks, and individuals are more prepared to take the dangerous jobs for which they might be paid,” a recent report of International Federation

of Journalists (IFJ) disclosed. An in-depth analysis of the Unesco report reveals a worrying proportion of freelance journalists among the victims. Nearly 20 per cent of the toll consisted of freelancers who faced more danger than regular staffers. The UN has endorsed a ‘Plan of Action’ on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, led by Unesco which aims at creating a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers in both conflict and non-conflict situations, with a view to strengthening peace, democracy and development worldwide. “The safety of journalists is essential to upholding Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that guarantees the right to freedom of expression,” says Unesco Director-General Irina Bokova. To mark the day, the regional offices of Unesco in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are holding seminars to take stock of the real and present challenges on safety issues faced by journalists on ground. Information ministers of Pakistan and Afghanistan will address the seminars. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is also launching its ‘State of Journalism in Pakistan 2011’ report under the auspices of the PFUJ here on Thursday. The IFJ says that the press freedom day comes at a time of momentous challenges for journalism in South Asia. Journalists in the region have responded to these challenges by seeking a manner of professional engagement that reflects all South Asia’s rich diversities. The PFUJ on the occasion will stage a demonstration in front of the Aiwan-i-Sadr in support of press freedom.



Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012


Gilani arrives in UK to boost trade, strategic ties Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday joined the dignitaries at the State Opening of Parliament, marking the commencement of the new session of the British House of Commons.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani arrived here on Tuesday on a fiveday visit to participate in the first Pak-UK summit level review of the Enhanced Strategic Dialogue and to work on the ambitious plan to raise bilateral trade to 2.5 billion pound sterling. Prime Minister Gilani will meet his British counterpart David Cameron, besides having an in-depth interaction with members of the British cabinet, parliamentarians, prominent businessmen, investors and leading media persons. Accompanied by a high level delegation including Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, Commerce Minister Makhdoom Ameen Faheem, Minister of Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Information Minister Qamar

Zaman Kaira, Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Minister of State Raza Hayat Hiraj, Chairman Board of Investment Saleem Mandviwala, parliamentarians from PML-Q, MQM and PPP and senior officials, Gilani would further strengthen the multifaceted bilateral ties between the two countries. At the airport, the prime minister and his entourage were received by Pakistan’s High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hassan and senior officials. Gilani will also launch a Trade and Investment Roadmap to enhance trade to 2.5 billion pound sterling by 2015, set by British Prime Minister David Cameron last year. The first annual review meeting on Enhanced Strategic Dialogue will provide an opportunity to the leaders

of the two countries to take decisions for charting the way forward in five strands of cooperation. The dialogue was formally launched during the official visit of the British prime minister to Pakistan in April 2011 and covers five areas of bilateral cooperation including trade and business, finance and development

assistance, education and health, culture, and defence and security. The United Kingdom is Pakistan’s second largest trading partner and largest development partner among the EU countries. PM Cameron allocated 650 million pounds sterling for four million outof-school children in Pakistan for

receiving primary education. Gilani will personally convey his gratitude to the UK for consistently advancing Pakistan’s case for enhanced market access to the EU, and supports Pakistan for GSP+ status. He will also attend a function being arranged by British Pakistan Foundation, address a community gathering and lay the foundationstone of the Consular Hall at the Pakistan High Commission. A source at the Foreign Office termed Gilani’s visit hectic and with meetings lined up with the Duke of York, a reception for UK parliamentarians, launch of Conservative Friends of Pakistan group that would be attended by the British prime minister and Baroness Warsi.

PPP has no political future Beware foes to Indiain Lyari, says Uzair Baloch Pakistan peace: Gilani

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)’s grip on its Lyari vote bank has weakened, according to Uzair Baloch, head of the banned Peoples Aman Committee (PAC). Baloch, who is a central figure in the on-going battle between PAC and the police in the troubled neighbourhood of Karachi, claims that the ruling party is no longer favoured by the locals. “I have been in touch with several political parties to form an alliance for the upcoming elections, but a final decision will be taken by elders of the committee (PAC),” Baloch told “I can assure you, there is no future for PPP in Lyari.” Earlier, Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz’s Sindh leader Raja Saeed met with Baloch, and also expressed solidarity with the

people of Lyari. The police-versus-PAC operation was suspended by Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Friday, on “humanitarian grounds,” allowing the locals freedom to move but Malik said the government is determined to wipe out the terrorists. Baloch, however, alleges the police of “detaining 1.7 million people of Lyari for more than seven days.” “The ruling party and police have made us the victims only because we registered an FIR in the Sakhi ullah Pathan case against Chaudhry Aslam and Nabeel Gabol,” Baloch claimed, adding that the FIR has not been reported yet, despite orders from ADC Abdur Razzak. Baloch vowed to take the “Lyari case” to the highest court of the country and hoped for a favourable response from the chief justice.

“We hope that Chief Justice of Pakistan and Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court will bring justice to the people of Lyari.” Despite PAC’s standoff with security personnel involved in the operation, Baloch said he would welcome Rangers or Pakistan Army, if they were to carry out an operation in the area. “Police kill ordinary people,” he complained, adding that two people were killed in Afshani Gali on the pretext of terrorism but they were actually “innocent residents of the area.” The police, meanwhile, claim that the “criminals” are using modern arms, such as assault rifles, rocket propelled grenades and even night vision goggles. These weapons, the law-enforcers claim, have been stolen from containers carrying arms for the Nato forces deployed in Afghanistan. PAC’s chief, however, denies the allegation. “We are poor but not thieves,” Baloch insisted. It has also been reported that several members of the Lyari gangs have teamed up with the security personnel. Cellular services were also suspended in the area on Monday, in order to minimize co-ordination among the gangmembers.

Wary of non-state actors throwing a spanner in the works as New Delhi and Islamabad inch closer, Pakistan stresses the need to remain eternally vigilant to ensure that forces inimical to peace do not derail the process slowly gaining momentum. Wary of non-state actors throwing a spanner in the works as New Delhi and Islamabad inch closer, Pakistan stresses the need to remain eternally vigilant to ensure that forces inimical to IndiaPakistan peace do not derail the process that is slowly gaining momentum. Inaugurating the second ‘Aman Ki Asha’ Indo-Pak Economic Conference in Lahore, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani warned against both countries being lulled into complacency because of the recent successes in building bridges. “We face many challenges and threats from forces inimical to peace. We are passing through turbulent times in our history in which non-state actors are determined to harm the peace process. Such forces are present on both sides of the border and we have to remain vigilant that they are not able to derail our hard-earned gains.” This warning was reiterated in the evening by Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, who also urged both countries to introspect whether the way the two had dealt with each other over the past 64 years had yielded any dividend. Calling it a relationship of lost opportunities, she made out a case for changing course. According to Mr. Gilani, improved

relations with India are important for Pakistan as it offers a billion-plus market to the Pakistani exporters. “We are aware that without enhancing regional trade, the country cannot realise its full potential.” Stating that a liberal trade regime ensures flow of cheaper imports for both countries due to their geographical proximity and resultant lower freight costs, he said just as Pakistani textiles had a huge market across the border, similarly, India could get buyers for its chemicals, pharmaceutical items and engineering goods and cement, among many other commodities. Without dwelling on the key irritants in bilateral relations, the Prime Minister said Pakistan was keen to settle all core issues through dialogue on an equitable basis. “We want to start a new era of economic collaboration with India as well as enhanced people-to-people contacts so that we leave behind a legacy of peace and prosperity for our future generations.”

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012




All parties would contest the elections: DRP

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader and Kendhoo constituency MP Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has said that despite the current coalition government, different candidates from all pro-government political parties would contest the presidential elections in 2013. Speaking during the opening ceremony of the new DRP camp last night, Thasmeen claimed that contrasting views and beliefs existed among the various political parties in the national unity government. In addition, the policies of one political party were different to the next, he added. “We believe that different candidates would represent the various political parties of the coalition government in the election. However, we must all agree to sustain the current government till 2013 to ensure that the people are provided with the fundamental services and benefits from a government,”

Thasmeen detailed. He also claimed that the aim of DRP was to sustain the current government for the rights of the people till the election in 2013. Thasmeen further revealed that though the national unity government had been formed by the seven political parties and the civil society alliance on an invitation by President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik, their current efforts is not based within a coalition. “We have an agreement with Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) that we would function jointly. However, the rest of the political parties in the government do not have such an agreement to work together,” he added. The DRP leader said that the political parties had not joined the government upon a prior agreement to execute or employ specific policies or programs. To that end he claimed that the arrangement had been quite abrupt

155 cases of crimes involving children this year: report

Juvenile Justice Unit has revealed that 155 cases have been reported of various crimes committed by children so far this year. A publicized report by the Unit which functions under the Home Ministry stated that the most number of criminal cases against children included theft and robbery, assault and drug abuse. To that end, 28 cases of assault, 20 cases of theft and robbery, and 18 cases of drug abuse had been filed so far during the year, report said. In addition, various cases of sexual misconduct and vandalism had also been reported involving children. Juvenile Justice Unit further stated that many cases involving girls had also been reported this year, which included possession of alcohol and disruption of harmony through illegal gatherings. While the report highlighted that out of the child

offenders, 68% did not attend schools and the majority who committed criminal offences were between the ages of 16-18. The report noted the reasons behind criminal offences by children as lack of proper nurturing, negative influence of media, adult involvement in thrusting children into a world of crime and imitation of criminal behavior of parents. The Correctional Training Centre in Kaafu Atoll Feydhoofinolhu provides psychological assistance to child offenders to help them ease back into society. The Unit further highlighted that such children reintroduced to society through various programs conducted by the Centre, do not get the necessary encouragement and support from the society. It further revealed that so far six children had been sent to the Correctional Training Centre this year.

and divergences of opinions were to be expected. Thasmeen further said that DRP does not back the notion to charge a certain fee from the people to implement the national health insurance scheme ‘Aasandha’. In addition, though the statements issued by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) were incomprehensible, the present views entertained by some of the members of the government to pull

out from the Commonwealth was not supported by DRP and labeled it as an irresponsible notion. He also revealed the two primary reasons behind DRP’s decision to join President Waheed’s government. As one reason Thasmeen detailed that during the previous administration the decline of the state of affairs in the Maldives had seriously undermined and hindered the services being

provided by the State to the people. “The second reason we contemplated was if the functioning of the government was compromised at a time when the provision of services to the people had already been hindered and the system was facing major challenges, the people would be plunged into an increasingly dire situation. Thasmeen while criticizing the former ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) claimed that the former President Mohamed Nasheed had carried out various actions in violation of the constitution. He further accused MDP of attempting to destroy the democratic principles in the Maldives, and the rights of the people had been seriously undermined following the discriminations based on color by the influence of some prominent members of MDP.

Indian HC to Maldives rejects role in coup

Under attack from the ousted President Mohammed Nasheed’s party MDP, Indian High Commissioner to Maldives D M Mulay on Tuesday termed as “baseless” and “flight of fancy” the allegations regarding his involvement in the recent change of government here. During their visit to India last month with Nasheed, MDP’s senior leadership in an interview to a magazine had claimed that Mulay was involved in the February 7 transfer of power, which Nasheed claims was a “coup”. “All allegations are absolutely baseless and are certainly flight of fancy. Such utterances are also not in keeping with the excellent spirit of cooperation between India and Maldives. “It is important that nothing should be done to harm the strong

relations and we should strive to build further on them. We also believe that these statements will not come in the way of the goodwill and friendship between our two nations,” Mulay said in a statement here. The magazine’s report has been referred to in the local media, with the first report carried in Minivan Daily, an English online based in Maldives which has close links to

Nasheed’s party. Today, prominent media groups Haveeru Online and Sun Online carried the same news as their headline. Observers in Maldives are questioning the motive behind the interview and the publication, as no evidence against Mulay has been provided by the MDP leadership while making these allegations.

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Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012


Nepal flash flood Progress nil, Nepal risks death toll may hit 60 FATF blacklisting

The death toll in a flash flood in Nepal’s central Annapurna region could be as high as 60, according to rescuers scouring the area for survivors. They say there is almost no hope of finding anyone else alive. Fifteen bodies have been recovered but district police superintendent Sailesh Thapa told AFP that 43 missing people, including three Ukrainian tourists, were feared dead. “So far, 12 of the 15 bodies have been identified. An excavator has reached the worst affected areas and is clearing the mud,” he said. “We have a list of another 43 people who have gone missing. Their chances of survival are almost zero. The three Ukrainians are still missing.” Eight people have been rescued since the Seti burst its banks near the city of Pokhara, a tourist hub, on Saturday, sweeping away a village and swamping families picnicking by the river. Most of the missing are thought to be local. One witness, Uddha Bahadur Gurung,

described how the river suddenly turned into a lethal surge. “There was nothing unusual. People were enjoying picnics, some were relaxing in the hot spring pools by the river and others working,” he told the Kathmandu Post. “Out of nowhere came this swelling dark murky water with debris, sweeping away many people.” Sniffer dogs have been sent 200km from the capital Kathmandu to search for bodies along the banks of the river, which has now subsided, while police and army personnel hunt for survivors. Prime Minister Baburam Bhattari broke off from political negotiations over forming a new government to visit Kharapani village, which was washed away by the flood. “He has instructed the authorities to bring 20 excavators so that the dead bodies of those who have been buried by the floods can be recovered,” Bishwadeep Pandey, personal secretary to the premier, told reporter.

Nepal is set to get negative marks when the regional group of the global anti-money laundering body reviews the country this week, as it has not made any headway in complying with the conditions set by Financial Action Task Force during the last meeting. The Asia Pacific Group (APG), the regional hand and mind of the FATF that recently called a faceto-face meeting of about a dozen poorly complying countries, has set May 8 as the date for grilling Nepali officials. Based on how the country defends its position, the Group will make recommendations for action to FATF plenary due next month in Rome. “Unfortunately, except for the new directive on tracking flow of dirty money that Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) put in place in March, we do not have a single progress to cite and defend our position,” said a member of the high-level AML coordinating committee. Going by the commitments that Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai personally made in writing to FATF in February, Nepal is required to enact the three laws related to money laundering at the earliest and also step up actions against financial criminals. However, as the government and lawmakers busy themselves in the last leg of constitution drafting, they have not yet taken any step to fulfilling those commitment.

The parliament, wherein remains the three crucial bills -- Extradition Bill, Mutual Cooperation Bill and Bill to Control Organized Crime, remains prorogued since over a month. Still worse, the Baidya faction of the UCPN (Maoist) continues to oppose their enactment. “And the performance of the Department of Anti-Money Laundering - supposed to investigate and control flow of illegal money - has been no better as Ministry of Finance has consistently changed its director general,” said the source. Given the situation, Nepali team that is scheduled to be led by Law Secretary in the face-to-face meeting has little cases on hand to defend the country. Nonetheless, it will brief the APG officials on latest progresses made on the political front, like completion of the peace process, formation of new cabinet and political leaders´ commitment

to get the constitution in place by May 28, inferring that such developments has created positive environment for enactment of the bills. “They know Nepal is committed to fight dirty money and terrorism financing and understand why the country has lagged behind so far. We are hopeful the meeting will not be that bad,” said the MoF official. The situation is not that hopeless also because the country still has more than a month to get the bills enacted,” said a MoF official, referring to the deadline pledged by the FATF in February. The country had been at risk for about a year of being blacklisted by the FATF - something which could leave severe political and economical ramifications, but escaped the action in February after Bhattarai personally committed in writing to enact three crucial laws soon and step up actions against flow of dirty money.

Parties strike deal at the stroke of midnight

After a series of bi-, tri- and quadrilateral talks, four major political forces stroke of midnight today signed a fivepoint agreement, clearing the decks for the formation of a unity government. After a series of bi-, tri- and quadrilateral talks, four major political forces — the Unified CPN-Maoist, Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and the United Democratic Madhesi Front — at the stroke of midnight today signed a fivepoint agreement, clearing the decks for the formation of a unity government. All the government ministers representing the UCPN-M and UDMF in the incumbent Cabinet led by Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai tendered their resignations today itself in order to facilitate the formation of a unity government — a development parties said would ensure the promulgation of the constitution by May 27. Today’s agreement has it that a new unity government will be formed within two days under the leadership of Bhattarai.

The agreement also promises to iron out all the issues related to the new constitution, including federalism and forms of governance, within next three days. Any outstanding issue will be resolved through dialogue, reads the agreement. “A new constitution will be promulgated by May 27. PM Bhattarai will resign and an NC-led unity government will be formed before May 27, which will hold fresh elections within a year,” the agreement reads. The major forces have also agreed to expedite the remaining tasks related to the peace process as per the past agreements. The fifth point of the agreement says that political parties ‘will hold regular meetings’ to accelerate the constitutiondrafting process. The agreement was signed by Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, UML Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal, NC President Sushil Koirala and UDMF leader Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar.

NC negotiator Krishna Sitaula told reporters after today’s deal that it was yet another positive milestone in the peace process. “I hope that a federal democratic republic constitution will be promulgated within a month,” added Sitaula. Maoist leader Narayan Kaji Shrestha said the parties would try their best to include maximum stakeholders in the to-be-formed unity government. UML Chair Khanal said it was a ‘historic and important achievement’ which has raised people’s hope for a new

constitution. PM Bhattarai too described today’s agreement a historic achievement as he confirmed that he had accepted resignations of all his ministers. Earlier, when asked if the prime minister would also resign to facilitate the formation of a national unity government, Tarai Madhes Democratic Party leader Hridayesh Tripathi said, “There is no question of prime minister resigning.” Tripathi said the objective of the four-point agreement — that played a crucial role in the formation of a coalition

government of the UCPN-M and UDMF on August 28 — was to complete the peace process and drafting of the constitution. “The resignations today came to uphold the same objective,” he said. Asked whether they had agreed on all other issues of the constitution, particularly federalism and forms of governance, Tripathi said the major political forces would intensify negotiations to settle the issues and could even opt to go for voting in the CA, if required. Earlier in the morning, confusions and blame game — between ruling and opposition parties — shrouded the hope of a unity government. While the ruling coalition parties — UCPN-M and UDMF — kept on saying that NC and UML should join the Bhattarai-led government, the opposition parties argued that Bhattarai government should step down first. UML even accused the ruling coalition of backtracking on yesterday’s understanding of forming a unity government.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012




Japanese Deputy Prime Minister calls on Sri Lankan President

Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Katsuya Okada who is on a two-day state visit to Sri Lanka at the invitation of the government called on the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the President’s House in Kandy after his arrival on Friday (04). Economic Development

areas and submit his findings to the Japanese parliament. The External Affairs Ministry has said that Okada is scheduled to have a breakfast meeting with Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne and visit the Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Project. He is also expected to meet several government parliamentarians. This is the first time that a high level Japanese representative was visiting Sri Lanka after several years, the Ministry has said. The Deputy prime Minister’s visit is expected to further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two countries. During his meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, President Rajapaksa has apprised him of the developments in the country and informed the Deputy PM that the government has been able to resolve over sixty percent of the problems faced by the people in the Northern and Eastern provinces.

Minister Basil Rajapaksa and Acting External Affairs Minister Neomal Perera welcomed the visiting Japanese leader at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake. he Japanese Deputy Prime Minister has said that he will travel to the North and East to observe firsthand the progress in those

Lankan Buddhists place emphasis on Heightened dengue threat principles of Buddhism: President It is indeed a great privilege to once again commemorate the triple festival of events in the life of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, with great reverence and honour, and with full state patronage, states President Mahinda Rajapaksa in a Vesak message. The message: “We had great joy in seeing Sri Lankan Buddhists giving emphasis to the principles of Buddhism with the dawn of the Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi at the last Vesak festival. With the immense pleasure of contemplating on the Buddha, we recall the great religious awakening of devotion and wisdom that spread throughout Sri Lanka during this year, as we now see the end of the Sambuddha Jayanthi commemorations on this Vesak Day. It is our wish that this joy in the Buddha and his teachings would abide in the minds of all Sri Lankans. The teachings of the Buddha are the best way to lead a life that is free of confusion. These teachings

show us the path to lead a life free of the four-fold evils and achieve success in this world and the next. We must be aware that all who are of wrongful mind and thinking cause many divisions and clashes that close the doors to our progress. As it is stated in the Dhammapada: “Attana va katam papam – attana sankilissati Attana akatam papam – attana va visujjhati Suddhi asuddhi paccattam – nannno annam visodhaye”

“Evil done by oneself will defile one. Evil not done by oneself will purify one. Purity and impurity depend on oneself. No one can purify another.” Therefore, let us in this Vesak season pave the way to success in this world and the next, by eschewing all disputes and divisions and making a commitment to national unity and religious co-existence through seeing the true light of Buddhist teachings. May you receive the blessings of the Samma Sambuddha!

The Health Ministry warned public to be extra vigilant concerning dengue epidemic following new evidence showing dengue mosquito had taken to breeding inside domestic wells in addition to used receptacles, overhead gutters and discarded tyres. “The Health Ministry had made the public aware only about water storage containers as mosquito breeding places. The ministry’s Research Entomological Unit has revealed that dengue mosquitoes have changed their life pattern to counter steps taken for their eradication and have begun laying eggs in wells,” a ministry spokesman said. The highest dengue mosquito breeding source in the Eastern Province (46 percent) is found to be wells. Mosquitoes are mostly using wells with cement walls to lay eggs. The Health Ministry has informed the public to breed small fish species in wells to destroy the eggs of dengue mosquitoes, the spokesman said. He said the public have also been informed the dengue mosquito which was said to be more active from 6am to 10am and from 4pm to 6.30 pm has extended its stinging period to 11pm according to the same research. Health Ministry entomological surveys

have revealed the dengue mosquito is a double breeder and is most powerful of all mosquitoes. According to sources there are more than 2,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide and Sri Lanka is home to 250 such species . Mosquitoes belong to a group of insects that require blood to develop fertile eggs. All, except the dengue mosquitoes, take the blood of all animals and humans. But the dengue mosquito only draws on human blood to help develop fertile eggs. Dengue mosquitoes have a life span of one month and lay eggs four times during their lifetime. They bite humans more than once. Other mosquitoes have only a one week life span and lay eggs only once. They also bite humans only once. Accordingly, a single dengue mosquito has the ability to spread dengue among a number of persons.



Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012

Iranian traders to visit India as Clinton arrives

A big Iranian trade mission will arrive in India on Sunday to explore commercial opportunities on the same day as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton starts her official visit, officials said. The six-day Iranian trip comes as Washington has been pressuring India to reduce its oil purchases from Iran in a bid to coax the Islamic republic to abandon its disputed nuclear programme. “The timing of the visit with Mrs Clinton’s arrival is a coincidence,”Anand Seth, a spokesman for the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), a quasi-government body under the Indian trade ministry, said Saturday. “They’re returning our visit. We invited them when we were there (in Iran),” he told AFP. An 80-member

Indian trade mission spent five days in Iran in March. The 56-member Iranian delegation is set to arrive in India on the same day Clinton lands to spend two days in the energy-hungry South Asian nation, which hopes to win a waiver from tough US sanctions on Iran. India and China, whose growing economies depend heavily on fuel

imports, have publicly opposed US sanctions but at the same time have quietly been diversifying oil sources as a June deadline looms for a US decision on sanctions on importers of the Islamic republic’s oil. India has pushed state-run refiners to diversify their imports from Iran to win a waiver from sanctions and is aiming to cut shipments from the

Persian Gulf nation by 15 to 20 per cent. “India has cut back on its oil imports from Iran, it has not been insensitive to American concerns (about Iran),” TP Sreenivasan, ex-Indian ambassador to the UN, told AFP. The United States say Iran’s nuclear drive is aimed at making an atomic bomb but Iran says it is for civilian energy. The Iranian delegation will also travel to financial hub Mumbai and meet with local trade bodies. India has been walking a diplomatic tightrope as it seeks to drum up more exports from Iran while managing its growing relations with the United States. India has been buying around $11 billion worth of oil from Iran a year — its second largest supplier after Saudi Arabia — but sells Tehran just

$2.7 billion in goods. India needs to increase its exports to Iran as the intensifying Western sanctions campaign against Iran dries up dollar and euro payment routes that New Delhi was using to pay for Iranian oil imports. India and Iran have worked out a deal under which New Delhi will seek to pay for close to half of its Iranian oil imports in rupees. The rupee payments will be used by Iran to purchase Indian goods. India, which has strong historical ties with Tehran, views Iran as an important counterweight to archrival Pakistan in the troubled region. India, which has one of the world’s largest Muslim populations, is also uneasy about joining a US-led drive against the Islamic republic that could have domestic political repercussions, analysts say.

India will grow at 8-10 pc India to write off $200 million from line of in coming years: Pranab credit to Bangladesh: Pranab Mukherjee

Dismissing all talk of policy inertia, Pranab on Friday asserted that the govt is focussed on recovering the growth momentum in the economy and India will grow at a sustained 8-10 per cent in coming years on the back of strong fundamentals. “I am confident that the strong fundamentals of our economy will help us return to a sustained growth path of 8 to 10 per cent per annum in the coming years,” Mukherjee said at the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Mukherjee said the government’s policy was focussed on recovering the growth momentum of preglobal economic crisis of 2008. “For the current fiscal year, we have set our objective to focus on recovering our pre-crisis growth momentum, create conditions for rapid revival of high growth in private investment and address supply bottlenecks in agriculture, energy and transport sectors,” the finance minister said. The economy had registered an over 9 per cent growth before the 2008 global economic crisis. In 2011-12, the growth is estimated

to fall to 6.9 per cent in 2011-12 as compared to 8.4 growth registered in the previous year. The government has set a target of 7.6 per cent growth for the current financial year. Mukherjee said that India’s development strategy was inclusive growth. “We have empowered the people by giving them access to entitlement backed by legal enactment,” he said, referring to measures like Right to Education, Right to Information, Right to Employment and Right to Food. Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the event, Mukherjee blamed volatility in global commodity prices for the recent depreciation in the value of the Indian rupee. The rupee fell to a low of 53.47 against a dollar Friday, the lowest level in almost four months. The Indian currency has depreciated by over 15 per cent in the last few months.

India today announced that it will write off USD 200 million of the USD 1 billion line of credit offered to Bangladesh, and promised to implement all bilateral agreements, including those that have witnessed delays. India had announced a USD 1 billion Line of Credit to Bangladesh, the largest it has offered to any country in 2010. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said today that New Delhi had decided to consider USD 200 million of that amount as a grant rather than credit, and Bangladesh can utilise the fund for its priority projects. “India will treat the amount as grant, not credit,” Mukherjee told a group of senior editors as he wound up a 20hour trip to Dhaka. “This USD 200 million will be utilised for projects that Bangladesh prioritises,” he said. The rest USD 800 million will bear a one per cent interest, instead of

previously announced 1.75 per cent, according to bdnews24. Mukherjee also cited “ground realities” of coalition politics as the reason for India’s failure to seal the Teesta water sharing deal during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Bangladesh last year. “In a democracy such as ours... this process often becomes time consuming,” he said. “There are certain issues that need to

be resolved,” he said while referring to the Teesta issue as a “sensitive” one. Earlier, during his meeting with Premier Sheikh Hasina, Mukherjee vowed to implement all agreements signed with the country during Manmohan Singh’s visit last year. “Although it was late, (all) these agreements (signed with Bangladesh) will be materialised soon,” he was quoted as telling Hasina by a Prime Minister’s office spokesman.

eBay Inc. plans new development centre in Bangalore eBay Inc. has announced plans to open a new development centre in Bangalore, and expects to hire up to 1,000 technologists over the next three years. The new Bangalore facility will feature several centres of excellence and house technologists from both eBay marketplaces and PayPal. It builds on eBay Inc.’s existing presence in India which includes a global development centre with over 2,200 employees in Chennai and the eBay India business unit in Mumbai.

The company is aggressively hiring senior technologists with strong product development experience across many functions including research, platform and application development,architecture, quality engineering, product management, marketing and product analytics, user experience and design, and information security. “PayPal is growing at a phenomenal rate globally, as we continue to execute on our bold vision of re-imagining money,” said Anupam Pahuja, general manager -

PayPal in a statement. “To support this growth, we are looking to tap into the large pool of software engineering talent in Bangalore to come innovate with us and create the future of commerce. We are committed to India

as a technology hub and see India’s software engineering talent as a critical driver for the long-term success of PayPal’s global payment platform,” he added. Said Rajesh Ramachandran, General Manager -eBay Marketplaces: “eBay’s ecosystem provides technologists a unique combination of startup culture to innovate and product excellence culture to build products that creates value to millions of customers. The India centre plays a strategic role in global product and technology innovation.

Saarc international I Thursday 10 May 2012



‘Satyamev Jayate’: I am no one to solve issues, I can only highlight them, Aamir Khan says Elated by the response to his muchhyped television debut today, actor Aamir Khan says he will bring up more issues on the show ‘Satyamev Jayate’, but he does not see himself as a change-maker. The first episode of the show, telecast this morning, focused on the issue of female foeticide in India. “I am no one to bring change or solve anything...neither (is) the government. I can only keep the issues in front of everyone. The change should come from within. One person cannot improve or bring solution to an issue,” Aamir said, talking to reporters this afternoon. “I was watching the show with my wife, son Azad, and core team of the show...I had tears in my eyes. I got good response from industry friends and various medium - twitter, youtube. “There will be many more issues on the show. But I won’t reveal...let it be a suspense,” Aamir said. When asked if the burning issue of the times, corruption, will feature, Aamir said, “Corruption is a very strong issue...we all are involved in it. A strong law must come in force... but it is equally important to change ourselves first.” Today’s episode dealt with stories of mothers who struggled to give birth to a girl child, because of the society’s bias for ‘a boy’.

“There was no specific reason to highlight this issue (female foeticide) in the first show, the actor said. He also said that doctors alone must not be held responsible for foeticide,

Sunday morning and pretty much everyone seemed to be hooked to the show that was aired. The first show brought forth the topic of female foeticide and saw some

everyone involved shares the blame. “During our research we came across a fact that even though the doctors who indulge in sex determination ...their license is not revoked....I request all state medical councils to take strict action against them (doctors).” Aamir’s smallscreen venture ‘Satyamev Jayate’ earns kudos Already picking up speed at a tremendous rate, the show Satyamev Jayate by Aamir Khan is the most anticipated TV debut right now! The show opened to full houses on

poignant real life tales. Industry friends like Farhan Akhtar, Preity Zinta and others lauded Aamir’s effort. In fact, some of the people from the industry like young actress Nidhi Subbaiah tweeted saying “How about Aamir Khan for president?” Little wonder that unlike the usual suspects like IPL or Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir was the most-spoken about person on Twitter and other sites. Fans are already blogging asking for more shows like this and less reality shows. Let’s see if this show changes

the trend. Check out some of the tweets: Poonam Pandey: SatyamevJayate reminds of the Sunday Time Slot whn use to watch Mahabharat as a teen evn by skipng some sunday mtchs Bravo “Aamir Khan” Amish Tripathi: Aamir Khan’s satyamevjayate is a patriot’s ode to all Indians. V can be better people. If u luv ur country, u will be d change u want 2 see. Kiran Bedi: Aamir’s Satyamevjayate on Star Plus is an expression of power of media+inherent potential of society in resolving its own created problems. I would give full marks to Amir Khan’s TV Prog Satya Mev Jayate, very creative,evidence based and emotionally connecting, inspiring! Harsha Bhogle: if Aamir Khan provides the action promised satyamevjayate will truly succeed. for that action,we too have to be involved. sms for a start. Shabana Azmi: Aamir Khans show can bring a revolution. Thoroughly researched covers all aspects touches emotional chord n forces us to reexamine ourselves. Vir Das: Full respect for Aamir. Psuedo armchair pessimists always underestimate the power of awareness. Well intentioned, optimistic & much needed. Mandira Bedi: A reality show in

its truest sense. Some stirring & troubling realities of our times.. I applaud. Shruti Haasan: Watching satyameva jayete along with everyone else methinks. Preity Zinta:Watching Aamir Khan on Satyamev Jayate discussing Female Foeticide ! I love this effort from him & thank him as a Woman ! Mini Mathur: Aamir Khan I am so proud of you. You have put your stature to use in the most straight and compelling way. TV has woken up to a new era. Kabir Khan: For an hour this morning. Television stopped being the idiot box. Maria Goretti: An hour well spent watching `Satyameva Jayate`. Aamir Khan take a bow, poignant issues, heartfelt and emotional content TV never felt as good. Mitali Chatterjee: The concept of Female Foeticide...needs every voice it can get .. thank you Amir #SatyamevJayate. Jaydeep Sarkar: Bravo, Aamir Khan! Thank you for not wasting the nation`s time on game shows/ cultivating greed. THIS is how stardom should be used. Dinesh Dasa: Aamir Khan is providing a best example of how stardom earned could be returned back 2 society 4 societal cause.

Zing has a line-up of EXCLUSIVE Pakistan singer Salman Ahmad performs at India shrine Treats for its viewers this May The Bollywood, Music and Entertainment channel continues to be involved in a mix of activities - aimed at getting its audience involved and treating them to great events. From Bollywood Nights, Movies, Comedy Shows to Melas - the channel presents it all, accompanied with exclusive competitions for the viewers. Zing is presenting spectacular Bollywood Nights to enjoy, including The Bollywood Experience at Holiday Inn Kensington Forum on 19 May, Bollywood Nights at Peaches Bar and Restaurant and more. From 25 May, Zing will be presenting Bombay Bling Nights in association with Voodoo Entertainment, every Friday Night, at Club Ten, London. Zing viewers will have the chance

to win tickets to all. The channel will also be hosting a not-to-miss launch party for its upcoming show Rock The Vibe, with viewers invited to the party of the year on 19 May, at London’s Jewel Bar, St Paul’s. In the coming weeks, Zing will be seen alongside an upcoming Bollywood movie London Premier and Summer Melas. Archana Kanade, Zing Channel Head, UK “We want to thank our viewers for choosing Zing with

jam-packed activities designed especially for them. Zing is all about all-round-entertainment, and we are now making it an interactive experience that goes beyond the living room TV. So get involved and be a part of the Zing vibe!” Already UK’s No. 1 Music Channel amongst Asians (Source: BARB), Zing has successfully brought UK audiences closer to the glamour of Bollywood with star-studded shows and new concepts, only available on Zing. Now watch out for news on the channel’s brand new Rock the Vibe - a unique a show within the South Asian entertainment space, coming this May. For Zing’s latest Bollywood news and competitions for upcoming events go to and follow Zing UK on Facebook.

Sufi rock star Salman Ahmad may have performed in various places around the world but his most recent stop was a unique one. The Junoon member got the rare chance of performing at the Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishty in Ajmer Sharif, India. “It was an honour to pay tribute to Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishty in Ajmer Sharif,” said Ahmad via e-mail. “This is the 800th year of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz’s urs celebration. Thousands of people flocked to the Dargah Sharif and they were in a state of fana while

listening to the Sufi songs of love and devotion,” added the Sufi musician. Ahmad was invited to the memorable event by Syed Salman Chishty, who is also the Gaddi Nashin (heir apparent), Khadim-i-Khawaja sahib (Khwaja’s servant) and the Director of Chishty Foundation. “It was really nice to have Junoon here in Ajmer Sharif,” Chishty said about Ahmad’s visit. Ahmad has now joined the league of Pakistani Sufi musicians Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Abida Parveen who have also had the privilege to perform at Ajmer Sharif. Recently, Ahmad made headlines when he announced that he will be making his Bollywood debut in Vicky Kumar’s musical love story Rhythm, according to Hindustan Times reports that Ahmad’s Indian fan following started strengthening from 1997, when his song “Sayonee” created a rage in India. Currently, Junoon, spearheaded by Ahmad, are in India, for a series of concerts in different cities of the country. Their next performance will be at the Bluefrog in Delhi on May 10. “A Junooni time is guaranteed for all,” Ahmad tweeted. Junoon’s last concert in India was on February 6, 2010.



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

UK: Pakistani media played agency game?

Liyari: Supreme Court, Sindh Assembly, and The new King of Sindh “TAPPI”

SHC hears plea against Lyari operation A bench of Sindh High Court (SHC) on Tuesday heard the petition against police operation in Lyari which ended inconclusively on Friday. The petition was filed by Salahuddin Advocate, describing the crackdown against ‘peaceful’ and ‘innocent’ citizens of Lyari as violation of fundamental rights protected under the constitution, a private TV channel reported. On Tuesday, SHC Division Bench, comprising Justice Faisal Arab and Justice Nadeem Akhtar heard the case. For today’s hearing, the court had issued notices to respondents including Home Secretary, Inspector

General of Police (IGP) Sindh and Senior Superintendent of

Police CID Chaudhry Aslam. On the other hand, residents of Lyari staged protest demonstration outside the court premises, chanting slogans against the government and praying to the court to declare the operation against the law. Lawmakers belonging to the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in the Sindh Assembly on Thursday supported the ongoing Lyari operation, while the Awami National Party (ANP) representative opposed it. The issue came under discussion through point of orders raised by different members to condemn the alleged attack on Lyari

residence of the PPP leader and provincial minister Rafiq Engineer. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah said on Monday that the

each. He said the government would try to compensate for the losses of source of livelihood of the affected people. Replying to a question about why some PPP supporters were leaving the party in Lyari, Mr Shah said misunderstandings developed even among brothers and expressed the hope that the misunderstandings would soon be removed.

killing of innocent people during the recent operation in Lyari was

Meanwhile to show solidarity with People of Liyari , a joint protest was organised in front of the Pakistan High Commission London. The organizers were UK Lawyers Committee for Human rights and justice in Pakistan , Friends of Liyari International

being investigated and necessary action would be taken in the light of the findings. Speaking at a press conference, he said this in reply to a question about PPP MNA Sardar Nabeel Gabol’s letter to the president and the prime minister in which he had demanded a judicial inquiry into the killings during the Lyari operation. “We are trying to find out how and why so many innocent people got killed,” the chief minister said. The chief minister said innocent civilians and policemen were killed and added that next of kin of the people killed would be paid Rs500,000 while those seriously injured would get Rs200,000

and International political Forum. Among the main participants were Barrister Sibghat Kadri, Barrister Ifthikhar Ahmad Khalid Baloach, Aftab Baghi , , and others. The organizers later submitted a memorandum to the High Commissioner of Pakistan. Among the participants were Habib Jan Bloch who escaped from Pakistan despite being on ECL from the government. Habib Jan Baloch, who along with Uzair Jan Baloch and Zafar Baloch is on the country’s mostwanted list , said he arrived in London on Sunday night after escaping Lyari via land, boat, camels, sea and in the end via Bahrain a flight. He also called

for the immediate resignation of Minister for Interior Rehman Malik. Habib claimed that the Lyari operation was being carried out on the whims of Owais Owais Muzzaffar, aka Tappi a relative of President Zardari who wanted to carve out his own space in politics by politicising the Lyari issue. Friends of Lyari protest reported on ARY & Geo against PM visit to UK Despite the protest on Tuesday in front of Pakistan High Commission London ,was against government oppression of Lyari but Pakistani media specially ARY and GEO reported contaray to the fact that the event was organised to protest Pakistani Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani who arrived yesterday London.

Uncrowned monarchy of Tappi Who is Tappi ?

Credible sources in the provincial government however confirmed that since the era of Zulfikar

Mirza was over now Tappi is the man, who dictates what to do to all concerned in the provincial set-up. Tappi

is the adopted son of Hakim Ali Zardari and a step-brother of President Zardari. Former assistant commissioner, Owais Muzaffar alias Tappi, along with his accomplice was charged with allegedly accepting illegal gratification from the public for the allotment of plots and land in 1995. Mr. Owais Muzaffar was also the settler of trusts “constituting the Rockwood Estate UK (Surrey Palace). Tappi name also came up in Dubai Visa Scandal when some Americans were given multiple visas illegally, include one male Continued on page 27 >>

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



You are all suspects now What are you going to do about it? John Pilger

You are all potential terrorists. It matters not that you live in Britain, the United States, Australia or the Middle East. Citizenship is effectively abolished. Turn on your computer and the US Department of Homeland Security’s National Operations Center may monitor whether you are typing not merely “al-Qaeda”, but “exercise”, “drill”, “wave”, “initiative” and “organisation”: all proscribed words. The British government’s announcement that it intends to spy on every email and phone call is old hat. The satellite vacuum cleaner known as Echelon has been doing this for years. What has changed is that a state of permanent war has been launched by the United States and a police state is consuming western democracy. What are you going to do about it? In Britain, on instructions from the CIA, secret courts are to deal with “terror suspects”. Habeas Corpus is dying. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that five men, including three British citizens, can be extradited to the US even though none except one has been charged with a crime. All have been imprisoned for years under the 2003 US/ UK Extradition Treaty which was signed one month after the criminal invasion of Iraq. The European Court had condemned the treaty as likely to lead to “cruel and unusual punishment”. One of the men, Babar Ahmad, was awarded 63,000 pounds compensation for 73 recorded injuries he sustained in the custody of the Metropolitan Police. Sexual

abuse, the signature of fascism, was high on the list. Another man is a schizophrenic who has suffered a complete mental collapse and is in Broadmoor secure hospital; another is a suicide risk. To the Land of the Free, they go – along with young Richard O’Dwyer, who faces 10 years in shackles and an orange jump suit because he allegedly infringed US copyright on the internet. As the law is politicised and Americanised, these travesties are not untypical. In upholding the conviction of a London university student, Mohammed Gul, for disseminating “terrorism” on the internet, Appeal Court judges in London ruled that “acts… against the armed forces of a state anywhere in the world which sought to influence a government and were made for political purposes” were now crimes. Call to the dock Thomas Paine, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela. What are you going to do about it? The prognosis is clear now: the malignancy that Norman Mailer called “pre fascist” has metastasized. The US attorneygeneral, Eric Holder, defends the “right” of his government to assassinate American citizens. Israel, the protege, is allowed

to aim its nukes at nukeless Iran. In this looking glass world, the lying is panoramic. The massacre of 17 Afghan civilians on 11 March, including at least nine children and four women, is attributed to a “rogue”

American soldier. The “authenticity” of this is vouched by President Obama himself, who had “seen a video” and regards it as “conclusive proof”. An independent Afghan parliamentary investigation produces eyewitnesses who give detailed evidence of as many as 20 soldiers, aided by a helicopter, ravaging their villages, killing and raping: a standard, if marginally

more murderous US special forces “night raid”. Take away the videogame technology of killing – America’s contribution to modernity – and the behaviour is traditional. Immersed in comicbook righteousness, poorly or brutally trained, frequently racist, obese and led by a corrupt officer class, American forces transfer the homicide of home to faraway places whose impoverished s t r u g g l e s they cannot comprehend. A nation founded on the genocide of the native population never quite kicks the habit. Vietnam was “Indian country” and its “slits” and “gooks” were to be “blown away”. The blowing away of hundreds of mostly women and children in the Vietnamese village of My Lai in 1968 was also a “rogue” incident and, profanely, an “American tragedy” (the cover headline of Newsweek). Only one of 26 men prosecuted was convicted and he was let go by President Richard Nixon. My Lai is in Quang Ngai province where, as I learned as a reporter, an estimated 50,000 people were killed by American troops, mostly in what they called “free

fire zones”. This was the model of modern warfare: industrial murder. Like Iraq and Libya, Afghanistan is a theme park for the beneficiaries of America’s new permanent war: Nato, the armaments and hitech companies, the media and a “security” industry whose lucrative contamination is a contagion on everyday life. The conquest or “pacification” of territory is unimportant. What matters is the pacification of you, the cultivation of your indifference. What are you going to do about it? The descent into totalitarianism has landmarks. Any day now, the Supreme Court in London will decide whether the WikiLeaks editor, Julian Assange, is to be extradited to Sweden. Should this final appeal fail, the facilitator of truth-telling on an epic scale, who is charged with no crime, faces solitary confinement and interrogation on ludicrous sex allegations. Thanks to a secret deal between the US and Sweden, he can be “rendered” to the American gulag at any time. In his own country, Australia, prime minister Julia Gillard has conspired with those in Washington she calls her “true mates” to ensure her innocent fellow citizen is fitted for his orange jump suit just in case he should make it home. In February, her government wrote a “WikiLeaks Amendment” to the extradition treaty between Australia and the US that makes it easier for her “mates” to get their hands on him. She has even given them the power of approval over Freedom of Information searches – so that the world outside can be lied to, as is customary.

Liyari: Supreme Court, Sindh Assembly, and The new King of Sindh “TAPPI” Continued from page 26 >> and six suspicious ladies. They had stated in their visa forms that purpose of their visit to Pakistanwas meeting the president or visit to the Zardari House, Islamabad. The lady Ms Cathleen Margret, passport NO. 208330960 who had applied on March 3, 2010 was issued multiple visa for 90 days the same day. In the justification submitted

to the Foreign Ministry, the consulate said, the visa was issued without any inquiry under the specific orders received from Awais Tappi, stepbrother of President Zardari. “A ruler is not bound by any law, as his word is, law is for the minions of the state and no one dare point out any law or rule limiting the authority of the ruler,” this is how a well-informed official source explained the rule of Tappi. The

source said that there was no such thing as a constitutionally empowered Chief Minister in Sindh since past two and a half years. Tappi holds his court in Bilawal House where, the sources confide, even the acting chief secretary Sindh stands in respect until asked to take a seat; where all members of the cabinet and provincial bureaucracy are supposed to be on call and take all instructions from Mr Tappi as commands of the

Presidency. The chief minister has no role but to sign on papers and files sent to him as dictated by Mr Tappi. These sources say that Tappi decides on all lucrative matters in the provincial government ranging from allotment of lands, reconstruction funds, sugar pricing and such other things. He is the ruler of Sindh and no one dare question his authority. Tappi’s pomp and protocol matches his position, he travel

in a bulletproof vehicle. His motorcade, it is said, contains several police and rangers vehicles accompanying him all the time. All land matters at the provincial or even at the district level are to be cleared by him first. “He chairs all the meetings in the ante room of Bilawal House and passes orders to the ministers and officials, even when the president is holding another meeting in the next room during his visit to Karachi,” a source said.



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Hijab made stylish by Turkish magazine

Can the Muslim headscarf be synonymous with glamor? Turkey’s first fashion magazine for conservative Islamic women looks set to win the challenge. In less than a year since it was launched last June, the

monthly Ala — meaning “beauty” — has become a mainstream glossy. With a circulation of 20,000, it is only slightly behind the Turkish versions of Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Elle magazines. Ala’s pages are splashed with models reflecting a conservative Islamic style, all wearing headscarves and long dresses, with their arms and necks covered. Ala’s editor, 24year-old Hulya Aslan, has first-hand experience with Turkey’s headscarf troubles. Because she insisted on wearing one, she had to give up

a university education, instead finding work at a bank. “Now there is normalization, an improvement. Now our veiled comrades can enter university and have more professional opportunities,” she told AFP. “For the last five or six years we can say we have turned the corner.” Ala, created by two advertisers, offers the usual fare of health tips, travel pages and celebrity interviews, supplemented by a strong dose of loud and clear Islamic activism. “Veiled Is Beautiful” proclaims one advertisement, driving home the point with the words: “My way, my choice, my life, my truth, my right.” But such slogans sound more like a reference to the struggles of the past, when secularism monopolized the social scene and the Islamic headscarf, often viewed as a political symbol, met hostile reactions. The struggle continues despite the 2002 poll victory of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip

Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has Islamist roots and many of whose members

have spouses who wear headscarves, including Erdogan’s wife Emine. Although the strict application of secularism has been loosened under AKP rule, headscarves are still off-limits for civil servants. It is now allowed in some universities, while many others ban them. In Turkey, 60 percent of women wear some type of hair covering — sometimes also hiding their necks and ears — according to a 2006 survey conducted by the Istanbul-based Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation. The fashion world now sees a growing demand from conservative Turkish women who are keen to assert themselves. “There are now much prettier things than before,” said Merve Buyuk, a 22year-old trainee at Ala. “Designers have now understood that we exist. They’ve started making clothes that are not necessarily black or brown. … I’m pretty happy with this change.”

Ala is hoping to influence conservative women’s fashion and cash in on it with advertising revenue. “With this magazine, we are changing trends. We say that women in headscarves can follow trends. There are more and more products on the market they can access,” Aslan said. Communication scientist Nilgun Tutal of Istanbul’s Galatasaray University said Ala attests to the rise of middle- and upper-class Muslims who are adapting to the

consumer society, thanks to almost 10 years of AKP rule and Turkey’s sustained economic growth. “At one time, Islam, to distinguish itself from the West, took a position hostile to consumer society. But today, these people, to express their success, can only do that through consumer society,” Tutal said.

Queen’s speech puts ‘growth, justice and constitutional reform’ at its heart Continued from page 32 >> investment banking areas. Full details will be clarified by Chancellor George Osborne next month. The monarch also spoke of reforming electricity markets to ensure fair prices. This will introduce long term contracts that pay a steady rate of return for energy over the lifetime of new low-carbon generators. Ministers believe this will reduce expected rises in energy bills by around £40 per head by 2030. The Queen also underlined the importance of helping protect the finances of charities, as well as the introduction of legislation that will make

sure supermarkets deal fairly with their suppliers. The Queen’s Speech: Stage set for Lords reform battle Historic legislation to reform the House of Lords is included in today’s Queen’s Speech setting out the Government’s agenda for the year ahead, despite warnings from MPs that it could tear the coalition apart. The controversial measures could result in an 80 per cent elected Upper House of Parliament, with numbers of peers “substantially” cut from their current 800. But the proposal faces stiff resistance not only from sitting peers but also large numbers of Conservative backbenchers, with some experts predicting that pitched battles between opponents and supporters of reform could swallow up weeks of parliamentary time.

Constitutional change features in the Speech alongside new laws to support families, reform pensions and break up the banks to prevent a repeat of the financial crash. David Cameron looks set to defy his rightwing Tory backbenchers today with the centrepiece of the Queen’s Speech expected to be Lords reform. In a move that has already angered many of his supporters following last week’s drubbing in council elections across the UK, the Prime Minister is to offer his Liberal Democrat coalition partners significant constitutional change. The programme for government, the second chapter in the coalition agreement, will also include banking reform, which is set to be a compromise between the two coalition partners. Also set to be on the agenda is the creation

of a British version of the FBI to be known as the National Crime Agency, to tackle major crime and terrorism. Following the furore over phone hacking and press standards, there is also likely to be reform of the Defamation Act. One of the expected measures which has angered the Lib Dems is a plan for more internet surveillance, which is being championed by Mr Cameron. The Lib Dems will have to wait until later in the parliament for a bill to recognise gay marriage, while there is also unlikely to be a bill on social care for the elderly despite warnings of a looming crisis caused by the country’s ageing population. Meanwhile, expected bills on opening up the university sector and preparing for highspeed rail are likely to be delayed. • How the Coalition Parties stand

However, the major clash for Mr Cameron is expected to come over his refusal to accept any of the ideas put forward in an alternative Queen’s Speech published yesterday. The proposals from 20 right-wing MPs, including John Redwood and David Davies, were published on the ConservativeHome website. They reject bringing elections to the Lords but include English devolution, replacing the Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights and a referendum on EU membership. The 15 suggested bills also include major tax cuts for businesses, another income tax cut for the wealthy – bringing the top rate down to 40 per cent from 45 per cent – and an attack on trade unions which would cut the Labour party’s political levy and restrict strike action further.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



2000 Palestinian inmates go on hunger strike in Israeli prisons The strike, organized by inmates loyal to Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has been staged in protest mainly against Israel’s “administrative detention” rules and the use of solitary confinement, denial of family visit, maltreatment of sick detainees, Haaretz reported on Friday. The administrative detention rules allows the Israeli forces to arrest and incarcerate the Palestinians without charge, trial or even without any information about accusations or evidence against them. More than 300 Palestinians have been incarcerated at Israeli prisons. Israel Prison Service has resorted to harsh punitive measures against hunger strikers, including solitary confinement, confiscation of personal belongings, transfers and denial of family visits, Palestinian

Around 2,000 Palestinian prisoners have gone on hunger strike across Israeli prisons, with more detainees pledging to join the protest movement next week, Palestinian organizations in Ramallah say. organizations say. Seven Palestinian strikers, including Tha’er Halahleh, 34, and Bilal Diab, 27, who have been on hunger strike for nearly 60 days, have been transferred to a prison medical

Palestinians in West Bank demand release of prisoners

Palestinians have held a demonstration in the occupied West Bank to demand the release of prisoners held in Israeli jails. The demonstration was held in the city of Ramallah on Saturday. Meanwhile, an Israel Prison Service spokesperson said Saturday that 10 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike were transferred to a prison clinic for medical care. The hospitalized Palestinians are among 1,500 to 2,500 prisoners who began an open-ended hunger strike on April 17 in protest against the administrative detention and solitary confinement exercised by the Tel Aviv regime, and to demand the reinstatement of family visits from the Gaza Strip. April 17 marks the Palestinian Prisoners Day. According to the Israeli group of

Physicians for Human Rights, the health condition of Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahla, accused by Israeli authorities of causing security offences and placed in administrative detention, has seriously deteriorated and they are in danger of death. Bilal has “only drinking water” and he is in danger of “cardiac arrest,” while Thaer might have “an infection in his lung,” the group said on May 3. The administrative detention, often implemented by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian population, is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge, allowing regime forces to make detentions without formal charges for up to six months. However, the detention order can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.

centre due to the their deteriorating health conditions. Meanwhile, three prisoners released during the Israel-Hamas prisoners’ swap in October 2011 have set up a tent at Ramallah’s Clock Square in

Female Palestinian prisoner Hanaa Shalabi (C) is being transferred to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, April 1, 2012. Israel deported the female Palestinian prisoner who spent 43 days on hunger strike to the Gaza Strip in early April support of the hunger strike. Similar tents have also been erected in other Palestinian towns. According to Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and prisoner advocacy groups, there are currently

over 6,000 Palestinian prisoners, including legislators, in Israeli jails, many of whom have been rounded up without charge or trial. Independent sources put the number of the inmates at 11,000.

Marilyn Monroe’s ‘secret Soviet affair’

Marilyn Monroe was cooperating with KGB as ‘Masha’ Legendary US actress Marilyn Monroe was cooperation with Soviet secret services. She supposedly developed an affair with a KGB agent. The iconic blonde was known in the KGB under the code name “Masha,” a documentary by former KGB employee Lyudmila Temnova said. The documentary, titled “Monroe in the Land of Dostoyevsky” was shown in Russia at the end of last year, and has just been released to foreign theaters. A Soviet agent, who was working

under the diplomatic guise at the USSR Embassy at the UN, incidentally met Monroe at dinner. The dinner was arranged to welcome Nikita Khrushchev to the United States. Their friendship soon developed into a love affair. One of the few pictures of Marilyn Monroe and the President together However, the film does not provide any direct evidence to prove Monroe’s cooperation with the

KGB, an Italian journalist wrote on the website of Panorama Weekly. Everything is based on rumors, she added. The man, who wished to remain anonymous, preferred not to reveal his name. He stated that he was having a special relationship with the American actress. “Those were two unforgettable days. There was a certain tension in our relationship. We both knew that the fact that we were together alone, we could still be heard and seen,” the agent said.



South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

50,000 fish found dead in pond in Shenzhen, China – cause of mysterious fish kill unknown

Over 50 thousand fish in a pond near an industrial area in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen died overnight on Monday, CRI Online reports. The dead fish are mostly concentrated in the northern corner of the pond, and half of the body of water is now covered with rotting fish. Located in the Qiangxiaxin Village at the junction of the Guangming New District and Dongguan in Shenzhen, the fish pond is larger than two basketball courts in area. “We have invested a total of 350 thousand yuan (about 56 thousand USD) in the form of 60 thousand fish; now it’s all over,” said Ms. Liu, the fish pond owner. “These fish have been raised for one year, and could have been sold at market three months later.” Liu said she will not sell the dead fish at market despite suffering great financial losses as a result. She also suspects that heavy rain may have led to the pond being contaminated

fish ponds in Zhangzhou, Fuijian, became covered with dead fish. (May 4) 2,000 kilos of dead fish seen floating

(May 4) A white-sided dolphin, 8-and-a-half feet long and weighs 407 pounds, washed up

in a river in Jinzhou.

on a Sagaponack beach Thursday, one of two cetaceans to be discovered dead on South Fork beaches in New York State this week. (May 5) A dead whale, believed to be about 10 metres long, was found floating 28 kilometres off Fujairah in United Arab Emirates. (May 3) Dead fish are washing up along the shores of Lake Houston in Texas, and people who live nearby say they’ve never seen or smelled anything like it. The dead fish are appearing mainly on the north side of the lake. Lake Houston is the primary source of drinking water for the Bayou City.

stated that he is unaware of the presence of toxic materials at the site. the Guangming New District environmental protection office has already begun investigating the case. –

by toxic and harmful substances from a nearby building site in the Maike industrial area. A manager surnamed Wen at the building site said that he is willing to cover any losses but

(May 3) Over a few days time, three acres of

Mysterious fish kill under investigation in Kuwait

Fish have been dying in large numbers along Kuwait bay. This incident serves as an indicator of pollution or a major imbalance in marine environment, instilling fear of a possible fish kill. According to a local Arabic daily, Salah Al-Mudhi, General Director of Environment Public Authority (EPA) has accused people of spreading rumors most of the time. He said that dead fish could have

Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR) to investigate the cause and supervise the area. “Since last Friday, when EPA sought our assistance, we have begun daily inspection tours in the Kuwait Bay area, noticing that the number of fish have reduced drastically compared to Friday. We are still inspecting to make sure that it is not ‘fish kill’ and prevent more

been dumped into the sea by fishermen because most belonged to the ‘Giant Sea Catfish,’ species. To assess the situation better, the EPA has requested the Public

cases from occurring,” Sharik Awadh, PR of PAAAFR told Kuwait Times yesterday. “We aim to limit the problem and prevent fish kill in huge numbers and different kinds of

fish. For this purpose, we are conducting daily marine inspection in different areas, not only at the bay. We do not know the reason behind these hundreds of types of dead fish, although we saw red tide twice, which may be the cause of fish kill. There are different reasons for the fish kill besides red tide. It may be pollution or high weather

temperature. So, we are observing the sea. I think that the situation is under control even now,” he added. Khalid Al-Hajiri, Chairman of the Green Line Environment Group – Kuwait (GLEG) noted that the Group will collect information about the phenomenon. “To ascertain the exact reason, we have to do investigate the cause. We know that now one

kind of fish has been affected, and we have to go back to history of fish kills in Kuwait, the area, circumstance and other situations. There is weakness in the Kuwait Bay area and in the past years, we have witnessed some fish kills cases which were not announced or published. So we need a few days to arrive at the final answer,” he pointed out.

South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012



Former Olympian Mohammad Ashiq the Unsung Hero of Pakistan! The 84-year-old Olympian who drives a rickshaw

Former cyclist Mohammad Ashiq has shaken hands with prime ministers, competed at two Olympic Games and won several medals at home and abroad, including a silver medal at the Asian Games. He now drives a rickshaw and struggles to keep the wheels of his life turning. A message is plastered across the canopy of his vehicle: “Those nations that do not respect their heroes never prosper.” Muhammad Ashiq Full name: Muhammad Ashiq Gender: Male Height: 5’10” (178 cm) Weight: 159 lbs (72 kg) Born: March 17, 1935 in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Country: Pakistan Sport: Cycling A track sprinter, Muhammad Ashiq competed in cycling for Pakistan at both the 1960 and 1964 Olympics. He won a silver and bronze medal at the 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. Ashiq actually started his sports career as a boxer but turned to cycling when his wife complained about the constant bruising he was sustaining. During his cycling career he rode for his employer, Pakistan Railways. He was later released by Pakistan Railways and tried to get a job as a trainer, without success. Ashiq bought a bus and hired a driver to run a route for him but after the bus crashed, he lost it, and eventually his home. He turned to living in rental housing and driving a rickshaw to survive in later years. Ashiq’s international career started in 1958 when he won a bronze medal at the Asian Games in Tokyo. After that he was selected twice for the Olympics and then the Asian games again, where he won a silver medal. “I used to be a boxer and took part in many national tournaments but one day my wife complained to me about the constant bruises I had due to my sports, and asked me to leave that and do something else. I decided to go into cycling,” he says.

Khan vs Peterson with amont Peterson from cancellation. The American’s failure of a steroid drugs test shocked Khan in the lead up to next week’s fight in Las Vegas. The Briton is training here in an attempt to regain the world light welterweight titles he controversially lost to the 28-yearold in Washington. Peterson’s legal team are attempting to explain away the positive result of his dope test but it looks very unlikely that he will now be licensed to box in Nevada. Peterson took Khan’s WBA and IBF lightwelterweight titles in his home town, Washington, last December and dithered before agreeing to give Khan a chance to get his titles back. It was not made clear when he tested positive. Peterson’s attorney, Jeff Fried, issued the following statement late on Monday: “We have tremendous respect for VADA [Voluntary AntiDoping Association] and its mission. Lamont, [his trainer] Barry [Hunter] and the entire team emphatically support random drug-testing in the most comprehensive manner possible. “We are working expeditiously with a team of

How different the 1950s were: Ashiq bought a cycle for twenty rupees. He started practicing on his own but one day his employers, Pakistan Railways, asked him to represent them in a national championship and he won. From then onwards, he was invited to many cycling events in Pakistan and later around the world. Even though his cycling career was successful, his professional career came to a halt when he was let go by Pakistan Railways. “My manager wanted me to lose an event because his nephew was competing in it,” he says. He refused and was then fired, and since he was not a permanent employee, he did not get a pension, despite serving for the organisation for more than twenty years. Even after he lost his job, he went on to participate in many games. In Nawaz Sharif’s first tenure, he was invited by the prime minister to receive an award. He shows a picture of this, one which is also printed on the back of his rickshaw. However, after Ashiq stopped participating, the invites stopped coming. He thought he could get a job as a trainer but says he did not have the right connections. Nevertheless with the little money he had saved over the years, he bought himself a bus and hired a driver for it. Luckily he had a home back then but that was sold after his bus had an accident. “I had to sell my house to meet my expenses, and get my daughters married, and the only thing I own now is this rickshaw,” Ashiq says. He bought the rickshaw

Continued from page 32 >> pathologists and other medical specialists. Lamont has never had a positive test either before or after this isolated occurrence and we plan to submit medical findings by close of Tuesday reflecting the actual facts in support of Lamont’s good faith intentions and the requirements of the commission.” Meanwhile, Khan continues to prepare for the May 19 fight with his trainer Freddie Roach at the Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles. “He is very disappointed but he is going to follow whatever the Nevada Athletic Commission is going to rule,” Schaefer said. Khan has been eagerly preparing for the rematch after losing his WBA and IBF belts in Lamont’s home city of Washington on a split decision having been docked two points by the referee for pushing. Khan’s camp criticized the referee’s actions and were shocked by television replays showing a mystery man in a hat talking with a judge ringside, prompting the WBA to order a rematch. The ‘mystery man’ was identified as Mustafa Ameen, who is an IBF volunteer helping cash-strapped boxers. He denied interfering with the judges’ scorecards.

ten years ago through a bank loan which he only paid off recently. Ashiq, now 82, lives with his wife and his grandson in a rented house in Samanabad, a neighborhood that has a labyrinth of homes stacked too close for comfort. His son died recently of dengue, and the mother left the child with them. “I have to take care of another child at this age; people of my age are either bed-ridden or have died. But I continue to work to earn a living, even though I cannot walk properly.” He shows his legs which he oils everyday and wraps

in bandages to give him some respite from pain. “I hand-delivered letters at the Chief Minister House, and have even posted numerous letters to the prime minister to help me, but no one ever responds,” he says while showing the copies of the letters he has sent, which include simple demands. “All I want from the government is to give me a pension at least from the Railways if nothing else. They keep announcing housing schemes for the poor … can’t I get a house to live in too? I was a national hero for this country,” he says, more in hope than expectation.

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South Asia Tribune I Thursday 10 May 2012

Cricket: Canada keen to tour Pakistan Canadian cricket chiefs want to send their national side to tour Pakistan, Pakistani officials said Wednesday. The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) said the tour was expected to go ahead after September this year and voiced hope the visit would help reestablish the country as a safe venue for sport. “PCB has thanked Cricket Canada for their interest

in sending their national team to Pakistan. PCB believes in strengthening the relationship further between the two boards,” said a PCB statement. According to the report, the Canadian team offered to visit in May, but PCB has said that Pakistan cannot play any home matches before September due to their busy schedule.



Khan vs Peterson

US boxer tested positive Peterson’s dope test casts doubt on Khan bout The US boxer Lamont Peterson, who is scheduled to rematch against British born Pakistani boxer Amir Khan on May 19, has been tested positive for banned substance. The heavily anticipated rematch between Britain’s Amir Khan and Lamont Peterson, scheduled for May 19 in Las Vegas, has been cast in doubt after the American tested positive for a banned substance, organizers said on Tuesday. Peterson, who beat Khan in controversial circumstances to win the WBA super-lightweight and IBF lightwelterweight belts in December, failed a drug test administered by the Las Vegas-based Voluntary Anti-Doping Association in March.

The rumour about Peterson’s test failure curdled into grim reality, when his representatives were forced to admit after hours of claims on Twitter that the fighter had failed a drugs test. Lawyers are scrambling to save Amir Khan’s world championship rematch Continued on page 31 >>

Di Matteo’s magic brings Chelsea FA Cup victory Roberto Di Matteo’s defibrillation of an apparently moribund Chelsea team continues: nine weeks after his switch from tracksuit to sharp suit, Chelsea won the FA Cup at Wembley. After Didier Drogba and Ramires gave Chelsea a 2-0 advantage, Andy Carroll pulled one back to set the stage for Petr Cech to save the day. The Czech Republic goalkeeper made a reaction save to deny Carroll his second. The ball was half way over the line when Cech got a hand to the ball to push it onto the crossbar. Didier Drogba scored the decisive goal and Ashley Cole set an individual record of seven FA Cup winner’s medals

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