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Frequently Asked Questions
A Few F.A.Q.'s
If reading a brochure from cover to cover is not something you can find time to do. We have tried to hit the high spots with the most commonly asked questions and their answers.
''How are the electrical and plumbing installed?"
Most electrical wiring is run behindthe interior window and door trim.Holes are drilled from these openingsto electrical outlets and switchesand from tops of windows and doorsthrough upper logs to the attic. Wireis pulled through, leaving enough ofa tail for an electrician to run to thenearest junction box.
Want an outlet in the middle of alog wall? The wiring can be hiddenbetween logs as the walls arebeing raised.
As with a conventional home,plumbing is installed in interiorstud partitions.
''What about maintenance?"
It is necessary to invest time andmoney to preserve your log home'snatural beauty and longevity.
However, there are several designconsiderations that provide the maximumprotection for your investment.
• Porches provide protection from the elements, while adding extra outdoor living space.
• Minimum three-foot overhangs on exposed log walls offering additional protection from moisture and the sun for a lifetime of beautiful log home living.
• Site your home within existing trees for shade and protection from damaging ultraviolet rays.
Periodically sealing the wood's surfaces is also a requisite for a beautiful, well-maintained home. An exterior coating system provides protection from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. It also minimizes the natural shrinking and swelling that occurs with long exposure to moisture.
Porches provide protection for the logs, add an energy efficiency benefit, and offer great spaces for outdoor living. We suggest 36" overhangs for walls not covered by porches. De p ending on your homes exposure and location, we suggest periodic treatment of the log surfaces to insure a beautiful home for years to come.
'Where is your wood found, and what species is it?
Our house logs originate in the higher altitudes of the Rocky Mountains.Most of our logging is in NationalForests.
The U.S. Forest Service monitors ourlogging practices. Harvesting dead timber clears the way for replanting.
Our manufacturing plant is in Gunnison. Utah.
Engelmann spruce is our primarysource of wood. The logging sitemay also yield an occasional Lodge-pole pine.
'What is the moisture content of your logs?
Satterwhite logs are moisture tested at several stages during our manufacturing process. Our gradingagency requires 16.9% or less. Ourdead-standing timber is usually in the 12% to 15% range.
How much settling or shrinking should I expect in the walls?
Wood is a naturally porous material that shrinks and swells. Usingdead-standing timber keeps suchmovement to a minimum, so that settling allowances are unnecessary.
What about bugs and termites?
Termites are rarely a problem, thoughit is a common concern. As with aconventional home, pretreat the foundation and have periodic inspections.And keep the bottom courses of logsfree of moisture and soil.
Are the logs precut in your material package?
No, we do not precut. Random
What is included in your shell construction?
Where do you ship and how much does it cost?
Satterwhite Log Homes ships
style requires that rigid foam
insulation be incorporated into theroofing system.length logs permit the customer
more flexibility in log placement anddesign. Cutting on-site is as fast andeasy as trying to locate the correctlynumbered log in a precut package. Italso saves you money by eliminatingadditional handling charges.Are your logs treated with chemicals?
No! We believe your home should
provide a safe, chemical-free environmentfor you and your family.Where do you build constructed shells?
Contact your sales representative
for a list of states that we offerconstructed shells.Beyond these states, we may be
able to help you find a local builderexperienced with Satterwhite logs.Shell construction includes the
materials and labor for the concreteslab, roughed-in plumbing, exteriorlog walls, interior partition framing,roof system, decking, tar paper,shingles, exterior trim, and exteriordoors and windows. The shippingcosts are also included.Note: At certain distances, there areroofing and foundation restrictions,due to travel-related expenses. Itis far more economical for thehomeowner to use local labor toaccomplish these tasks.What type of foundation is better, slab or pier and beam? Can a log home be built on a basement?
Log homes can be built on any
foundation that other homes arebuilt upon, including basements.materials all over the continental U.S.
Overseas shipments are delivered tothe nearest U.S. port. The customeris responsible for containerizing andshipping beyond this point.Delivery charges are calculated
per mile per truck. Becausetransportation costs fluctuate,please call our location nearest youfor current rates.Do you do turnkey construction?
No, we only build the exterior shell.
A local general contractor is themost efficient and cost-effectiveway of completing your home.Our sales force may be able torefer you to a contractor that isexperienced in completing ourshells. Many of our customers actas their contractors, and most dosome of the work themselves.Can we purchase just the materials and build the home ourselves? Can our builder do the construction?
Yes 1 Of the hundreds of homes
we sel I each year, close to half areconstructed by other contractors orindividuals themselves.Satterwhite offers one of the most
comprehensive "Material Packages"in the industry. Also included is aConstruction Manual, which offersdetailed instruction on log wallerection. And your salesman isjust a phone call away if you havequestions.Can we use our own plans or can we make changes to your plans?
Yes! We are totally custom, and
Floor plan size, customer preference,
and building site (soil andslope), are important factors indetermining which foundationis best suited and most economicalfor each job. The majority of ourhouses are built on slab foundation.How do you insulate the roof?
Most of our customers are choosing
to use spray foam insulation.However, conventional batt insulationis still an option. Attic insulation is notprovided by Satterwhite Log Homes.welcome modifications to our
standard plans. Our in-housedesign department is available fora nominal fee to make thesechanges or design a home to fityour family's needs and budget.In some cases, a roof's construction