Reimagine the City Street
As a Place For
“Gently, beau-fully, revolu-onary.” – Carolina, ci-zen Port Townsend
“It would be really cool if you couldn’t park the length of the whole street and it was all turned into a park.” –Sebas-an, teen ci-zen, Port Townsend
“It creates a new social spaces, forcing you to interact with other people” – Audrey, ci-zen Port Townsend
What’s A Parklet
Parklets are temporary or permanent public spaces that dedicate por5ons of streets—parking spots— as expansions of exis5ng sidewalks. They are designed as places for the public to stop, relax and enjoy the city.
The goals of parklets include:
Reimagine the public space—city streets. Public right-‐of-‐ways make up approx. 25 percent of the city’s land area. They help address the desire and need for increased public open space and wider sidewalks.
Encourage non-‐motorized transportaGon. Parklets encourage walking by providing pedestrian ameni5es like street furniture, landscaping and public art.
Encourage pedestrian acGvity. Parklets
provide pocket spaces for pedestrians to sit and relax, while also improving walkability.
Support local business. Parklets aDract
aDen5on to businesses and provide addi5onal sea5ng, which can be used by café customers, and other people passing by. A parklet also beau5fies and creates a des5na5on.
The Results: 8 hrs 150 ppl stopped to sit in the parklet 18 ppl/hr No one ques5oned the lack of one parking spot downtown. Instead, all visitors reacted posi5vely. The parklet was an instant success.
“A nice spot to stop and relax, under some shade.”
“I’ve realized there are only three meaningful ways of thinking: art, earth and heart, which if you play with that a bit, gives you HEARTH” – visitor from Portland, OR
The Parklet was Made Possible by the Support of: Anne Raab of GreenPod, the Huxtables, and Kai Lorenz for their in-‐kind dona5ons of trees, benches and other parklet furniture. The Mari5me Center for including the parklet in their street closure permit. The Transporta5on Lab (T LAB) for their vision and leadership in crea5ng the parklet.