3 minute read
Charging Problem at CEPT
from Creative Leadership
Anshika Bhatt| UIR20023
Charging cables and charging pods:
• Introduction
• Pros
• Reason of the problem
• Effects of the problem
• Tackling the problem at student level
• Tackling the problem at administrative level
Studio spaces in the cept have a lot of studios going on simultaneously. Sometimes studio space is also divided into more than 4 parts for different studios to work. And in each studio there are about 10 students working at different tables, but with a lesser amount of charging points. Nowadays it has become more difficult as more digital work is done by the students and for that two or more than two digital equipment are required. And due to less charging points and extensions it becomes difficult to work in that space.

Sometimes also by using extensions fuse in the wire may happen as it is an external source of charging. Thus more charging pods are required than to provide an external supply.

• Digital working on more than two devices simultaneously for a longer time
• Less number of external supplies
• Lesser damage of the wire
• More number of students can work at a time on the same place than before.
One of the main reason of the problem is ergonomics of the institute as while constructing if this point would have taken in consideration than a lot of issues can be solved. Also one reason can be lack of management by the institute, as they can ask students about their problems and can have solution to it. Also increase in number of student in all the spaces than before is also one of the reason. Increase in the number of electronic devices with students can also be an important reason of this issue.
• There are several ways to tackle this problem
• The students can themselves take the ownership and make a alliance with themselves and talk to the Management department of the college.
• One of the way to solve the problem is to change the furniture layout of the studios accordingly.
• Cooperate with other studio mates and can share the charging points.
• Students can come together and go to the administrative level to solve the problem.

• Another way to solve the problem is to add more amount of switch boards or can have floor boards or to have switch boards attach on the tables itself.
• Another solution is to reduced the number of studios working in one space and give more space to each studios so that everyone can have access to charging points and can get one charging point it.
• Another solution is to divide the studio spaces in such a way that each studio can have easy access to charging points.
• Change the ergonomics of tables and chairs like putting tables and chair height accordingly.
Challenges faced while doing the group work and how I overcame it.
Lack of communication between the team were one of the challenge I faced during the group work. And for this I talked to Satyam sir about it and he gave me solutions to solve the problem and the solution that worked for me was to talk to each team member personally via message or call and ask them to collaborate as a team and by doing it the issue of lack of communication solved to a great extent.
The above image is of Faculty of architecture studio.

Due to less number of charging points less production of work can take place by the students. Students will start having chaos with one another because of it and will prefer more work from their home after the lecturer and not to stay on the campus and work. Difficulty in working with more amount of electronics will take place Also due to less amount of charging points chaos between students can also take place
Capturing The Issue
Now came the time to gather evidence based on the issues identified, so we can rally ahead in solving the issue. I started by taking a few photographs which depict how studio spaces are badly divided using tack boards - which are not sound proof at all. Here are examples of a few pictures I’ve taken:

Topic 2