2 minute read
Public Response
from Creative Leadership
Number of people questioned - 10 individuals from FP

Chart Depicting Fan Placement in FP old library

The diagram is a 1:100 representation of FP old Library. The baes of the study is the by placing the existing fans above and around the placement of tables and tack boards. To know where the fans were required a workaround and people’s opinion was taken into consideration.

If the issue of fans affecting you personally ?
1 individual agreed to not being affected by the issue
9 individuals agreed to being affected by the issue
How many agreed to vouch and sign the petition to resolve the issue?
Supposed outcomes
• Placement of more such fans in the FP old library will provide for an even better ventilation, which serves of great importance during the peak of the summer season, heat of Ahmedabad.
• The cost effectiveness of the fans in comparison to the air conditioners is far more superior than the latter’s The same can be said when it comes to the easy maintenance of the electrical fans
Challenges I faced and How they were overcome
Majorly focused on the lack of initial communication within the group created a few problems in the group that were later sorted out with the advice of Satyam sir’s. Based on his suggestions daily 10 minutes meet were arranged over call that everyone was able to adapt and that drastically improved the group situation in terms of work mandates.
In all the above slides several issues related to the infrastructure and ergonomics of CEPT University had been listed out by all the team members.
And after the observations done by us and by the results of the pol, one of the issue that have been faced by the students the most is of lack of charging plugs in studio spaces and another important issue was of lack of space to arrange table and chairs followed by the issue of ergonomics and tack boards, the only means of partitions between the studios.
Other than that issue of running multiple studios in the space of one studio and not having enough amount of lockers in the studio space was faced by the students of the university and for all the issues, we had tried to observe its reason, why it is happening and according to it we had tried to give solutions regarding the same.
Challenges faced by the team while working on the project and how we overcame them
In the beginning, due to the difference in the faculties there was lack of communication happening. Some of the members were active some were not. Actively, receiving comments from the mentor on how to build up communication and collaboration within the group. We worked on the guidelines and tried some methods to communicate and the results were appreciable. We are working, communicating and actively collaborating within the group.
• As creative leaders we all will now set up our priorities towards the issues and will work collaboratively in order to solve the issue.
• Creative solutions with appropriate strategies will help us to move into the right direction.
• Further budgeting, administrative lead will be taken in order to proceed in a legal and precise way.