10 minute read
Waste Management On Campus
from Creative Leadership
One of the key issues on campus is Improper waste management. This presentation aims to bring attention to the root cause of the problem and provide solutions for the same. Waste management is an important issue to be discussed not only because of the environmental impact it has but also because of the health hazards it can cause like mosquitos and infections.
Group 3
M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership
Faculty: Satyam Parikh

TA: Dhavlesh Suthar

Mission Statement
Our group's objective was to thoroughly define the issue, track down supporting evidence, and come up with the most creative solution.
Waste Management
What problems does it cause to everyone around?
• The waste generated through various model making processes lies around abandoned on the campus for quite a long time. It might also happen that some of the reusable material like leftover boards for cutting, empty bottles of fevicol etc might not in a state that it can be recycled.
• Unhygienic conditions caused by some these wastes lying around may cause hazardous health effects. Non biodegradable materials like thermocol if not treated properly, is harmful for nature.
DECODE the problem DOCUMENT the evidences
1. Why is this waste generated?
DESIGN a creative solution
1. What kind of wastes are found on campus?
2. Areas where waste materials are predominantly found?
3. Case study of a waste management company.
4. Advantages and disadvantages for cost effectiveness?
5. How to slash down the cost of removal?
2. What are the problems that everyone around is dealing with due to this waste?
3. What issues does this waste cause to environment?
Why and how is the waste generated?
• In the university, there are different kinds of waste generated everyday, out of which paper waste and waste after the model making activity do consist some amount of waste that can be reused and recycled.
• Since the materials used in model making and printing cost a fair amount of money, it becomes a necessity to cut down the cost by using some innovative and creative approach.
What issue does this cause to our environment ?
• We keep producing large amounts of trash, we do not dispose of it correctly, and in the end that will be our downfall as it is for the environment and wildlife in the ecosystems we all share. Humans are generating too much trash and cannot deal with it in a sustainable way.
• Waste that is not biodegradable and cannot be properly be recycled is filling our oceans and landfills. Let’s take plastic waste as an example. A recent study found that of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste that has been produced and very little had been recycled.
What kinds of waste is found on
• Throughout day, various kinds of waste are generated on campus. It can be categorized according to the type of the material. Waste can also be classified according to its final destination. Plastic waste goes to one place, while biodegradable waste can go to another; each requires a different kind of handling.
• Determining the category in which an object ends up as waste may become necessary since waste includes a diverse range of items. The waste can primarily be classified according to the materials in the following manner: plastic waste, paper waste, organic waste, and wooden waste.
• Plastic is a non biodegradable material used in manufacturing and packaging of items, hence creating a large amount of waste in campus. Such waste originates from wide range of places. On our campus, Disposable items are used a lot. This waste comes from the canteen, as packaging, and disposable items.
• Significant amount of waste comes from stationary. Materials made of synthetic polymers like styrofoam, thermocoal, and PVC contribute to plastic waste. Since these materials cost much higher, it becomes necessary to reuse them to cut down costs. Debris after the 3d printing from the workshop also is plastic waste
• On our campus, paper waste is the most abundant type of waste produced every day. There are different types of papers and boards used for various purposes, and they are thrown to waste after being used. Almost all types of these papers can be recycled.
• Paper waste produced after the printing, One-sided prints, presentation pin-ups, waste test prints, and posters of various events need to be reused. Along with that, bits of paper and model-making materials like cardboard sheets, millboards, craft papers, and other materials left over from cutting fall under this category.
• From everyday use, other types of waste are also generated on the campus that needs attention, like organic waste and wooden waste. Organic waste is a biodegradable type of waste from the canteen and the kitchen. Generally, the leftovers after eating go into the trash, along with disposable dishes.
• Since woodworking happens in the university workshop on an everyday basis, a considerable amount of leftover small wood bits and sawdust get generated, along with pieces of wood boards. Lost stationary items also contribute to the wastage on campus, which lies around creating a mess on campus.
Areas where waste materials are predominantly found?
• On campus, places like print shop, stationary shop and canteens are where the one or other types of items are supplied to the people of the university. Over time, a significant part of these objects accumulates as waste in the studio spaces.
• After the semester ends, not all the university desks' drawers get cleaned, and waste can be found in those, along with the shelves and the lockers of each studio. Such waste in the studio spaces can be seen while passing by the area.
• The canteen and print shops also do have a significant amount of trash. In canteen the waste is generated in the kitchen due to everyday use, and in the case of the print shop, incorrect prints, used paper roll tubes, and other garbage are all accumulated there.
• The campus workshop is also a place where considerable amount of waste is generated after the process of 3d printing, laser cutting and woodworking.
Case study of waste management company
Let’s Recycle – NEPRA
Let’s Recycle is an initiative by NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. that operates in the sector of Dry Waste Management and Recycling. Offering spot pick-up of waste, they aim to create zero waste to landfill. They work to achieve the reduction of approximately 5 77+ MMT of Carbon emissions by diverting 2 MMT of waste by 2025. They collect and process a range of waste materials such as Commercial & Industrial waste, Paper & Cardboard, Plastic Waste, Metals, Wood and Glass.
A Statistic from Sommerville Campus source https://operations.tufts.edu/recycle/recycle/stats/
Greenobin Recycling Pvt Ltd is a leading paper waste management company in India They offer a wide range of services like waste audits, training programs, recycling bins, eco fair, recycled paper products etc. Greenobin collect waste paper and further channelize it to recycling mills after sorting into different grades.

Advantages and disadvantages of cost effectiveness?
For Waste Collection and Management, two primary options can be enforced.
1. Waste Collection by AMC
2 Waste Collection by Private firms

For collection by private firms, the advantages include proper segregation of the waste into wet and dry and further into biodegradable and non biodegradable. These services can be diversified for different types of wastes such as e-waste by approaching various other organizations. The only downside is that these organizations charge for each trip to your locality.

For collection by AMC, the advantage is that the people do not have to pay for the collection but it has a huge disadvantage of no segregation of the waste.


1. How can we solve this problem?
2. What creative steps can be taken in order to solve this issue?
3. What innovation can be done out of the wastage?
4. What strategies will be incorporated by the entire team of creative leaders to have wastage removed for free?
How can we solve the problem?
Authority level
Authority level:
Student level
• Spending a part of the funds on introducing more resources for the collection, segregation and disposal of waste is one of the first steps that needs to be taken.

• The sequence of solving the problem at hand is to ask the students the reason for the issue, suggesting measures and conducting a follow up of the progress and in the process providing the technical and financial support.
• More transparency in terms of the break up of the fees that is being collected would be able to bring up an effective solution to manage the funds in a better way, so a particular amount can be dedicated to waste management.
• The authorities must also implement stricter guidelines for littering and make the students aware of the consequences of not following these.
Student level:
• Students must be conscious of their choices while making models or generating waste and must act responsibly.
• Posters creating awareness about reducing waste generation can be used. This would help ensure that students are constantly reminded of their responsibilities towards the college as well as the environment.

• Waste sorting as soon as waste has been generated by the students
• would also help them do their part to contribute to the initiative and a
• part of the solution.
• Incentives and appreciation can be given to the students who act responsibly to
• motivate others to be more conscious of the environment.
What creative steps can be taken to solve the issue?
• Starting a hygiene club in collage that takes responsibility of safe waste disposal by creating awareness and taking necessary steps to reduce amount of waste.
• Inviting companies like Greenoblin to collaborate with the collage.
• Student initiatives to run clean campus campaigns as a part of the various events that take place on campus.
1. The collected waste can be donated to NGOs who help underprivileged children in their growth and development
2. Serving meals in reusable steel dishes so less amount of plastic generated on campus.
3. Preventing the plastic wrapped food on campus which will also improve student’s health.
4. Putting suitable bins for biodegradable and non biodegradable waste. To make sure that this happens correctly, a CCTV camera should be placed near the dustbin.
What innovation can be done out of the wastage?
1. The installations that are made for the events can be made out of recycled materials like tracing paper.
2. The posters can be reused for printing on both sides.
3. Collaborating with third party organizations to recycle the leftover paper pieces from model making to generate notebooks is a good idea
4. Exhibitions can be organized to sell the unused stationery by students for minimal cost.
5. An arrangement can be made with print shop to dedicate one printer for recycling the back side of printed papers
Students who reuse prints
Students who DO NOT reuse prints
A survey to understand the waste disposal of prints post discussion source : 39 students of CEPT

Previous year example of reusable tracing sheets and existing exhibition panels being used to make the backdrop source : Bhavana Bhamidipati
1. Materials which are plastic based materials can be sent to companies where it can be converted into plastic bags and other possible products.
2. Biodegradable waste should be dumped in earth somewhere on campus, this will enrich the earth.
What strategies will be incorporated by the entire team to have wastage removed?
1. Rewards and appreciation can provided to students who make conscious efforts to reduce waste generation, which would motivate others to do the same.

Challenges We Faced and How We Overcame it While Making the Presentation
• Communication is a difficult task when there are people from faculties and fields who come together as a group
• Since we all have studios and mandatory classes going on along with electives, it is a challenge to find a common free slot in everyone’s schedules.
• Meeting deadlines for every week submission was tough because every person of the team have to complete their part on time.
• In order to solve these issues, we came up with a group where everyone can drop in a message and clear communication takes place.
• We also fixed a slot of at least 15 minutes at the end of the day which helped us to work together.
• Moreover we tried dividing all the tasks equally amongst the 5 of us and set deadline until which it was compulsory to finish the task.
• First and foremost, it was challenging to choose just one final topic to work on because there were so many options for topics to choose from. We spoke with our lecturer, Mr. Satyam Parikh, who gave us the greatest advice possible on how to solve this difficulty.
1. ‘Clean campus’ campaigns can be conducted as a part of student bonding activities. Such campaigns would also attract public appreciation and help promote the credibility of the college.
2. Constant follow ups and meetings with the campus authorities to release more funds for waste managements and provide opportunities to collaborate with NGOs for the same. These follow ups must be through mail, personal interaction and documented so as to hold the authorities accountable for their promises.
3. Using word of mouth as a strong means of spreading awareness about the situation is very important.
4. The accumulated stationary can also be donated which would help improve public relations.
• The other difficulty was finding time to work frequently despite our busy schedules.
Mr. Satyam Parikh assisted us in overcoming this by teaching us how to manage our time and collaborate for just 20 minutes each day at 11 p.m.
• Creative differences are pretty common in a group, yet communicating different point of views and finding common ground helps with smooth functioning of the work.
• Relating theoretical solutions to practical implementation of solutions is a problem that has been overcome by referring to the presentation by Mr.Satyam Parikh and research over the internet.
One of the major challenges faced during the assignment was the fact that all of us were from different faculties, because of which everyone had a different schedule and everyone had different prior commitments which made it difficult to work together. To overcome that we had to go about on the phone idea suggested by our faculty, Mr. Satyam Parekh which was to take up a 15 minute zoom call to discuss about the next steps
• Another challenge faced by me was the lack of creativity in me Coming from a technical background, it was difficult to bring out the creativity but all of it was possible only because of my fellow teammates
• Among the challenges we faced for the presentation, the lack of communication made us lag behind the deadlines. This issue we solved by involving more real-life interactions over the use of digital way of communication
• Finding a suitable time slot that suited each team member was a challenge since we all belonged to different majors at the university. Understanding the pace of working for a team member also took a bit of time.
• Allocating dedicated time for the team is necessary for the teamwork to advance without difficulties A big issue I encountered was the time due to other subjects. I overcame this by giving some hours on Saturday to the group work, a time when the load of other subjects was less